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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    The truth was bitterly resisted long before any 'drivel' came along.

    Yes, but only by those whose income or power to control that money was affected by it, and those they were able to delude, or cut in on a "piece of the action".

    Honest hearted people RESIST when they find dog poop in their salad, and go elsewhere.

  2. 38 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Seven years ago an evangelical preacher researched and published the truth about the cross. It was a sensation. ABC went on and on about the article. If Jehovah's Witnesses had said it (as they have) the article would not line the bottom of their birdcage. It matters little what is said - what matters is who says it.

    It is a crying shame that we whose core theology is true and wholesome have lost ALL credibility because of the 85% drivel that surrounds it.

    If we had not surrounded TRUTH in a swaddling cloth of drivel and fantasy, we would not have to spend 25 man-years knocking on doors to get ONE convert who will stay his whole life.

    We would not have to spend billions of hours knocking on THEIR doors .... a billion of them would be knocking on OURS.




  3. 6 hours ago, Colin Browne said:

    For instance, it matters not whether Adam were created with or without navels.

    I agree, that in the 'grand scheme of things" it does not matter ... but NOT KNOWING that a navel is the result of a scar when the umbilical cord is cut close to the baby's body, and it eventually falls off,  is pretty pathetic for any normal adult.

    And in conversation, when asked as a curiosity whether or not Adam and Eve had a navel, not being able to reason why he could NOT have a navel compounds the pathos, for any normal adult.

    You would NATURALLY know, for an absolute certainty ... the fact that you PROFESS to not care makes EVERYTHING wonderful !

    Next thing you know, you are consumed by an orgasmic fantasy that is completely divorced from reality.

    For Adam and Eve, direct creations of Jehovah God, there was no umbilical cord to cut, therefor ... no scar.

    The "navel" issue is but the first  few inches on a long and slippery slope ... if you think considering it, and not knowing the right answer, is unimportant.






  4. I have often wondered what would happen if I landed on the Warwick front lawn in a helicopter,  showed up at the Lobby, unannounced, with several Halliburton #103 aluminum suitcases filled with hundred dollar bills, opened them and showed the money to the receptionist, and asked to see one of the Governing Body for a special, personal, guided tour of the new Headquarters facility.

    Think they could fit me in the same morning?

  5. 2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    How much more ridiculous to say it happened with 4 hours per week.

    College does not propose that education there is vital to 1.) please the Almighty God, and  2.) if you don't, you DIE.

    A BIG carrot, and a BIG stick ....... works better.

    Of course, SOME brainwashing is necessary and good, and some INTENDS to be but fails along the way .. and some is evil.

    Infinite Variety.

  6. Well. I have said it before MANY times ... many MANY times ... it is much simpler if you remember this BASIC rule, which also applies (of course!) to the Gazebo.


    ( I would like to see them TRY to make me delete photos from MY camera ...)

    I used to tell my daughter when she was dating some Bro., who turned out to be interested in only what HE wanted ... always have a cell phone, and emergency money for "cab fare" home.

    The pitiful  sadness of it all is this .... whether or not the story is true, or not true, or partially true ... it is COMPLETELY believable.


    hELP IS ON THE WAY   700  .JPG  500 .jpg

  7. Saturday, October 10, 2017

    At the televised Annual Meeting today at the Kingdom Hall the last four speakers were

    1. GB member Samuel Herd

    2. GB Member Stephen Lett

    3. GB Member Geoffery Jackson, and

    4. GB Member Anthony Morris III.

    I THINK I heard Bo. Morris say that starting January 1st, 2018 ( among many other things...) each issue of the Watchtower would be on ONE subject ONLY, and that as a carpenter uses the same tools in his toolbox, over and over, that the Watchtower was only going to be ONE issue a YEAR.

    Did I hear that correctly?




  8. 25 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Stick with what we have authorised; you will be safe.

    Sometimes in life ... you get the Bear ... sometimes the Bear gets you.

    In a car group with the smartest brother in my Kingdom Hall, we were discussing all the MASSIVE Internet presence of the Society, nowadays, between return visits, and I mentioned (paraphrased) "Yeah, I remember when anyone who had an Internet connection was called in and chastised ..... " .

    He thought for a moment and said " ...... yeah ......".

    It is a difficult spot to be in, when the people that occasionally have GOOD ADVICE ... have squandered their credibility on drivel, like TPT has.


  9. .

    Unless there is OVERWHELMING HARD EVIDENCE, never assume someone elses' motive ... it may be stranger than our ability to imagine.

    In Las Vegas this week, a man stole a truck because the keys had been left in the ignition.

    If he had been one of Jehovah's Witnesses he would have been charged with stealing a truck, and bringing reproach on the Congregation, the Corporation, and perhaps even Jehovah's Name, and would be guilty ... because he WAS guilty ... and he was ALSO completely unrepentant, and could NEVER be repentant.

