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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 5 hours ago, Anna said:

    Yes indeed. But how fatal would it really be if we ignored Jesus words about not knowing the day or hour?

    Anna: ....

    I tried to read all that stuff from the 1968 Watchtower you posted.  I REALLY did.

    But I concluded that the whole thing could probably be condensed to two short paragraphs, and to read it in it's entirety would probably be fatal to me, from the handful of caffeine tablets I would need to finish it.

    ...continuing with TTH's comments about John F. Kennedy being the impetus to get mankind to the Moon ..... the thought just occurred to me that with all his foibles, weaknesses, and missteps, ( Bay of Pigs .. what's THAT?), and setting the stage for the Vietnam War, etc., he was sorta like the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, with all their foibles and general cluelessness.

    What he did RIGHT ... makes up for everything else, with change left over.

    Same thing.

  2. 8 hours ago, Arauna said:

    If you think they use it for their own purposes then why do you donate?  That is not logical.

    I suppose I have the same attitude as Lazarus Long did, when he was pioneering a frontier planet, in the novel "Time Enough For Love", by Robert A. Heinlein.

    He was a shopkeeper, who backed the paper currency he printed up for the community, with grain, instead of gold, and the system worked perfectly.

    He had an employee he considered to be honest, because he stole from the company a straight 15%, and no more, and Lazarus ran the bank, and his employee ran the store.

    I thought that was a VERY realistic viewpoint.

    .... same thing.

    When the GB starts riding around in Lear Jets, and Chinook Helicopters, I may revise my opinion.



  3. My donations are always by check, and written thereon is "for local needs".

    It's like paying taxes, some of which are used to make hydrogen bombs, and ICBMs.

    Not my problem.

    Jesus and the Apostles needed NONE of those things you mentioned, Arauna.

    If you are NOT inspired of God, as the GB admits they are not ( February 2017 Watchtower), you do need all of those things you mentioned.

    They are actually essential, as I would freely admit.

    .... and HEY!, I am just guessing about all of this ... as is everyone else.

    40 minutes ago, Arauna said:

      I think we need a little more gratitude and less criticism...  ALL you see is "billions" which you try to imply are used for their own purposes.... 

    And Arauna .... did you get NOTHING out of the "Follow Jesus" Assemblies?

    Jesus set the example .

    We are either following that example, or .....


    The fact of the matter is that the GB DOES use the billions for their own purposes.

    but, I am, as you stated, "no one to criticize" ... as I do not follow Jesus' example either.

    If I had that kind of money, I would buy a Chinook double rotor helicopter, instead of Rolex watches, and cartoons of Caleb and Sophia, etc.

    uh ... for Witnessing on beautiful Pacific Islands, of course ....



    Chinook Helicopter.jpg

  4. I strongly suspect that Jehovah's Holy Spirit is given in direct proportion to the amount of Spirit you actually need.... considering that Jesus Christ and the Apostles had NO Real Estate whatsoever, as part of their Organization, and only enough money for the days food, and to the best of my knowledge, just the clothes on their backs, they needed a lot ... and they received a lot of Holy Spirit.

    The Governing Body has billions of dollars in Real Estate, all over the world, and controls billions of dollars worth of money, to spend as they alone see fit.

    ... and dat's de fact, Jack.

    SOOooooo... they are on their own.

    ..... as are the great majority of us.

    I have SEEN Jehovah's Spirit build up and sustain several of the Anointed ones, who had no strength of resources of their own, and I suspect when it is needed ... actually NEEDED .. the rest of us "ground pounders" get it as well.

    That is just my guess of how it works ... no more.

    ...and I suspect it is INVERSELY proportional to how much you have naturally, WITHOUT Jehovah's intervention.




    the formula for that is 1/x.

    There is probably a button on your pocket calculator for that.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Some unknown people, living who knows where have some thoughts about killing Cain, because he murdered Abel. Why would they be interested in this Adam's family "business"? And why they were interested in "punishing" Cain? 


    Hatred borne of jealousy ...

