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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 6 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    28 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I remember when you refused to look at a youtube video of Kermit the Frog singing "Forever Young" I posted

    In that case, it was just too juvenile. There is such a thing as adulthood, you know.

    Then why did I get an "upvote" from you on the "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" Parody?

    By the way, the Frog singing was as serious as a heart attack .... which you would know ..IF... you were not afraid it would melt your ears off.

    You are making up excuses from clear air, with no basis in reality.


  2. TTH:

    I remember when you refused to look at a youtube video of Kermit the Frog singing "Forever Young" I posted,  so that you could maintain your plausible ( hahahaha) deniability of the contents.... which was just a Muppett singing a song.

    I have never in my life seen such DETERMINATION to stay ignorant ... but to help you out without using one of my five Kermit Muppet puppets, and crayons ... I enlarged the header portion of the Official Court Transcript fragment that Albert posted ... and no ... it will not melt your face off if you read it ..... so unless you actually turn your head away ... you will get the general idea of what was said under sworn testimony in court. .... and you can go back to Albert's post if you have ANY intellectual integrity AT ALL.

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  3. TTH:

    You REALLY SHOULD read the above partial transcript of the "Walsh Trial". posted by Albert Michelson .... as we saw with the Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse No. 29, when those that govern us are required to testify under oath, and can be put in PRISON for lying, they speak with a truth that we do nor see outside a courtroom ... or are so weaselly, it's embarrassing to watch.

    Be a sport ... get educated.

  4. TTH

    You are a real piece of work .... NEVER, EVER , EVER addressing any issues I raise, or actually answering any questions ... only crying that you do not LIKE the facts I bring up.

    At LEAST you are 100% consistent, for as long as we have been trading barbs.

    Why not, for a change, address an issue, instead of your agenda?

    And, oh... by the way.. the Society does not need MY help ... I don't have several billion dollars to repair and rebuild the properties in Texas and Louisiana that THEY unilaterally confiscated from the Brothers and Sisters who FORMERLY had that privilege and responsibility.

  5. 17 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    We have a video of someone who left the truth and came back, cautioning others to not do it. "The world will chew you up and spit you out," he says. I don't care for that video. It is not true. Sometimes 'the world' chews you up but does not spit you out. Sometimes it spits you out but does not chew you up. A prime example of the latter lies in the hospital geriatric wing, where a relative works as a nurse. She tells of people experiencing severe letdown at the curtain call, who look around and say (not literally) "is this all there is?" These are not losers. These are persons who have had successful careers and have raised caring families. But as the end draws near and their bodies ungracefully fall apart, they say "is this all there is?"

    This is SO TRUE .... especially in Toontown.




    What a GREAT time to be a flood insurance company ...... collect premiums for 60 years ... then go BANKRUPT!

    Two guys sitting in lawn chairs on the beach in Miami....

    First one says "I retired with MILLIONS after my factory burned down."

    Second one says "I retired with BILLIONS after MY business was flooded out."

    First one replies " Hmmm... how do you start a flood?"


    Ok... moving right along ... not that the Society has "acquired" full responsibility for all Kingdom Halls, including the ones destroyed in Houston and Southern Texas, and the prices of wood and raw materials will be short for five years, and prices for materials and labor will go up dramatically, people trying to rebuild EVERYTHING (almost) ... can we expect the Society to pour BILLIONS of dollars into the reconstruction of its South Texas and Coastal Louisiana property in the foreseeable future?

    This might be a good place to put articles and thoughts of EVERY nature pertaining to the catastrophe in South Texas.

  7. What a GREAT time to be a flood insurance company ...... collect premiums for 60 years ... then go BANKRUPT!

    Two guys sitting in lawn chairs on the beach in Miami....

    First one says "I retired with MILLIONS after my factory burned down."

    Second one says "I retired with BILLIONS after MY business was flooded out."

    First one replies " Hmmm... how do you start a flood?"



