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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Remember ... Richard Nixon was forced to resign before his certain impending impeachment as President of the United States ... NOT because of the Watergate burglaries ... but BECAUSE OF HIS TRYING TO COVER IT UP.

    29 minutes ago, Julie Bayley said:

    Unfortunately where children are to be found their predators are also Terrible that Jehovah's organisation effected too & that the sins of the past are now causing so much pain. Trust that procedure has been tightened and that matters are dealt with more appropriately.

    The Society is being FORCED by OUTSIDE agencies and events to make changes ...  and I do hope they will not only be "appropriate", but will be effective, but as of this day, they are STILL trying to cover it all up as "Apostate Lies", at the same time thousands of hard facts are being uncovered by government subpoenas.

    AND they are actively attempting to subvert Justice by through legal trickery and lies, make it difficult for victims to get Justice, as has been shown many times, most recently in the State of Delaware.

    Yeah... "stuff happens", everywhere ...always has ... but people that ignore it, blame it on others, lie under oath in courts,  impose news blackouts on those who might otherwise find out what is really going on, and try to cover it up at the expense of Justice, and disfellowship and threaten to disfellowship people that go to the police ... are DANGEROUS ...  as well as EVIL.

    We all know how Jehovah feels at the perversion of Justice.

    When the people responsible for policy and its implementation CANNOT be fired .... change is slow, if at all.

    The money still keeps rolling in.




  2. The article does not show a date of death.

    It states he was born in 1919.

    I have noticed that Lawyers seem to live longer than normal people ....

    ... perhaps to give them time to repent.

    I know that there is NO record of a Lawyer EVER being eaten by a Shark.

    ... professional courtesy.


  3. TTH:

    Perhaps I will fire up my old software, "Dragon Naturally Speaking, Version 12", (DNS) which I bought to write MY books with, and it will transcribe my voice almost as fast as I can speak with about 99.5% accuracy, and get into a phone book long debate, just for the fun of it.

    I have been trying to use previous versions over many years, and it (for me) was all hopeful thinking junk.

    I wasted money on all that came before version 12.

    Version  12  evolved into a TERRIFIC piece of software.

    So good, I have NOT considered an upgrade.

    Remember though ... I used to do Solar Insolation calculations for a living, at $105 an hour ( plus per diem ) ... and if I did not understand what I was doing the engineering firms I worked for would fire me in an instant.

    I am also an avid amateur astronomer and amateur astro-physicists only to the level of popular science magazines such as "Scientific American" BUT I can naturally visualize energy transfers between materials, and thermal inertias and dynamics .... it drives my wife crazy I gush about how light and energies beyond visible light bounce off, and is absorbed by things,  when I am driving.

    I use Reverse Polish Notation math, and she teaches Algebra in High School .... a completely different way of thinking.

    One problem with extended debates is that the watchers often do not have enough background to understand  ANYTHING ... except that someone appears to be losing, and someone appears to be winning ... and If I did it .. it would be to teach physics and astronomy, and the laws of thermodynamics, for the fun of it.

    I care NOTHING about winning for the sake of winning.

    Except perhaps in a gun fight.

    Besides, one of my dogs had an "accident" in the corner of my writing room, and I have to clean up dog poop.

    After that, I am fixing us blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

    I will try not to get those three  jobs  mixed up.

    In the meantime ... see if Ebay will sell you an old version of DNS version 12, cheap ... it's worth the search, and you may want to carefully read Wikipedia's article on Milankovitch cycles, at the following link.


    Those two  are extremely helpful.

    So is winning a gun fight.



  4. 6 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    If you can do something, do it. If you can't do it, critique it. If you REALLY can't do it, teach it

    ... that is a mashup of a famous quote:

    "Those that can ... do.

    Those that can't ... teach."


    My observations amend that.

    "Those that can ... do.

    Those that can't ... teach.

    Those that can't teach, teach Gym.

    Those that can't teach Gym, sell real estate.

    Those that can't sell real estate, disappear."



  5. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    The other way to look at this that is (for once) not intended as a put-down is the saying I think you have cited yourself:

    If you can do something, do it. If you can't do it, critique it. If you REALLY can't do it, teach it

    I often cite myself for convenience to bring ideas into the pool the eyes are swimming in at the time, and not having to have someone scroll up , say, 15 posts to try and FIND the basis for my current reply, or idea. 

