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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 27 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Do you know what he thinks PETA stands for, an organization of which I am a card carrying member? People Eating Tasty Animals !! Such men should not be allowed to exist!

    Careful there Tom .... if a reasonable man would believe you were serious, that would justify a preemptive strike.

    And I already have six Ninjas stationed in your house.  They are experts at being invisible.

    Ninja Parade   520   .jpg

  2. Beautiful Dog!

    To be fair ... Green Dragons have the same reaction when they try to eat me .... not only is my flesh inedible, (much too tough!) ... but difficult to chew with a head full of bullet holes.

    I have an arrangement with the Orange Dragons.

    They don't try to bite me,

    I don't shoot them.

  3. AllenSmith:

    Your other questions I have answered... you just didn't LIKE the answers.

    As to what is the difference between a passport APPLICATION and a Passport?

    Try not signing the passport APPLICATION  and you will not get a PASSPORT.

    When you travel internationally, or return to your home country and they ask to see your Passport ....

    ...just show them your unsigned APPLICATION.

    ... and make sure you have a toothbrush with you, as I don't think they give you one in Prison.

    DIFFERENT SUBJECT:    In Romans 13:1-3, the Scripture you quoted "right" is defined by the governments and the word was used differently than what we usually think of "right" being, today. 

    A good example of that is (as always) Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich.

    Do you actually think that Jehovah installed and blessed the Hitler Government?

    No. He did that himself with bayonets and rifles.

    Think about it.



    Then, think about what is going on now in Russia.




    Oh, and I am NOT a member of the NRA, nor do I contribute money to them, and even if I were, and did, they DO NOT REQUIRE ANY OATH OF ALLEGIANCE or fealty, to them or the USA or the Constitution.

    I just admire MANY ... not all .... of the things they stand for and do.




  4. Please provide one "sniff and sob" comment I have ever made, complaining that "nobody understands me".

    ...you are PROJECTING again, TTH ....

    It's amazing that projected beams of light do not come out of your eyes ... but, about that I am only guessing.

    (Ever notice that dogs and their owners often begin to look alike?)

    Tom Harley's Dog Projector  400   .jpg

  5. The fact is... at the end of the Book "1984", Winston Smith was still alive ....

    14 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:
      7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    My guess is that you DID NOT read the book ... that you only saw the movie. If you DID read the book, you had no comprehension of what was really going on...In the Book, Winston Smith does NOT die.

    And TTH ... just because I have told you everything that you know about me ... does NOT mean you know what I know, and what I have  seen with my own eyes.

    I envy you.

  6. To some people Rap "Music" is harmonious.

    I like bagpipe music, but many people think someone is squeezing a cat to death.

    IN CONTEXT of the people living at the time ... a grandmother ... a mother ... and her daughter .... were THREE generations.

    YES THEY DO OVERLAP ... but they are still ... still ... THREE generations ... not ONE generation.

    This has historically ALWAYS been the case ... it is the case now, and always will be the case, all over the world, and in every ... EVERY ... culture.

    ... except OURS ... here and now ... and ONLY because false prophesy needs to be "explained away" so the money does not stop rolling in.

    Clown CEO   900   .jpg

  7. Allen, with respect to your FIRST accusation ... which by the way, PROVES the point I was making :

    Who is James T. Rook, Jr.   - 500   -    .jpg

    Your selective quoting was specifically designed to be a slander to either him or me.  Here is his reply, which was posted WITH the above question ... but that you deliberately left out in order to mislead.

    " Dear Reader,

    I get many comments about Brother Rook. I think maybe his American “style” and brutal honesty at times can set Europeans and others “on edge” to say the least.

    I think most just lack the ability to understand his humor.  Especially the French. (j/k… you all know I love France… I’d live there if I could)

    Humor has never translated well into other languages. Brother Rook, has been around here for years now and has many insights and life experience to share as well as “keeping me and other editors on here honest” with fact checking etc. (He is not one to take a story at face-value)

    He wasn’t being disrespectful.


    The Librarian

    p.s. - To be honest, Rook has come close to irritating me a few times… there was one day a while back when EVERY COMMENT for like a week was some sarcastic witty ‘something" and I was in a bad mood without eating for awhile. But in the end, Love is what? “long-suffering, kind, does not look for it’s own interests….” you get the idea.

    Most days though he calls it like it is.

