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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. The Universe decides who is right and who is wrong ... and liberal fantasies are COMPLETELY disregarded.

    The intransigence on the other side is based on fantasy ...

    It used to be that, during the late 60's terrorists hijacked Israeli Air Lines Jets, and Israeli citizens ... and in 1974 the Jews sent Commandos to Entebbe, Uganda  and other countries,  and violently rescued their people,  violating everybody's "national sovereignty" ... slaughtered the kidnappers, and took THEM hostage, and back to Israel for trial .... if they survived.

    As soon as the terrorist world understood they would NEVER win ... and that they would ALWAYS die. the hijacking of El Al Airlines completely stopped..

    The REASON there are school shootings is that THEY ARE GUN FREE ZONES !!!

    The Bad Guys (BGs) know they have time to slaughter without instant return fire.

    The average "school shooting" is over in three minutes.  The average armed response time is five minutes.

    Do the math!

    I am also in favor of after a fair trial, hanging the murderers by the neck until dead on a wooden gallows erected on top of the school where the shooting took place ... without a bag over the head of the condemned, and without any last words.

    And have it televised nationally.

    Even the dull and stupid understand THAT!

    ...and completely eliminate the "Insanity Defense".  The Insanity defense is in itself total Snowflake  insanity ... by people who care more for their nutty relatives than Civilization.

    Armed and trained teachers and school staff with concealed handguns ... and as we saw in Florida with the two Coaches, there are many who WILL  run TOWARD the gunfire, and cannot by nature of who they are do otherwise ... allow them to competently defend themselves and students.

    Just as in any Family ... it is a man's JOB to protect the innocent ... himself, and others in his charge.

    An incompetent defense is no defense at all.

    You cannot have pansy, feel good cum-bah-ya Snowflakes, where a man's responsibilities are subrogated by the State, and all the nut cases that work there ....  and have a stable Civilization.

    ... as we have seen.




  2. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Given the scope of their responsibilities, it is sufficient that they do not fly private jet. It seems the characters @Space Merchant highlighted all do.

    Would YOU get on a private Jet that had a Bethelite as a Pilot and Co-Pilot?


    I used to jump out of perfectly good airplanes two miles high .... but I would not do THAT.

    I have only flown on a Lear Jet as the solo passenger one time in my life and the pilot asked me if I would mind if he "punched it", and I said "go ahead", and we went up at about a 45 degree angle . 

    That was fun!

  3. 9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I would be very surprised if a GB member has even stayed at a Motel 6. 

    When they travel, they stay in one of the branch facilities or in homes of fellow believers. 

    Possibly you can dig down and find where they were once at a fancypants place on vacation as a gift from a personal friend. But I doubt even that. I don't  think they even like that sort of thing. They like being with the friends.

    JW Insider used to travel internationally WITH members of the Governing Body, and his first-hand accounts transcend your wishful thinking.

  4. The National School Walkout is silly.

    There is ONLY one thing that will stop an evil man from killing the innocent.


    And all the wishing, and hoping, and legislating in the world will not change that.

    It is  good man of courage, with superior firepower, ( that means more bullets, for those in Rio Linda...) to engage and kill the evil man.

    The only way to stop a Bad Guy with a gun ... is with a Good Guy, with a gun.

    All else is a community intellectual circle jerk fantasy.


  5. 53 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:


    That would depend, on what can now be considered, patterns. Let’s see if, simple triggers, donÂ’t pique the interest of any government agency in todayÂ’s society.


    But, I don’t expect you to react any different as an enabler of falsehoods, of the Watchtower along with your friends. However, I’m good with law enforcement, so don’t give it a second thought. Polish your weapons in support of the NRA. People are now demanding guns be taken away from troubled people.¬¬

    Every time I have ever challenged you to identify a falsehood I have EVER stated in over 7,000 posts here on the Archive, you have come up with ZERO specificity.  You are living in a fantasy world where things you are ignorant of, you consider lies.

    I do thank you for referring to me as ROOK,.... even better as ROOK!!

    And as far as the NRA goes, I don't support them ... they support ME!


  6. Cos:

    If you check 200 MILLION driver's licenses, you will NOT find a single one that says the licensee's name is "human being".

