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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Today is November 18, 2017.

    In about five days or so many in the United States will celebrate a National Day of Thanksgiving, and many of Jehovah's Witnesses will not.


    Below is the complete text of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving day proclamation.

    Please read it carefully, and tell me ... What's wrong with THIS?



    Washington, D.C.
    October 3, 1863

    By the President of the United States of America.

    A Proclamation.

    The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequalled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle or the ship; the axe has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.

    In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.

    Done at the City of Washington, this Third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States the Eighty-eighth.

    By the President: Abraham Lincoln

    William H. Seward,
    Secretary of State


    I cannot find anything wrong with this ... nothing at all.

    Do you see something that a sane, rational person should be seeing that I do NOT see?




  2. TTH: ( am repeating this because the software would not save edits for clarity...)

    Reading comprehension is not one of your skills ... the chart you posted did NOT give unique new visitors to the JW.ORG website ... but in one  analysis only compared the JW.ORG website to the average of all other websites examined.

    And all the Brothers that wrote in to Russia accomplished NOTHING ... except add $56 MILLION DOLLARS to the Russian Federation Postal System Treasury, via the Universal Postal Union giving them as terminal duty 70% of the face value of all the international postage, for letters NO ONE READ, and did not accomplish the purpose intended, of swaying the Russian Government to rule in our favor.

      Winter is coming on, and I am sure they appreciate having 11 railroad boxcars full of wood products that were mailed to them for their wood burning stoves... certainly  *coff* ... "spiritual" fuel at the proper time.

    It was a truly amazing service rendered to the Russian Federation, not counting the belly laughs they got when all that mail started showing up, that NO ONE could possibly read even if they wanted to ... and they did not want to .... and did not.

    Your continued personality projections are becoming insane ... with your advice to me to not worship the Governing Body.

    And the 175,000 Brothers in the Russian Federation are NOT heroes.

    A hero is a person who CHOOSES to go into harm's way, risking death to rescue someone who is innocent. 

    The Brothers in Russia are VICTIMS of the Russian Federation's overreaches.

    A hero has a choice ... a victim does not.   They are ONLY victims.

    Matthew9969 makes  a very good point about proclaiming TRUTH as opposed to manipulating "spin" with lies of omission.

    6 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    What do you suppose the graph would look like if the A.R.C findings were put on jw.org?

    I envy you in a way, TTH, you live in a world of spin and fantasy constructs, and are very probably a happier man than I am ... but then I come to my senses, and realize that self induced delirium is not really happiness, any more than opoid drug addiction is real happiness.

    What do you suppose the graph WOULD look like if the complete A.R.C findings were put on jw.org?

  3. 4 hours ago, Anna said:

    He should have been born in the Wild West in the 1800's where he would have come into his own, and nobody would have held it against him. He looks a bit like John Wayne


    Thank you for the kind complements, but it was in the Boy Scouts that I learned the motto "Be Prepared", and later to "adapt and improvise".  Interestingly enough, in my lifetime I have had several other people make the same comments, that I was born a hundred years too late, and am a poor fit for this century.

      I never cared much for John Wayne the person ... except for his work ethic ... but I do feel a closeness to the majority of the characters he played, in Westerns.

    Common cowboys developed the "Code of The West", and Wyoming actually has an official "Code of the West" which the legislature adopted in 2010, as follows:

    The legislation designates ten ethics derived from the book "Cowboy Ethics" by James P. Owen:

     1.  Live each day with courage.
     2.  Take pride in your work.
     3.  Always finish what you start.
     4.  Do what has to be done.
     5.  Be tough, but fair.
     6.  When you make a promise, keep it.
     7.  Ride for the brand
     8.  Talk less, say more.
     9.  Remember that some things are not for sale.
    10. Know where to draw the line.