  8. 7 hours ago, Nana Fofana said:

    You must be thinking of when the beast dumps Babylon-the -Great in favor of tech-surveillance , social-media confessional producing supposed blackmailability/controlability to the unforgiven.  We'll even have "pre-crime" -mimicing Babylon's false "predestinator" god.  Clownish peeps will have to acknowledge their "shadow-side" then, won't they ? confronted by  2 witlesses , 0's & 1's


    None of those ideas ever occurred to me, and since I am the one who created the edited graphic.... I ought to know.

    I made it as a reaction to the tens of thousands of Bethel Layoffs and Special Pioneers being "shown the door" in the "Red October" Meltdown of 2015, after many years, and sometimes a lifetime of faithful service to the Corporation.


  9. On 8/27/2017 at 10:23 PM, Albert Michelson said:

    My issue isn't with the doctrines. Believe whatever you want I don't care, my issue is with the fact that those who can't keep teaching what they know to be false are punished. 

    Nothing unusual about that .. the Catholics have been doing that for 1700 years ...once ANY human organization reaches a certain size, money, power, and position (or fear of losing it ..) becomes the controlling factor.  This is especially true of those claiming divine approval.

    It was even true of the Japanese Empire, during WWII, with the Emperor of Japan as their god.

    It "comes with the territory".  It did in Jesus' time, and it does now.

    Nothing new.

    Samo Samo.

    There never have been any exceptions ....

    There are none now.

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  10. 20 minutes ago, Albert Michelson said:

    It doesn't exist. It's a false dichotomy. The world is everyone and guess what, it's full of wonderful people and it's also filled with a$$holes just like the organization. The difference being that I'm no longer constantly being blackmailed and guilted into doing things and believing things that the organization requires. It may not mean much to you but that freedom of mind and of conscience is invaluable to me.



  11. The best calculator ever designed was the HP-41C series, and the HP-41CX, which have alpha numeric capabilities. I entered a Brothers name in full ... Vernon Reece ... and toggled the alpha switch back to numeric.  

    The brother was telling me about this "7734" trick ... so I handed him my calculator, and asked him to enter his birthdate ... and do perhaps a dozen arithmetical calculations, then divide it by his social security number ... then add his house number ... then several more multiplications and divisions.

    Then I asked him to press the "alpha" toggle.

    The look on his face was PRICELESS !


  12. During the "Middle Ages" these types of discussions consumed people for HUNDREDS of years ... and the synopsis was the phrase "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"

    I try to keep my life simple, and since no one can prove that invisible things that SUPPOSEDLY happened a hundred or so years ago, using "evidence" that can be interpreted a hundred different ways ... and all with internal reasoning that makes sense to the proponents, and, I ...having ALSO been consumed with such things earlier in my life ... have come to the conclusion that it is ALL a complete and utter waste of my time,.

    Soon enough ... too soon, perhaps ... we will ALL KNOW !!!

    AND ... since there is absolutely NOTHING I can do to change reality ... whatever it is ... to quote Rhett Butler ...

     "Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn!"

    I have a long list of REAL concerns, I CAN do something about.

    ..based on HARD EVIDENCE.

    Remember EVIDENCE?


  13. During the "Middle Ages" these types of discussions consumed people for HUNDREDS of years ... and the synopsis was the phrase "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"

    I try to keep my life simple, and since no one can prove that invisible things that SUPPOSEDLY happened a hundred or so years ago, using "evidence" that can be interpreted a hundred different ways ... and all with internal reasoning that makes sense to the proponents, and, I ...having ALSO been consumed with such things earlier in my life ... have come to the conclusion that it is ALL a complete and utter waste of my time,.

    Soon enough ... too soon, perhaps ... we will ALL KNOW !!!

    AND ... since there is absolutely NOTHING I can do to change reality ... whatever it is ... to quote Rhett Butler ...

     "Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn!"

    I have a long list of REAL concerns, I CAN do something about.

    ..based on HARD EVIDENCE.

    Remember EVIDENCE?



