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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. If you can make it ... it will be something you will remember with awe the REST OF YOUR LIFE ... in great DETAIL ... WITH AWE AND REVERENCE.

    Susan and I and my Sister's family are planning to go to Cross Hill, South Carolina, arriving in the early morning of Monday, August 21st, 2017.  This is the exact center of the path of the total eclipse that is impossible not to be able to find. 

    We have already bought solar viewing glasses,  ( about $3.00 each), and I am going to buy a solar filter for my camera. We are taking a lunch and supper, as everywhere in a 70 mile wide path of the eclipse will be PACKED with people from all over America to see it.






  2. Since the Society does NOT recognize Civil Divorces if there is no adultery, and considers a couple to STILL BE MARRIED ... if a man and wife get divorced civilly ONLY ( perhaps for some economic reason, like bankruptcy, or estate management .... or they cannot stand each other more than a few hours a week .. (health reasons (?)) ... and they still shack up (friends, with benefits..) does the Society sanction these ones in any way?

    ( For those in Rio Linda ... "friends with benefits" means friends that have sex ...) ....


  3. I had already posted the following on the Archive "thumbnails by date" (what is the official name for that, anyway?):

    " Yeah ... and here in the United States, they ban Primatene Mist Asthma Rescue Inhalers because THE MUST-ERIOUS "they" believe (Belief is a strange and convoluted animal...) is that after the medicine is delivered to the lungs, the propellant is dangerous for the atmosphere, AND IS CONTRIBUTING TO DESTROYING EARTH'S CLIMATE.

    ...take a LOOK at this picture of the Japanese Eruption, and here the Mt. Pinatubo Explosion!!

    The U.S. Geological Survey said this about the Cataclysmic 1991 Eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippine Islands ... which before they stopped measuring, put more pollution and claimed "Greenhouse Gasses" (greenhouse gasses ... the only REAL one is water vapor...) than the human race has collectively done in its entire history ... COMBINED ... by a factor of 870. ( ... that's 870 times MORE than EVERYTHING mankind has ever produced, altogether, for those in Rio Linda ....).

    " Impacts of the Eruptions

    Fortunately, scientists from the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
    Seismology and the U.S. Geological Survey had forecast Pinatubo's 1991 climactic
    eruption, resulting in the saving of at least 5,000 lives and at least $250
    million in property. Commercial aircraft were warned about the hazard of the ash
    cloud from the June 15 eruption, and most avoided it, but a number of jets
    flying far to the west of the Philippines encountered ash and sustained about
    $100 million in damage. Although much equipment was successfully protected,
    structures on the two largest U.S. military bases in the Philippines--Clark Air
    Base and Subic Bay Naval Station--were heavily damaged by ash from the volcano's
    climactic eruption.

    Nearly 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide were injected into the stratosphere
    in Pinatubo's 1991 eruptions, and dispersal of this gas cloud around the world
    caused global temperatures to drop temporarily (1991 through 1993) by about 1°F
    (0.5°C). The eruptions have dramatically changed the face of central Luzon, home
    to about 3 million people."

    Note that putting 870 times, and MORE greenhouse gasses, and crud into the atmosphere LOWERED the Earth's temperature ... NOT raised it.

    We are being duped by Snowflakes.



    AshCloud 700  .jpg

  4. Wrong Question:

    Was this INSTITUTIONAL disfellowshipping against as it is practiced today ... destroying whole family relationships, up and down generational lines, and across extended families?

    NO!   .... That would be as the Russians view it ... an EXTREME view ... on a slippery slope to  societal ruin.

    There may be mitigating circumstances that Elders cannot even comprehend ... or wrap their minds around.

    If I unrepentedly shot my mother to death , I should be disfellowshipped forever .. but by WHO?

    If I unrepentedly  shot her because she was burning to death in a car fire, and there was no way to get her out ... all sane people would exonerate me ... except Pharisee types divorced from reality.

    The world is full of INFINITE VARIETY, and NO ONE can evaluate it all correctly.

    Justice we get from Jehovah God ... all else is due process .... ONLY!

    Institutionally, we should get out of the judge, jury, and "execution" business, leaving punishment to Jehovah, and the properly trained consciences of those professing True Christianity, as individuals.


    Institutional disfellowishipping only has one REAL purpose ... the way it is handled today ... to inspire fear of rebellion against the authority that has self-appointed themselves into as much ultimate power as the State will allow ... for NOW.

    Watchtower 1930 apostasy remark.jpg

  5. .

    Yeah, when raising my three children I never had to beat them with a literal rod ... except for number 4, Amos (The Evil One), who we had to chain to the rafters in the attic, and occasionally discipline him by throwing a bucket of fish heads up the stairs at him.

