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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Jehovah has NEVER changed ... although he has changed his mind many times when entreated to do so, and he DOES "learn as he goes along".

    He was genuinely surprised when children were offered to the fires of the god Moloch as human sacrifices, and before that there was of course ... the dinosaurs ... which did not end well, for them.

    And the name "Jehovah" is in ENGLISH, a standard convention since about AD 1600 when the letter "J" was invented, and the name is different in different languages, the same as Jesus' name is different in different languages.

    I under understand in Spanish my name James is pronounced HIGH-ME, or Santiago ....

    Who knew?


  2. 28 minutes ago, tromboneck said:

    WE are both retired and losing our minds. Other than that we are doing OK.

    Take up skydiving ... when you get older it's more fun.

    The worst that can happen is you miss 10 years in a wheelchair, drooling, and waiting for a nurse to lift one side up to pass gas.

    If I had the money, I would take it up again. ( insert "wailing and lamentation " here ....), and of course ... buy a Helicopter.

    I think ex-President George Bush (41) made a tandem jump at age 90.

  3. We have been married a little over three years, now, and are both compulsive readers, and have a LOT of house and yard projects, so we are never bored, and we are taking classes to adopt some teenagers ... but I encourage people to think I am losing my mind, as instead of "Lock him up!", they say "Oh, pshaw! ... he's just LIKE THAT! "

    The references we needed for the adoption process paperwork thought we had BOTH lost our minds.

    It takes 25 Man-YEARS of witnessing to bring someone into the TRUTH who will stay his whole life ... it's quicker to "have kids", and raise them properly.

    MUCH quicker.


  4. Doing just fine, tromboneck, My wife retired today from her High School Algebra teaching, and after several naps we are planning on spending a lot of time reading, and doing projects ... if we remember.

    Did you ever find out about Jim Martin?

    How are you and yours doing?

  5. The whole point of Crimson Trace Laser Grips is for that NOT to happen, by making EVERY space around me a safe space.

    "Yea though I walk through the valley and shadow of death, I need fear no evil, for I am alert, know my enemies,  and have superior firepower ..." (paraphrased).

  6. I understand what I read ... whereas you do not.

    It's stereotypical typical Lawyer strategy. As subtle as a red flare in the night sky.

    Now documented for all the world to see, as a source of shame for the Brotherhood ... IF ...  if they knew about it.

    For the most part ... they do not.

    Through Official Channels, we ONLY get news that makes the Organization look GOOD!

    ... and that is a FACT.

    In my opinion ... that is the REAL reason why the JW YEARBOOK is no longer going to be published, starting in 2018. 

    Absolutely NO WAY to "spin" what is going on in Russia, and Australia, etc., etc., etc .... ad nauseum.

    Google is causing the whole ball of string to unravel, and EVERYTHING is becoming exposed.


  7. I think the angel whose job it was to teach Adam and Ever correct theology was originally named "Lucifer" which I understand means "Bearer of Light" ... but when he committed treason and rebelled against God, and lied to them ... his name changed to "Satan" which I understand means "Slanderer" ... but I am going from 50 year old memory.

    So... angelic creatures can change names also ... and be reclassified WITH that name change ...from angels of God, to demons.

    The principle of "job change --> name change"  has plenty of examples.



    Excerpt from the above news article:

    14 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Then, last year in the Padron case, a different superior court judge, Richard Strauss, followed the appellate court's advice and instead of issuing terminating sanctions imposed $4000 daily sanctions on the Watchtower for refusing to turn over the documents that Padron's attorneys had requested.

    Again, Watchtower's attorneys filed an appeal.

    Also, in Delaware, a similar case was being adjudicated, and the Court stopped the Society's Lawyers from changing the venue to a county where the court system was overloaded and the trial would not take place for YEARS. Their startegy is to wear out any seekers of justice and to bankrupt them.

    They KNOW what Justice is ... but to not hemorrhage MONEY, pervert it in every way possible. The Lawyers and accountants are now deciding what is proper theocratic protocol, and that has been the case since the "rise of the Governing Body".

    Spend about an hour reading the sad history of this case on Google.

    Just Google "Jehovah's Witnesses vs State of Delaware".

    Read it and weep!

  9. 4 minutes ago, Gone Fishing said:

    Why don't you apply the same level of scrutiny of detail to this report as you do to the activities of the Governing Body of the religious organisation you claim top represent? And at least give us the benefit of your formidable powers of hypocrisy and fake news detection in regard to this report?

    ... because as a younger man I did just that ... and got form letters back that did not even remotely address my concerns, or they disappeared into the miasma without notice.

    I even sent ALL the Governing Body Members Certified letters, return receipt requested, SO I KNOW THEY GOT THEM ..

    I even sent letters to them  with checks enclosed, which they cashed, and down at the bottom of the form letter reply was the caveat that they were not responsible for anything for the donation.

    ..and that is indeed what I got.


    I hope that accurately answers your question.


    and plenty of examples of that in the Bible, too.

    Sometimes they were interchangeable, sometimes not.

    In our cultural background , Superman is REALLY Superman, but his birth name was Kal-El, and he also goes by Clark Kent.

    Bruce Wayne is...uh ... Bruce Wayne and he goes by the name Batman, but is also called The Dark Knight.

    If you had two cows named, and  described in great detail ... as Michael the Archangel, and Jesus both were ... BY WHAT THEY WERE ABLE TO DO ...and it was the same description ... AND the farm could only have one cow ... the most reasonable explanation would be it was the same cow.

    Problems arise when you try to milk a squirrel to make butter.


