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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.


    To my mind, the following three things determine the "real answer", in the absence of the elderly brothers who were there, who have all since died, and we cannot sit at their knees and hear how it REALLY happened.

    1.) The story I was told in Honolulu Hawaii, when I was on vacation, about 40 years ago, when I visited a random Kingdom Hall there, and had before never thought about how the name  happened,  did not know any better,  nor did I care at all ... it was only a piece of remembered conversational trivia to me at the time,  and

    2.) JWI's astute comment that the term used at the time was kingdom hall, not Kingdom Hall ... in the manner that a "car wash" is a functional name, and "BOB'S HONOLULU CAR WASH" might be a brand name, or identifying label of WHICH car wash, of many. 

    There could be many public meeting halls in Honolulu, Hawaii ... but only one kingdom hall (at the time...) in Honolulu, Hawaii.

    I can see that from the Society's own quote, it was called a kingdom hall while it was under construction.  and so when the electrified sign was put up, I can visualize the Brothers saying, in effect "What shall we call our new kingdom hall? 

    DUH!  .... It's a kingdom hall ... let's call it a Kingdom Hall !", and

    3.) The Society has a LONG HISTORY, of rewriting the past both in oral presentations, rewriting the bound volumes of the Watchtower, and rewriting electronic copies of older publications to make it many years later APPEAR they were right, when they were flat wrong. 

    The PERFECT example of this is the "Overlapping Generations" insult, to us and to God.

    This is the exact same job Winston Smith had, when he worked in the "Ministry of Truth" in the George Orwell book "1984".

    In order to have a self-appointed Governing Body today, there has to in the realm of PR "Public Relations" spin that shows the wisdom of PAST leaders.

    The easiest way to do this, is to change history, which JWI directly pointed out, and which I also have seen and do see happening incrementally.

    It's blatantly, and to use a word that shows up in the 2013 New World Translation that previously never showed up in any Bible, anywhere in the world, THREE TIMES, including Benjamin Wilson's Emphatic Diaglott, nor the Kingdom Interlinear Translation, nor the previous New World Translations (!) of the Holy Scriptures ... BRAZEN ...  intellectual dishonesty.   

    Brazen intellectual dishonesty ... because they think we are ALL too stupid or uneducated, or both,  to know and understand what that is.

    It tries to be invisible, but not everybody who knows the difference has died off ..... YET.

    As soon as those who know the difference die off .... as soon as those who remember die off ... revised Watchtower history will be the ONLY history the Brotherhood will know, and control will be complete, and like Pavlov's dogs ... when the dinner bell rings ....  automatic salivation begins.

    The motto of the BOOK "1984"''s  "Ministry of Truth",  was "HE WHO CONTROLS THE PAST CONTROLS THE FUTURE".

    It was a WARNING ... and was not supposed to be adopted as a SCRIPT!

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  2. WOW!

    When the people who know die out, the only thing left will be the Snowflake puff pieces, with no one to contradict them.

    People will forget that Caleb and Sophia were once only cartoons invented by TPT, when they are elevated to Saints.


    There are two ways to look at that question, some of it already addressed ... but about 40 years ago I went to Hawaii, and here is what the story I heard was .... Once upon a time all Kingdom Halls were called something else, perhaps meeting places, I do not know. 


    Then, one congregation in Hawaii in the early 1930's started calling their meeting places "Kingdom Hall", and later, about 1935 "Judge" Rutherford visited Hawaii and saw that, and when he went back to Brooklyn or San Diego directed that all meeting places be called "Kingdom Halls".

    I wish I had been paying more attention when this was being told to me by some older brothers, all now dead (their entire generation having passed away by now) , but it was just a piece of trivia, to me, until about 11 to 15 years ago when the annual Watchtower Calendar came out and showed a picture of a Hawaiian Kingdom Hall, that credited Bro. Rutherford with INVENTING the idea, and the first place that was instituted was in Hawaii.

    I pointed this out to my then wife and children, as we had that calendar

    hanging in our kitchen and the caption stated what directly contradicted what I thought I knew.

    So now we have two completely different stories .... close .... but no banana.

    NOW.. I think I will try to have Mr. Google find out for me.

    It's just like the Big Bang!I do not have Polaroids, and I wasn't there.

    But without more evidence, I believe the Hawaiian Brothers ... NOT the calendar.

    Oh, and the software is screwing up my formatting, etc.

     I suspect JWI would have a better answer.




    15 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    I will be keeping up to date with all this within Christianity, if anything of interest does come up, I will post because with what is in motion right now is of concern.

    Good!, and I will try to do MY part. I will stand in my back yard every night, with a pair of binoculars, looking at the sky toward Mother Russia, and if I see any incoming Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles coming in from over the North Pole I will let you know.

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  4. I always have nails handy .... sometimes when I am watching TV I eat a half- bowl of nails .... they have plenty of iron, and I like the way sparks come off of my teeth in the darkened room. Sometimes I break rocks  with my fingers and sprinkle the sand on the nails, like putting cheese on a Pizza.

