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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. That's NOTHING!

    I was out in Service, and at one door a Teletubby answered, and invited me in. 

    He led me down to his basement where the OTHER Teletubbies were, and they were listening to a religious tape by the Rev. Jerry Falwell, TV preacher.

    Over in the corner were the remains of Brothers who we thought had moved to Oklahoma, but there was not much remaining.

    I noticed the Teletubby, whose name I found out was Tinkie-Winky,  had what appeared to be intestines and blood dripping from his teeth, but I did not make the connection.

    I left them with some brochures, a tract and an invitation to the Hall, and asked if they had any questions.

    In unison they all asked as if one .. "Do you have cable?"

    Back in the car they asked what took so long.

    I shrugged and replied "Samo Samo".

    I have Polaroids.

    Teletubbies   500.jpg

  2. 21 hours ago, The Librarian said:

    . Many of them bullied me because I was a Jehovah’s Witness and seeing them open the door in their pyjamas gave me a cold sweat.

    That's why I got some fabric glue and sealed the front  of my pyjamas.

  3. AllenSmith:

    Your tirades are too much to answer.  Too convoluted.

    I would be happy to answer your questions if they are fair or sensical questions, but " Then, why did you attempt to sarcastically apologize back then... "  has two problems, to wit:

    1.) What are you talking about? and

    2.) a sarcastic apology is self explanatory.

    If you are not a "drinking man", my considered suggestion is that you take it up.

    If you are already a "drinking man", I suggest you quit.

    When people insult me, I ALWAYS think it is funny ... and the more pointed and vitriolic the insult, the funnier it is!

     Years ago I was at a "Renaissance Faire" with my then 12 year old son, Tommy, who was wrapped too tight, and I paid a roving costumed Insulter $5 dollars to insult me while I was with my boy. 

    The Insulter had just finished BLISTERING someone else about 30 feet away, continuously, for about four minutes, up one side and down the other, but my son was not paying attention.

    I called the Insulter over, gave him $5 dollars,  and he reamed me out about my looks, weight, bathing habits, table manners, cowardice, my parents cowardice, THEIR bathing habits, and ugliness, ancestry, genetic deficiencies, body odor, sexual preferences and the lack of skill thereof, clothing, and topics I did not even know existed, for about two minutes.  All original insults, I had never heard before.

    I was stunned about how GOOD the insults were ... but they were not as good as the ones I had just finished listening to when the other man had been insulted. 

    He took a bow and I was laughing hard,  and I applauded him !

    My son was standing beside me,  totally horrified and aghast.

    He was also afraid I might shoot this guy and he would lose his Dad to the police.

    Tommy was almost crying, and was shaking and upset.

    I took him over to something,  we sat on it, and I explained to him that he was just "wrapped too tight", and needed to "lighten up" ... that this is how men talk to each other in the REAL world and that he needed to stop being such a sissy.

    When I was working on the Peru Bethel Branch construction about 35 years ago, the American construction workers would insult each other as they worked .... and Brother Burt, the Branch Overseer,  called us all in and told us that we had to stop calling each other STUPID ( ... insert extra expletives here as needed ...) because the Peruvian Brothers were upset, and thought a fight was about to start.

    From their viewpoint, a fight to the death was called for.

    May I be so presumptuous to give you, AllenSmith, the same advice I gave my eldest son?

    Don't let the sound of your own wheels ... make you crazy.

    Tommy eventually developed a sense of humor, and is doing quite well, serving Jehovah whole souled, and is a strong and competent man, he and his wife are serving in an American Sign Language Congregation.

    If you are DETERMINED to go nutso crazy ....

    .... don't let someone else drive the clown car.

    I guess I should have given the professional Insulter $15 dollars, instead of $5 dollars.

    .... sigh.


  4. 18 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

    Comment Deleted!!!!!!!!

    Self-Deletion in fear of having an “OUTRAGES” response from JTR as he has done in the past with my dyslexia without consequences from Queen Ester or the Librarian. It was seen as humorous, by many here. I just remembered!!!

