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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Different cultures have completely different ideas about what constitutes "HELL".

    In one of the RAMBO movies, Col. Sam Trautman, (played by Richard Crenna) John Rambo's former Delta Force superior officer in Vietnam, was explaining (paraphrased), " .... what you choose to call call Hell, he (Rambo, played by Sylvester Stallone) calls home!"

    With that understanding about cultural differences in mind .....



  2. Even though the International Delegation "supports the Russian Brotherhood", If any "change" is anticipated as a result, it will not be effective.

    Here is the main reason WHY Russia has banned Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The answer of "WHY?", is the most elusive of all... you FIRST need to understand their culture.


  3. Each country has its own set of cultural WEIGHTED values, as we learned in this weeks 2nd half of the mid-week meeting ( I cannot get "Service Meeting" out of my head, and every time someone says they are going on an RV, I think "MotorHome". ... sigh) discussing legal triumphs and setbacks, and the Jehovah's Witness Sister and mother  in Denmark (if memory serves) who had custody of her daughter, but the courts in Denmark took the daughter away from her and awarded custody to the Father ... BECAUSE... they considered it in the child's best interest to award her to the Dad, because he could handle problem resolution and disagreement better than the Mother could.

    Same with the Russians ..... they give a LOT of weight ... hence a "WEIGHTED" value ... to how we treat disfellowshipped families.  We are quite used to the idea that to discipline one person by expulsion, we also have to destroy their family relationships with everyone they have ever known, including their families and extended families ... BUT THE RUSSIANS DO NOT LIKE THAT.


    They remember being under Lenin and Stalin where families were turned against each other for the "Purity of the State", and the millions of men, women, and children who suffered and died because of such atrocities.

    These stories have been handed down now for nearly a hundred years, and are a part of their infamous history and culture, THE SAME WAY  that how we currently treat disfellowshipped people AND THEIR FAMILIES has become in the last 50 years.

    In jANUARY 1947, a year after a World War to abolish and destroy tyranny ....  there were articles in the Watchtower about how Catholics excommunication of people institutionally was an abomination, and that disfellowshipping was immoral, and unscriptural. I have a copy of that article I will attach of there is disbelief, or you can look it up yourself.  If I find it, I will add it at a later time as an edit.

    Different Cultures view different things as having COMPLETELY different importances.

    There is the old story ( possibly true?) about Americans on Safari somewhere in Africa  who saw a tribal lawbreaker executed with spears for something he did, and they were HORRIFIED at the ceremonial brutality of it. 

    Later that night, the tribal Chief came to the Americans and expressed his horror ... as he had heard that in America, they put people in cages for the rest of their lives, for similar crimes .. and he wondered how an obviously advanced Society COULD BE SO CRUEL?

    Horror depends on what you are USED to.

    I understand a great deal about cultural differences ... and understand how Putin could HONOR an INDIVIDUAL FAMILY before the nation for raising up exemplary children ... yet disdain and condemn an INSTITUTION, that to punish ONE person, turns family members against each other ... FOREVER.

    As the Presiding Head of the Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse, No. 54  asked of Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson under sworn testimony in court  ( paraphrased) " Don't you understand that that is CRUEL?"




  4. 14 minutes ago, SuziQ1513 said:

     Medical, social experts don't know what to do with them.   I have a rather gross but I think effective treatment (ready...)  castrate them and then graft their manhood to their ear.   Best warning system ever in my opinion and maybe a deterrent.   (sorry if I offended, but I really think that would work).  

    I think they tried that with what came to be known as Unicorns .. which had NOTHING to do with corn, and they died out.

    PLUS, it would give new perspective to those hard of hearing.


  5. You are just wrapped too tight, TTH .... and you are going to have a self induced stroke caused by massive irrelevancy. 

    The people of Rio Linda are NOT offended .. especially since because of the publicity their property values have gone up ... and there is MUCH more to the story than what you superficially gleaned from skimming the low hanging fruit.

    You need to get a grip, TTH ... lighten up .... take a break... get drunk ( for medicinal purposes only, you understand...) ... get a grip with BOTH  hands! 

    Lay down in the floor and pour a box of puppies on your chest.

    ..and quit trying to defend the indefensible ... that will give you a HEART ATTACK., or in an anxious fit spend all your days counting your ear lobes!

    Lighten up ... you will live a lot longer ... and be a LOT happier!



  6. 14 minutes ago, J.R. Ewing said:



    Ahem...Yoo Hoo! ... I never claimed it was real news ... it was YOU who claimed it was fake news... the burden of proof is on YOU.

    Testy your Stupidity  600  .jpg

  7. TTH:

    Being vulgar is like being pregnant ... either you ARE ... or you ARE NOT.

    When I slice my arm open on a piece of barbed wire, I get angry and exclaim "" OH RANDOM FLUCTUATIONS IN THE SPACETIME CONTINUUM !!! "  (*coff*).

    .... and OH!, by the way ... *coff* ... facts fall where they are let go ... I have challenged you several times to show ANYTHING I have EVER written about the Brotherhood, GB, etc.,  that is NOT TRUE ... ( remember the option to choose among my 7,000 or so posts over the past five or so years, Hmmmmm?) and so far .... you folded, when challenged.

    Care to "give it a go"?

    If I have been wrong I will beg your humble pardon here.

    TRUTH ... is not vicious.


  8. I have a brass plaque I bought in a boating supply store ... I used to have it stuck to my refrigerator, but I moved it into my study where I "work". 


    l       PRAY toward heaven       l

    l       ROW toward shore.          l





  9. Here in the South (North Carolina, etc.) , you can excoriate someone with no insult intended, if you close the blistering sentence with "... bless his pea-pickin' heart!"

    ....and speaking of my being a Jabba-The-Hut "10" (..apologies to Blake Edwards..)  I like to think I cannot be insulted, but my person is covered with semi-circular  marks about the size of a quarter, where people keep "touching" me with eleven-foot poles.

  10. I am always amazed when I run across that 30% of humanity that does not have a sense of humor ... and  cannot even RECOGNIZE humor when they see/hear it.  

    I do look back on my late teens with a great deal of self satisfaction having resisted the Draft during the Vietnam War, and declared to the Draft Board my resolve to NOT "go". They threatened me with five years in the Federal Penitentiary, and i pointed to them with the finger/gun gesture and said "That...you can do!". Fortunately for me they backed down and gave me my I-O, or Conscientious Objector status rating, but it was a three year battle.

    I suppose the imprisoned Brother will look back on his trials with a great deal of satisfaction as well, as the years roll by.

  11. Context?

    We have about six discussions bouncing around now.

    12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    , .... because they nail the Son of God to the stake again for themselves and expose him to public shame."

    In case you have lost track wandering around Booger's Woods ... THIS was what I was asking about ... merely asking for some real life, contemporary examples.

    It's like pulling teeth with a screwdriver!


  12. 9 minutes ago, J.R. Ewing said:

    Then it seems that Anna, JWinsider, and James Thomas Rook have a different agenda when it comes to wanting to know who Allen Smith is. They openly consort to believe, any new comer to this site is this person.

    "Openly consort to believe"?


    Gimmee a break!

    What does that even mean?

    It's gobbledegook ... and has no meaning whatsoever.

    And there is a difference between a working assumption, curiosity,  and belief ...

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