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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. TTH

    You are correct, technically.

    THE QUESTION REMAINS .... (rephrased .... )

    Has the Society ever ruled on what happens if a man or woman abandons their spouse FOR THE REST OF THEIR "NATURAL LIVES" ... is the one DELIBERATELY abandoned stuck for the rest of his "natural life"? ?

    Example: Lets say my wife got on a Starship to the  Centauri Star System, at sub-light speeds.  She is in hibernation, and will be asleep for 126 years in transit, 63 years accelerating, and 63 years decelerating, meanwhile, back on Earth I have to live the rest of my life, say 42 years, with no help, companionship, or love, THROUGH NO FAULT OF MY OWN.

    Does it serve the interests of 1.) God, 2.) Christ, 3.) or any PERSON .... for me to endure this cruelty for 42 years, and die alone? 

    To the best I have been able to determine ... THE ANSWER IS NO!

    That to me is the KEY question to understanding Jesus' advice about marriage.

    I cannot think of ANYONE who benefits from this cruel, current application of Scripture.

    Can YOU?

    The only working theory I can see for kindness, compassion, and Justice to prevail ... is if Jesus was ONLY talking to the Pharisees of his day about the SPECIFIC custom among Jewish men of his time of "juking the system" with a pad of divorce certificates, and closing the manufactured  "loophole" of this SPECIFIC activity, then, and now.

    If you have a better explanation ... I would like to hear it.

    The alternate explanation would have to be reasonable, show common sense, and the end result be merciful, and just ... and NOT HURT ANYONE ... which is the whole point of ALL Theocratic Law.



  2. I don't know what the law is ... either in Great Britain, or the United States ... but if a person is being accused of some crime... does he (or she) NOT have the absolute MORAL RIGHT  to face and cross examine ones' accuser?

    OTHERWISE ... If I was a nutso kid, or adult, I could ruin people's lives with COMPLETE IMPUNITY ... accusing people of committing foggery and mopery, with mirrors ... and they could make no defense, NOT EVEN UNDERSTANDING WHAT THEY WERE BEING ACCUSED OF.


  3. This is a three part question with THREE related answers:

    I saw a movie about a year ago about this Cowboy, driving his jeep through the desert, and he comes upon about six cars and pickup trucks grouped together, out in the middle of nowhere ... with bodies all around and in the vehicles. Apparently a drug deal had "gone bad", and the buyers and sellers had killed each other.. The pickup trucks are full of bales of drugs, and the cars are full of suitcases full of money. The Cowboy puts gasoline on the drugs, burning them up, and goes home with the money.

    Did he STEAL the money ... and  does he have a moral responsibility to return it to the people who were going to buy the drugs?

    Bear in mind, he has broken NO LAW ... and he is not legally REQUIRED to report the criminal activity ..... much like the Society's position that they will not turn JW child sex abusers over to the police unless legally REQUIRED to do so.

    Using the principles long established by the WTB&TS .... I would be inclined to keep the money !

    Of course I would check for hidden tracking transmitters in the suitcases ... and take other evasive precautions.

    .Question 1.) Did the Cowboy STEAL the money ... ?

    Question 2.) Does he have a moral responsibility to return it to the people who were going to buy the drugs ... ?

    Question 3.) What would YOU do?

    EXTRA CREDIT:  Was it immoral for the Cowboy to deliberately destroy the drug dealers' property?

  4. The simplest solution if you wanted to use a ramp ... would be a spiral ramp around the outside of the pyramid, and start building it from the center of the square bottom .... not from the bottom up...but from the inside out.

    The "trick" they had was telekinesis, which does not exist among humans today.

    Remember ... the Egyptian High Priest ALSO changed his staff into a serpent, during Moses' audience with Pharaoh.


  5. Building a pyramid, or an atomic bomb is VERY simple, if you find acceptable a VERY high people casualty rate handling the materials, and have an unlimited supply of unpaid labor, etc.

    If the pyramid project were mine, and I could afford to waste a hundred thousand human lives, the project would finish early and under budget.