    God has a Name ... in English, it is commonly and by custom since the 1600's  in English .... Jehovah.

    The Son of God has a name ... In English, it is Jesus.

    The Archangel was referred to, again in English ... as Michael.

    The Slanderer and Resister Angel turned demon is named, again in English ... Satan.

    All five of my dogs have individual, specific personal names, as did every dog I have owned before them.

    (... pauses for a swig of Cranberry Juice ...)

    Even the juice I drink had a name ... Cranberry.


    What is the Holy Spirit's personal name?

    Descriptions and Titles do not count ... I have a comforter on my bed ... and as I have learned recently ... the Advocate is not a personal name... its the name of a "Gay Rights" magazine, or a Baton Rouge, Louisiana Newspaper. If they were Greek publications, they would be TITLED "Paraklete", identifiers to be sure ... but not being PERSONS , DNA or Spirit based .. that would not be PERSONAL names.

    You must be thinking of CASPER, the FRIENDLY Ghost, of yesteryear's comic book fame.

    What is the Holy Ghost's personal name?








  7. Since Jehovah God created men and women WITHOUT clothing .... and they DECIDED THEMSELVES THAT THEY WERE NAKED ... DECIDING FOR THEMSELVES what was "good" and what was "bad" ... perhaps the REAL question should be "SHOULD YOUR STYLE OF DRESS BE ACCEPTABLE BY NORMAL HUMAN STANDARDS TO OTHER HUMANS"

    I spent some time in the Congo in 1974, and saw Brothers and Sisters in RAGS that would not be acceptable at any Kingdom Hall in the United  States.

    I was a grown man with three children before I got my first warm coat .... it just never occurred to me that there was a way to keep warm in winter for Adults. It was such a revelation to me that I went back and bought a SECOND one, exactly the same, just in case they quit making them.


  8. 7 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

    Here I thought you wanted to pinpoint exactly where the GB live to cause some kind of terrorist act on them, since, that kind of FACT FINDING can now be RED FLAGGED, in today’s society. But, since you wrote down, Watchtower property addresses as though it means something, I’ll pass your inquiry to the FBI.


    I would like to be there at a local FBI Field Office when you march in there waving your "red flag".

    To pass security to interview with an Agent, you have to provide your I.D. and they do a background check ON YOU, and make you empty all your pockets and be scanned, and walk through a door frame metal detector ... and they make you wait and observe you while an Agent is being called.  Then they lock you in a bullet proof room for an Agent to get free to talk to you.   They are very busy people.

    May I suggest that you take a toothbrush with you ... one that folds, and cannot be sharpened by dragging it on the floor.

    You are probably a very fine but obviously eccentric Brother in the Truth ... and unless you call attention to yourself they may never have a reason to "keep you" ... but once you get "in", they may not let you go.

    Perhaps it's just my Machiavellian sense of humor, but I would enjoy watching that.

    May I suggest the Charlotte NC Field Office.

    I could  meet you there, and lets see who gets the wrist bracelets.

  9. Hmmmmm .... the thought just occurred to me ... If you use a 3D Printer to print another 3D Printer ... and use that 3D Printer to make another  3d Printer, and then use that one to make more, etc... do the 3D Printers start getting fuzzier and fuzzier?

  10. Or ... it could be that I know you so well, that I knew you would THINK it was predictable in advance, and I Iam buttering you up to eventually exploit your wealth!

  11. I got it figured out ... I had to disable tracking protection in Mozilla Firefox for your stuff to show up.

    Just remember .... tracer bullets help you to find your target ... but it ALSO helps them find YOU!

  12. I dream every time I go asleep ..... massive epic dreams .... I am going to have to use my recorder and transcribe them for instant novels.

    Sometimes my dreams are nested three levels deep, and I wake up to the level above, but I am still asleep, etc. 

    Many times I realize I am dreaming in the dream and can take control ... usually about flying at high altitudes.

    Those are the BEST!

  13. For some reason your posts are not showing up at all... at ALL.  But it appears space is there.

    Much as if you were writing with white text.

    I was imitating what I saw.

    ..any way,, AH thought it was funny.

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