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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Having worked on a Bethel Project in Peru at the Lima Branch Office, I am very pleased to see that they are expanding and planning for the NEXT HUNDRED YEARS.

    Getting out of Brooklyn was the best idea I heard of for a LOOOOng time .... as the bridges and their approaches will be battlegrounds for people trying to steal incoming food shipments due to natural disaster, civil war, insurrection, or economic collapse..

    In any war ... the forgotten weapon is always ....food.

  2. This is a VERY real problem .... as many people will describe these death camps as "Polish Death Camps".


    They were NAZI death camps ... GERMAN Death Camps ... in Nazi military occupied Poland.

    The Polish fought the Nazi Panzer Tanks with horse drawn cannon .... and were subjugated when they lost.

    There is a difference.

    The REAL solution is educated people ... not laws.

  3. From the Captain's sleeve insignia and the markings on the aircraft, I deduce this is an aircraft of the Russian Federation.

    Not understanding the concept of CO2 fire extinguishers, I am glad somebody had a chewing tobacco spit cup,  a set of baby bottle tongs, and a handy bottle of Russian Spring Water.

    ... very good things to have when your mobile electronic seat cabbage cooker  catches on fire.

    I wonder if in Russia they have Ronco Bass-O-Matics?




    I does, apparently, take some practice ....



  4. 9 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:
    15 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    WHY I follow

    This is the question. Especially with what you KNOW...

    I have given you the key to the "Rosetta Stone" already.

    You have the key.

    In order to understand my perspective fully, * which you do NOT, at the present time .... you have merely projected how YOU see it onto me ... you MUST see the movie "Hacksaw Ridge, at least twice.  It was easier for me to understand myself after I saw it ... because during the Vietnam War I was ALSO a Conscientious Objector.

    As you watch the movie ... ask yourself ... why would this man suffer so much, never ending malicious abuse at the hands of those who were supposed to be his "Brothers in Arms", and from the military "Governing Bodies" ... and while watching ...... visualize me in the protagonist's role.

    Before I  saw the movie, I did what I did, and do what I do, without an understanding ... only a palpable resolution that my perspective was correct.

    Now I know WHY!

    ....make sure you see the movie looking for MOTIVE.

    Mel Gibson is a HELLUVA Director .... same with his movie PATRIOT.

    You have to use the key you were given.

    ...sometimes they are found in the most unlikely of places.


  5. Hmmmmmm ... that brings up an interesting question.

    We know from the historical records that "Judge" Rutherford did not engage in the door-to door work.

    We know from the historical records that Nathan H. Knoor did not engage in the door-to-door work.

    ( I hope my memory is correct ... I do not have references ... )

    It seems that these really ARE "Rare Photos".

    How many hours per month do the GB spend in local congregational activities, and in the door-to-door work?

    Also ... are they also required to take vows of poverty like the other Bethelites are required to take .... and if there are exceptions.... what are they ?

    And WHY?

    I used to work for the U.S. Department of Energy at locations where billboards on the side of the road said "Feed a Shredder ... Starve a Spy", and the inside joke was when we needed information about something "I would tell you ... but then I would have to KILL you."

    Have we become like THAT ... where EVERYTHING is a "military secret"?


  6. Hmmmm... I KNEW 18 minutes and 39 seconds had some significance .... that was how many minutes were missing from the Richard Nixon "Watergate" Oval office tape recordings ... and GET THIS! !!! ....

    It was also the length of the long version of Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant Massacre" (pronounced Masa-creee).


    I think NOT!



  7. It seems quite interesting that NOBODY ... and I mean NOBODY seems to "get" specifically WHY these brothers apparently chose the music from the movie "Footloose"

    It's been staring me in the face since the original posting ... and I JUST got it!


    You will have to see the movie to "get it".

    ...as they used to say during the "Hippie Years" ... "... far out, Dude!".


  8. Hold a small piece of paper onto your bottom lip from both sides and purse your lips and blow over the top.

    The higher velocity "wind" creates a low pressure area that sucks the paper closer to it. 

    Blowing over the TOP of a piece of paper makes it go UP! ... not down.

