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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 1 hour ago, Cheepcheep said:

    So it does make me wonder, are we also moving around the object we're looking at as well as the sun moving across the spiritual sky? As this would be quite significant... It reminds me of the five blind sages who went to "see" an elephant story!

    I have thought the exact same thing ... with the exact same example.

    It is real crying shame that most JWs have no idea what the value is of such simple education.

    It's worth looking up .... and meditating on.

  2. I think it is a VERY good idea for the Society to get out of densly populated cities ..... I suspect that sometime in the next 20 years thare will be a highly effective depopulation of these major cities ... not with U.N. political initiatives ... but with hydrogen bombs... or after the South  Korea Olympics where people from all over the world will gather together ... they will return to their homelands contaminated with North Korean biological warfare agents.

    They are obviously prudently planning ahead for the next hundred years.

  3. This has GOT to be a fake video !

    I cannot believe they would actually put out something like this!

    I absolutely do NOT believe this to be real.

    Although the Bible says absolutely NOTHING about this subject perhaps it's just an "Icky"  laundry problem.

    I can imagine that there are videos that "leak", and people of course "leak", ( that's why as a general rule EVERYONE wears underwear), but I CANNOT believe that the Video preview that Jay Witness leaked on another Archive thread is anything but a parody, a satire, by actors. wishing to denigrate the Society, and make them look like they just fell off the turnip truck.

    Until I see hard facts, showing such a real, complete,  un-edited Video... AND... can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was officially produced by the Society .... I will consider this ( works face up into a rubber mask of astonishment ) "..apostate LIES!"

    No reasonable adult is THAT stupid.

    That would be like WWII Allied Forces sending Circus Clown Cars against German Panzer Tanks ... the plan being to surround the German Tanks with clowns.


  4. W

    15 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    Seriously, how weird does it have to be there for the wt to have to make videos about self pleasure, one for the guys and one for the girls. Now that is a leaked video, pillowgate 2018 brought to you by wt. Can't wait for the sign language version to come out. 

    What !?

    WHAT !?

    I GOTTA see this !


    "Pillowgate"  Hahahaha !

    On a directly related note ......

    " EL SEGUNDO, CA—After receiving hundreds of injury reports from parents across the nation, American Girl announced Thursday that it has decided to recall 50,000 dolls with chainsaws for hands. “Due to a factory error at our plants, thousands of our signature ‘Maryellen’ dolls were accidentally sent out with small chainsaws where her hands should be, so we’d like to ask anyone who purchased one—batch number A6123—to immediately take them away from their children and file a claim on our website to receive a full refund,” said vice president of global retail Wade Opland, adding that the sharp metal teeth attached to the rotating chains pose a significant risk for lacerations, and that the company would like to be proactive before any serious incidents occur. “We at American Girl offer our deepest apologies for the manufacturing oversight and are currently revising our quality assurance standards to ensure something like this doesn’t happen again.”

    Chain Saw Hands Dolls    600.jpg

    Source: The Onion News



  5. I once met this sad little lizard who was well aware that he was a small reptile in a very large pond, and the only thing he had to sustain him is the idea that he came from a long line of Dinosaurs, that once ruled the Earth.

    There is not that much happiness in the world, so I did not discourage him .... and told him he was a very fine Dinosaur, with all the respect and consideration a great and terrible Lizard should have.

    Same with Pioneer Publishers .... it makes them happy, and costs nothing.

    I much prefer to be addressed as "Master of Space, Time and Dimension", and thought about changing my name ... but alas .... it will not fit on my Driver's License, and would be a complete fantasy.

    Same with Pioneer Publishers.

    When I see one walk into a forest with an ax, a rifle, a knife, and carve a life out of nothing, and be totally self supporting .... THAT is a Pioneer.

    In the meantime, it does not hurt anyone to be polite to those who think they really are Pioneers.


