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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Hey, has anyone on this forum seen my Tesla Roadster? Last time I saw it, it was in my garage and that creep Musk, who hates my guts, was lurking around.

    Apparently your Roadster was an apparition, a poltergeist, a haint, a projected image .... but nevertheless, you have to keep up the payments.

    It was repossessed.

  2. I thought about buying a Telsa car ... but the guy who OWNS Telsa recently loaded his personal Telsa Sports Car onto a Falcon Heavy Rocket and launched it into space .... and it is now on it's way to the planet Mars, and will circle the Sun for the next billion years or so.

    You might think that is a GREAT idea ( I do! ), but there are "selfie sticks" on the front and on both  sides so photos can be transmitted of the car and its occupant, a manikin in a "next generation" space suit, back to Earth. 

    That is also GREAT!

    But the battery was designed to last 12 hours, and only lasted for four hours..

    Not only can I not afford the car .... I cannot afford the extension cord !!


  3. 10 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Modern day pagans breath air when they are praying to their false gods. Jw's should stop breathing.

    Funny you should mention that .... when I was a teenager I used to SCUBA dive, and  also would test myself to see how long I could hold my breath without breathing.  

    Under controlled conditions in a pool, my limit was 5 minutes and 43 seconds, and as my head bobbed up and down with my relaxed body and face submerged, I could hear people watching say "He must be breathing through his ears."

    Anyway ... we used to have a "Tuesday Night Bookstudy " at some Brother's or Sister's home', which opened and closed with prayer ... and the ending prayer was much longer ... so I got the idea to see if I could hold my breath for the duration of the prayer.

    As I perceived the prayer coming up, I would begin hyperventilating, and lock down when the prayer started. 

    The prayer took us on a tour of the Universe, sins, things we were thankful for, petitions to God for a considerable list of things, etc, and by the time we got to the "Amen", my lungs felt like they were about to burst.

    When everybody else said "Amen", I went "HAHHHhhhHHhhhaaa" in a voluminous exhalation, which surprised everyone ... and they gave me "the look".

    I did this for perhaps several months, until I got tired of it .... then some Elder asked me about it ... and I said "HAHHHhhhHHhhhaaa"  was Japanese for "Amen".


  4. 4 hours ago, JW Insider said:
    9 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

    Unfortunately, I would dare say, about 3/4 of witnesses today, believe the GB is made out of stone, with no feelings other than, to somehow, achieve personal gain. I personally wouldn't consider anyone with that attitude my spiritual brother, and according to scripture, no one else should!

    You only consider 25% of Witnesses today to be your spiritual brothers? A bit harsh, no?


    I think this is the very first time I have completely agreed with Allen Smith ... and it really confused me.  Not his statement ... that was clear enough.

    I am a big fan of discarding "feel good" theory when it is contraindicated by hard evidence ... and in this case apparently the 3/4 of the Witnesses he mentions have the same perception.

    THAT's the part I agreed with.

    ... If it walks like, a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck ... self aggrandizing protestations to the contrary are painfully transparent ... end extremely cringeworthy.

    When the videos say " ... and the Governing Body loves you ..." it totally creeps me out.


  5. Valentine can keep his day.

    Engineer's Week is the week in which George Washington, reputedly a land surveyor as well as other stuff, has his birthday ( although quite dead) celebrated.

    Feb 22 defines "National Engineers Week" here in the USA, and I ignore that also.

    When you survey a piece of property, the coordinates you start out with, after you have calculated points all the way around, should be very close to the coordinates you end up with, when you return to the point of beginning.

    I had occasion to calculate the perimeter of one of his  farm "surveys".

    Instead of being a closed polygon, the thing calculated out to look like a horse shoe.

    Cupid probably occasionally arrowed a cow, too.



  6. .... One time I was stopped by a Cop for doing 57 mph in a 35 mph zone ..... I was able to unconsciously, honestly, and respectfully put the word "Sir" about five times in a sentence.

    He let me go.