    In Germany, the V-2 Rocket Program in Mittelwerk, near Nordhausen Germany killed MORE slave laborers building the rockets than were killed at the receiving end in England where the rockets landed.

    Approximately 25,000 people died MAKING the rockets, and 10,000 or so  people died as targets of the rockets. About six workers died for EVERY rocket produced.

  6. In order to answer that question you would need geology and soils reports for the construction site .... and develop from scratch a  complete set of plans of the structure to be built, "greased" the permitting process to a certainty ... surveys of the quarrys where the stone is sourced, and a staff of about 400 people in a building full of computers to do the cost estimates, bills of material, logistics planning, and manpower and tools and equipment acquisition and scheduling .  The list goes on, and on...and on.

    The actual construction could be started as soon as foundation details were firmed up, and the rest of the design could be built as fast as the stone could be quarried. Machines would have to be invented and built to transport those stone up a 37 degree or so slope.

    As an old grey man who has worked on projects that size much of my life, I give a conservative VERY rough guess of 11 years, and a cost of 3 trillion dollars.

    It would be easier and quicker with telekinesis, but those skills have long been erased from the human gene pool.

  7. The English expression "How long can you tread water .." means ... how long can you stay on TOP of the water in one place, usually by inflating ones' lungs, and moving the arms back and forth, with the palms of the hands angled down for upward thrust. 

    Also the punch line of an ancient Bill Cosby joke about people asking Noah what was it he was building there in his driveway, and he replied "How long can you tread water, ha ha ha ha ha ha.?".

  8. Well, we are baptizing 2nd Grade schoolchildren now ... and there appears to no longer be a minimum age, it is ... correction ... WAS ... absurd to suppose what the cartoon depicts ...

  9. 13 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

    NO, thats only a deal / business for rich and weird people...  Nobody ever will resurrect on the moon and can live,  not possible,  stupid idea ! :D 


    I do not think that Jehovah is going to resurrect all those millions of people that died in the middle of the Oceans from Shipwreck, drownings, or burials at sea IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN! 

    And an angel of the LORD said: "Hello there resurrected one ... how long can you tread water?" 

  10. Well, all three of my children turned out well, by any criteria you would want to use, and they are all three serving Jehovah, and Kingdom interests whole souled ... and when they were growing up they thought what I required of them was oppressive, and several times I got "WHAT! ... Don't we get a vote?".

    I always replied the same thing (paraphrased): "This is NOT a democracy, this is a tyranny, and I am the tyrant ... when you get to be 18 years old you are on your own and can do whatever you want to do ... when you are paying all your own bills, including rent.". It must not have been too bad, because my oldest stayed at home for about  three years after he turned 18, and when my youngest turned 18, they ALL (including my ex-wife) moved out.

    I had been out of work for almost a year, and was completely out of money, and very sick ... the "ATM machine" was dry.

    I perhaps over-did it, but my concept of being a good Father was to first be a Father ... and if I had any energy left over ... be a friend.

    Unfortunately, I was stretched to my limit, and was only able to be a Father.

    Life is hard ... then you die.

    It was a learning experience for the entire family.

    The "Society" had NOTHING to do with my operational philosophy .... perhaps more to the point too many John Wayne Movies.



  11. One of the things that sparked dialog is getting emails when someone posted, so a person could reply .... I don't think the new system ( no pun intended) does this.  It's a good idea, but it would be easier to just allow for hijacking a thread ... which in my opinion stimulates discussion of ALL types.  A freeform brawl of a discussion seems to me the best way to get NEW Truths, out of old ideas.

  12. Funny you mention that ... Years ago I was at my Father's house in Richmond, Virginia, and  I had an Elder call me up and tell me was going to destroy me ... and I said "You are welcome to try ... you know where I am ... I will meet you in the street out in front of the house, and we will shoot it out."  That was the last time I ever heard from him.

    I realize you are only funnin', so let's take it to the area we are supposed to go to.

    ( checks his supply of graphic Memes and cartoons...)

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