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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Very clever. TTH .... Very clever.

    Also another one of your creative absurd personal  "projections", and as usual ... completely and totally irrelevant to any logic, reason, or reality.

    That is why many aspiring novelists have a garage full of their "Vanity Publishing" books.

    Just think of my commentary as new material for your next book.

    THE ROOK   300     .jpg

    Oh... and thanks for the PERFECT "setup".

    Absolutely PERFECT!

    You even mentioned my going back in time, and my six-shooter !

    Your conclusion paragraph needs a rework, however.



  2. It is interesting that the insane responses  above COMPLETELY ignore that at the Passover and the Memorial of Christ's Death .... that at least two Apostles had they very own state of the art (for the time...) portable weapons with them at their meeting place.. (Luke 22:36).

    About the same era. Marcus Aurelius made a statement something like "It is not the purpose of life to be in the majority ... but to avoid being in the ranks of the insane".

    You can always tell who is insane.... they attack the messenger of ideas they don't like ... but never the ideas.

    This is normal, but it is still insane.

  3. 4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    What this case illustrates has nothing to do with guns or no guns.

    What it illustrates is that the world continues to go to hell in a hand-basket and that the stupidist thing anyone can do is to criticize non-stop the Witness organization that educates people as to the significance of it. 

    Incredibly, I know of some who are that stupid.


    I REALLY WANT TO BELIEVE that you are taunting me with the absurdity that you do not get the Meme about what sheep in a field with a "NO WOLVES" allowed sign has to do with gun control efforts by liberal Snowflakes .... but...sigh ... I will assume you do not get it.

    Your comment reminds me of the girl who tells her father " Dad... I'm Pregnant!", and he looks dazed and asks "How did THAT happen?" (Answer: The usual way...).

    You are a smart guy, TTH ... and I find it very VERY hard to believe you cannot make such a simple connection between what is similar between these two Memes. If this is actually TRUE, your natural intelligence has been subverted by external forces, and you are forbidden by agenda to make the connection.

    To help you make the connection I am posting 3 memes 

    1.) Thugs outside a Kingdom Hall "stymied" by a "NO GUN ZONE"" sign

    2.) A bird sitting on a "NO BIRDS" allowed sign

    3.) The grazing sheep in a field with a sign warning wolves they are not allowed in this area, as it is a "WOLF FREE ZONE"

    I believe this also indirectly answers other's additional questions.

    Making Kingdom Halls "Gun Free Zones" ONLY makes professional victims out of everybody inside, as anyone who is going to MURDER ... will be unconcerned with what he is "allowed to do", or NOT "allowed to do".

    I am stunned that I ACTUALLY have to explain this to otherwise functional and presumably rational human beings!


    JW Weapons Ban    CRAP  200     .jpg

    Seagull-Free-Zones    300    .jpg

    That Dumb   300   .jpg.jpg

  4. OK JWI:

    Lets say it is YOUR job to be  official "hall monitor/security" at a Kingdom Hall ... you are sitting in a folding chair at the entrance to the main auditorium, and someone walks through the door with guns blazing, and he somehow misses killing you with the first 15 shots ... You calmly walk up to him and say  " I am sorry sir, but we do not allow people to come into our church with guns", before he shoots you in the throat, and completely severs your spinal column with a bullet.

    You have about 25 seconds to live, and the shooter walks over your paralyzed body and your pool of blood and continues firing. After you realize you will never move again, and your eyesight fades to black .. before you die your hearing still works for the next 15 seconds ... and you hear the screaming and terror of the Brothers and Sisters as they are systematically murdered, maimed and ruined for life.

    Fade to black ..... you are DEAD.

    If you had armed paid security guards AND metal detectors at the Kingdom Hall it would make no difference at all as the shooter came in and "sucker punched" the security guards by shooting them to death in the first 3 seconds.

    Lets assume hypothetically, that a Brother was armed at the Hall, as Jesus' Apostles were at the "Memorial" and Passover, with the weapons of their day, and he sprang up and returned fire and made the shooter hesitate his murder spree, but... the Brother accidentally killed two Witnesses while the shooter was killing dozens.  They just  got caught in the crossfire.  The Brother Killed two by accident ... and prevented 26 from being murdered, and 35 from being badly wounded.

    Your scenarios do not work.

    They are based on wishful thinking, and assumptions NOT a part of contemporary reality.  

    This Saturday Susan and I were  in a CPR/First Aid/Blood-borne Pathogens class where the EMT instructor said that when you dial 911... the average response time IS FOURTEEN MINUTES.

    The theoretical Armed Brother could respond in about six SECONDS, and his bullets responding at approximately 1200 feet per SECOND.

    The reality is that signs that say 'THIS IS A NO GUN ZONE" ...... If they were not so incredibly dangerous in notifying "Bad Guys" they can expect NO real resistance ... do as you will ... would be Hilarious!

    NOTHING can stop Bad Guys with guns ... except Good Guys with guns.  If someone is not afraid of dying, there is no defense without eternal vigilance, and superior firepower, and pure dumb luck.

    And having a Babylonian Police Officer put HIS life on the line for you when at the same time you refuse to defend yourself is complete and total moral bankruptcy.

    .... just another brick in the wall ... of Justice being nothing but words, and common sense being systematically eliminated from the human gene pool by Snowflake political correctness.

