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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 33 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Please ... show me an Alternative Congregation of God that has BETTER FRUITS ... where the "rubber meets the road".

    Justice must be tempered with mercy for blind pawns.

    John 9:41

  2. Seeing is believing .... the translators of those Bible translations BELIEVED THAT FIRST ... so they naturally saw it.

    Check out a Greek Interlinear Translation.


    In the King James Version, UNICORNS are frequently mentioned .... NINE TIMES ... because King James (who was financing the effort, and directing it according to his OWN ideas about the "divine right of Kings", demons and spiritism.... and the "Godhead" ... and Unicorns ... )  and the trinitarian churches still had the (for the ignorant) imprimatur of holiness... AND they could chastise him and make his life miserable if he crossed them.

    The Unicorns are completely made up.   So is the "Godhead"

    Biblical TRANSLATION references to both Unicorns, and the "Godhead" have their place .... in the TRASH CAN.

    Translation is NOT a science .... it is an ART !!

    ..and there are many so-so artists that see what they believe ..... not believe what they see.

    It's called delusion.

    Believe in Unicorns.jpg


  3. One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.

    I don't expect much from humans, and somewhat agree with General James "Mad Dog" Mattis about how to treat people ... particularly theologians.

    4 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Each anointed one must be found pure and blameless to be accepted into the Kingdom.  2 Cor 11:2; Rev 14:4,5; Eph 5:25-27; James 1:27; 1 John 2:15   If they continue to drink from a cesspool of lies emitted from the mouth of their harlot leaders, they simply will not get there. Rev 17:1,2

    To you, dear JTR, whose eyes are almost completely open; I pray you allow Holy Spirit to open them completely.  Rev 3:18  It is time for all JWs to get out of the synagogue of Satan. Rev 18:4-8

    It is IMPOSSIBLE for any human to be found pure and blameless. ... not YOU ... not ME ... not the Governing Body.

    We have a 77% dropout rate in the TRUTH, because Jehovah's Witnesses are at "the point of the spear" ... and the Leaders are subject to the same foibles, corruption, duplicity, and maliciousness that EVERYONE is subject to ... including delusions of directed grandeur.

    But ... to the best of my knowledge, and I would "switch" in an instant if there were something better ... Jehovah's Witnesses, as I have said many times ... and many ways ... are the ONLY "game in town".

    Please ... show me an Alternative Congregation of God that has BETTER FRUITS ... where the "rubber meets the road".

    Until then, I will "follow Jehovah's Chariot" almost to the best of my ability, and follow the Circus Clown Car .... at a safe distance, in my own car, and check the road, weather, and gas.

  4. Cos:

    The "Godhead" is a completely made up FANTASY... It does not exist, and has never existed.

    Proof of this is in Revelation 1:1 ... where Ignorant Jesus is GIVEN the Revelation to forward to the Apostle John.

    Until Jehovah God gave the Revelation to Jesus Christ, BOTH now in Heaven ... Jesus was ignorant of it.

    The "Godhead"  is supposed to be the central theme of Christendom, and is ...  but in the Bible is not mentioned even once, and Christendom shows by it's penchant for global war that this "theory" is bogus .... by its fruits.


    Your response using invented words and concepts as if they were valid is like discussing the two dogs in Mickey Mouse Comic Books ... Pluto is a dog, but the other one is JUST GOOFY!

    And all three characters invented by Disney, are cartoons .... as is the "Godhead".

    A detailed analysis of a fantasy is ONLY a detailed analysis of a fantasy.

  5. If I had to choose between one dead guy's opinion over another ... I would choose that of Sir Isaac Newton, over that of Irenaeus's opinion .....

    What is it about Iranaeus that would give his thoughts special consideration?

    I know quite a bit about Sir Isaac Newton ... arguably the smartest natural man that ever lived.


    REVELATION 1:1-2

    The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. "

    GOD GAVE  ------>> TO JESUS


    get it?

  7. The simplest is the eleven words of Revelation 1:1's preamble.

    If you have any visualization abilities at all.


    Jehovah God and Christ Jesus are separate.

    ... and Jehovah is God ....... and Jesus is NOT.

    Everything else is "Whack-A-Mole".

    ... be a sport .... look it up.

  8. ... and besides .... "back then" the Egyptians and others when they suffered defeats in battle would ERASE the histories of Pharaohs, and Generals, and Reigns ... and have the dates of the ones before and after adjusted to fit.

