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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 17 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    .... and your newfound friend @James Thomas Rook Jr. has even rebuked us for that, (in a thread that was before you came around) saying a real man should always be armed.

    What I said  (paraphrased) was that a man has the RESPONSIBILITY to provide for himself, and his family, and those he can  ... and that includes food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education both temporal and spiritual, and DEFENSE of those same people.

    An incompetent defense IS NOT A DEFENSE.

    Before you can be a Theocratic Man, you must FIRST be a Man.

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    Do not be caught up in the mass hysteria of the un-examined liberal mind, who project their fears on you ... and blame you for resisting their insanity.



  2. On 9/27/2017 at 3:12 PM, Julie Bayley said:

    Another article on the subject.......... "The Peace & Security of Europe held hostage by Islamic Turkey"

    How about a Ramadan Chicken, that pecks toward Mecca?

  3. I agree with Gone Fishing ... unless there is OVERWHELMING HARD EVIDENCE, never assume someone elses' motive ... it may be stranger than our ability to imagine.

    In Las Vegas this week, a man stole a truck because the keys had been left in the ignition.

    If he had been one of Jehovah's Witnesses he would have been charged with stealing a truck, and bringing reproach on the Congregation, the Corporation, and perhaps even Jehovah's Name, and would be guilty ... because he WAS guilty ... and he was ALSO completely unrepentant, and could NEVER be repentant.

    A mentally diseased thief, completely unrepentant .... an Apostate whose morality is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than that of the Governing Body ... disfellowshipped, thrown out and shunned.

    The fact that he used that stolen truck to carry Las Vegas massacre wounded and dying to the hospital, over and over, under a rain of gunfire, would have been completely immaterial.

    He stole a truck .... and was an unrepentant thief.





  4. .

    Remember the scriptures that differentiate between the Heavens, and the Earth?

    Here is an interesting thought experiment for you .....

    Let's say that mankind has a colony on Mars .... and on several of the moons of Jupiter ... and some mining operations going on in the Asteroid belt when the "Great Tribulation" comes, and generation star ships headed out toward the stars when the "Great Tribulation" comes .... how will it affect them?

    Deducing an accurate answer to THAT question, and it can be done through logic and reasoning ... knowing what we know already ...  will give you how JEHOVAH GOD defines the "heavens, and the "Earth", and will when followed through give you the answer as to WHY Jehovah God made the physical Universe.

    ...and the long term destiny of mankind.

    The most elusive question of all to be answered is..... WHY?

    Once that is understood ... the WHAT becomes simple.







  5. ( General population of the United States ( WT Organization ) )

    They are NOT the same.

    1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    ..... here in the USA among men of integrity, honest opinions are incredibly important, and ridicule and excoriating satire are important teaching tools.

    We do not even NEED a conscience ... EVERYTHING not prohibited ... is required.

  6. .

    TRINITARIANS, USING THEIR CORE DOCTRINES AS THEIR MORAL GUIDE ... over the years, have shed enough human blood for all the Navies of all the Countries in the world to sail upon with ease .... slaughtering EACH OTHER as well as all those unlucky enough to be in their way.

    THE MOUNTAINS OF BODIES OF THE INNOCENT .... bodies of a half BILLION men, women and children, murdered in warfare, and by hardship, starvation,  deprivation and disease, in Europe alone in the past 1700 years PROVE the Trinitarian Doctrine is False, Bogus, and is an affront and insult to God, and a sin against humanity.

    Remember .... Adolph Hitler loved dogs, and built magnificent architectures and road projects ....


    And the Trinitarians in Germany supported this murder.

    And the Trinitarian Churches celebrated his birthday as if Christ had returned.

    And streams of columns and rows of Trinitarian Clergy, all dressed in black ... marched down the streets of Germany, past reviewing stands, turned their heads to face the stand, and gave the Hitler Salute.

