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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. On 1/25/2017 at 1:16 PM, TheWorldNewsOrg said:

    A bible was found untouched amid tornado wreckage in Mississippi, opened to a page that read “God is our refuge” https://t.co/rTaVFV1eoa http://pic.twitter.com/ezIYaOwTjI

    — CNN (@CNN) January 25, 2017

    My thoughts on this was that a reporter surveying the damage, looking for a story, took his water stained (from when he left his car window open...)  Bible out of the car, set it on a floor,, opened it to a passage that would appeal to man's better but gullible nature,  and took the picture back to his Editor for a GREAT, but totally fake human interest story.

    When I was a newspaper photo lab technician as a teenager, I saw things like that several times.

    Or, as John Randolph Hurst, about which the movie "Citizen Kane" was about, said when MANUFACTURING news about Spanish Atrocities against the Cubans just before the Spanish-American War, because no news does NOT SELL NEWSPAPERS, to his reporters in Havana "You supply the pictures, I will supply the war!"

    His totally fake news generated enough public outrage to cause Congress to declare War against Spain.


  2. AllenSmith:

    On 1/31/2017 at 6:02 AM, AllenSmith said:

    It seems JWinsider is taking up where James Thomas Rook Jr. left off with his morbid and outrages comments, that he is now deflecting as though it had a supernatural theme. Nice try!

    Ex-witness comment: “LOL.. I've seen plenty of comments from that Thomas Rook Jr. He seems to be on the brink of throwing the towel. He criticizes the org heavily but still feels is Jehovah’s Org. It just needs refinement. Very eloquent individual and well articulated, especially in longer posts.”

    I bet you are a LOT of fun at parties!

    If there is ever a party game "LET'S MISUNDERSTAND EVERYTHING!", where you take a simple concept or idea, and totally screw it up, you will ALWAYS win the prize.

    You may even become World Champion ( ... it just occurred to me that you may demand that to be phrased "Planetary Champion", because the world "World" is ..uh... worldly, and "Champion" is ...uh.. oh, what's the word you will be looking for? .... ).

    As to my morbid and outrageous comments ... they are an acquired taste, like eating olives or sardines  ... some people like gallows humor, some do not ..some people have enough of a frame of reference to SEE the humor ... and the point the outrageous comment  is pounding home .... some do not.  

    Infinite variety among Homo Sapiens, as well as "Homo Theocraticus."

    Uh-Oh ... I used the word "Homo". to refer to all of us ... and you ...  and YOUR turn to be offended.

    To be 100% consistent it is now YOUR turn ... please try not to jump up and down on the box of puppies!

    AllenSmith X-RAYS   600  .jpg


  3. Queen Esther;

    I remember when my eldest son was 14 years old .. and we went to a Chevrolet car dealership to look at cars. ... he  was well into wanting a driver's license and wanting a car of his own, at at the time I might have been able to get him one when he was 17 ....  and he had a driver's license.

    We looked at Corvettes ... and he knew he MIGHT get one.  He was very agreeable that day.

    He sat in the cars, we looked at the engines, read the window stickers for about an hour or so .. and then I looked at him and asked "Tommy,  if you could get one of these cars .. which one would you choose?"  His mouth fell open in anticipation and looked like I had just handed him a bare electrical wire.

    "Oh Daddy, I like... THIS ONE!", almost hugging a nearby car, which probably cost $50,000 or so.

    I looked at him with love in my heart, and asked him "And Tommy, ... what have you done to EARN such a magnificent machine?"

    I deliberately broke his heart ... but he makes enough money now to be able to afford any car he wants ( my best guess ), and he and his wife are serving Jehovah whole souled, far beyond my meager efforts.  

    I am also well pleased with how he and my other two kids turned out.

    I know MANY Elders whose children have left the truth ... all of them ... and I sometimes think my children would love me had I used a gentler, soothing tone ... but it was my job to be a FATHER ... not their friend, and to drop-kick them into the future.

    I may be tone deaf ... but I get by.





  4. It's like when I make something for the house .... I like to have the side no one will ever see painted ... because I will know.

    As long as you and I are alive, and people like us, we will be appreciative of his work ... but even that does not matter ...


    People that do not understand this should read the book "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand ... and then see the movie. ( In that order...).  I was already a "true believer", so I was stunned by the book, and the movie. I felt better ... much better .. for years afterward!

    Not everybody wants to be a vegetable farmer in the New System .... there are those that want to build STARSHIPS!



  5. Disregarding the plain ugliness of nipple piercing with hardware hanging from the punctured holes, having pins, rings, chains, baubles and beads hanging from one's nipples is a REAL PROBLEM when you go through metal detectors at Airport Security.

    ... that why Ah wears clip-ons!


  6. The first Kingdom Hall I went to I had a tile floor sloped downward like a movie theater to the stage and podium.

    I had a large bag of marbles I hid from my mother.

    We arrived late and sat on the back row.

    I dropped the bag and the marbles spilled out and rolled to the front, each making noise and hitting chair legs and shoes on the way down.

    That's when I learned to pray.