  14. 8 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Presumably our discussions here are to seek TRUTH, and to be reasonable about it.

    You wouldn't know it by many of the comments.


    Well, it's sorta like the Declaration of Independence says ... We are (paraphrased) entitled to " ... Life, Liberty, and the PERSUIT of happiness ... "... no one can be assured of happiness, and no one can be assured of Truth . 

    Sometimes... the best we can manage is to PERSUE either, or both.

    We deserve what we are willing to FIGHT for... in Liberty AND Truth.

    Reality is that many NEVER get what they actually deserve ... for good or for bad.

    But many do.

    It's a messy exasperating process ... but it is a process ... to wrestle from the Universe what Truths we can.... IF ... if we are willing to wrestle for them.

  15. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    As to the thread title:

    "Governing Body: Does it show loyalty or disloyalty to question the GB?"

    Perhaps the better question is: What is the scriptural precedent for it?

    7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    If they are motivated by TRUTH ... wherever it may be found ... they will ALWAYS defend it on the basis of what is true and what is not true ... and they will ALWAYS be pleased to defend it by DIRECTLY answering direct questions ... and discuss the ideas and principles behind them.


    Like Jesus did?


    Not the same thing.

    Jesus could read their hearts and KNEW that these people were his enemies ... seeking to generate an excuse to have him killed ..setting him up to be trapped by his own words ... MISAPPLIED!

    Presumably our discussions here are to seek TRUTH, and to be reasonable about it.

    Therefore, the only risk here and among general discussions is to be WRONG, which is not punished by anything except the Universe, which is not arbitrary, capricious, or merciful, even to determined idiots and weasels.

    I stand by my statement " If they are motivated by TRUTH ... wherever it may be found ... they will ALWAYS defend it on the basis of what is true and what is not true ... and they will ALWAYS be pleased to defend it by DIRECTLY answering direct questions ... and discuss the ideas and principles behind them."

    That's the way the REAL world of here-and-now exists and works.

    All else is FANTASY!


  16. During the Vietnam War MANY families were heavily invested in the agenda of prosecuting the war to it's conclusion ... even though the Secretary of State (..used to be called "Secretary of War", during Abraham Lincoln's time...) Robert McNamara later wrote in a book apologizing for the "best and the brightest" sending so MANY young men to a useless death, for no reason, except to support a flawed, and useless agenda that was WRONG.

    Because these families had lost sons and brothers, and relatives in the war ... they thought that OTHERS should have to go, so that their relatives' blood would not have been be wasted.

    This is a STRONG emotion that WILL send men to waste THEIR lives ...... also.

    That is what happens when reason and logic is subservient to misplaced  loyalty to an emotionally charged agenda ... wasted lives ... where high ideals are transformed by emotion into EVIL.

    You ask a person if he likes carrots, and he replies that rabbits are driving his dog crazy.

    We are all interested in upholding Jehovah's Sovereignty, but loyalty to LIES, whether deliberate or just through common everyday  incompetence ... is WRONG ... and it gets Brothers and Sisters to carry heavy, heavy burdens that as they grow older and smarter, they realize are arbitrary and capricious ... and NOTHING to do with actual TRUTH.

    There is one invariable "Shibbolith" to tell if someone is motivated by TRUTH ... or motivated by an agenda, whether it be good, bad, or not important.

    If they are motivated by TRUTH ... wherever it may be found ... they will ALWAYS defend it on the basis of what is true and what is not true ... and they will ALWAYS be pleased to defend it by DIRECTLY answering direct questions ... and discuss the ideas and principles behind them.

    When a Brother or Sister refuses to discuss IDEAS and PRINCIPLES ... and RESORTS to ad hominem attacks, it is a sure sign HE OR SHE KNOWS, in their heart, that what they believe is not loyalty to actual Truth ... but on loyalty to a strongly entrenched agenda in which, like the Vietnam War, they are so heavily invested, they do not want to admit that their intellectual "bank account" is seriously overdrawn, and others see their shame of their "bankruptcy".

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