    Same thing when I had just passed a police car, then realized that I needed to make a turn, and without blinkers, did so, and in fast braking almost had his car ram the back of mine.  It took him awhile to turn around and find me ... and he was mad ... told me " ... I was just about to call in a helicopter to find you, boah !" 

    He also let me go.

    A sincere respect for the Uniform goes a LOOOOoooong way.

  7. I don't know either person, personally, but it seemed very clear that since EVERYONE without exception is under Satan's influence ... to go easy on those who are doing the very best they know how ... under challenging, often impossible circumstances, and in the face of immense and unrelenting opposition.

    2 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

    You have a tyrant at the White House, personally handpicked by Satan, to get the ball rolling. Otherwise, how else could a detestable person win?

    The way I look at it is that Trump set aside a billion dollar career, and is donating 100% of his government salary to charity .... and actively destroying Obamacare ... an unconstitutional mandate to make YOU BUY SOMETHING YOU DO NOT WANT ... so representing him as handpicked by  Satan is a bit rough, and COMPLETELY, TOTALLY irrational.

    Even Hilary Clinton, the only once-viable alternative fiction novelist ...  could be smeared by your accusations, AllenSmith ... had she won the Presidency.

    She LOST.

    Get over it!

    Besides. .... she obviously does not directly worship Satan.

    Satan worships her.

  8. Colin Brown's photos are in a .docx file .... which is a later version of Microsoft Word.

    I only create documents with a copy of Microsoft Word that I bought in 1997 ... "Word 2000".

    However, if you can download and install the FREE software "Open Office", it is compatible with all the new Microsoft Software.

    After installing, you can click on his ".docx" file, and it will open as if you had the latest versions of Microsoft Office Suite Software.

    The pictures are GORGEOUS!

  9. 11 minutes ago, Rosalie Barry said:

    Are we to expect this kind of treatment here too before long.? The end must be close! It is like in Hitler’s Germany all over again!

    No one knows ... but my best guess would be NO!

    Three things the Russians have (had) in common with the Nazis ..... they BOTH had "Universal Health Care", which, if you can control the health care system, you can control the people , and what you can speak and what you can read is severely restricted, and both countries had excellent and almost total gun confiscation for the average person.

    Here in the United States Trump is destroying mandated heath care that you are forced to buy, at outrageous prices ..... Freedom of Speech is STILL sacred, and every family has an average of somewhere around 4 firearms.

    In any Society, when the people fear the Governors, tyranny prevails, and there are never any exceptions.

    In any Society, where the Governors fear the people, there is Freedom and Prosperity.

  10. 11 hours ago, Jay Witness said:

    To have a child is to inflict an extra human being onto the world and also, to inflict the world (with all its problems) onto the child.

    Depends on the children ... and how they are raised ...... and time and circumstance..

    If I had your world view, I would immediately go down to the creek behind my house, and blow my brains out.

    But, we BOTH have one thing in common ... we have BOTH already been born.

  11. Archaeologists have discovered a continuous trail of buried Purina Pet Chow bags ...  crisscrossing the Sinai Peninsula (referred to in the Bible as the "wilderness") calculated to be able to feed 5 million large dogs, or average sized people, for 40 years. 

    Some with human and animal skeletons under them as if the bags had been dropped from the sky and landed on people.

    Along with the familiar checkerboard pattern of yesteryear at the top and bottom of the bags,  in the middle was written the Hebrew word "MANNA".


  12. Actually, I think it is a WONDERFUL INVESTMENT  for the next HUNDRED YEARS!

    It's called "Future Proofing", and when I upgrade something around my home, I try to think 20 years ahead of the maximum lifespan of my wife. who statistically will live 20 years longer than I will.

    With that huge acreage available for expansion on site .... it is clear that their plans are for the next hundred years in this System of Things, and historically there is 100% consistent evidence that is a good and practical thing to do.

    Where the property exits onto the main road, directly across the street,  Bro. Stephen Lett has personal huge investments in acreage, according to official tax records, so you know he is also planning for the future for his wife.


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