    WORDS ARE MEANINGLESS in the face of such FACTS, which prove what theology is NOT really Christian.

    Trinitarianism, by its works PROVES it is evil ... and WRONG.

    .... and playing with a million words will NOT change that.



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  7. Sereko:

    You need to lighten up .. here in the USA among men of integrity, honest opinions are incredibly important, and ridicule and excoriating satire are important teaching tools.

    There is the old story about the farmer who had a talking mule, and he was telling his friends about it.

    They did not believe him, so he invited them to go to his farm and see (and hear) for themselves, and he would be there a bit later.

    So his friends went to the farm, and tried to get the mule to talk, with no success. 

    They were about ready to leave when the farmer arrived, and expressed their disappointment that the mule did not talk ... AND they called him a liar.

    The farmer said "Come with me and I will prove to you my mule can talk ...". So the four of them went back, and on the way, the farmer picked up a baseball bat leaning against the barn, and gave the mule a solid hit on the side of the head.

    The mule IMMEDIATELY started talking, about all kinds of things, to the surprise of the farmer's three friends.

    The farmer explained:

    "FIRST .... you have to get his ATTENTION".

    With a flip of your mental switch, you can, if you want ... become un-insultable ... and that is where strength and power begins.

    AND ... it avoids getting hit in the head with hard sticks.

    Sometimes we are the farmer.

    Sometimes we are his friends.

    Sometimes we are the mule.

    Death comes all too soon for all of us ... to cut off communications.

    Only fools do that.

    I have found that "seasoning" a conversation with salt is not NEARLY as effective as pouring salt in an open wound.




  8. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I think you will take it more to heart after I post an certain article - not my own - tomorrow. 

    Thanks TTH ! :

    It's always encouraging to have someone post an article from some source that purports to take it MORE  to heart any philosophy that I have adopted, through trials and real life experience, and it is the PHILOSOPHY that I was talking about ... about "being prepared for emergencies".

    So many people who think they are authorities on EVERY subject imaginable have screwball liberal snowflake opinions that they want to impose on others, because THEY believe those goofy things, and if they can get  YOU or I  to adopt their viewpoints, which in the final analysis turn out to  ONLY BE OPINIONS .... then they can assert power for themselves by stealing it from you and me.

    And because THEY are afraid of XYZ, it is a comfort to them, and validates them (in their own eyes ...)  to make YOU afraid of XYZ.

    Oh, and by the way .... when you post the article, don't get PURPORTS and PORPOISES mixed up.

    One swims in the sewer of the un-examined mind ...

    The other swims in the oceans.


    .The battle is not always to the strong,

    The race is not always to he swift.

    ... but that is the way to bet.

    People that PREPARE for emergencies, seldom have any.


  9. On 9/29/2017 at 6:45 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Unfortunately, after my experience, a thief could break down my door, yell "Peace and Security," and I would roll over and go back to sleep.

    All the above arguments about "peace and security to me, is a complete waste of time ..... SOON ENOUGH ... TOO SOON, perhaps .... we will all know.

    .... I know you have not seen the "Dirty Harry" series of Clint Eastwood movies ... but here is a philosophical statement that I have taken to heart, and I worry about it not at all.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    i think that can be applied and on religious sphere.

    It is fine to leave Jehovah's Witnesses if one wants to. Why not? But one should leave for the right reasons, not exaggerated or made-up nonsense.


    Hmmm...so what exactly would be some examples of "right reasons"?

    ..and what do you do about the hostages left behind that have been silenced?

  11. It is very common in America to make fun of EVERYTHING.

    NOTHING is sacred, except the flag, which is worshiped.

    During the World War I trench warfare between France and Germany, the Germans hurled insults across "no man's land" to the Americans, "Your President is a low down BASTARD!"

    The Americans yelled back "YES! He IS!"


    .... ask your son if he understands what is actually being said when Harrison Ford says "I shot first".

    ..... here is the whole story ....



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