  4. 30 minutes ago, Witness said:

    You are wise, but there are those contacted in the “preaching work” who are not as intelligent, (like me) and wouldn’t know how to avoid the poison.  Who is responsible when the person suffers from its affect; the one dangling the carrot, the one snatching it up… or both?

    That is why I still choose Jehovah's Witnesses as the best bet humanity has .... because I personally know the difference. 

    I do cry for those who do not .... but the problem is bigger than my ability to help.

    I raised three children who are all strong in the Truth, and it is in my opinion due to two things:

    1.) The Core Truths are so valuable that they are worth putting up with all the human crap that goes along with it, and

    2.) I taught them what was real and what was not, and to not expect much from "clergy", no matter how disguised.

    My wife and I are in the process of adopting orphan children ... and it is our intent to have them learn theology from Jehovah's Witnesses ... at the Kingdom Hall .... because even with 85% drivel and self aggrandizement, and wasted potential ...

    ...it's still the ONLY GAME IN TOWN.

    Wisdom comes in knowing the difference.



  5. 9 hours ago, Johnny Paulick said:

    When you look at the principle of the texts that forbid the intake of blood, it is not a matter of eating or consuming through a vein ... When Jehovah forbids blood or describes that they should let it run on the ground at slaughter, "Let it be holy, it's mine." The blood is Jehovah's. We do not have the right to use it as our own. We are subject to the principle that the blood is sacred that Jesus by his blood could run away from mankind. We do not have the right to administer and neglect the meaning of the blood .. IT IS JEHOVAS!

    Have use Google translate..!   Johnny from Danmark.! 

    You are absolutely correct JP .... the blood is Jehovah' s ... and when a life is extinguished, in battle, self defense, or for food ( most people, even Jehovah's Witnesses, are completely unaware that Jehovah NEVER make the slightest prohibition against cannibalism, although he DID lament that people's lives would become that desperate ...)

    When as a child I had my tonsils removed, I swallowed a LOT of blood ... and later, in fights I had my nose smashed, and some of that blood I swallowed. Does this blood have any sacred value?  Should it be held against me that I "ate" this blood? 

    BEFORE an animal is killed the blood does belong to God. Why? Because he has made that crystal clear throughout the scriptures.

    The question is this .... and although I recognize the principle profoundly, I am going to personally perhaps err on the side of caution ...if the animal does NOT DIE .... does that blood have any sacred value? 

    If the ancient Jewish Priests  offered the blood on the alter to Jehovah God from an animal that was only wounded ... would God have accepted that offering?  

    My guess would be no.

    Jesus' blood redeemed all of mankind putting faith in the VALUE of that blood.  TWO THINGS had to happen: 1.) Jesus had to willingly be sacrificed, and  2.) His DEATH had to have shed blood, poured out on our behalf. 

    If he had not actually DIED, the blood would have only been a First-Aid problem.

    For blood to represent LIFE .... it actually has to represent an actual real life.

    If I am wrong, please show me directly from the Bible, and Bible principles, and common sense ... where my thinking got fouled up.

    Meantime, it is not the problem it once was during the JW "early years when we respected Jehovah enough to die for what we knew to be true about blood ... the Governing Body, on the advice of the Society's Lawyers and investment counselors, and accountants ...  has ruled that we can take 99% or so of all blood FRACTIONS, to avoid being sued out of existence.

    For monetary concerns, "New Light" is being fueled by advice from the Society's Lawyers and Accountants, which fill many buildings at Warwick Bethel.

    Here is a main point:  Whatever the case REALLY is .... and I am wrestling with that now to try and have a correct understanding ... down here on Planet Earth it "translates" as:

    If we put those "allowable" human blood fractions into our body as whole blood, we will be disfellowshipped ...... if we If we put those "allowable" human blood fractions into our body as whole blood FRACTIONS, we will not be disfellowshipped.

    With a roll of plastic tubing ... we can have it BOTH ways.