  11. I get a perverse pleasure in watching these self inflicted semantics traps.

    It reminds me of the Prisoner sitting cross-legged on the floor of a  large domed bird cage ... filthy, and in rags, starved almost to death,  holding out gold coins and letting them through his fingers to the pile of coins between his legs, over, and over and over, all day ... and the key to the lock on the cage door is on a cord around his neck.

    For you see ... the cage is not to keep him in ... but to keep YOU out.

    But hey ... THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT !

  12. Children wail because they NEED something ... food, shelter, being made clean, security, comfort ... always being told the truth ... etc.

    As adults, it is our JOB to meet the needs of our children, and to teach them what is important, and what is drivel.

    If we are not meeting a child's needs ... or even if we are adults not meeting the needs of OTHER adults ....  their REAL needs ... not agenda driven policy requirements, and 85% DRIVEL .... how DARE we refer to ourselves as "Ministers"

    The proper word is "Overlords".

  13. When thinking about Russia, and the continuous chain of court cases that show our abandonment of basic decency, kindness, compassion and ... Justice .... for money ....


    ...remember that Jehovah once used the Babylonian armies to chastise HIS OWN PEOPLE UNTO DEATH !

    ... for similar things.

    However, we have the institutional advantage through years of training ...

    The Incredibility Gap is equally matched ... by our Gullibility Fill.



  14. On 5/13/2017 at 5:48 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    " I am still waiting for an honest, Word-for-word translation of the JW Russian court trials from the Society, in English, but hopefully in all languages that they normally translate into. "

    In every court case in this Century, the Society has created an INCREDIBLE "Credibility Gap" ( ... an Incredibility Gap?), and have been found, as even a cursory reading of transcripts has shown, to be liars, (Australian ARC child abuse hearings) duplicitous, (California court cases) and actually working AGAINST the sane principles of Justice

    ... FOR MONEY!

    My original post, quoted here was SIX MONTHS AGO, TO THE DAY ....and how much explanation did the Brotherhood get from the Society for $80 MILLION DOLLARS, and perhaps 20 MILLION hours of letter writing since then?

    The 2017 Annual Meeting was somewhere around 4-1/2 HOURS.

    How much was said about our being banned from a major portion of the planet's surface?

    Was it enough for YOU?


    Why should ANYBODY in their right mind ... trust us?



  15. image.png

    From the Newspaper the “San Diego Reader” - October 12, 2017

    Jehovah's Witnesses look in other direction

    Lawyers for religious group argue against daily fines in sex-abuse case

    Attorneys for the Jehovah's Witness church appeared before a state appellate court yesterday (October 11) in hopes of overturning the $4000 daily sanctions that a trial court ordered them to pay for refusing to turn over documents in one of two sex-abuse cases.


    Osbaldo Padron, a former parishioner of the Linda Vista Jehovah's Witness congregation, filed his lawsuit against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, JehovahÂ’s WitnessesÂ’ governing body, in 2013. Padron was one of seven people who sued the kingdom over sexual abuse they suffered by a former church elder, Gonzalo Campos.

    As detailed in an August 30 Reader article, Campos admitted to molesting seven children from 1982 to 1999. Despite his admission, church elders agreed to let Campos rejoin the congregation after a four-year expulsion.


    In a 1999 letter, Linda Vista church elder Eduardo Chavez argued for reinstating Campos. He wrote, “In our meeting with him he said he was very repentant for what he did. He stated that he wanted to return to Jehovah. He is willing to face the victims and ask their forgiveness. He now wants to obey Jehovah. Before, when he would speak to people on the platform he would not meditate on what he was doing. Although he needed to confess, he felt shameful and had fear of mankind. He would deceive himself thinking that he could continue serving as an elder. Now he realized that he could not change without help. Ever since his expulsion he has not abused anyone."


    In 2010, five victims sued the Watchtower for allowing Campos to serve as an elder despite having knowledge that he molested several children in the congregation. Watchtower settled that case in 2012. The terms of the settlement as well as the evidence against the Watchtower were sealed.


    Two more victims, Padron and José Lopez, followed suit.


    In 2013, San Diego Superior Court judge Joan Lewis ordered Watchtower to pay $13.5 million for repeatedly refusing to turn over documents that showed the church was aware of sexual abuse and did nothing to stop it.


    Attorneys for the Watchtower filed an appeal. They argued that Judge Lewis had acted too soon in issuing the $13.5 million in sanctions and instead the trial court should have imposed less severe sanctions. The appellate court agreed.


    In their ruling, the justices wrote, "We conclude the court erred in ordering terminating sanctions because there was no evidence that lesser sanctions would have failed to obtain Watchtower's compliance with the document production order and because there were other possible sanctions that could have effectively remedied the discovery violation. On remand, the court has broad discretion to start with a different sanction that does not wholly eliminate Watchtower's right to a trial."


    Then, last year in the Padron case, a different superior court judge, Richard Strauss, followed the appellate court's advice and instead of issuing terminating sanctions imposed $4000 daily sanctions on the Watchtower for refusing to turn over the documents that Padron's attorneys had requested.

    Again, Watchtower's attorneys filed an appeal.


    On October 11, those attorneys appeared before the Fourth District Appellate Court to argue that the trial court was wrong to issue daily sanctions — exactly what they had argued for in the appellate court Lopez case just months prior.


    Justice Richard Huffman did not hide his displeasure that Watchtower's attorneys were arguing against what they had previously supported to the same court.

    "You can't have it both ways," Huffman said during argument. "[The Lopez] ruling has come around to bite you and now you're saying, 'not fair, not fair.' You were headed in one direction before and now youÂ’re headed another way. It's a breathtaking position to listen to."

    The appellate court has 90 days to issue its formal ruling."


    Our donations are being used to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE !


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