    JW Weapons Ban    CRAP 400   .jpg

  5. On May 28, 2017, I posted the following:, which was followed by two pages of comments:

    On 5/27/2017 at 9:54 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    SCENARIO:  You are at a packed Kingdom Hall on Memorial night, and ten minutes into the remembrance talk, six masked people with weapons enter the Kingdom Hall and begin shooting everyone they can, without any conversation.  

    You are shot in the left side of your face and most of those teeth are gone.

    Before you know what is going on twelve Brothers and Sisters have been shot, screaming and panic ensues, and there is blood and bodies and brains all over, and the shooting continues.

    Would it be fitting for a Brother  to use his handgun to return fire on the murderers to try and save his own life, or the lives of his Brothers and Sisters?

    Or, in PubSpeak ... "Would it be fitting for a Christian to keep a firearm, such as a handgun or a rifle, for protection against other humans?" ( July 2017 Watchtower )

    This raises MANY Theocratic, moral, ethical, legal, and Societial policy questions ... all of which have REAL answers. 

    What is the RIGHT thing for a responsible Christian to do?

    Today this is the news.   



    ... pssst .. and to forestall the next moronic observation .. I have an iron-clad alibi.



  6. I might ....  a building is at least a real object ... whereas money is just a symbol representing hours of human labor, skill, and industriousness.

    Or, I might stock op on non-perishable food, water purification devices, medicines,  tools, weapons and ammunition.

    I do not hunt animals, and I do not like to even fish ... but I believe it is a highly desirable skill to have.  

    Those that think this is horrible are completely divorced from reality ... as EVERYTHING that lives has to eat ... and I would rather hunt than take up "grazing".

    The natural order of things, is that about half of all life eats the other half, and even they have to eat plants that are also alive., and this was true many millions of years before "homo theocraticus" ... humans  directly created by God ... came upon the scene.

    Also ... if a loaf of bread is $700 ... and you HAVE $700 ... you eat while others who do NOT have $700 ........ starve to death.

  7. The problem is this ... I visualize words as they come into my mind and try to integrate the picture to see if it is good art (truth) ... and it does not help AT ALL to, just before I go to lunch, to read about a "BAPTISM IN CHILE" . The same thing always bothered me about the "Care to join me in a cup of coffee?" ... as if we would both fit.

    And don't get me started with "Don't Cry for me, Argentina!" from the play EVITA.

  8. Yeah,  when the kids would come to my parents door, we would give them raw eggs and gravel. We would actually reach into their candy bags and take candy OUT, thumping the side of the bag with our forefinger before grabbing some candy, so they thought we were dropping candy. With really young kids we would keep a bowl of firecrackers next to a lit candle on a side table, out of view, and drop a lit firecracker into the bag. About half way to the next house it would blow the bottom of the bag out and they would run. This was frowned on by the local authorities..

    We would go through a subdivision, and before ringing a door bell,  would start unscrewing the porch light bulb. get the candy, and after the door closed, finish unscrewing the light bulbs, and put it in our bags. We left a trail of darkness behind us.  We could not take he light bulbs home as the Parents would know, so we had light bulb battles in the dark, in the middle of the street.

    Nowadays, I just put a sign on my fence, "Our Family Does Not Celebrate Halloween, Please Try Another House", and in 30 years have never had a problem.

  9. I too, was infected with demons, so I know all of the above is true .... what happened to me is incredibly sad ... as I ALSO first turned for help to the Roman Catholic Church, which has a long history of supposedly expelling demons ... and they even have a Holy Office that is in charge of this, worldwide. Such help is available free from the Elders, but at the time, I did no know any better and I paid the Catholic Church $3200 for a bishop from Boston Massachusettes to fly down and perform an exorcism on me.  

    I did not make much money in those years,  so they allowed me to pay $500 down, and I financed the rest for 24 months, at 5% interest, which I thought was reasonable at the time.

    The exorcism was successful and the demons fled my body, but later on I lost my job, and several months after that I could no longer make the agreed upon payments ... and I was repossessed.



  10. What a GREAT Idea!   Selling medallions from the 2017 Annual Meeting!  The Catholics used to sell "Indulgences" ... permissions to sin in advance without church sanctions ..  which is how they financed the construction of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Now that is one tough act to follow!

  11. I think a great sporting event for children would be the sextathalon ( which has nothing to do with sex...) 1.) First you jump out of an airplane at 25,000 feet above the ocean, land in the water, and 2.) swim 11 miles to shore, 3.) run 16 miles along an uphill slope 4.) fight an angry bear with only your diver's knife from the swim, 5.) Read Robert A. Heinlein's book "Starship Troopers", and 6.) take a comprehensive exam on the contents. Then breakfast, and a nap.  

    Sounds to me a GREAT way to get involved with sports without the evils of competing against other humans, as we have been warned against so many times.

    surviving recess   600   .jpg

  12. If you ever get the chance, go to a factory in Hershey, Pennsylvania where they make Milk Duds and ask for the tour. 

    As you get closer to the neighborhood where the factory is, the whole area smells like chocolate. 

    They have a catwalk above the factory floor you can walk on and look over the entire operation without interference,  as the chocolate is rolled into perfect spherical balls, by many millions of Dung Beetles.

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