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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    the same way that the brothers owned a branch complex and the russians were not fooled.

    WHAT are you talking about, TTH?

    What you said makes NO SENSE whatsoever..

    3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    OK, TTH ... I give up .... HOW did Jesus try to pull a "fast one" on Pilate,  and that he was not fooled?

    To put it the context of your nonsensical reply ... What specifically did Jesus do to try and deceive Pilate?



  2. If this is the same case I read about earlier, the Society tried to pretend that this property was not "owned" by Russian Jehovah's Witnesses, but circa 2002 transferred ownership to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, USA. 

    THEN ... they continued to use it as before, thinking that this brilliant piece of legalese would work the same way in Russia that it does in the United States. 

    In the United States, a Corporation is considered the same as a completely different immortal person (as long as the taxes are paid...).  In Russia the thinking (obviously) is different.

    We have our arrogant fantasies about Justice ... they have bayonets with very sharp points.

    REALITY is that they were trying to hide an elephant under a bath towel, and the Russians were not fooled.

  3. This all reminds me of someone out front on a theatrical stage,  in front of closed curtains facing the audience,  ... nervously, and  desperately reading from a script, while directly behind the curtain, a cherubic faced man in an expensive tailored suit stands following the script on a music stand, but both hands are on a rifle with  bayonet affixed.

  4. By the way .... there is NO WAY that Polar Bear is starving ... they usually die of parasite infection, respiratory infection, old age or rifle bullets.

    A Polar Bear can swim 60 MILES across open ocean to find food.

    There is NO WAY the "journalist" who made this report can know if this particular bear, or any individual Bear is starving ... or not.

    He may have been shot last week.

    He may be sick.

    He may be injured.

    He may not be hungry.

    Ad nauseum.


  5. 1 hour ago, Bible Speaks said:

    Thank Jehovah for the Polar Bears! 

    I agree ... everything has a place in the ecological niche.

    If I survive Armageddon and have found favor with God, I will ask him about tapeworms, mosquitoes, trichinosis worms that get in muscles, and thousands of other things that are 1/100,000,000 smaller than we are, that to live their lives, they infect ours.

    I understand bees ... but I do not understand many of the things, large and small, that  make our lives, and each other's lives, absolutely miserable, and lead to a slow, painful, excruciating death.

    But, Thank Jehovah for Polar Bears.

    When the grandmother Eskimo has lived her life, and has lost all her teeth, and can no longer chew Polar Bear fur to make it soft and pliable for her son's and grandson's clothing ... she will some quiet night slip from her Igloo where her family sleeps, all naked together under layers of fur so as not to freeze to death, and walk across the ice and snow and sit down, and she will freeze to death.

    Then, the Polar Bear will come and eat her ... and later, her family will eat the Polar Bear, and with her life, she has thus helped preserve her family alive.

    Thank Jehovah for Polar Bears.

  6. .... some people naturally ARE (shudder!), vegetarians.

    4 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    hehe, while making barbecue for friends in garden party ? :))

    That is what Able was doing when Cain came in ... having a Bar-B-Que Garden party. Cain was a really bad hunter ...and later the American Indians invented a word for "bad hunter".

    ... "vegetarian".

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