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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. TTH:

    You are again PROJECTING, and impugning motives, not in evidence. 

    Of course ... like EVERYBODY ... I have an agenda, too.   I want people to learn how to THINK properly, and I don't much care about what.

    OTHERWISE ... I have to put up with stuff like

    3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    "C'mon! Come out here and we will teach you a thing! What - are you scared? Nyah, nyah, sissy! You couldn't survive in the real world, like me! Here, I'll even spot you a dozen horses. See if you can even put riders on them!"

    .... and it is very tiresome.


  2. If you do this based on your own conscience ... from the way the statement was made ... it seems the Russian Government will make a reasonable accommodation.

    Common sense would dictate that if someone is going to clobber you with a closed fist ... DO NOT LEAN INTO THE PUNCH!



    When a police officer pulls you over for erratic driving ... do not lean out the window and say "Hold my Beer!".

  3. 10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Somewhat. It is because he knows the overall world is not Winnie-the-Pooh friendly toward Christian values. What is it with those who would disparage such counsel? They are exactly out of harmony with Scripture, in that they present the world as though it was.

    I have the greatest respect for him, because he says what needs to be said, despite knowing that villains will beat him over the head with his own words and JTR will photoshop tight pants on him.


    Above you were talking about GB Bro. Anthony Morris III , and it makes me sad to think that YOU think that I would Photoshop tight pants onto Tight Pants Tony, or TPT, as he is affectionately referred to.

    The image of that might send some Sisters into menopause, with hot flashes, and everything.




  4. I know a contractor who cannot calculate concrete volume (Length x Width x Height divided by 27 for cubic yards of concrete), who told me one time he had SERIOUSLY miscalculated the amount of concrete he estimated and bid on some work ... and ended up making an additional $5,000.

    Every once in awhile ... even a blind pig ... finds an acorn.

  5. The REASON we have extensive records of the screw ups, petty machinations, sins, lies, treachery, double dealing, and colossal waste of individual lives in the Hebrew Scriptures, is in part to demonstrate what evil that men with the very best of intentions can do, and do.

    Remember ... these over-reaching and presumptuous men, greedy for power, and money and influence  ...were  nevertheless at that time "The Only Game In Town", as far as God showing favor to human mortals.   Same thing today.

    Just as God did not favor mankind that evolved between punctuated creations over the aeons, of which we have millions of tons of hard evidence, "Homo Sapiens" were on their own, and not on a spiritual Path to eventually Inherit the Universe as a gift from God.

    The first REAL humans .... "Homo Theocraticus", as it were ... were the direct creations of Jehovah God, and with that the potential for everlasting life so necessary to travel between stars at sub-light speeds ... but I digress .....

    The Christian Congregation at its best is still composed of the same types of people the Jewish Congregations had to deal with ... and that will not change in the immediate future.

    Get used to it!

    We, for our own sanity and well being, HAVE to understand that ... and adapt and improvise if we are to survive with our wits about us.

    The Watchtower of January 19th is incredibly important in that regard ... for people of discernment.

    Try to survive, until changes happen.

    By the way ... the most favorite thing I have EVER read in the Society's publications was in the old book "Things In Which It Is Impossible For God To Lie" ... page 384 ...paragraph 24 ... repeated 20 years later exactly, in the "Prince of Peace" book.



  6. On 11/10/2017 at 9:40 AM, TrueTomHarley said:
    On 11/10/2017 at 8:47 AM, Matthew9969 said:

    All things are possible with God

    Are you saying they are not?

    I think, in retrospect, the GB as it existed during the late 60's and early 70's would have been better off explaining how all things are possible with God, particularly of him being able to create a rock so big, even he could not move it.

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  7. 13 hours ago, Anna said:

    Not only that, but you can also invite others to your family worship. Before you know it, you can have yourself a little dissident group, that you can preside over @James Thomas Rook Jr.!

    I got that now!

    I used to have seven dogs, but two recently died of old age, so now I have only five ... a rebellious lot ... as we have a fenced in yard, and they romp about STARK NAKED ... their collars with rabies tags hanging on a nail on the front porch.

    When I was a Boy Scout (back when it was an honorable institution without "gay" scout leaders and teenage girls along on camping trips), I never progressed beyond "Tenderfoot", (the lowest Rank), and it never occurred to me to want to.

    If I wanted to bind people into slavery to me (and I don't...) I would like to think I am a decent enough man not to do it with a million words, and social pressures ... that I would have the decency to use a gun.

  8. I have been watching people for more than a half century, now ... and watched hundreds of movies, and read thousands of books, and from my observations, the mentally retarded, and the dull are as a whole happier people than I have a tendency to be .... and the clueless are the happiest of all, bordering by degree on the borderline of orgasmic.

    I have given it a great deal of thought, as I too, would like to be naturally happy, and free from anxiety ... and I believe I have found an answer that fits almost everybody.

