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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Assuming no misfires, and good NK targeting ( unlikely...) probably the ONLY target worth a NUKE or two is Honolulu.

    Prevailing winds are West-to-East, ( or is it East-to-West, below the equator ?) so get in you car and head WEST ( ...or is it East ?).

    Not much you can do in 20 minutes, actually.

    If it were me, I would carry 4 silvered mylar "space blankets" stapled together, and find a ditch to lay in and cover my entire body.

    2nd option is sit on a lawn chair, hold my knees, and kiss my butt goodby.


  2. Consider NEWTON's track record, compared to any other natural person who has ever lived.

    In anything he published, even after his death .... Newton was NEVER wrong.

    Christendom, the political empire disguised as a religion, is responsible for slaughtering A HALF BILLION people, in Europe alone, in the last 1700 years .... and during World War One, killed a MILLION of their brethren on the border between Germany and France, in ONE year long battle.


    Hundreds of MILLIONS of PEOPLE.

    The proof of any "philosophy" is how it works out in real life.

    All else is FANTASY.

    If a horse in a race is wearing a cowbell and says "MOOO!", perhaps you don't want to bet on THAT one.


  3. Steve Bannon's credibility is VERY close to zero .... and can be without solid factual backup ... completely disregarded.

    He is a crybaby with squashed delusions of grandeur ... a legend... in his own mind.

    ...and besides that... for people not versed in Jehovah's Law ... there is no reason for Trump  NOT to "take care" of 100 women, if he can manage it.

    At any rate ... I would like to know what kind of vitamin supplements Trump takes.

  4. d

    Here is what the recorded arguably smartest natural man who has EVER LIVED had to say about the Trinity.

    If I followed the teachings of any natural man ... I would follow THIS one.

    John Byl, in his article "Newton and the Trinity", paints a clear picture that Newton was non-trinitarian. Newton's published works do not contain clear statements of this nature. In his private notebooks however, some of which were not examined completely until the mid 20th century, Newton committed a significant amount of effort to criticizing the Church's trinitarian doctrines. Byl writes:

    In one notebook it is clear that, already in the early 1670's, Newton was absorbed by the doctrine of the Trinity. On this topic he studied extensively not only the Bible, but also much of the Church Fathers. Newton traced the doctrine of the trinity back to Athanasius (298- 373); he became convinced that before Athanasius the Church had no trinitarian doctrine. In the early 4th century Athanasius was opposed by Arius (256-336), who affirmed that God the Father had primacy over Christ. In 325 the Council of Nicea condemned as heretical the views of Arius. Thus, as viewed by Newton, Athanasius triumphed over Arius in imposing the false doctrine of the trinity on Christianity.

    Newton further asserted that, in order to support trinitarianism, the Church deliberately corrupted the Bible by modifying crucial texts. For example, Newton claimed that the well-known words of I John 5:7 (”there are three that bear record in heaven, the father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one”) were not in the original, pre-4th century Bible (Newton, it seems, was not a King James only man). Newton writes that “the Fathers…preferred to desert the Scriptures than not to condemn Arius”. Soon thereafter a universal corruption of Christianity followed the central corruption of doctrine: in the 4th century trinitarianism fouled every element of Christianity.

    Newton's anti-trinitarianism is evident also in his interpretation of Revelation. According to Newton, the seventh seal began in the year 380, when trinitarianism was officially ratified at the Council of Constantinople. The great apostasy was not Romanism, but trinitarianism, “the false infernal religion”, to quote Newton's own words.

    Economist John Maynard Keynes obtained a significant amount of Newton's unpublished works in 1936 due to his interest in Newton's alchemical (occult) studies. Newton wrote vastly on alchemy, which should be considered a philosophy in it's own right and not merely a proto-science. As a proto-science, it is more akin to a proto-psychology than a proto-chemistry, as is the common opinion (I'm happy to elucidate in chat or in the comments), and Newton was interested in the considerable discussion in the alchemical corpus on God, the human soul, and matter, as Newton, even in his published works, considered his work on physics to be an expression of worship toward the Creator and a revelation of his divine arcitecture. Newton is considered by many biographers to have been a deist, and not necessarily Christian, and so Newton's writings on Christianity should be considered in alchemical or deist context and not primarily in that of Christianity. Indeed, his commentary on Christian doctrine appears to be predominantly critical.

