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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. It may be without commentary, but I believe it is a chopped up (edited) version.

    The two Brothers look like they are being severely punished for "something", and made to make this video ... or are under the influence of deep hypnotic suggestion ... or both.

    This is better than the version with commentary, which I recognized as the rantings of an atheist, immoral person ... but the TRUTH is the truth, no matter what the source. 

    I will wait until I see a complete, unedited version to fully establish the matter in my own mind.

    It's like eating Lobster ... there is quite a lot that needs to be discarded ... and MUST be discarded.

    I learned THAT lesson the HARD way at a restaurant when I ate Lobster for the very first time, when I was drunk.

    Never judge the value of Theology or Seafood by the parts that SHOULD be discarded.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

    Is it possible that you, and others, are trying really hard NOT to believe its real? 

    In my case, NO.

    I throw my hat in with Jehovah's Witnesses IN SPITE of its leadership .... I think Jehovah's Spirit infuses the rank-and-file Witnesses, because as a retired engineer, I follow the TRUTH wherever it goes, but I try to demand PROOF... and where the "rubber meets the road", is where the analysis need to take place.

    Down at the bottom.

    53 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

    Do you know who the two chaps in the video are? Gary Breaux and Ralph Walls

    Are these not legit folks high up in the wt? 

    I have no idea who these two men are, and I really don't care.  Several people have said who they are SUPPOSED to be.

    Whoever they are, they talk like they are being severely punished to make this video, and are reading a script generated by a short circuited  AI chip.  I can just visualize that they are completely mortified to have to do this ... but the only alternative is to learn a completely new trade, which includes the phrase "You want Fries with that ?"

    It is SO LUDICROUS I would very much like to believe it is not true ... but if it can be PROVEN true, I will HAVE to accept that down here on Earth, Jehovah's Chariot has been transformed into a circus clown car.

    The Governing Body was forced by the ARC to admit in the Feb. 2017 Watchtower that they are "neither inspired of God or infallable".


  3. The problem with the "tacking", is the front of one shoe is nailed to the floor, and any "progress" is made in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise circle.

    Creating an artificial sense of urgency WILL motivate you ... but so will setting your hair on fire.

    It is quite proper to follow "Jehovah's Chariot", wherever it goes ... but when following a clown car .... make sure you check the route, the weather, and the gas.

    .... and don't follow TOO closely.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Queen Esther said:


    This is very true .... and men know this.

    The only way we can, as a general rule, get women to take us seriously, is our penchant for WARFARE.

    The reason MANY men go to war is ..... the women are watching.


  5. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I, for one, was furious when I read of this outrage taking place right in Hollywood. My blood pressure shot to the moon. They had to call NASA. You should get on board, too.

    I used to LIVE in Hollywood, California, and staying close to the Congregations, I missed all of that .... but I saw it ... and heard of it, and "swam in that pond", without getting wet. I knew even back then that if you are to stay sane, you have to STOP CARING overly much about things over which you have no control.

    You STILL did not answer the basic question ... who ARE these people,... and why should I even care?

    AND ... I don't need to get onto ANYTHING ... just because it is politically correct or expedient.

    I only care about how those in the Brotherhood are treated, by "management", and by each other.

    The other stuff ... what adult Babylonians do to each other ... I care NOTHING about.


    ... get used to it .... or drive yourself NUTS.


  6. Is it embarrassing for you to always be TOTALLY wrong TTH?

    If you had ANY reading COMPREHENSION skills, you could STOP THAT.

    You have ONE modus operandi .... misunderstand the question ... not have a clue, and project things not in evidence, and then shift to accusing someone of something nefarious.


    Besides ... much of the Hollywood bunch never know they have been molested until the check bounces.

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  7. .... probably just a "splinter group".


    Hmmm...  just look at the expressions on these two Brother's faces ....

    PILLOWGATE BROTHERS     500   .jpg

    It looks like they are doing this because they are being punished severely for "something", and have to do this or get fired!

    You could title this picture "Robots Read The News".

    If they are being punished ... it is obviously cruel and unusual, and they have my sympathies.

    Now I understand why, under the Bushido Code, the Japanese when they screw up, willingly commit suicide.



  8. This is a ball controller .... my guess is that the wheel is completely legit.

    By how the numbers are arranged, and what the numbers and colors are ... the house (statistically) ALWAYS wins.

    For the patient person, there is no need to cheat for the proprietor or game owner to, over time, always come out way ahead..

  9. 16 hours ago, Jay Witness said:

    With all the focus on the new anti-masturbation vide telling all Bethelites not to sleep inappropriately with a pillow, surely this has to be the very item that will send the GB into fits of despair??

    I have often said to my wife, that I wish I had enough money to use a small portion of it to buy a shiny new helicopter.

    II would buy about 3,000 of these pillows and load them on the helicopter.

    Then I would go to the geographic coordinates of Warwick Bethel World Headquarters, at about 500 feet altitude, push them out the door.

    Perhaps I should start a GOFUNDME site ....

    Frankly, I wonder how rich people EVER get bored!

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  10. On 5/9/2016 at 11:17 PM, Jay Witness said:

    If a sister wore trousers to the meeting how would she be viewed?

    I usually tilt my head at a 45 degree angle, and stare at the ankles.

    I used to have ABSOLUTELY no objection for Sisters to wear pant suits at the Kingdom Hall .....

    but that was before BrunHillary.

  11. This is all so incredibly FUNNY.

    I know I should be outraged, but I just.... can't ... do it!

    (slaps self in face several times ... but even THAT is funny!)

    One thing we have to remember .... until we see the two ALLEGED full length, unedited videos ... AND have verified beyond a reasonable doubt that they were produced by the WTB&TS, and NOT UNTIL THEN .... we will have to assume ... and MUST ASSUME ... this is fake news.

    It's STILL FUNNY, though, because I know the probability of it being real is very high ... I have seen the GB shoot themselves in the foot before ... and surprised at the effect, shoot themselves in the OTHER foot, just to be fair.

    I sure hope for the sake of the Brotherhood's global reputation this is NOT real .... Outsiders know more about what is going on behind the scenes than the Brotherhood does ... and it's very, very cringeworthy.

  12. The issue is not that it was destroyed ... it's WHY it was destroyed.

    " Global Times, a state newspaper, described the building’s destruction as part of a “citywide campaign to remove illegal buildings,” and quoted an unidentified official as saying that the church had been “secretly” constructed without proper permits and was initially disguised as a warehouse."

    The Society just had confiscated by the Russians a building I think was worth $15 million dollars, that was "supposedly" transferred to Watchtower in the United States... but for many years was CONTINUED to be used by the local Brothers in Russia, same as before.

    The Society tried to hide a full size Elephant under a beach towel, and the Russkies were NOT FOOLED.

    WHO KNEW that totalitarian governments could not be so easily duped?

     I mean.... WHO KNEW?

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