    And erasing on giant stoneworks, obelisks, and such was a lot harder than with  today's No. 2 yellow pencil eraser.

  9. When a man speaks of his honor ..... make him pay CASH.

    When a man speaks of his scholarship ... make him do hard labor breaking rocks.

    Lots and LOTS of big rocks.

    Slitting his throat is probably an overreach, and will get you talked about.

    Everything Sir Isaac Newton did ...... his work spoke for him.

    He was not even interested in being called ... for dinner.

  10. If the Governing Body is not continually tested to determine that what they say ... and require of us ... is what they do, then we have elevated them in our own minds to the status of God.

    About God.... I agree with you 100 %, Queen Esther ... and I would give God full credit as Universal Sovereign.

    All others... pay CASH!

    To do otherwise makes them IDOLS .... and we all remember the Prime Directive ... the 1st and second Commandments,  of the Ten Commandments.

  11. 2 hours ago, The Librarian said:



    2 hours ago, The Librarian said:

    Basically, no one knows if/when it will happen, and what/how it will affect us.  Some scientists have speculated that previous mass extinctions happened with the zero magnetic field that occurs before a flip.  But all this is conjecture.

    This is exactly right  ---No one knows --- but I have a super strong magnet glued to the side of the military grade green laser on top of my 5 shot revolver, and can in an instant clip a flashlight to the side.  It takes 30 pounds of pull and a twisting motion to get the flashlight off.

    I keep it in my right front pocket .... and it does not harm me a bit .... although it does wipe the magnetic strips off my debit card, from time to time.... and sometimes when I pass a metal filing cabinet, or walking past a car, my trousers will jump out and attach themselves to the metal, and I have to stop and disengage.

    This is several BILLION times more powerful than the Earth's magnetic field, and affects flesh not at all.

    I seriously doubt when the magnetic poles flip, those wearing steel toed shoes are going to be rotated instantly 180 degrees.

    It flips slowly, and has been doing so for at least hundreds of years at various locations all over the Earth ... which screws up compasses (compai?) and before GPS was a navigation problem in the South Atlantic Ocean.

    It WILL flip ... and has so thousands if not millions of times in the past, as sedimentary fossil evidence indicates.

    It used to be said that if you did not read the newspapers, you were uninformed.

    In today's environment, if you DO read the newspapers ... you are MISinformed.


  12. 3 hours ago, Witness said:

    Coincidence, or serendipitous?


    Coincidence ...... serendipitous  implies a set of events that may be coincidental, but more related to "blind luck" AND that the outcome is is pleasant, welcome, or has some element of happiness.

    Like in Arthur C. Clark's essays in "The View From Serendip", referring to his life experiences and friends and thought processes ... all having a happy and pleasant and beneficial and fortuitous outcome. 

    He referred to his adopted country of Sri Lanka as "Serendip", and immigrated there, and was very happy there.

    The Video you posted is in itself malignant evil ... and takes coincidences and imputes evil motives because some things look like other things, and the author of the video was ALREADY conversant and deeply familiar with the evils he TRIES to use as rational comparisons.

    What we have here with this malignant, slanderous video is a PERFECT example of ....

    Just because all prostitutes wear shoes ....... does NOT mean that everyone that wears shoes are prostitutes.

    So.... is the Comedian Steve Martin EVIL because he uses Egyptian symbology in his comedy?


    There IS a hidden reference of him offering the Ronco 76 Super Bass-O-Matic Blender to the saxophone playing  sarcophagus encased King Tut, I will admit that, but you would have to check that out yourself on Youtube.  The Dan Akyroid version is the best explanation.


  13. 3 hours ago, John Houston said:

    But know did in fact engage in the door to door ministry. I know that for a personal fact.

    It is my job ... just like the Bereans, who the Bible refer to a "more noble than the Thessolonicians...." because they checked what they were being told to see if it is true, to test EVERYTHING ... to see if it really is true.

    It is improbable that you have field service experience with all seven of the Governing Body members ... but it MIGHT be true. (?)

    Would you, John Houston ... please tell us of your personal experience in field service with all seven of the Governing Body members.  I have assumed because Bro. Cook was just appointed to the GB last week, that you did not mean to include him.

    I would be interested in hearing your story.

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