    Boy!, that kid could wail and moan and rattle chains like you wouldn't BELIEVE!

    He was 32 years old before he died,  and he turned out nicely before the end.

    We finally did train him to do useful, productive work, got him longer chains, and he ran  all during the nighttime on a giant hamster wheel hooked up to a generator for all our electricity, except the clothes dryer, which takes 240 volts.

    I was there the night he died on the Hamster Wheel, while I was repairing  a smoking hot  bad wheel bearing, when he uttered his last words ...

    "WATER!" "Water!

    .... water ....


  6. On 6/18/2017 at 9:06 AM, Melinda Mills said:

    A very good point here.  God placed selected numbers in the Ark of every kind of animal living on dry ground. Clean animals in sevens, unclean animals in twos.   If he expected them to eat one another he would not have put such low numbers and Noah would not have had to gather food for them for roughly a year. No problems with the animals were reported.

    Another good point here. God can control fertility.  Already we have animals which are not very fertile, e.g. the panda. (The animals will not have everlasting life nor will pets be resurrected.) However, God has everything at his disposal to bring about his purpose. 

    What God can do with fertility, and what he DOES do are two different things ... Even Muppets like Kermit the Frog, and Miss Piggy, who spend a LOT of time in theatrical trunks between movies, in CLOSE contact.. with all kinds of OTHER Muppets, they NEVER get pregnant.

    If they did, perhaps their offspring would be Piogs, or Figs, and that of COURSE would be the doings of Jehovah God... any other answer would be ABSURD!

    ..and then, those of us who LIKE Muppets even more than people, could enjoy their antics, drama, and companionship without stingy,  evil Movie Producers putting the kabosh on their never ending efforts to make Millions of People happy!




    Kermit and Piggy Wedding.jpg

    Kermit and Piggy child.jpg

    Kermit and Piggy child.jpg

    Kermit and Piggy child.jpg

  7. Even when the animals live in peace ... slowly starving to death from malnutrition,  there will always be that ONE exception. 

    1.) This is my Daughter at age 12, with a picture we took at a shopping mall.

    2.) This is a picture of a hippo, saving a poor crocodile from drowning.

    3. Another picture of a mammal and an amphibian getting along well . and

    4. There is ALWAYS that ONE Exception ...

    ...sigh ...

    Michelle at 12 600 .jpg

    Hippo saving a drowning crocodile  600 .jpg

    Kermit and Piggy Wedding.jpg

    Machine gun Dog.jpg

  8. Eoin:


    The scriptural admonition posted above is CRYSTAL CLEAR. I know for a fact that if my Father had not whipped me with belts and switches to cut the blood out of my legs (for which he openly wept ..) the day I turned 18 years old I would have been electrocuted in the Spring Street Prison in Richmond Virginia.

    We are not in an era where strong people do the right things anymore ... even in the Truth we are governed by Snowflake inspired political correctness, participation awards, and instead of a love for mercy and righteousness ... all theocratic policy is now set by the Society's Lawyers and Accountants, and the rest is ignored or watered down.

    But for the emasculated Fathers among the Brotherhood, there is HOPE!

    GROWACET  600 B .jpg

  9. From Seaworld Parks and Entertainment:

    "Food Preferences And Resources ( of Walruses)

    1. Walruses prefer molluscs - mainly bivalves such as clams. They also eat many other kinds of benthic invertebrates including worms, gastropods, cephalopods, crustaceans, sea cucumbers, and other soft-bodied animals. Walruses may occasionally prey on fishes such as polar cod.
    2. Walruses may eat the carcasses of young seals when food is scarce.
    3. There are some rare but habitual seal-eating walruses. Their diet consists mainly of ringed and bearded seals. These are usually male walruses, recognizable because they are usually larger than other males, with powerful shoulder and chest muscles. Their skin may become grease-stained from the blubber of the seals they prey on.


    The Elephants teeth look like that so they can FIGHT meat eating  predators on an equal basis, and the fact that they cannot floss without two trunks.



  10. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    You are FAMOUS for ad hominum attacks, open, thinly disguised, and heavily disguised

    Mr. Tact and Kindness is telling me about attacks?


    " ... Mr. Tact and Kindness is telling me about attacks? "  from your above quote ....

    There is a difference between justified attacks and ad hominum attacks. 

    The first is to force TRUTH from obfuscation.

    It always makes things clearer ... and if successful, the result is TRUTH.

    The second is to hide faulty reason and logic, and obfuscate truth with a diversionary tactic because you are losing the debate, and does not discuss ISSUES ... but the bathing habits and "speech impediments", ( or in this case, the typing impediments ...),  etc., of the debate opponent.