    If you have dyslexia, how is it that you do not type in reverse?

    Seriously ... I never EVER made fun of your dyslexia ... I never knew you had it until you whined and undressed yourself in public ..

    I was only making fun of your convoluted logic. That is an IDEA.

    IDEAS are fair game for ridicule.

    I only ridicule people when they attack me first ... because they "gave me permission".

    If it wasn't for the Parrot on my shoulder, you might never guess I have a wooden leg.


  5. On 9/22/2017 at 9:00 PM, Anna said:

    I thought I’d also mention that funnily enough this kind of “mass hysteria” regarding spiritism prevailed into the 1990’s among the Witnesses, and was marked by supposed demon possession of items brought in bazaars, including mattresses which would throw the person on to the floor.

    I remember that went on for YEARS ... from about 1960 through the late 1970's, , both in Virginia, where I grew up, and in California where I moved to circa 1969... and then it seemed to die out.

    Strange how it never applied to buying a used car ..... I did run off the road backwards during a snowstorm, but that was due to my not having a better understanding of friction physics, and momentum ... not demons.

  6. .

    You have probably seen the movie "Full Metal Jacket", but if not ... it is on the "MUST SEE" film list.

    There are perhaps several dozen moral lessons in that movie of what NOT to do, and how NOT to think .... and to see why TRUE religion should NEVER be aligned with politics.

    ...and to see why all Military Chaplains ... even those with the highest motives, are whores.

    They give moral support to that terror and carnage.



  7. Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! - Handsome young man!

    I remember my adopted son, Amos ... ugly as homemade sin ... we had to chain him to the rafters in the attic when he was naughty.

    We never even once yelled at him or struck him... he REALLY loved to eat ... it was enough to not give him his slop bucket full of fish heads and table scraps.

    His biggest fault was when we had him on a "Timeout" to calm down .... the way he used to scratch the insides of the microwave.

  8. "We demand an immediate end to the persecution of Dennis Christensen and other Jehovah's Witnesses who are persecuted for their religious affiliation."

    If it wasn't so incredibly sad ... that statement would be laughable.

    "Here I stand with my bayonet, there you stand with your laws. We'll see which prevails"  - A. Hitler

    THESE are the kinds of people you are dealing with... NOT liberal Snowflakes, who will melt when you threaten them !

    Habeas corpus (/ˈheɪbiəs ˈkɔːrpəs/; Medieval Latin meaning literally "that you have the body") to THEM means after they are finished with the body, you can have it back, and you get a bill for the bullets.

    They KNOW what they are doing!

    They KNOW that it is EVIL.

    They don't care.

    The best way for tyrants to consolidate their power is to be able to do evil in the name of righteousness with complete impunity and immunity ... for "The Good of The State".

    That way, you STAY controlled ... for fear YOU MAY BE NEXT.




  9. Cos:

    Reason and logic only works on men that are reasonable and logical.

    Bluntness only works on men of integrity ... the rest are offended.

    Parallel examples are only discerned by men who think in parallel, not serial thinkers.

    Contemporary cultural movie references are only effective for those that discern any moral truths that may underlay the script.

    As Struther Martin said in the movie "Cool Hand Luke" .... "What we got here ... is... FAILURE ... to communicate.".


  10. This is from an Air Force Chaplain, who is REQUIRED to give Buddhist, Shinto, Muslim, Jewish, and "Christian", etc., etc. religious services to warriors as needed. ... and whose allegiance has been sworn to a political entity that kills people and breaks their stuff for political reasons.

    This is a requirement of all military Chaplains. The U.S. Army currently recognizes 115 different "faiths", equally.

    Chaplains are expected to serve all without discrimination and hold "services" in their faith, when that "brand"  Chaplain is not available.

    Their slang for this is "switch-hitting", usually a baseball term.

    What's wrong with THAT picture?

    I'm with Stupid.jpg

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