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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    My mistake. It appears that you do begrudge it.

    I see by that comment that billions of dollars in contributed money to the Society, with ABSOLUTELY NO ACCOUNTING WHATSOEVER to the contributors is agreeable to you.

    I scare a lot of people, TTH ... but YOU are one REALLY scary Dude.

    That even scares ME ... that someone can even THINK like that.

  2. After carefully examining BOTH photos .. both are in color, as the carpet behind the black and white leaflet is in color ... one does not appear to me to be a counterfeit of the other.

    If you went to the grocery store and got your change in Monopoly Money, you could not make the case that it was  a counterfeit of REAL national currency, either ... unless of course you thought Monopoly Money was REAL money, which would only mean you need to get out more.

    There is a magazine in Germany called STERN, which in August 1991, had  a stunningly beautiful photo of a model named Petite Pascale, who had also posed for PLAYBOY MAGAZINE sometime before that, on the cover .

    When the WTB&TS stole this picture from the cover of STERN magazine, and put it on page 93 of their book "You Can Live Forever On A Paradise Earth", that was not a counterfeit ... either.

    It was plagerism.

    It was theft.

    It was incredibly clueless and STUPID ... but it was NOT "counterfeiting"

    If you had a USA One Dollar Bill with a picture of ex-president's wife Barbara Bush ... instead of George Washington ...

    THAT would be counterfeiting.



    You can Live Forever on Paradise Earth p 93  August 1961 STERN  400 .jpg

  3. May the FARCE be with you!

    ( another nuanced parallelism of many ideas ...)

    That is a heavily referenced and nuanced statement.

    If you don't understand ... It cannot be explained to you, and you will NEVER understand it.

    Not really.

  4. Just as I previously referenced  the song  "They Call The Wind Mariah", from the movie "Paint Your Wagon" ...  the wind does not wear a dress, and cook up a big ol' plate of fried chicken on Sunday.

    Some things are LIKENED to other things and that is expressed differently in different languages.

    All of your scriptures quoted have no applicability to the idea that sometimes things and characteristics to other things can be intermingled.  

    My wife is the English expert that knows the names for that literary device ... I will ask her.

    Whatever the name for that literary device is, the spoken Hebrew language probably had the same thing, although nuanced differently.

    It is my understanding that parallelism of ideas was what they considered poetry.

    THE FACT IS .... the Holy Spirit does NOT have a personal name, like God, and Christ do .... and I have had pet Hamsters that did.

    To illustrate that to the absurd, for those in Rio Linda, I hereby declare that The Holy Spirit's personal name is Casper ! ... sometimes symbolized by a Dove.

    Casper the holy spirit is  a "friendly" holy spirit, a real comforter and parakeet.

    Dove ... parakeet ... GET IT?

    (parallelism of ideas)


  5. Witness:

    I remember about 11 years ago that one of the Society's investments in the armamants industry was financing the development of "hive mind" swarm of military drones that could be dropped from a plane, and each could pick a target, and tell the others not to hit that same target.

    I wonder whatever happened to that program?

    I should have been horrified, but I was not .. I was fascinated with the technology.

    The Society should have been horrified, but they were not ... they were fascinated with the money.

    I understand that.

  6. 6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    6 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    quit making excuses, your cognitive dissonance is showing. 

    And please do not quote this cognitive dissonance nonsense, for it is no more than:

    'You do not agree with me. Therefore you must be suffering massive cognitive dissonance.'

    Good thing I was not drinking milk when I read this, TTH, or I would have laughed the milk through my nose!

    Not that any more examples were necessary, but ..... You just proved Shiwiii's point!


  7. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Any Witness stumbling across your coup de grace will come away with increased respect for Bethel's consideration. They will also not be surprised. For decades they have heard about their surpluses benefiting other lands with deficits. They know it is hopelessly out of the reach of many third world congregations to afford their own Kingdom Hall, and they are thrilled to know their funds are spent thereby. Even @James Thomas Rook Jr., who rails about giving up local control of his money, probably does not begrudge that.

