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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. A very nice piece of video editing by someone .... usually they get the color balance off when they cut out what was really there and insert something else. And the camera motion was PERFECT as Jack was "reading the letter".  If you do not speak German, there are many edited and sub-titled meme' videos on YouTube that are terrific satires of just about any subject that you could have,.

    If you have NO SENSE OF HUMOR, you do not want to watch these parodies ... um... like this one.


  2. 3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    If another religion was teaching such an inconsistency, we would obviously deride them for their lack of ability in "handling the word of truth aright." (2 Tim 2:15)

    When we go to the Airport, and  enter that fragile aluminum tube that takes our even more fragile bodies made of mostly water seven miles high into the hostile sky,  we hope the pilot has some idea where he is going, and is not just wandering around aimlessly, his main concern being  keeping his cushy job.

    It's a shame when we look around and all the other passengers have embraced the idea  that this is normal.

    Mostly because anyone who complains is hustled to the back of the plane, and thrown out the door.

    .. lovingly, of course ....

    Aposticizing from Former TRUTH .jpg

  3. .


    Bruceq is probably right ....

    If we are going to REFUSE to use the word "generation" like Jesus meant it ...  which all those listening INSTANTLY understood without a million word debate ....... the way the word has been used for FOUR THOUSAND and more years, and is used today by EVERYBODY on the planet ..... except the GB .. it's like milking a mouse, because you need the butter.

    ... or a squirrel.

    Squirrel Butter  500 .jpg

  4. Sigh ...

    How many MILLIONS of words are going to be expended TRYING to rationalize something that sane, rational people will always choke on?

    The only opinion that counts is what was commonly understood in the time of Jesus, and the meaning Jesus MEANT, which would have been INSTANTLY understood by EVERYONE without the need of a million word thesis, years of discussion, and charts from art departments.

    Here is the fact:

    Generation, as understood back then, and now by EVERYBODY except the GB is ONLY one thing.


    The reason a generation is called a GENERATION, and not an epoch, an age, or Howdy Doody Time, is that  when a man and a woman have sex, and create a baby ... THAT IS THE NEW GENERATION. 

    OF COURSE (hopefully) it overlaps the PREVIOUS Generation ... but each is of a DIFFERENT Generation ..... they were "generated" at different times.

    TWO GENERATIONS ARE NOT ONE GENERATION, as called for in Scripture. "This Generation will not pass away, before all these things occur .."

    THEY HAVE "GENERATED" A LIFE.    The lifespan of that child is ONE GENERATION!!!!

    This is how all sane, rational people view a generation .... when they are not trying to defend ... the indefensible.

    .( ... for those in Rio Linda ... that is somewhere between, on the average ... 40 and 108 years ... usually somewhere around 80 years ..)

    When you quit trying to defend the indefensible it gets REAL simple. 

    Just use the same definition that EVERYBODY on the planet ... back in Jesus' time and continuing to this day .... except the GB  .... uses, and HAS USED, for the past 4,000 or so years.

    "Overlapping Generation(s)"  are NOT ONE GENERATION.


  5. Assuming the formula is stated correctly ( and it's NOT ... ) the answer is "minus 8 pi alpha".

    I guess I will note here that I called True TomHarley's bluff in the previous thread, and challenged  him to explain the "overlapping generations" in such a simple manner that EVEN AH could understand it ... and he looked at his cards, and folded.

    A shame really ... I was hoping to understand what appears to me to be gobbledegook, as all the Elders and other JWs I asked to explain it to me were also unable to do so.  

    SOOooo, after declaring how simple it was, TTH was unable to explain it to me in his own words ...  which means to me that he CANNOT believe it himself, as he cannot explain it to anyone else in his own words... after challenged to ACTUALLY do so.

    If loyal defenders of the doctrine cannot explain it ..... how can they POSSIBLY believe it themselves?

    Even though TTH folded under challenge, JTR knows that even  TBBT's Sheldon Cooper is stumped sometimes, even by a Feynman Diagram ... and the Janitor sitting next to him instantly has the correct answer.

    "Go Polar Bears!"

    The pathetic shame of it all is TTH REALLY believes ... that he really believes it.



