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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Thank you for this information.

    I wish I had known this when I was younger, as I used to use two liter bottles half filled with hot water, with a rubber stopper with a basketball filler needle attached to make rockets for my kids. 

    You warm the bottle, and insert a cold cork with the basketball filler needle in it.  As the rubber stopper warms up, it gets bigger, and as the neck of the bottle cools down, it gets smaller.

    An EXTREMELY tight fit.

    We used a 12v tire inflator with a hose to pressurize the bottle  through the needle, and it would blow the stopper off and the water acted as reaction mass, sending the bottle perhaps a hundred or so feet high.

    Great fun!

    Never had a bottle blow up, as the compressed air always blew out the stopper before the limits of the bottle were reached, and the worst was we got sprayed with water.

    One  time the bottle fell over and we almost got torpedoed.

    However, with chemicals. I have seen pictures of boys with their hands blown completely off from various combinations.


  2. On 2/24/2018 at 9:16 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    But you shouldn't put it that way. It is a ridiculous description. 'Brazen' is nebulous whereas 'loose' is crystal clear? You're just beating a familiar dead horse, possibly one that has thrown you.

    The point is, TTH, that the word BRAZEN first showed up in the 2010 supposedly super-secret Elders Handbook in 2010, as a way to make anything at all punishable , if it was "Brazen" (What the hell does that even mean, anyway?)

    It is not in the Emphatic Diaglott, or the Kingdom Interlinear Translation.  It was not in any English Bible Translation, anywhere in the world.

    for 50 years It was not even in the 1962-2012 New World Translation ... and that was a GOOD thing.

    It was CHANGED in the 2013 "Silver Sword" Bible translation to agree with WTB&TS POLICY, codified in 2010 ... made up from THIN AIR.

    ...which was specifically designed to be able to cut people off at the knees for ambiguous, foggery and mopery, with mirrors.

    For those in Rio Linda.... that means anything they decide it means ....  that they don't like.



  3. TTH:

    There is nothing you can do to help the people whose have little or no reading comprehension skills when you have an open discussion with text based information.

    No matter what you say, or how you say it... they will find a way to misinterpret, misunderstand, and resist any ideas that conflict with their agenda driven world view.

    Knowing what we both know, to tickle their ears would just be an exercise in Ferengi "Pillowgate".

    ... a person who is almost universally misunderstood, misrepresented, and castigated recently said this:

    12 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    My concern is not what happened for the very reasons you stated ... but the institutionalized coverup,  and the intimidation ... and the threats of disfellowshipping. and the ACTUAL disfellowshipping of those who wanted to go to the Police, in the decades before the time period of your analysis, and the fact that in 1006 cases actually subpoenaed from the Society's own records ... NOT ONE was reported to the police.



  4. 34 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

    Why don't we use the time to strengthen our faith and grow to salvation?   

    In the new system we will know all that is to be known.

    .... because, Dear Melinda, some people are more curious than others, and exploration of lands and space, and ideas are in the very nature of their being ... the very nature of their soul, and the marrow of their bones.

    They MUST explore and ponder, and think of new ideas, and wrestle with "What do they mean?" ... the same way all people MUST have food and water and air.

    You have asked MANY excellent questions, Grasshopper ....


  5. 1 hour ago, AllenSmith said:

    It’s NOT about the money. It’s about DUE PROCESS on, BOTH laws. As for witnesses, STOP! Playing politics since you swore your loyalty after baptism, John 15:19 to God, or STOP calling yourself a witness. Leviticus 19:35-36, Deuteronomy 25:13-16, Proverbs 20:10, Luke 20:25

    Due process at one time was binding a witch suspect with ropes and dropping her into a full horse trough.

    If she sank she was innocent.

    If she floated she was guilty.

    Remember, at the height of the Nazi plague on the Earth, they had a fully staffed "Department of Justice" and death warrants were signed, sealed delivered and executed with all due process.


  6. TTH:

    I would give that treatise TWO upvotes.

    I find myself  agreeing with both your premise, and conclusion .... which is, for me, berry, berry  strange.

    My concern is not what happened for the very reasons you stated ... but the institutionalized coverup,  and the intimidation ... and the threats of disfellowshipping. and the ACTUAL disfellowshipping of those who wanted to go to the Police, in the decades before the time period of your analysis, and the fact that in 1006 cases actually subpoenaed from the Society's own records ... NOT ONE was reported to the police.

  7. I home schooled my children one year while waiting for a new Contract Assignment, and had to register with the State of North Carolina.

    The name of the School was the "Lazarus Long Science Academy", which is an inside joke, that perhaps I am the only one who ever understood it.

  8. I love great biting satire .... makes me want to be a shark!

    A GREAT way to show the hypocrisy and evil of the Churches without using a heavy hand..

    I would like to see a similar high production value, comedic video made of infant baptisms .... considering that there is NO Biblical record of children being baptized ... and Jesus set the example HIMSELF by being baptized at age 30.

    Perhaps someone baptizing a baby shark in a baptismal font.

    Or an 8 year old girl  in an indoor  pool.

  9. How and why is the Jehovah's Witness' translation of the Bible different than some more common translations?

    The ENGLISH translation was theoretically accurately translated into the New Word Translation of the Bible. 

    This worked well pre-2013 with the old NWT and produced a Bible that was highly respected even by critics ... well, some critics who were demonstratively objective in their analysis, such as Jason BeDunn.

    THEN, they got the idea to paraphrase the Bible, and fit it to the previous policy statements of the 2010 Top Secret Elder's Handbook which made it a punishable offense to have "brazen conduct".

    A catch-all that could mean anything.

    With this "Silver Sword" post 2013 paraphrased Bible Translation Centers were established all over the world .... where whatever folks were available could take this simplified, paraphrased English version ... and translate it into local Languages by whoever was available that would work for free, and spoke both English and any of several hundred other languages.

    The selection of translators criteria and qualifications to do this kind of work is a closely guarded "military secret". The quality control is totally unknown by ANYBODY.

    Many translation centers all over the world were closed down. and the staff dispersed.

    Some went home... others just disappeared mysteriously.

    The pre-2013 (1962 to 2013) New World Translation is in my considered and educated opinion the finest Bible Translation ever produced by the mind of man ... into English.

    I wish I had stocked up on them before they were discontinued.


  10. 3 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    agree it is about the money, but....................How can the average jw accept the words coming out of their mouths?

    How can the average jw not see what we see? 

    How can the average jw not understand that this isn't "apostate lies" or fake news when it involves multiple countries? 

    How can the average jw put their faith in an organization who is robbing the local kh's? 

    How can the average jw..............makes my head hurt that there are people being scammed and lied to but they refuse to research and think for themselves. 

    Because most of us, by definition ..... are AVERAGE.

    Being average is nothing to be ashamed of ...

    ... but it's NOT a bragging point.

  11. On 11/20/2017 at 10:37 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    I am not sure what to do. I will let it go, probably. One more call in a few months to see if anything has moved, and then I am done. Maybe before, but I have no plans at the present. Any advice?

    Ask if he has a motorcycle.

  12. Your selective memory is supplemented by your subsequent opinions and commentary.

    America is in fact in fact a gun loving culture. 

    Freedom is never free.

    The tree of liberty and freedom has to be fertilized with the blood of good men of courage, and evil people.

    Unfortunately, there are also side effects.

    Reality is what it is.

    Get used to it.

    Until Jehovah replaces this System we have to live here the way it is.

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