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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. When I was younger, I used to jump out of "perfectly good airplanes" ... calculating the value of what I would learn to be FAR greater than the risks involved .... and as I sat in the doorway of the aircraft, with my feet hanging out, and the ground two miles below me, I would look at the veins on the back of my left hand holding onto the door frame, and think "If I am wrong ... that hand, and the rest of me, will be dead in about three minutes."

    On my first jump, I crushed my left ankle when landing, and it took five years to stop hurting ...so I could jump again.

    I look back on such gambles as having made me a better person.

    I could have gotten killed, but voluntarily leaving that doorway ... I could NOT LOSE.

  2. TTH:

    And there are infinite reasons why people do or do not shave, just as there are infinite variations in people.

    You know what happens when you make the classical definition of "ASSUMING" something ...

    If Jehovah thought something was important in the Bible... it would be spelled out EXACTLY.


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  3. I admire her courage ... a LOT ... but that would still creep me out.

    I am sure she realizes this ... and it is THAT ... that gives her a backbone of steel.

    John the Baptist, who slept under a rock or something, wore rags, and who ate locusts MILLENIA before toothbrushes ... was highly favored by God.

  4. Often we remark on how we use MANY translations of the Bible to make sure we are properly guarded from agenda driven translations.

    Translators who believed in the Trinity, as an example, when translating, skewed the flavor of the translation to agree with what they ALREADY believed.

    Here is a unique copy of the "New International Version", which has, in certain circumstances, a distinct advantage over the "Silver Sword", or even an electronic based version.

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    Gun in Bible   600  .jpg

  5. 1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Here is the REAL TEST!

    ...and all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...

    Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?

    Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?

    NONE of the above scriptures I saw  HAVE ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with ANYONE willing to take a calculated risk on a voluntary basis, and in the case of, say, a Lottery, participate with others who WILLINGLY pool their money at odds of 1 in 295,000,000.

    Bible Speaks:

    So far you have not shown me ANYTHING from the Bible that is wrong with taking calculated risks and gambling.

    By the way .. EVERYTIME YOU GET IN YOUR CAR TO GO ANYWHERE ... you are gambling your life, health, and fortune. ... and the lives of those riding with you.

    EVERYTHING in life is a gamble ... Oh, and by the way, the Society has perhaps a HALF BILLION dollars in Stock Market Investments and invested trust funds ... and have a whole DEPARTMENT to TRY and manage those ...(oh, what's the word I am lookng for ... oh yeah! ...) GAMBLE.

    And in a Lottery, EVERY participant is there by his OWN FREE will .... in any enterprise entered upon with free will, there are no losers ... only those who did not win the pool.

    And yes, YOU will be disfellowshipped for buying a one dollar Lottery ticket ... while the Society gambles with millions of dollars of OUR contributions... EVERY ... DAY!

    What's wrong with THAT picture?




  6. When policy becomes more important than Justice ... Fairness ... and plain old common sense... this is what happens.

    Everything that is not specifically permitted ... is forbidden.

    How many times have we all seen Theologians of every Ilk enslave people with this philosophy?

    It is no encouragement that this ALSO occurs in the secular world.


  7. Although I am relying on a strong but fragmentary memory over 50 years old,  I remember studying that if a traveler or other person could not make it to Memorial for some very serious reason, that they could have a Memorial Celebration one Lunar Month later.

    We studied that in the KM at the KH, if memory serves.

    Does anybody remember this ... probably from the early 1960's?

  8. I am relying on a memory set over 50 years old, but I remember studying that if a traveler or other person could not make it to Memorial for some very serious reason, that they could have a Memorial Celebration one Lunar Month later. We studied that in the KM at the KH, if memory serves.

    Does anybody remember this ... probably from the early 1960's?

  9. Here is the REAL TEST!

    ...and all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...

    Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?

    Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?

    NONE of the above scriptures I saw  HAVE ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with ANYONE willing to take a calculated risk on a voluntary basis, and in the case of, say, a Lottery, participate with others who WILLINGLY pool their money at odds of 1 in 295,000,000.


    zero, zip, nada, goose eggs!

    If we prohibit taking known risks, among many other things, the human race will stagnate into the pit of starvation, death, and slavery, as Farmers will be PROHIBITED from doing their jobs and we will starve, there are a million ways to die,  and when enslaved, we will accept with resignation the status quo, and not risk getting free.

    Oh, and by the way ... who today worships any God of Luck?

    Nobody I have ever met.

    I cannot even think of a name to associate with one.

    Test Question 1.) What in life is NOT a gamble?

    Test Question 2.) What scripture in the Bible Prohibits taking known risks ?

    ... all else is drivel, and irrelevancy ...



  10. Just as in the case of the United States of America, with its Constitution as its basis ... or the human administration of the Congregation of God with the Bible as its basis, relying on the fine words in the Constitution of the Russian Federation is ONLY AS GOOD as the sense of honor, awareness, and experience of those  ENFORCING the controlling documents.

    When JUSTICE comes first ... all other things fall into place the way they should.

    When administrative POLICY comes first, it's  "a slippery slope on the slide to hell".




  11. TTH

    sigh ....

    ..always trying to divert from any discussion of issues to try and disparage the character of someone ....

    ... and I believe you when you said you would walk away from such reasoning ...

    ... there were MANY people throughout History with the same opinions, and History is replete with horror of how it turned out for them.

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    TRUTH does not cease to exist because it is ignored.


    The Greater the Danger  700  .jpg

  12. If the dating is accurate ... that would mean that the hammer was made by Homo Sapiens that existed BEFORE God created Homo Theocraticus, about 6,000 years ago .... just like the Jews at one time were the only people that God offered salvation, and it was just "tough luck" for anyone not Jewish.... "proto-humans" (before Homo Theocraticus ..) have been around a VERY long time before Adam and Eve were created, just as worldwide, Homo Sapiens lived MANY years before God's Covenant with Abraham.

  13. IT's not the petty FREEDOMS that you miss out on ...... it's the petty TYRANNIES that you have to endure ..... and they are like Camels ... once they get their heads into your tent .... soon, there will be no room for YOU.

    Only THEM!

    Ayn Rand on the Strong .jpg

  14. Yeah .... if he is drooling, stabbing the seat cushions with a knife, and brings a lunch to the 2017 Convention with fingers sticking out, they may need to reconsider the microphone thingy.

    There are PLENTY of examples of men in the Bible who slaughtered each other in wars, conflicts and assassinations ... AND THEY ALL HAD BEARDS!


    Bethel Food Service Crew.jpg

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