  6. I remember when I calculated that Johnny Carson made $16,000 a minute ... and was stunned.  Then I realized that the FREE MARKET decided he was worth $16,000 a minute, and NOBODY was compelled to do it. 

    If Elon Musk can generate $165 BILLION DOLLARS for a company, and (here is the important part ....) EVERYBODY ON THE BASIS OF FREE WILL AGREES HE IS WORTH IT ....  I have no problem whatsoever with him making $55 BILLION DOLLARS !!

    ...and besides .... If I should perchance OUTLIVE him .... I win!

  7. Yesterday my wife and I were eating at Golden Corral, and I tell you ... they have some pretty huge heifers vacuuming up the buffet, there.

    One very "top-heavy" rotund black woman had a t-shirt on with some complicated logo, and underneath were three lines of text. 

    I am struggling to decipher the logo, and read the text, which is stretched in an arc around her equator, and she sees me staring at her shirt, and gives me "the look", puts her hand-hocks on what would have been her hips, and shakes her head at me, like what would have been her neck was on a sliding pivot.

    I turn away, and try to finish my dessert.

    My wife thinks this is VERY FUNNY!

    I never did figure out the text.

  8. Jesus had the same problem Kevin and Heather had with Apostles,  and the Caterer's  bill for the "Last Supper".

    The Bible record does not say, but they think it was the Apostles Peter and John who had the Lobster and two bottles of Champagne.

  9. That did not even begin to address my request.

    It was COMPLETELY ignored.

    18 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Could you please ask your Son to ask who ... correction ... actually find out ... who is living at the following Watchtower properties in the gated community of Tuxedo Park?

    It is a simple YES, or NO answer that requires effort on your Son's part to follow through on.

    All YOU have to do is request that he DO it.

    Will you please request that he investigate this?


  10. Bible Speaks:

    Could you please ask your Son to ask who ... correction ... actually find out ... who is living at the following Watchtower properties in the gated community of Tuxedo Park?

    I am retired, and on limited income, and can barely afford a trip to the mailbox ... but if I COULD go, I would make the trip to find out the answers to this question ... not to look at buildings.

    ... and, just kidding about the mailbox.

    Thank You.

    1.)  51 Woods Rd is a property located in Tuxedo Park, NY. It has approximately 1,705 Sq Ft and has 6 rooms. 51 Woods Rd. is owned by WATCHTOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. It was last recorded in 2016, where the sales price was $390,000.

    05/15/2014 - Ownership change from Gebert, Warren to Watchtower Bible & Tract Society


    2.)  5 Sylvan Way is a property located in Tuxedo Park, NY. It has approximately 2,412 Sq Ft and has 7 rooms. 15 Sylvan Way. is owned by WATCHTOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. It was last recorded in 2016, where the sales price was $320,000.

    10/10/2014 - Ownership change from Laurent, Arthur J & Elaine to Watchtower Bible & Tract Society


    3.)  57 Cross Ridge Rd is a property located in Tuxedo Park, NY. It has approximately 1,200 Sq Ft and has 7 rooms. 57 Cross Ridge Rd. is owned by WATCHTOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. It was last recorded in 2016, where the sales price was $335,000.

    03/06/2013 - Ownership change from Swartz, Michael & Patricia to Watchtower Bible & Tract Society


    4.)  227 Ironwood Dr is a property located in Tuxedo Park, NY. . 227 Ironwood Dr. is owned by WATCHTOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. It was last recorded in 2016, where the sales price was $2,400,000.


    Item No. 4 particularly caught my attention ..... If children are being encouraged to donate their "ice cream money" .... what are we doing with a $2,400,000 residence?






  11. It is now Monday, Jan. 22, 2018, and I have not heard from the Tuxedo Park Chief of Police.

    It is a gated community with a security guard checking all who enter .... the only way to get inside is if some Jehovah's Witnesses were to go door-to-door, and check out who is actually living in those houses.

    I wonder if there are any nearby that are up to a little Sherlock Holmes detective work ?


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