  7. 11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    The Hemlock Lake to Rochester fresh water channel is gravity fed. Once the water reaches city reserviors, of course, it is pressurized. 

    You are wrong, TTH .... (SUPRISE!) ... the Hemlock Water Treatment Plant, almost 28 miles due South of Rochester, YOUR HOME TOWN (?), is almost 900 feet above sea level ... and most of Rochester is somewhere around 250 to 500 feet above sea level.  The water is treated AT THE PLANT and enters several pipes about 5 feet in diameter, and for every 33 feet of drop going through those pipes towards Rochester, gains a full atmosphere of PRESSURE from the gravity.

    It's a HIGH PRESSURE line requiring gasketed and flanged steel pipes.  Rochester prefers to buy it's water from Hemlock Lake because it does NOT require electric pumps,  like say, the treatment plant North of the city drawing water from Lake Ontario,  which does require pumping because it is UPHILL to Rochester users ... It costs MONEY to pump water to the head of a water treatment plant, and then uphill and to the top of a water tower, etc.

    The Hemlock Lake Facility has all the pressure it needs, and MORE.  and the water is treated NOT in Rochester .. but at the Hemlock Water Treatment Plant.

    A 4" pipe opened fully at the bottom would shoot a column of water several hundred feet into the sky.

    Sewers, on the other hand, ARE NON- PRESSURIZED GRAVITY LINES, and are NOT pressure pipes ... except for "force mains" (uphill sewer lines, and hydraulic siphons .. a comparative rarity ..) are designed to flow 3/4 full, maximum, by gravity, as above 3/4 full the "hydraulic radius" actually makes a full pipe flow more slowly and less efficiently than a partially filled sewer pipe, because of friction against the pipe's side walls. They usually have "slip joints" with rubber "O" rings, and a lot of ground water seeps into sewers with the MUCH cheaper pipe fittings, which can be bent into a radius with about 12 degrees at the end of each pipe section, if needed.

    They have MANHOLES with vent holes that are at atmospheric pressure, THAT DO NOT SQUIRT SEWAGE HIGH INTO THE SKY.


    11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I do notice, however, that I have taken you up on your constant taunt: 'challenge me on ANYTHING - PLEASE DO IT! - and see if I am not the VERY PERSONIFICATION of TRUTH' and you skulk away, tail between your legs, with a 'oh, sorry, I was talking about someone else.' 

    Too scared to walk the sewers, are you? My great grandpa would have eaten you for lunch!

    I have never sulked away from one of your ranting challenges ... because I do not NEED to ... you are ALWAYS wrong.

    You also always misquote me in order to make yourself look good, many times by SELECTIVELY quoting, and then make up some disparaging fantasy and try to project it from YOUR mind, to me.  

    That's OK ... I am not the slightest bit offended ... if you want to continue it's no problem for me to continue to cut you off at the knees.  That is the advantage of an outrageous sense of humor ... most EVERYTHING is FUNNY!

    I EXPECT to be challenged on everything I say, without exception, so how could I possibly be offended when someone calls me on it and actually does?

    That is the way it SHOULD BE.   The only alternative is to have a Nation of Fools, con-men, and their marks.

    Oh, and by the way ... there is not a "channel", anywhere in the system.

    It is a magnificent system that still works the way it was designed over a hundred years ago.  You may be justifiably proud of your (edited: Great Grandfather's) efforts.



  8. 3 hours ago, Anna said:

    And so I will go with that until somebody arranges a break-in to Br. Herds closet, retrieves said watch, and after having it duly analyzed by an expert, breaks into Br. Herds room while he is sleeping, binds him hand and foot and interrogates him under a bright light with the threat of (whatever is most effective) if he doesn't tell the truth. Of course that someone would have to be you, because how can you trust somebody else to be saying the truth about the truth?

    One day I was looking at my cloth roll of wax carving tools, on the table, out of their sewn sleeves in the roll (they look a LOT like dental pick instruments), and from behind me, my eldest son asked me what they were ... he knowing I did not do my own dental work.

    Over my shoulder I gave him my best Jack Nicholson "Here's Johnny!" look with a maniacal grin, and said "... this is how I get people who lie to me to tell the truth!"

    You know, raising three children, I cannot remember any one of them EVER lying to me.



  9. TTH:

    Well, you certainly topped anything I had to say, with my measly 5 years experience ...

    My last posts about ONLY Sanitary Engineerin, and was NOT about me ... it was about the fact that those who "walk through sewers"  perform a necessary and even VITAL function for all Civilization, and that I knew what I was talking about, having designed them.

    Physical sewer systems, or philosophical sewer systems .... it works the same.

    Otherwise.... neither your pipes nor your theology will "hold water".

    As usual, in your last two posts, you picked up on the buzz words, misquoted me with vulgarity, and made a tirade based solely on your continued and sustained predilection for irrelevancy,

    By the way ... designing and building and maintaining potable water systems is NOT Sanitary Engineering.

    I used to design BOTH.

    BOTH come under the label of "Civil Engineering"

    One is a pressure system for drinking water .. the other is a gravity sewer system for crap and wastewater.

    It's best to know what you are talking about so you do NOT get them mixed up.

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