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  6. TTH:

    You ask four questions in a row I hope are rhetorical, or your ability to extrapolate future events from present day inputs somewhere along the line has been seriously, and possibly irrevocably retarded by YOUR agenda.

    OF COURSE I have and agenda!

    EVERYBODY has an agenda!

    When philosophy involving life and death responses to life and death situations are seen as juvenile, as you do see them ... there is nothing I can do to help you understand.

    People DETERMINED to remain clueless are not salvageable.

    Dilbert-2003.08.07      600        .jpg

  7. November 13, 2017

    I think this essay from Jon R. Lott of Fox News carries the point that MANY men feel that it is their moral responsibility to defend the innocent, and if called upon by circumstance to do it, have the means to provide a COMPETENT defense.

    Good guys with guns saving lives

    By John R. Lott | Fox News


    John R. Lott, Jr. is a columnist for FoxNews.com. He is an economist and was formerly chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission.

    “ Stephen Willeford’s heroic actions last Sunday saved many lives at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.  The killer, Devin Kelley, was shooting the wounded when Willeford showed up with a rifle.  Willeford’s quick actions forced Kelley to stop his attack, presumably saving the lives of the twenty wounded and possibly many more.

    The press derided President Trump for saying that Willeford saved many lives with his gun, and that stricter gun control regulations would have only made things worse.

    It is only too bad that someone with a concealed handgun permit wasn’t already at the church.  We may never have heard of the shooting — national news stories are virtually never done on permit holders stopping mass public shootings.

    An article at Fox News this past week mentions four such cases.  It talks about a 1997 shooting at a high school in Pearl, Mississippi; a 2007 church attack in Colorado Springs; and a Chicago Uber driver who in 2015 shot and wounded a man who opened fire on a crowd.  The most recent case was a 2017 church shooting in Antioch, Tennessee.  But those cases just skim the surface. 

    A 2014 FBI report claims that only once between 2000 and 2013 did a concealed handgun permit holder stop a public shooting (they claimed to look at all cases where guns were fired in public that weren’t part of a gang fight or some other crime).  This single case occurred in Winnemucca, Nevada in May 2008, when a customer with a permit fatally shot an attacker who had just killed two people.  They didn’t even include the 2007 church shooting in Colorado Springs, where a killer had already taken two lives at the church before being stopped by a permit holder.      

    A 2014 FBI report claims that only once between 2000 and 2013 did a concealed handgun permit holder stop a public shooting. This false claim just shows how politicized the FBI became under the Obama administration.

    This false claim just shows how politicized the FBI became under the Obama administration.  Many times, police, sheriffs, and prosecutors have gone on the record and credited permit holders with saving many lives.  These attacks didn’t get national news attention, but they would have been on front pages everywhere if a permit holder hadn’t intervened.


    There are countless examples of people using guns in self-defense at their homes or workplaces.  But I want to focus on a much narrower set of cases where permit holders stopped public shootings.  Here are 10 additional recent cases.


    -- Arlington, Texas, May 3, 2017: A police spokesman stated that the concealed handgun permit holder “prevented further loss of life.”   A Dallas Morning News headline read: “‘Hero’ stopped mass murder by crazed bar patron who was armed to the teeth, police say.”


    -- Lyman, South Carolina, June 30, 2016: Just a couple of weeks after the Orlando massacre, 32-year-old Jody Ray Thompson opened fire on another nightclub.  Fortunately, permitted concealed handguns were allowed in South Carolina bars.  Thompson was able to shoot three people before the permit holder fired back and wounded Thompson in the leg.  Fox 5 in Atlanta reports: “At least one South Carolina sheriff are crediting a man with a concealed carry permit with preventing further violence at a nightclub this past Sunday.”


    -- Winton, Ohio, July 26, 2015: A man started shooting at four people who were walking outside on a summer’s evening.  Fortunately, a concealed handgun permit holder fired at the attacker, giving the four people a chance to escape into their home.