    1.) Stop caring about things you are powerless to change.

    2.) Get rid of the nutty people that fill your life with drama.

    3.) Assume what duties YOU decide are worthwhile, not what some other person thinks they should be.

    4.) Stop being afraid of dying.  Not being alive did not bother you for 14 BILLION YEARS ... it will not bother you if you don't wake up in the New System. Don't fret about it.

    No living thing of this Earth has EVER escaped death.

    Not one.

    Not ever.


    Don't Worry, Be Happy!




  9. Races came from the EXACT same procedure you have when a Grey Wolf becomes, through thousands of years of selective breeding, the many hundreds of kinds of dogs you see today.

    It is as simple as THAT.

    Genetics works EXACTLY the same way across all species ... humans included.

    All God's critters have DNA ... and barring stray cosmic rays or other interference, there are Universal Rules of how this happens.

    If you want strong healthy children .... get educated about such things .... and choose your mate carefully.

  10. I would only vote if monstrous evil forces were poised to take over the government that NOW protects me from physical enemies, foreign and domestic, and financial ruin and destitution, to try and prevent enslavement and national bankruptcy ... for the good of myself and temporal civilization ... as a stopgap measure while I wait on Jehovah's Time to do it better.

    Self defense in any form is ALWAYS permissible ... if that is what it truly is.

    If you choose to exercise that natural right.


  11. I found this:

    Watchtower 1999 11/1 pp.28-29

    Questions From Readers - How do Jehovah’s Witnesses view voting?

    There are clear principles set out in the Bible that enable servants of God to take a proper view of this matter. However, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself. For example, there is no reason why a board of directors should not take a vote in order to arrive at decisions affecting their corporation. Congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses often make decisions about meeting times and the use of congregation funds by voting with a show of hands.

    What, though, of voting in political elections? Of course, in some democratic lands, as many as 50 percent of the population do not turn out to vote on election day. As for Jehovah’s Witnesses, they do not interfere with the right of others to vote; neither do they in any way campaign against political elections. They respect and cooperate with the authorities who are duly elected in such elections. (Romans 13:1-7) As to whether they will personally vote for someone running in an election, each one of Jehovah’s Witnesses makes a decision based on his Bible-trained conscience and an understanding of his responsibility to God and to the State. (Matthew 22:21; 1 Peter 3:16)....


  12. Hmmmmm ... I thought that in some countries, specifically where it is a felony to discourage people from voting ... that the GB allows Witnesses to vote.   I don't know where I got that idea, but I know that during the Vietnam War a soldier attending the Meetings could join the Ministry School, and participate ... at least in theory. 

    I know in Mexico, we were not allowed to sing for somewhere around 50 years, pretending we were a "cultural" group, instead of a religion, as religions were not allowed to own real estate. I also ran across that when I was in the Congo, from Brothers at  Bethel on the Avenue des Elephants in the Limete District.

    I thought "new light" was that voting is now a matter of personal conscience (?).


  13. If you can see a rainbow from an aircraft at altitude, the sun must be behind your head, whichever way your head is pointed, and the "rainbow" will be a circle, not a bow.

    Also, if you are a bee inside the airplane, and see in ultra-violet light, the circle will be several shades of purple.

    Further, if you are a Cereal Killer, and parachute through the middle of the circular "rainbow", you will enter a land of elves, and Lucky Charms Cereal.

    Circular Rainbow from Helicopter   600    .jpg

    Circular Rainbow and Skdiver   600    .jpg

    foodscape_6    600    .jpg

  14. 38 minutes ago, PommyGit said:
    On 12/29/2017 at 9:56 PM, biddy2331@gmail.com said:

    This forum is so full of apostates that it should be closed down


    When you joined up, there was a general warning that said something along the lines of, "Be prepared to have your views/opinions/beliefs challenged."

    What about that did you misunderstand?


    ... and I think ANYONE with the SLIGHTEST bit of common sense should be taken out into the Kingdom Hall parking lot and MAIMED!


    Stupid apostates!


    Tolerance and Reasoning  Awake 600  .jpg

  15. 10 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

    That's pretty interesting, and it sounds convincing, but do you have any proof of it?

    I do not know what you want specific proof of, but I was there, and paying close attention.

      It made a BIG impression on me as I noticed the only regular really "fun" thing that we had was shut down, and the inanity of the "save gas" excuse now rings even MORE hollow as I travel 4 hours to an Assembly, when I used to travel 1 .5 hours.

    You could ask any Elder that was there during that time period ... and ask to see the directive from the GB that shut that meeting down, with one of the SPECIFIC lame excuses that it was to save gas, in that directive. It was read at the meeting and posted on the Kingdom Hall bulletin board.

    Remember, unless you use approved words, in approved phrases, about approved ideas. using approved examples ... you will not be called on to give a comment. 

    Unless you are 90 years old, and you ramble on a lot about your experiences in 1943.


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