    A mentally diseased thief, completely unrepentant .... an Apostate whose morality is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than that of the Governing Body ... disfellowshipped, thrown out and shunned.

    The fact that he used that stolen truck to carry Las Vegas massacre wounded and dying to the hospital, over and over, under a rain of gunfire, would have been completely immaterial.



  10. If a roving band of thugs broke into the offices of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in rural New York State and started smashing things and wounding, perhaps killing them, and taking hostages  .... [ like a video I saw on YouTube of a roving band of thugs breaking into a Kingdom Hall with a meeting in progress and they took over the platform and the building ... ... which the thugs THEMSELVES video taped .. (and was later used as evidence against them) ].  I guarantee the first thing that would happen is that the Governing Body would call the New York State Troopers with their SWAT team and there .. in as little as a half hour ... the facility would be SWARMING with police armed with handguns, assault rifles, machine guns, smoke grenades, "flash-bangs" ... possibly a robot with a grenade on the end of its extended arm to poke a BG (bad guy) in the chest with, etc.

    The WTB&TS has investments in "hive mind" robot drones that talk to each other to select targets after they are dropped en masse from an airplane over targets.

    We have a mindset that we should be sheep suitable for shearing and being eaten ... but if we NEED some killing done, it's morally correct to sub-contract it to local police or the military.

    This screwball morality was PERFECTLY illustrated in last weeks gunman massacre in Los Vegas.

    (placekeeper until I find my notes...)

    ( Ahem ... continuing on .... )

    In Las Vegas this week, a man stole a truck because the keys had been left in the ignition.

    If he had been one of Jehovah's Witnesses he would have been charged by Congregational judicial committee with stealing a truck, and bringing reproach on the Congregation, the Corporation, and perhaps even Jehovah's Name, and would be guilty ... because he WAS guilty of stealing that truck ... and he was ALSO completely unrepentant, and  ...... could NEVER be repentant.

    A mentally diseased thief, completely unrepentant .... an Apostate whose morality is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than that of the Governing Body ... disfellowshipped, thrown out and shunned.

    The fact that he used that stolen truck to carry Las Vegas massacre wounded and dying to the hospital, over and over, under a rain of gunfire, would have been completely immaterial.





  11. 10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    What a responsible use of resources - @James Thomas Rook Jr. will agree with me on this, for he is not a selfish person who thinks only of himself - to consolidate where need be, even to shut 'underperforming' buildings - so that the good of the worldwide congregation of God is realized, even if it means a longer twice-a-week commute for some who lovingly acquiesce to this financially responsible direction.

    It appears that you are PROJECTING again, TTH ....it has NOTHING to do with me.

    Uh .... "underperforming" buildings?


  12. From Wikipedia:

    " The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. The trials resulted in the executions of twenty people, fourteen of them women, and all but one by hanging. Five others (including two infant children) died in prison.

    Twelve other women had previously been executed in Massachusetts and Connecticut during the 17th century. Despite being generally known as the Salem Witch Trials, the preliminary hearings in 1692 were conducted in several towns: Salem Village (now Danvers), Salem Town, Ipswich, and Andover. The most infamous trials were conducted by the Court of Oyer and Terminer in 1692 in Salem Town.

    The episode is one of Colonial America's most notorious cases of mass hysteria. It has been used in political rhetoric and popular literature as a vivid cautionary tale about the dangers of isolationism, religious extremism, false accusations, and lapses in due process.[1] It was not unique, but a Colonial American example of the much broader phenomenon of witch trials in the early modern period, which took place also in Europe. Many historians consider the lasting effects of the trials to have been highly influential in subsequent United States history. According to historian George Lincoln Burr, "the Salem witchcraft was the rock on which the theocracy shattered."[2]

    At the 300th anniversary events in 1992 to commemorate the victims of the trials, a park was dedicated in Salem and a memorial in Danvers. In November 2001, the Massachusetts legislature passed an act exonerating all of those convicted and listing them by name, including some persons left out of earlier actions. In January 2016, the University of Virginia announced its Gallows Hill Project team had determined the execution site in Salem, where the nineteen "witches" had been hanged. The city owns the site and is planning a memorial to the victims.[3]""

    ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................Appellate Court Rules to Keep Dennis Christensen in Pretrial Detention?                                                                                                   Of course!

    ... merely the same old serenade where the second verse, is same as the first.


  13. 7 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I'm not sure exactly what you posted or if it means that I owe you an apology, but if it does, then I do. It was the other fellow I was speaking to mostly - I just brought you in for the purpose of background serenade.

    In Salem, Massachusetts, they once burned women alive at the stake, and hung them by the neck until dead ... not because they were guilty of witchcraft, but because it was a Saturday night, she owned a black cat,  and they were bored, and had nothing better to do.


    .... a background serenade of mass hysteria to an otherwise well spent life.

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