    -- Conyers, Georgia, May 31, 2015: A man killed two people at a liquor store and continued shooting at others until a permit holder ran inside and exchanged fire.  The killer then fled the store.  “I believe that if Mr. Scott did not return fire at the suspect then more of those customers would have [been] hit by a gun,” said Rockdale County Sheriff Eric Levett. “So in my opinion he saved other lives in that store.”


    -- New Holland, South Carolina, May 5, 2015: New Holland Fire Department volunteers were hosting a children’s day event with ice cream and fire truck rides, when a man started shooting.  Fortunately, two firemen were permit holders and were able to stop the attack.



    n      Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 22, 2015: A 40-year-old man started shooting at people in a barber shop.  A permit holder who heard the gunfire ran inside and shot the attacker.  “The person who responded was a legal gun permit carrier.  He responded and I guess he saved a lot of people in there,” said Philadelphia Police Captain Frank Llewellyn.


    -- Darby, Pennsylvania, July 24, 2014:  Convicted felon Richard Plotts killed a caseworker at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital and started shooting at Dr. Lee Silverman. Fortunately, the doctor had his own gun and returned fire, critically wounding Plotts, who still had 39 bullets on him.  “Without a doubt, I believe the doctor saved lives,” said Yeadon police chief Donald Molineux.


    -- Chicago, Illinois, July 7, 2014:  Gang members started firing at four people who had just left a party.  The attack started because one of the four people removed a cup of liquor that had been placed on top of her vehicle.  Luckily, one of the four people — a military member — had a permitted concealed handgun and was able to wound the primary attacker.


    -- Portland, Oregon, January 11, 2014: Convicted criminal Thomas Eliot Hjelmeland was ejected from a nightclub but returned 30 minutes later wearing a mask and carrying a gun.  He shot the bouncer who had ejected him, and shot at others.  Two others were wounded, and Hjelmeland was shooting all around the club. A concealed handgun permit holder who worked at the nightclub then fatally shot Hjelmeland.


    And here are just two more cases from 2000 to 2013 — the same period that the FBI claims only had one instance of a permit holder stopping a public shooting.  Again, law enforcement say that permit holders saved lives in both of these cases.


    -- Plymouth, Pennsylvania, September 9, 2012: William Allabaugh shot at people as he walked down the street in Plymouth, Pennsylvania.  He wounded one and killed another.  Permit holder Mark Ktytor fatally shot Allabaugh.   “Mr. [Ktytor] then acted, taking him [Allabaugh] down. We believe that it could have been much worse that night,” said Luzerne County Assistant District Attorney Jarrett Ferentino.


    -- Spartanburg, South Carolina, March 2012: Jesse Gates kicked open a door to a church and pointed a shotgun at the pastor and congregation.  Parishioner Aaron Guyton, a concealed weapons permit holder, got the drop on Gates and held him at gunpoint.  Sheriff Chuck Wright called Aaron and others at the church “everyday heroes.”

    Permit holders haven't just stopped public shootings.  They have stopped everything from public knife attacks to vehicle attacks.


    I haven't found a single case where gun control advocates' fears were borne out by the facts.  In not one of these cases did a permit holder accidentally shoot a bystander, or a police officer accidentally harm a permit holder.

    There are many more of these cases. Imagine how different the gun control debate would be if  some of these heroic permit holders got national coverage. But even the liquor store shooting in Conyers, Georgia couldn’t get national coverage, despite being caught on video.


    The more you learn about these cases, the more you appreciate that mass public shooters have good reason to keep attacking gun-free zones.  These killers might be crazy, but they aren’t stupid.  They realize that the longer it takes for a good guy to arrive with a gun, the more people they can kill. “


    John R. Lott, Jr. is a columnist for FoxNews.com. He is an economist and was formerly chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission. Lott is also a leading expert on guns and op-eds on that issue are done in conjunction with the Crime Prevention Research Center. He is the author of nine books including "More Guns, Less Crime." His latest book is "The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies (August 1, 2016).