  6. I guarantee you one thing ... when Polar Bears become vegetarians ... people are going to get VERY tired of hauling 23 million tons of straw to the wastelands of the Arctic, day after day after day after day ....... after day after day.

    Or as Marie Antoinette was reported to have said just before she lost her head " No straw? ... Let them eat ICE!"

    ... but I may have gotten that mixed up.

    (... and I betcha the Polar Bears will equally get tired of all that straw!)



    Polar Bear edited  500  t.jpg

  7. 2 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

    To work with a horse, a great deal of training is required.  Some of them might be trainable, but not necessarily as pets. But there has to be room for "a little boy will lead (train?) them" but they will be free to be themselves; absolutely no circuses.

    I still think they will eat vegetation though. Nothing is impossible for God. There is a reason God is not telling us everything.

    Can God make a rock so big EVEN HE cannot lift it?


  8. Eoin :

    You are very close to the correct answer .. the question is NOT "what" ..... but "WHY?"

    No one has yet answered ... "WHY?"

    The "why" of EVERYTHING is the most difficult to discern .....

    Unless you understand "why".....

    ..... you will always get "what", wrong.


  9. 14 minutes ago, Anna said:

    At the convention today there was mention of certain behavioral characteristics that animals have which help them survive. Some of these are instincts which protect them from predators. These behaviours are atributed to Jehovah's creative wisdom. However, this is obviously at odds with the idea that animals were created not to eat each other. How does one reconcile these two opposing ideas?



    Use plain old common sense, and ALSO look at the differences between a cow's teeth ( and every other king of animal that eats vegetation ...) and a lion's teeth, or a crocodiles' teeth ( and EVERY other animal that eats meat ...), and notice the difference in DESIGN.

    When I see large Tiger type incisors on a horse, (... like a tiger has ...  for those in Rio Linda ...) the only thing I can be sure of is that he or she has a Visa card, and has been shopping at a Halloween supply novelty store for vampire teeth. ( That was satire ... for those in Rio Linda...).

    Good intellectual detectives detect much.

    Bad intellectual detectives detect little.

    About half the world's population don't intellectually detect at all.

    That is what DEFINES average people.

    These people are usually made into slaves, because they are unaware and have no powers of observation.

    .They will believe ANYTHING!, no matter how irrational, if it's stuffed inside a  cuddly, huggable Teddy Bear.

    Squirrel Butter  500 .jpg

  10. More questions ... I did not count, but there must be a DOZEN or more ...

    Lets' try AGAIN, ....

    The SPECIFIC question is: (ahem...)

    WHY ? .... does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?.

    ... getting a straight answer is like trying to find chicken teeth.




    ( Hint ... and this is only a suggestion ... start your sentence with the word "BECAUSE ...")


  11. Ok, AllenSmith ... I give up.

    You have worn me down to the nub with many words . yadda yadda yadda yadda.

    The question remains ....

    WHY ? .... does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?


    4 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

    Fair enough question. However, there is a short and long answer.

    The short answer is: at what point does symbolism become idolatry?

    The long answer is: why is the short answer so important for True Christians to understand such a crafted question about tattoos.

    Going through what you wrote is like finding a specific four-leaf clover on a golf course.

    Your short answer AND your long answer were not ANSWERS .. they were additional QUESTIONS !!


  12. WHY ? .... does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?

    Today my wife and I were at a restaurant, and a woman had a tattoo on her shoulder, about the size of a U.S. Eisenhower "Silver" Dollar, of Mickey Mouse.

    If this is wrong, then why are punctured ear lobes  for earrings OK?  It seems to me it it is not so much a question of "what" as it is a question of  .... WHY?

    WHY ? .... does Jehovah God forbid tattoos?

  13. 1 hour ago, ARchiv@L said:

    the food (everything) will be so tasty that time ...and nobody will have problem ... not humans ... not animals .... :)

    ..and since there will be no birds  eating  their weight in insects everyday, the Paradise Earth will be covered in bugs to a depth of about two miles, like an Antarctic Ice Sheet ... except where people live and enjoy their delicious new homes.



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