    A justified attack HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH TACT AND KINDNESS .... nothing at all.

    The Japanese Empire, in the 1940's, learned that the HARD way.


  11. TTH

    The only thing on YOUR watch is possibly Mickey Mouse.

    We have been exchanging barbs for MANY months now, and there is a common thread .... when your reasoning is shown by example to be deficient .. you change the subject, deliberately misunderstand or... worse ... accuse people of bad character or apostates, and at least three times, have been vulgar about it.

    You are FAMOUS for ad hominum attacks, open, thinly disguised, and heavily disguised ... but ALL to try and conceal your lack of reading comprehension skills, or faulty logic.

    And the worst crime in your attempts to be funny ... almost without exception ... all you can manage is clever. Fracturing your personality into three parts each with a name and log-in WAS clever... and ALMOST funny.

    You lash out about form (type style, type size, cartoons, memes, etc.) and never address the issues that are stapled to your forehead.

    AND YOU NEVER GET THE POINT OF ANY DISCUSSION that interferes with your predigested view of how things OUGHT to be, even when presented with HARD EVIDENCE to the contrary.

    You still have not realized that the rules of engagement here in this public forum are that you fight to the END to advance your beliefs ... and getting miffed, and hiding behind the curtain of the "loyalty agenda", is the equivalent of cowardice on the field of battle.

    That is not only Mickey Mouse ... it's just plain ... *coff* .... Goofy.

    TRUTH is born of fire and steel, and bad ideas need to die publicly.


  12. Not one witness in 200 understands ( and I just made up that statistic ...) that the way "new truth" is determined is that it is proposed by someone, and VOTED ON ... and there has to be a 66.66% majority to apostasize from the "Old Truth", or come up with a "new" idea.

    In 1957, when Sputnik was circling the Earth ... it was proposed that this be viewed as one of the "signs in the heavens", but it did not get enough votes to become "new light".


    Something is either true ... or it's NOT!

    I remember pieces of a movie I saw on TV many years ago ... I think the movie's setting years were somewhere around the 1300's ... Omar Sherif playing somebody was being asked if there REALLY was such a thing as witches.

    He replied "I hope so ... because we burn at the stake about 16,000 a year, in Germany alone." (paraphrased 50 year old memory fragment).

    I understand the relationship between these two apparently disjointed ideas ... I hope you do also.

    When people start "making up" theology from NOTHING ... they also start collecting firewood for those who will not, and cannot believe it.





  13. Slander is only slander if it is NOT true, and the person being excoriated is still alive.

    Slander DAMAGES someone.   You cannot slander  or libel a dead person ... it is IMPOSSIBLE to hurt them.. They are dead.

    and the perfect defense against a charge of being a slanderer is if what you said is TRUE.

    The fact that the rules were changed for the President of the WTB&TS, and others were treated like disfellowshipped ones, there is a word for that.


    Petty tyranny, to be sure ... not like being put in front of a wall blindfolded and shot ... but tyranny nonetheless.

    At has ALWAYS been true among supposed equals everywhere .... "Everyone is Equal, but some are more equal than others.".

    PubSpeak notwithstanding.

  14. PeterR:

    TTH has a well documented tendency to make up complete scenarios ENTIRELY from his imagination, without any basis in fact whatsoever, and then compare others to his imaginary scenarios .... and he has NO CONCEPT that there are people who are willing to risk their lives, their fortunes, their reputations and everything they hold dear to pursue Justice and Truth for its OWN sake .... and to defend the oppressed they have never even met.

    Tyranny has become political correctness .... with manners!

    .... or in his case ... bluster.

    OH ... and TTH ... thank you for providing a never ending stream of solid documentation to substantiate my assertions!


  15. .

    Thank you for a PERFECT analogy.

    I don't see many of those.



    16 minutes ago, PeterR said:


    1 hour ago, Eoin Joyce said:

    I thank God for any meal prepared by my wife, and I thank her as well. I don't understand your problem with this, really.


    Me too. But I thank him for the food that was available to make the meal. If my wife burns it or adds way too much salt I don't pretend that God did the cooking.



  16. There is a very simple solution to all of this ...uh .... we have already defined one generation as really being two generations that overlap... two, yet one ...uh ... so ... as the time runs out  having ALREADY established this principle ... we can make a THIRD generation overlap, and it STILL be one generation that will not pass away, before all these things occur ... and even a FOURTH or FIFTH generation overlap, and STILL call it the generation that will never pass away until all these things occur .... or ...uh ... or as many as we need to keep the whole thing from unraveling.




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