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  8. 21 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Hi James. But you know how the illustration from WT magazine said - "Would you drink a water from a glass where most of  water is clear, healthy water but only one drop of poisson??

    And you made another ratio - 15% clear healthy water and 85% of questionable substance :)  

    I am 71 years old, above average intelligence, and have been paying attention for over 50 years ... I know the difference ... and can filter the good from the bad from the ugly.

    Not everybody has these advantages, and these I cry for .... they are being chased away and persecuted from within.

    I analyze the questionable substance. isolate it, and TRY to avoid it.

    Sir Isaac Newton, arguably the smartest natural human that ever lived .... believed as Jehovah's Witnesses do about the 15% Core Truth, based on reason and logic and common sense, and the Bible alone.

    Even he got sidetracked with Alchemy, and politics.



  9. 36 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    )) but that is exactly what JW members doing for decades in the same organization. Not need to left JW and go in different church. :) 

    The reason I still "throw my hat into the ring" with Jehovah's Witnesses, is that I do not expect much from human beings ... and even less when billions of dollars are floating around completely unaccounted for .... but the 15% Core Truths are so VALUABLE, that I am willing to allow "my hat" to be stomped into the mud by those marching to the 85% drivel.

    I will endure it ... but that does not mean I have to like it.

    I like it even less for all those kind, gentle souls who in obeying their natural conscience, have been chased away by the 85% drivel, wielded with a steel fist in a feathered, velvet glove.


  10. This is just ONE of MANY instances in the past few years where the Society's lawyers constantly, consistantly, and without conscience, pervert Justice. 

    Wednesday night we dropped a small check in the contribution box at the Kingdom Hall ... and felt guilty that part of that money would be used to deliberately, and with premeditation ... to pervert Justice.

    Normally, lawyers have a fiduciary responsibility to win at any cost ... and the Society's lawyers are no different. What gives them special "power" is that they are now redefining our core theology based on economic considerations.

    This has already happened, as due to many lawsuits, we are now "allowed" to take into our veins up to 99% of all blood products ... if they put it in separately.

    The REASON it is now a matter of conscience ... is that the Governing Body does NOT want to lose all that money.

    This has all been brought out here on the Archive over, and over, and over ... so I will not beat a dead horse into mush.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are rightfully becoming known in the community of men as extremists ... perverting Justice in many ways ... and this reflects on the reputation of the God whose name is Jehovah.


  11. 20 minutes ago, Anna said:

    This video looks totally stupid......didn't bother watching it....


    To you the video looks totally stupid.  You SUSPECT it is stupid .. but do not KNOW it's stupid.

    I watch these stupid things so I will KNOW they are stupid.

    I hate "sucker punches" by people who might have seen it and argue the points that it is real.

    I KNOW that it is stupid ... and I know WHY it is stupid..

    WHY? is the question that few people ever bother with .... but knowing WHY? will actually make anyone smarter.

    Otherwise we are limping around on our opinions, and not on FACTS.

  12. I understand that Microsoft is coming out with an electric car that is fueled by radioactive plutonium, and it will run for 72 years before the core has to be replaced.   Of course, not many people keep a car for 72 years, and there is some concern that based on Microsoft's history, (like Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 10) every other thing they put out is a bomb.

  13. It seems that every five years, JW organizational policies and Catholic organizational policies get closer and closer to adopting each other's means and methods of doing things.

    They used to ban eating meat on Fridays, we ban eating Turkey on Thanksgiving.

    They have pilgrimages to the Vatican, we have pilgrimages to Warwick, New York.

    They have thousands of huge buildings, and hundreds and hundreds of stone statues of all their saints ...

    .... we have Caleb and Sophia.

    So far, they are ahead of the game, but it's not really a  fair comparison ...

    ... they had a 1700 year head start.

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