    Of course not ... I do not begrudge that, as some Bethel Branch offices are 100% subsidized, although it has never been explained or accounted for above the level of the "Circuit Assembly".

    IT IS MY UNDERSTANDING that there the money disappears INTO THE SYSTEM, and no downward accounting for is made.

    .... to anybody.

    ... EVER.

    Have YOU ever seen a detailed World Wide Work financial report?


    It is my understanding that the billions of dollars the Society has in stocks and other investments was for the "rainy day" of catastrophic emergencies, and I have no reason at the present time to doubt that, that is to say... NO FACTS that the money is being overtly siphoned off for personal profit.

    My Mother was as close to a "saint" as you can actually get ... her motives were as pure as the wind driven snow ... but her actual competency in certain areas left a lot to be desired, by contemporary standards. 

    I did not trust my own mother.

    But guess what ? ... with the recent multiple Earthquake's and Hurricane's devastations .... soon enough ... we will all know.

    That "Rainy Day" of widespread catastrophe is HERE, NOW!

    About a year from now ... WE WILL ALL KNOW.

    This only applies to those who are good at detective work.

  8. I think a JW artist at Bethel pulled a fast one.

    In this month's WT, in the article "Why Worship God", the opening picture shows  a Jew, or "somebody"  looking at the Pleiades Star  Constellation ... if my memory of the sky, and of the WT are correct.  

    My suit coat is out in the car, and it's too much trouble to check.


  9. 29 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    This is just plain dumb. When you start railing about Donald Duck or Fred Flintstone I'll know you are sincere.

    GREAT !

    Plain dumb was what I was LOOKING for!

    ( JTR does a Snoopy "Happy Dance" across the monitor ... )


  10. There are MANY people who choose to work for a nebulous "green handshake" ... notably real estate agents who work on commission ... and speculation, both at the same time.

    I took a serious cut in pay one time because the job offered adventure, in the Congo.

    Infinite variety.

    I used to be a freelance photographer doing work ENTIRELY on speculation .... I only got paid if they LIKED my photos.

    Infinite variety.

    HINT: never dive into a river from a cliff with a knife held in your teeth.

  11. About 40 years ago, when survival was more problematic, I went to an "Army/Navy" surplus store and had them make me a pair of military "dog tags".  There was a 16 character limit per line, generally, except for the two middle lines.  Cost was about ten dollars, with beaded chains.   

    My theory was that anybody trying to save my life would open my shirt, and see the "dog tags". 

    Key chains, bracelets, and wallet cards may be overlooked.

    My reasoning was FURTHER enhanced with the fact that it was my belief that NO DOCTOR would "disobey" a military "dog tag".

    I imagined that in a court of law ... if he did ... the jury would NOT be sympathetic to any excuses.








    I used to send my children to Peru for the summer, so that they could be immersed in the Spanish Language with relatives, and visit them. I thought it was EXTREMELY important that they know and respect their Grandparents, and other relatives.

    I made sure THEY also had identical style "dog tags", and I insisted that they wear them, if only to act as a constant reminder "Be careful out there !".


    Military dog tags   400.jpg

  12. .



    I STRONGLY suspect that in the great majority of cases where a person professes loyalty to those that deliberately pervert Justice and Truth in order not to be embarrassed, or sued, and to maintain their positions of authority, and keep the money rolling in  .... it is because they themselves are afraid of punishment for "disloyalty" ... having their reputations ruined, and their families destroyed.

    No one LIKES being "burned at the stake for a witch".




  13. The Governing Body in Warwick lets outsiders use their Lobby telephones

    so they can call up and talk to dead relatives.

    .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 

    From Tel Aviv, a three minute phone call is $4250.00

    From Salt Lake City, a three minute phone call is $11,200.00.

    From the Vatican, a three minute phone call is an even $25,000.00.

    From Warwick, a three minute phone call is free.

    ... it's a local call.

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