    Among the previously unpublished work obtained by Keynes is a list of twelve points stated by Newton on the relation between the Father, Son, and Spirit. Chief differences of Newton's perspective in comparison with both Catholic and Protestant doctrine is that Christ is not human or endowed with a human soul (8), and that the relationship between the persons of the trinity is like that of the saints, that they are distinct beings in agreement with one another (12). In the list, Newton made an entry for a 13th point which he left blank.

    1. The word God is nowhere in the scriptures used to signify more than one of the three persons at once.
    2. The word God put absolutely without restriction to the Son or Holy Ghost doth always signify the Father from one end of the scriptures to the other.
    3. Whenever it is said in the scriptures that there is but one God, it is meant the Father.
    4. When, after some heretics had taken Christ for a mere man and others for the supreme God, St John in his Gospel endeavoured to state his nature so that men might have from thence a right apprehension of him and avoid those heresies and to that end calls him the word or logos: we must suppose that he intended that term in the sense that it was taken in the world before he used it when in like manner applied to an intelligent being. For if the Apostles had not used words as they found them how could they expect to have been rightly understood. Now the term logos before St John wrote, was generally used in the sense of the Platonists, when applied to an intelligent being and the Arians understood it in the same sense, and therefore theirs is the true sense of St John.
    5. The Son in several places confesseth his dependence on the will of the Father.
    6. The Son confesseth the Father greater, then calls him his God etc.
    7. The Son acknowledgeth the original prescience of all future things to be in the Father only.
    8. There is nowhere mention of a human soul in our Saviour besides the word, by the meditation of which the word should be incarnate. But the word itself was made flesh and took upon him the form of a servant.
    9. It was the son of God which He sent into the world and not a human soul that suffered for us. If there had been such a human soul in our Saviour, it would have been a thing of too great consequence to have been wholly omitted by the Apostles.
    10. It is a proper epithet of the Father to be called almighty. For by God almighty we always understand the Father. Yet this is not to limit the power of the Son. For he doth whatsoever he seeth the Father do; but to acknowledge that all power is originally in the Father and that the Son hath power in him but what he derives from the Father, for he professes that of himself he can do nothing.
    11. The Son in all things submits his will to the will of the Father, which could be unreasonable if he were equal to the Father.
    12. The union between him and the Father he interprets to be like that of the saints with one another. That is in agreement of will and counsel.

    Some points, esp. 5, 6, and 11, support the claim that Newton was a subordinationist, and the Roman Catholic Church and many protestant denominations strictly reject that teaching. Newton also names the Arians as having a proper notion of the Logos in point 4, while Arianism is also considered heretical by The Roman Catholic Church and many protestant denominations. Byl summarizes Newton's heretical points:

    He explicitly declares only the Father to be supreme; the Son is a separate being, different from the Father both in substance and in nature; Christ is not truly God but is the so-called Word and Wisdom made flesh, divine to be sure, but only so far as divinity is communicated by the Father.


  5. WHOA !!:

    ....just checked my blood pressure ... it's HIGH! 

    It's not from listening to the bickering and Snowflake whining, and cross-eyed drooling indignation, OH NO!

    ..... Its from eating too much salted popcorn and laughing as I "watch the show"

    Carry on Troops!

    This is GOOD STUFF!

  6. There are MANY examples of Faithful Servants of God doing so in the past ... Joseph in Egypt was probably the most prominent example.

    And there is no record of any soldier in Jesus time quitting after he learned the Truth, Cornelius being the prime example .... and,

    There were many prominent Jews in the Sanhedrin who became Christians, and kept their appointed positions.

