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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 5 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:

    I  understand !  But  we're  ALL  imperfect !!  Thats  life.....

    Well, in the time of George Washington, first President of the United States, he wore a powdered wig, skin tight pants, a lace shirt, and reportedly had wooden teeth, although some say animal teeth in a wood frame .... and he used perfume, and carried a sword, and a pistol with a bullet as big as a walnut.

    If you are going to dress like that, the sword and gun is probably a good idea.

  2. 5 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

    10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.

    It's been a long time, but many years ago I noticed that the more you drank, the better everything else became.  During the 1960's after an Assembly, and after the Saturday session we all went "bar hopping" afterwards. There was about 15 of us at a table about 3 AM and we were all feeling no pain whatsoever, and there was a Sister that I was interested across the table from me.  She had been in the Air Force before she became a Witness, and she was telling her story, which I thought was fascinating, and she had my undivided attention, even when she mentioned she had lost her left leg in a traffic accident, after she got out.  I thought "Hey!, what a gal!", and thought about her after the group broke up and we all went our separate ways.

    The next day, Sunday, somebody pointed her out to me  at the Assembly at a distance, and I did not recognize her at all, even though I had spent hours right across the table  from her.

    It was years later that I  learned that this was a common occurrence, from a non-Witness, who explained to me that after  "bar hopping" for awhile, when you are in a bar at 3AM, all women are beautiful!

    Winery  600  .jpg

  3. 3 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Just this week they busted a crime ring (Russia and Italy) where videos were made with children being ill-treated so bad and then "snuffed".   And there is a big underworld business for this!  So don't talk of 'mental illness' amongst witnesses because most of them would not stoop to this level of debasement.  One needs to be seriously mentally ill to be curious to  snuff out children and watch sadistic videos with children - I do not see any studies on this!

    There are people that are as sane as anybody ... but completely EVIL ...sometimes whole nations of people. Much pure EVIL is done for reasons that are rational (to the perpetrator).  It just seems to be insane ... to those who are not evil.


  4. 16 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Where is @James Thomas Rook Jr. when you need him with the Far Side cartoon showing Satan furious with the painter for painting 999 on an interior room. "Well, I'll be," the fellow says, scratching his head. "I guess I was holding the blueprint upside down."

    Sorry, I was busy with a bowl of unlabeled M&Ms sent to me by Mars Candy Company for a new "M" design.  I had been drinking and was putting "3"s, "W"s, and "E"s on them.


  5. The Russian Federation  has 80 MILLION Letters ... and I have an attitude!

    In order to transform that negativity into something positive, just THINK of how valuable all that processed wood fiber will be this coming winter, in Russia, where they still have pot-bellied wood burning heaters!

  6. It STILL sounds like Dragons, to me!

    ...by the way .... you know, of course, that the books of the Bible were compiled by CATHOLICS, primarily Esubius of Cesarea, and others ....

    ...perhaps they "forgot" to include the book of Enoch, (?) because they had no idea how to explain it to the unwashed masses.

    ...perhaps that's why we don't consider it part of the Bible, today. (?)

  7. Using simple reason and common sense it seems to me that what happened to Enoch was quite simple.

    Years ago I went to work for Dallas Area Rapid Transit, (DART) in Dallas, Texas, and my former job and stuff was in Greenville South Carolina. 

    A moving company came and TRANSFERRED all my stuff to Dallas, Texas. 

    I, nor my stuff went to heaven, and I did not die, and if you looked for me in Greenville, I was nowhere to be found.

    Using that as a typical example, I believe that satisfies ALL the scriptural "requirements", and does not require any mental gymnastics or Twilight Zone suppositions.

    Jehovah God relocated Enoch by transferring him to another unspecified location.

    He might even have been a great ancestor of Mick Dundee, of Walkabout Creek, Australia.

    AND... it uses the word "transferred" exactly correctly.

    This is what I personally believe, by the way, for the reasons stated.

    Occam's Razor   500   .jpg

  8. 11 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

    It’s the responsibility of the parents, and then the community to protect those that can’t defend themselves from evil!!!!

    Are Jehovah's Witnesses a part of the community?

    As the ARC pointed out .... matters not reported to the police as a matter of NATURAL CONSCIENCE ... puts the community as a whole at risk .... not JUST Jehovah's Witnesses.

  9. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:


    I remarked only on what you actually said. Didn't you say once that you had been an engineer? With such command of numbers - one third of all suicides from a group that represents .25 of the population!


    There is nothing anyone can do for you, TTH, when you determinedly misconstrue what is being said, and cannot visualize what MUST be the case, when people don't use puppets and crayons to explain things to you.

    1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:


    .... I addressed only his remarks, which are the dumbest remarks I have heard even from him.

    I did not follow the link....


    I felt sorry for a man who had no shoes ... until I met a man who had no feet.

    I felt sorry for a man who could not read ... until I met a man who WOULD NOT READ.



  10. 27 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Brilliant, James.

    They are a quarter of a percent of the U.S. population, yet they account for one third of all suicides! There may be something to your observation, though. Just Saturday as I was entering the assembly hall, I had to step over ten dead bodies.

    I mean, some viewpoints are too stupid to countenance.

    It is clear, TTH that your understanding of statistics is that it has something to do with numbers, and not Lego blocks in the hallway at night, as you have completely misconstrued what I stated ..... as usual.

    It seems clear to me, now that the absurd extrapolations you make are the lenses you read through., and that to misunderstand EVERYTHING means you have a learning disability of some sort, predominately a lack of reading comprehension.

    As a last resort, follow the link I posted ... perhaps you just go insane when you read anything that Ah has written.

    I have that effect on many people.


  11. https://philbarbey.jimdo.com/jws-rolf-furuli/

    This study shows that JWs have about a THIRD of the mental illness rate of the general population, and I would suspect that that would equate to about a THIRD of the suicides of the general population.    Just a guess ... NO MORE.

    I am of the very considered opinion that just in the case of King Saul, Sampson, and Jesus ... by willingly walking into a known death trap ... that these suicides are NOT counted as self murder by Jehovah God., any more that soldiers who willingly volunteer for "suicide missions" for some greater good would be considered to have murdered themselves.

    Consumed with grief and  a broken heart and many tears, I have had to execute by proxy many of my dogs over the years, and lament when "my time comes" .... and it will ... that there will be  no one to show me that kindness.


  12. 5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Excellent! A church with which you 85% agree. When are you transferring?

    As soon as they adopt the vital 15% core Truths that to the best of my knowledge, only Jehovah's Witnesses have.

    At one time in history only one natural man knew  the core theology as we do, and that was Sir Isaac Newton, but his writings were not made known until after his death, as the Trinitarians would have excoriated him.


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