    This is an example of "Bernoulli's Principle"

    Most people do NOT KNOW that the upper wing of an airplane is curved, so that the "wind" hitting the front edge of the wing HAS TO TRAVEL FASTER ... to meet that same slug of air at the back of the wing.

    Aircraft are SUCKED UP, and that's what keeps them up.  ... same as the small piece of paper.

     That is ALSO why a sailboat can sail at an angle INTO a wind ... the boat is being SUCKED forward by the low air pressure on the front of the sail.

    .... NOT blown forward by any wind from behind.

  9. Shiwii:

    I agree with everything you said in the immediately preceding post .... but I have a different perspective.

    Let's say you are a United States Marine, and see the need to protect the Nation, and Civilization by being the "point of the spear".

    When spears are thrown, they often miss, and are thereby wasted.

    The word "sin", I understand, means literally missing your target.

    In warfare you know about how many bullets it takes to kill ONE enemy soldier?

    About 14,000 bullets ... as most are used providing suppressive fire.

    In the Marines, as in every organization of men ... people rise until they reach their own level of incompetence ... and then they keep getting promoted.  Soldiers in the field ... the ones actually doing the fighting ... with very few exceptions ... have their allegiance to their "Brothers in Arms", and not to their leaders, who as they rise, become more and more like file clerks.

    I was the focus of a disfellowshipping trial, and I was trying to explain my philosophy to the head guy, and he cut me off .... saying "I don't want to hear anything about the Marines".   And, he did not allow me to continue.

    There are people that understand the NEED for Marines ... in spite of their sometimes and often incompetent and clueless leadership, and there are those that do NOT understand this.

    To understand my viewpoint on a practical level .... you need to see the movie "Hacksaw Ridge" at least twice. AT LEAST TWICE.

    All civilizations grow and evolve, and the casualties are ENORMOUS.   The United States of America has committed innumerable sins and evils in it's pursuit of righteousness, equity and Justice ... and is continuing to do so.

    So has the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society .... and you are right ...

    11 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    Its like high school, except in high school we didn't know any better and now as adults some still need that social group to belong to and refuse to grow up. 

    The difference is that I personally am NOT a social person ... I am only an IDEA person, and I know what is going on as well, AND MORE than you do .... and I try to serve Jehovah and Christ ... sometimes .... and at 71 years old, I DO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.

    When you are the "point of the spear", you get covered with figurative blood and gore. That is the main ingredient of growth and progress ... and it always takes TIME.  Sometimes several lifetimes.

    Oh ... and any rational adult conversation, such as we are now having, please NEVER consider that I take insult.  I don't do that even when I am deliberately insulted.

    I hope that before I die, I see the JW Organization grow and mature where everything we do is open, transparent, and that we can be proud of what we say, think and do.

    I will KNOW when this happens ..... instead of wasting billions of hours knocking on other people's doors ..... THEY will be knocking on OURS.

    Below is a rare example from today's news of the principles that are supposed to guide the United States.

    I hope to see the Society mature that much in my own lifetime ... it is being pursued by hemorrhaging money in that direction, and by Mr. Google, who never sleeps.

    Until then ... I will follow the circus clown car .... but at a long, safe distance.

    Nobody in my lifetime has ever accused me of being "Brother Watchtower".




    MAD-Magazine-Clown-Crash 800   .jpg



    MAD-Magazine-Clown-Crash 800   .jpg

  10. 3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    WHAT IS, WHO IS, WHAT KIND OF   w i n d   FORCING   WT company to change courses??

    The Society's Theology is being re-defined by ... and has been re-defined for some time ... by it's accountants and lawyers.

    The most blatant example is the change in what constitutes a disfellowshipping offense for taking blood and blood fractions.

    The scriptures say "abstain from blood".  Very clear and unambiguous.

    The lawyers are trying to stop the hemorrhaging .... of MONEY .... from lawsuits.

    NOW we can take 99% of blood if it is fractionated and put in via 13 different tubes.

    That is THE Classic Example.

    And the Society is silent when a Brother takes "Artificial Human Blood" ... even though it is ONLY highly filtered cow's blood.

  11. Do what I do .... send them a letter by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, to "The Collective Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses", World Headquarters, at the address they have listed.

    In about two months your Elders will call you into the "little back room", and discuss your questions with you.

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