    As has been demonstrated many many, many times over the past months when you attack something I have said, it is based on the fact that you did not even understand what I had said to begin with, and were ranting against your projected mis-interpretation of what you THINK I said.

    I expect to be challenged on EVERY WORD I say, as  I disagree with almost everyone on almost everything ... so no problem with THAT ...

    ... but mashup false premises attributed to me can sometimes be avoided if I "use hand puppets and crayons" for that great majority of people who cannot visualize sentences, and therefore have low reading comprehension skills.

    In grammer, as in real life, often  .. "Quod est necessarium, est licitum"

    "That which is necessary, is legal".


  6. Cos:

    You are trying to shift the burden to me, because it is YOU that lacks reading comprehension, and do not THINK about what is actually being said

    On 9/15/2017 at 8:35 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    ACID TEST: Get a Bible written IN GREEK, their equivalent of the KJV, whatever that is ... and ask a native Greek educated person to explain John 1:1 to you.

    Probably some regular folks at any Greek Orthodox Church. Might be a good experiment on a Sunday morning, after breakfast.

    To find out who knows what ... ask him (or her) if they understand what a greek anarthrous predicate is. If they do ... show them the scripture.

    All else is fibrillation for delusion.

    For your convenience, I quote my original post you take umbrage with ... I don't know if you even understand what a "qualifying statement" IS, now. The only alternative I see is that you have a complete lack of reading comprehension skills so I will isolate it for you, thusly ..... (ahem!) ... and highlighted in RED, from your quote of my post.

    On 9/16/2017 at 3:22 AM, Cos said:

    ... ask him (or her) if they understand what a greek anarthrous predicate is. If they do ... show them the scripture.

    You could ask the Greek speaking village idiot, and that would have no value whatsoever.

    Without evidence to the contrary, it appears that you LIED about having asked anyone at all from the Greek speaking community about this.

    You avoided the actual issue.

    I look forward to your complete, rational and comprehensive details of the experiment YOU ALLEGEDLY ran, if you really did .... which I currently doubt almost to the point of certainty ... and I am being generous.


  7. On 9/15/2017 at 4:09 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Since jw.org is translated into 900 languages, it seems clear that the prestigious universities that teach language ought to come crawling to us, and not the reverse.

    For general concepts and ideas ... that is good enough ... but if they were translating Aircraft Maintenance Manuals ... I would take the bus.

    Murder Confession for the file.jpg



    It's not that Astronomers  have no personality ... it's just their jokes are not easily understood.

    (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

    . . . . . . . . .

    A spherical cow is a humorous metaphor for highly simplified scientific models of complex real life phenomena.

    The implication is that theoretical physicists will often reduce a problem to the simplest form they can imagine in order to make calculations more feasible, even though such simplification may hinder the model's application to reality.

    The phrase comes from a joke that spoofs the simplifying assumptions that are sometimes used in theoretical physics.

    "Milk production at a dairy farm was low, so the farmer wrote to the local university, asking for help from academia. A multidisciplinary team of professors was assembled, headed by a theoretical physicist, and two weeks of intensive on-site investigation took place. The scholars then returned to the university, notebooks crammed with data, where the task of writing the report was left to the team leader. Shortly thereafter the physicist returned to the farm, saying to the farmer, "I have the solution, but it works only in the case of spherical cows in a vacuum".



    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAhahahahah !!!   good one !

  9. Years ago, I was in Norway, and a Brother who like to play guitar and sing American Country Western music told me the elders had jumped on his case for singing about "Son of a gun, gonna have big fun, on the Bayou ...", and he asked me what the expression "son of a gun" really meant.

    I had heard that expression all my life, and never thought about it... so I did ... and realized it had no meaning whatsoever .. it was just an expression of exclamation ... like if someone told me "My dog can jump over my car", I might reply "SON OF A GUN!" ... the rough equivalent of "WOW!:.

    YIKES!   .... I forgot the point I was leading up to make .....

    ... sigh ....

    Son of a gun!