    “Keep putting up with one another”….. I think I have a talk about that somewhere…. ;-)"

    In making the comparison ... Arther Godfrey was a HIGHLY respected Television host in the 1950's, and the Librarian was right ... I was NOT being disrespectful ... AND he correctly discerned that it was merely an attempt on my part to be FUNNY.

    Since you do not HAVE a sense of humor, naturally both points were lost on you, AllenSmith.

    4 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

    So, whats the difference with passports?

    First of all, the photos I posted of the GB at the time were not passports ... they were passport APPLICATIONS, and on each and every one the GB swore allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, and solemnly swore, before God, to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    If you or I had done that, we would be disfellowshipped.

    Think of it ... the leadership of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society swearing before God to protect and DEFEND the Constitution against the likes of Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Emperor Hirohito, and any others seeking to overthrow the Constitution.

    That does NOT involve reading them scriptures from behind a bullet scarred concrete wall.

    THE DIFFERENCE between that, and the NRA ... is that I have not sworn allegiance to the Constitution, and the NRA has not asked me to, and will not ask me to.

    The WTB&TS Leadership has not only sworn allegiance to the Constitution, but solemnly sworn to DEFEND IT! .... against all enemies.

    ONE of those "enemies" is Jehovah God, who will will overthrow it, and install his Christ as King.

    What's wrong with THAT picture?

    And AllenSmith ... these facts are not an attack on you ... they are an attack on your goofy perspective.

    You are probably OTHERWISE a very fine Brother ... whereas all I claim to be is a Barbarian interested in Justice and Fairness.

  8. Thank you for that Video ... some GREAT ideas. 

    in 2012 I had four Huskies ... unfortunately, since then three have died. 

    I have accumulated dogs since then and have six now ... but only one Husky.



  9. 6 minutes ago, john simumba said:

    Mr. Administrator please please please remove my account from this forum.Darkness and Light cannot mix..Whoever knows they are in light should immediately close their accounts.The bible warns all of us not to be sharers with demons.Can you conduct a study to a demon or teach the truth to an apostate?'My people move out of Babylon the great and do not touch anything that represents her....'

    The following are submitted without comment .....

    Russell Passport Application  500 .jpg

    RutherfordPassport 500 .jpg

    KnorrPassportaa 500 .jpg

    KnorrPassportaa 500 .jpg

    HenschelPassport  500 .jpg

    FFranzPassport 500 .jpg

  10. "1984" was written just after World War II, when with fire, and blood and steel global tyranny at the hand of the Nazis was just barely averted, and at GREAT cost ... yet the Soviet Union was in it's ascendancy, and was actively building a civilization based on the horrors exemplified in the book "1984".

    The reason this book is studied, to the best of my knowledge in EVERY good Public High School in the United States, is that we learn to recognize that "Ministrys of TRUTH" are not what they are are labeled, and neither are Ministrys of LOVE".

    It is not even unusual that tyranny always adopts the same methods ... it has been so since there were tribal witch doctors running the local "theocracy" ... and it is true now across a BROAD SPECTRUM of human organization and experience.

    Hence the expression ... "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing"


  11. TTH:

    My guess is that you DID NOT read the book ... that you only saw the movie. 

    If you DID read the book, you had no comprehension of what was really going on, or what it was REALLY about, as you have demonstrated about almost every post I have ever made, here.

    In the Book, Winston Smith does NOT die.

    If he had been killed, the State would NOT have triumphed.  The goal of the State was to reduce him to a totally obedient slave, where even in his innermost thoughts ... he loved BIG BROTHER. 

    They were successful in this... THEY WON ... and he lost.

    His personality had been SO DESTROYED that even suicide was not an option available to him.

    He had been figuratively killed, as his capacity for independent thought  had been COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY erased.


    Big Brother spent years monitoring Winston Smith, and spent a lot of time and effort to 're-educate him" so he would be an effective tool in rewriting history, as we are dong now by going back and CHANGING Watchtower statements of many years ago, in all electronic versions. 


    They could have shot him in 3/8 of a second ... but that would not have been the "loving thing to do".

    He had to be publicly CRUSHED and his mind obliterated.

    After all, his destruction as an individual  was accomplished by the "MINISTRY OF LOVE".



  12. If for the purposes of political correctness, being generally "agreeable", and not wanting to be labeled an apostate, you bend your mind into a pretzel and enter a cow into the Kentucky Derby ... no good will come of it.

    You will NOT win ... and your life will have been wasted on fantasies.

    ... and, it ruins the milk.

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