    But, politics back then sometimes worked a bit differently ... assassination was considered a legitimate way to achieve political power.

  7. You have to TRAIN YOURSELF not to live in fear.

    When I was younger, there was the "Cuban Missile Crisis", and we thought WWIII was imminent.

    That produced a whole generation that lived in fear of death by global thermonuclear war .

    Sometime later I realized bugs, accidents, and things 20 trillion times smaller than I was could kill me.

    As I aged, I realized that in several billion years of life on Earth, albeit rudimentary ... nothing with DNA that has EVER lived has escaped death.


    Freedom and peace comes when you STOP being afraid to die.... because... YOU WILL.

    Sit back, enjoy the show ... even at its worst it's a Grand Adventure!




    And now, the end is near
    And so I face the final curtain
    My friend, I'll say it clear
    I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
    I've lived a life that's full
    I've traveled each and every highway
    But more, much more than this
    I did it my way
    Regrets, I've had a few
    But then again, too few to mention
    I did what I had to do
    And saw it through without exemption
    I planned each charted course
    Each careful step along the byway
    And more, much more than this
    I did it my way
    Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
    When I bit off more than I could chew
    But through it all, when there was doubt
    I ate it up and spit it out
    I faced it all and I stood tall
    And did it my way
    I've loved, I've laughed and cried
    I've had my fill my share of losing
    And now, as tears subside
    I find it all so amusing
    To think I did all that
    And may I say - not in a shy way
    Oh no, oh no, not me
    I did it my way
    For what is a man, what has he got
    If not himself, then he has naught
    To say the things he truly feels
    And not the words of one who kneels
    The record shows I took the blows
    And did it my way
    Yes, it was my way
    Songwriters: Claude Francois / Gilles Thibaut / Jacques Revaux / Marcelo Drumond Nova


  9. I look at the results at the bottom, not the juggling act at the top.

    It's not a perfect system ... neither is the United States Marines ... but if your sense of rightousness and duty compels you to be either a Theocrat, or a Marine .... you have to put up with the error ... or you have no "Army" ... at all.

    I have been chewed up and spit out by the clueless,  like many people.

    And more than most, because I really push the envelope, constantly.  Always have.

    In the "Fog of War", sometimes you get " killed "  by your own people ...

    It's called "Friendly Fire" on the battlefield.

    IN the REAL world ... STUFF HAPPENS.

    Everyone "reaching out" for privileges of authority rise until they reach their own levels of incompetence.

    This is not proprietary to Jehovah's Witnesses .

    It is part of being human.



  10. 12 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:
    22 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    You got what I said completely backwards ... The people who have discernment are NOT the authors of the article .... they are the ones who read "between the lines".

    for that then I apologize. It IS wt speak though and you have to admit that. 

    YES... the term I use is "Pubspeak", or "Publications Speak", for Orwellian reasons.

    12 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:
    22 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I do not believe Jehovah's Witnesses are "The Only Game in Town", because the WT says so ... I believe it through process of elimination.

    How can this be demonstrated beyond "I just know"?  And please read my answer to Tom as it applies here too.

    Experience, and insight.  My carefully considered and heavily educated personal opinion, rationally derived.

    12 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:
    22 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    This is why people with experience, and discernment will recognize what is really going on in that WT article, as well as what is ostensibly being said.

    point being is why should such an article (magazine) be the focus instead of the Bible itself and the practices written within it?  

    Job security for old men and their personal "empires".  They have billions of dollars to "play with" ... and could not live on $256 a week Unemployment compensation .... and they know it.


    12 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:
    22 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    but getting better due to powerful OUTSIDE forces.

    what are these outside forces? news media and governments holding the flashlight on them to force the changes that should have happened long ago? 


    Acknowledgment of REALITY is why I have never been accused of being "Brother Watchtower" ... I keep my various fantasies in separate mental boxes with high walls.



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