  10. It's only a joke .... a takeoff on the line "Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone."

    Not everybodys' ... often  not ANYBODY'S motives are altruistic, good, and noble.

    When they appear to be good, wholesome, noble, and righteous ... make them pay CASH!

    ( .... from her laughing emoticon reaction , Alexa apparently got the joke.)


  11. 2 hours ago, Cos said:

    As a side note I have asked a native Greek speaking person the question about John 1:1 to see if their understanding on the verse is in line with my study of Koine Greek, what do you think the outcome was...? <><

    I would like to hear what you have to say about that specific investigation ... your hard data would of course trump my guessing what the outcome of YOUR actual experiment was. 

    Remember however, if you use my qualifying criteria,  the qualifier was that my experiment basis was that  the Greek speaking person person had to be educated enough to understand the uses of Greek predicate positions, etc., specifically the anarthrous predicate as it was used in context of the complete sentence being considered.

    Please provide as much detail of your experiment as you can remember ... I wallow in enjoying long detail accounts.



    1 hour ago, Cos said:
    18 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    This is SILLY .....

    you are both arguing about someone's OPINION.

    It is like arguing that Jesus' mother, Mary, looks like Catholic Statuary, or a female Danny DiVito.

    Why not approach the problem from what makes common sense ... then see if your theological theory agrees with what is rational, and makes sense.

    To paraphrase "Opinions are like posterior body orifices, everybody has some".

    May the FORCE be with you!

    Mr. Rook,


    There is nothing wrong in gauging a person perspective. I remember that you at the start of this thread put forward your own quite readily. <><

    I agree.

    That should have been clear ... because that is exactly what I just did.

  13. and for YOU TTH:

    You see, I understand you were  were just playin' around, but the mule, he just doesn't get it. Course, if you were to  apologize...

    [TTH  Laughs]

     I don't think it's nice, you laughin'.

    You see, my mule don't like people laughing.

    He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.



  14. Yeah ... exactly ... salt-water cockroaches!

    7 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:

    Larger shrimp are more likely to be targeted commercially, and are often referred to as prawns, particularly in Britain.

    ..and isn't "Large Shrimp" a contradiction in terms?

    I mean .. like "Act Naturally", or

    "pretty Ugly", or

    "small crowd"?


  15. 3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Guess where the paying sponsors come from. (Hint: the fossil fuel industry.)

    Actually, most "Climate Scientists" directly and  indirectly work for the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, (NOAA) which runs the U.S. Weather Bureaus .... and these agencys have evolved over the years into bastions of liberal "groupspeak" ... where "facespeak" is a fine art.

    I used to work for an employment agency in Los Angeles, and the HARDEST job to get for someone was that of a "Weatherman".

    I was unsuccessful.

    It's the poor schlub working for a modest salary that is the most vulnerable to groupspeak.

  16. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Both @JW Insiderand @James Thomas Rook Jr. have proven capable of presentation and I do not see how either can hold the Governing Body accountable, though one may try.

    I do not have the ability, the will, or the energy to hold the Governing Body accountable to anything ... my hope is that they will HOLD THEMSELVES accountable if for no other reason that it is affecting the donations.

    I am sure they have noticed that people are voting with their wallets ... if not also their feet.

    Whether they really care or not I do not know .... I try NOT to project what I think, as what THEY think.

  17. Melody's Interview at 2017 "Don't Give Up" Regional Convention". 

    Last year my wife and I attended an Assembly in Orangeburg, SC, where a brother in an interview on stage was proud that he had not said a single word to his disfellowshipped father in over 20 years.   We were sitting up close and could see his face in person, and on the large monitors. His declaration of cruelty was followed by intense applause from the audience. 

    We were stunned and horrified.

    This video was originally posted on YOUTUBE by the mother of Melody, at a Regional 2017 Convention where she is proud of having shunned her sister, who is disfellowshipped, but many adverse comments on YOUTUBE made her ashamed .....  and she took the posting down.  

    I got this video copy from the  Russian equivalent of YOUTUBE web site,  RUTUBE.COM.

    After she details her cruelty to her sister, the audience reaction is vigorous applause.

    THIS IS WHY the Russian government and most of the people HATE Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Oblivious, clueless, extreme cruelty, in the name of righteousness.




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