    Ever wonder why there are no Dinosaurs anywhere on Earth?

    ... that was me..

  5. When my dog Cubby died several years ago, I put her obituary here on the Archive, but when they switched formats or providers (?) her picture was lost.  She died of eye cancer spread to her intestines. She was  a wonderful dog, and I taught her to play the card game "Poker". 

    She was very loving and affectionate, but not very smart ... when playing Poker, every time she got good cards, she would wag her tail.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Queen Esther said:

    A drop of water lies on the tops of these elevations, like a fakir on a nailboard.

    Before I left my mother's home, growing up in Virginia, I had heard about the Indian Fakirs sleeping on a bed of sharp nails, and as I wanted to be a tough guy, I made one for me with a 4'x8" sheet of plywood, and about two thousand nails. 

    There were problems during the "adjustment period", however, as the anxiety made me wet the bed, and the nails were getting rusty, it was SO hard to get fitted sheets, and the screaming kept my mother awake at night.

  7. Space Merchants have a particular liability from "Galactic Transport Relief Agents", an up and coming field predominately dominated by males, who use REALLY COOL lasers to lighten loads from Interstellar Cargo ships.

    You may know them as "Pirates", but that is soOooo judgemental.

    ... may have to throw you out the Airlock ....


  8. trombonek:

    I have seen that kind of wound ... usually just the back of the head "disappears" from the combustion gasses following the FMJ bullet, and the eardrums rupture outwards.

    If you are not a Snowflake, it's an important movie to see ....

    The Drill Sgt's mistake was coming to a gun fight with nothing but arrogance.

    ..one of HUNDREDS of lessons that can be learned from this movie.

  9. I have NO IDEA what this actually means, and of course, because EVERYTHING is a "Military Secret" the Watchtower WOULD tell us ... but then they would have to kill us all!

     I used to work as a Contractor for the Department of Energy, USA, and that was a favorite joke. 

    I would be working at my desk, and feel somebody behind me, and turn around to see a soldier in full battle dress, with an attack dog by his side, which was always a surprise, as he had been watching me for some time, silently ... my startled comment was "Can I pet your dog?"

    He replied "I wouldn't do that, sir."

    It is in this environment that driving from one building to another, there  was a billboard on the side of the road "FEED A SHREDDER ... STARVE A SPY", AND we used to OCCASIONALLY say to each other , humor intended, to anybody that wanted more than a half-sentence explanation about something ....  "I would tell you... but then I would have to kill you !"

    We would grin .. and looking around, laugh a nervous laugh.

    With that in mind, my first sentence was merely a joke ..... well ... uh .... "some" of it.

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  10. 15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    There are no legal loopholes in court because if it is legal, it is not a loophold. It is a chaotic and inconsistent system, not of our doing, and one must operate according to whatever flies legally. I'd rather not see such things play out in the courts, but if they do, most people realize that lawyers will do what lawyers have to do given the adversarial system they operate in

    Same with World War Two ... but I am not exonerating either aggressors or defenders when they "will do what they have to do".

    BOTH SIDES in OUR court cases are supposed to be seeking JUSTICE.

    If WE are "allowed" to subvert Justice ... we CANNOT GRIPE because they do, too.

    If WE are "allowed" to subvert Justice to win .... we did not really win.

    Not really.

    We saved money but became moral losers.

    Saving a hundred million dollars is not "winning", if we had to subvert Justice to save the money.

    I suspect there was more accountability when dueling was legal.

  11. I love that expression "Seize the Day!" My wife and I used it as a morning goodbye when I used to drop her off at work every morning ( she retired last week...).  We used the Latin Version "Carpe Diem".

    When I was an engineering contractor, my motto was "Carpe Per Diem"

    Everything comes to he who waits ... and hustles while he waits.

  12. 10 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    I am afraid you are correct about that ... so I have decided to write the Russian Embassy in Washington DC ... and the Governing Body in Warwick, New York, asking BOTH for English Language Transcripts, with a link to this thread for context, and see who, if anybody responds.  I am also going to enclose a check for twenty dollars, each ... and ALSO see who does and does not cash the checks.

    It will probably be Monday next when I get to it.

    I will post the results, if any, here.

    As a precaution, I will also try to find some SPF 5 Million sun tan lotion.


    20 minutes ago, Anna said:

    Never know with you, are you actually being serious?

    I was kidding about the SPF 5 Million sun tan lotion .... only.

    It was a joke about the loving, kind retribution I expect to get locally.

    As a matter of dealing with the WTB&TS and the GB ...  and secular authorities over many, many years, I suspect the Russian Embassy will not cash the check but will send me an English Transcript of the Supreme Court decisions.

    It will probably take about two months.

    I suspect the Society will NOT send a transcript in ANY language, but will cash the check.

    From the Society, I suspect I  will get a form letter thanking me for my contribution, and not mention me asking for the transcripts,  in about three months, but the check will clear in about three weeks.

    All of this is based on historical experiences ...

    What will really happen I don't know ... of course.


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