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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. This is SILLY .....

    you are both arguing about someone's OPINION.

    It is like arguing that Jesus' mother, Mary, looks like Catholic Statuary, or a female Danny DiVito.

    Why not approach the problem from what makes common sense ... then see if your theological theory agrees with what is rational, and makes sense.

    To paraphrase "Opinions are like posterior body orifices, everybody has some".

    May the FORCE be with you!

  2. Smart Phones exist because of greed and outrageous profits. 

    That is why, every 6 months,  they get better and better and better.

    That's why EVERYTHING we can buy, every year, gets better and better and better.

    and cheaper, and cheaper, and cheaper and CHEAPER!

    No longer do we have to work 6 hours a day to be able to afford ONE meal, and nothing else.

    This is only true in countries where greed is encouraged, and protected.

    The rest starve.


  3. .

    The climate is ALWAYS evolving .... and always will.

    Our Sun is a variable star, and Earth's orbit is an ellipse whose track wobbles about the solar ecliptic.

    The Earth also wobbles over 16,000 years, when Vega will be our "North Star", not Polaris.

    The ONLY real "greenhouse gas" is water vapor which makes big dark clouds that are white on the top, covering whole (smaller) nations at a time. There are OTHER gasses, but they are,  for considering climate change, completely irrelevant.

    .... perhaps a new thread should be created for a science lesson I could talk for days about.

    Different Scientists put different data into different "Climate Change Computer Models" .... all get different answers ... and THEN they discard the results that do not agree with what they WANT to believe ... or more to the point ... what their sponsors want to hear.

    If you disagree with what they want to hear ... you can't pay for your new car, and daughter Jenny does not get braces on her teeth.

    For humans, this is quite normal.

    Remember when doctors and scientists agreed that cigarette smoking was GOOD for you?

    Follow the money.



  4. Cos:

    It is seldom that I agree with ANYBODY ... about ANYTHING, unless what I am SUPPOSED to be agreeing to is absolutely clear and unambiguous ... and correct.

    Your assuming I agree with groupthink is a sad mistake, and shows how YOU think in a fog.


  5. I hope the body of that truck is taller than it looks.

    One winter when I was in Virginia, I went grocery shopping with my eldest son, when he was about 14 years old ... and I made a comment about how much groceries in general, and specifically, how much apples cost ..

    He thought that was outrageous ( so did I, I remember when apples were 5 cents each...), and he said "Dad ... don't you wish groceries were cheaper?'

    I replied "No .... everybody that touched this apple from California to here made money doing it. ( ...and many who just brokered the transactions..).

    ... If apples were cheaper ... WE WOULDN'T HAVE ANY."

    (Same is true with gasoline ...  and EVERYTHING ... the "greedy farmer" gets apples to you because he needs braces on daughter Jenny's teeth ... not because he loves you .... it's because he loves HER. )

  6. It is NOT the financiers and investors' fault that the 5% outrageous profits they make are generated by the 95% of people who are in the game willingly .... and think they are competent .... when they are NOT.

    The profits come from the 95% of people who DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

    It does not just fall from the sky like green rain!

    This is what happens when you bring a knife to a gun fight.

  7. What throws a shoe into the careful logic is that the Christian Greek Scriptures were written in ...oh ... what's the word I am looking for ...OH YEAH! ... Greek!

    ACID TEST: Get a Bible written IN GREEK, their equivalent of the KJV, whatever that is ... and ask a native Greek educated person to explain John 1:1 to you.

    Probably some regular folks at any Greek Orthodox Church. Might be a good experiment on a Sunday morning, after breakfast.

    To find out who knows what ... ask him (or her) if they understand what a greek anarthrous predicate is. If they do ... show them the scripture.

    All else is fibrillation for delusion.

  8. .

    The thought just occurred to me .... under the current "rules", if my name was James Stalin, or James Hitler ... there would be no congregational sanctions against me going to a family reunion with my older brother Josef Stalin, or Adolph Hitler .... or even  spending the weekend at their Dachas or Fortresses.

    I am 70 years old .... but I am expected to treat my real (theoretical) sister who was baptized in the 2nd grade, at 8 years old,  like dirt, and WORSE .... completely shunning her ...  when she turns 50 and decides she made a mistake getting baptized so young, or makes other mistakes common to  humans.

    If I don't ... well ... uh .... you know ....... (makes throat cutting gesture with finger).

    It is more cruel than even Ah can stomach.

    (Blood is thicker than water .... but apparently not as thick as wielding and consolidating political power ... )

  9. On 9/7/2017 at 4:09 PM, Anna said:

    Thank you all for your responses! Glad to see you're back from fishing @Gone Fishing, I thought you might have drowned

    Sell a man a fish ... and you feed him for a day.

    TEACH a man to fish .. and you lose a steady customer.

    Isn't there a scripture about " ... and no one will say "Know Jehovah", because everyone WILL know Jehovah ..." (paraphrased)?

    ... then people will have to get REAL jobs.

    ( merely a random rant ... it IS Friday ... time to punish more innocent people for what their relatives and friends have done...)

    1 hour ago, Anna said:

    But as we know, like the turn of a switch, the relationship changes dramatically once the child leaves home. I just cannot wrap my head around this seemingly superficial handling of something that can be very traumatic, mainly for the innocent party.

  10. Could this be Peace and Security? Never Before Seen! ????Breaking News: Rising shares of Boeing pulled the Dow Jones Industrial Average up to a record high on Thursday! ???

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Answer:  Only for those that do not have a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of history.

    They are surprised by EVERYTHING!

    They are also doomed to repeat what they do not understand, and live in constant confusion, blown about like a plastic bag in the wind.


  11. It is SO REFRESHING for me not to care anymore about who "Gog of Magog" is, was, or might be.

    If I understood it fully, to the best of my knowledge it would have absolutely NO practical application to any aspect of my life.

    If I am wrong ... please correct me.

    Until then, I am leaving this load of rocks that I used to carry around on the side of the road.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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