    .... because the people  covering the Earth, outside of Adam and Eves' family, were NOT directly created beings of Jehovah, and did NOT have an opportunity to live forever ...

    ...and they KNEW that to be the case.

    That is why Cain was afraid that wherever he went in his enforced exile to wander the Earth, those evolved  humans would kill him.

    I do not "have Polaroids", but that idea solves a LOT of problems, including millions of tons of hard fossil evidence, all over the Earth, that only the willfully stupid would say means nothing ... and it solves the problem of who Cain married.

  6. 2019-12-14_032417.jpg


    2011, after the Nation realized they could NOT keep their doctor, they could NOT keep their health plan, and the $2500 every person was going to save on their Health Care, was going to cost them about $10,000 more, and if they did not buy it, the IRS would add a whopping fine to their Income Tax return.

    On a related note, in 1980, the Governing Body in considering the "signs in the heavens ..." actually considered declaring Sputnik to be the fulfillment of Bible Prophesy, Schroeder, Karl Klein and Grant Suiter proposed moving the beginning of the "generation" to the year 1957, to coincide with the 1957 Sputnik event,  and it almost became "new light", except a 66-2/3 majority vote was needed to adopt that policy, and one member of the Governing Body went to the restroom, and when he came back, he changed his vote, and it failed by one vote.

    In retrospect, perhaps the Brother should have held his water.



  7. It's a difficult doctrine, with an easy explanation.

    The Earth is about 3.5 billion years old.

    Each creative day is (3.5 billion divided by 7 = 500,000,000) about 500 million years..

    Armageddon will occur at the "End of Days".

    Therefore ... "Stay Alive, 'till 500,001,975".


    The math works out perfectly, AND it agrees with fossils !

    TA DA!

    Plus! --- the .ORG gets a LOT of "wiggle room".

    As Marvin Webster sez: "Ya'll think about it."



  8. 2019-12-13_021113.jpg


    Thanks Space Merchant, I needed that!

    It is so much fun watching snowflake liberal's heads explode all over the ceiling at the slightest thing that is actually funny!

    It is like watching the movie "Mars Attacks", when granny is listening to the radio in the nursing home, and yodeling comes on the programming.

    CNN was once my very favorite Cable News Network, for their superb coverage of the First Gulf War, but now they are pathetic, and a comedy show of utter and total cluelessness..

    If they did not have contracts to be in most of USA Airports, supplying equipment and programming, I suspect ONLY Democrats who consider it the "Clinton News Network", (.. which CNN is ...) would watch it.



    I downloaded the CNN video from the YouTube link ... Don Lemon's reaction is PRICELESS!


  9. 13 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    Matthew simply exposed himself for siding with the goddess Ceres, likewise, to him siding with the other false gods, Tammuz and Saturnila, as past discussions show.

    I rest my case ..... but of the two, Space Merchant ... you win!

  10. Hmmmmm .... and here I thought Ceres was a minor planet in the Asteroid Belt ... who knew I was really celebrating a grain god?

    I didn't.


    I think you have BOTH lost your grip on realty .... BIG time.

  11. I just woke up startled, from my afternoon nap.

    I had a really scary nightmare, about the Presidential Impeachment effort now going on.

    I dreamed I was a Democrat Congressman, and in the dream I thought I was possessed by a demon that controlled me like a puppet.

    And in fighting that double whammy of being a Democrat Congressman, and a demon, I was trying to fight the evil that possessed me.

    I thought "Could it be that we are just whiney bullies, completely divorced from reality, trying to railroad and frame a man for crimes that do not even exist, but are merely policy differences between adversaries?"

    I thought "Could it be that this is just a vendetta, for his unspeakable crime of making us and all out friends look like complete fools, in predicting Hillary would win in a landslide of historic proportions?"

    I thought "Could it be that our hatred for this man, and his continuous string of accomplishing what he promised to do in his campaign is making us hate him even more, giving us NOTHING to run on in 2020?"

    I thought " Could it be that this unfair sham of a trial to get him impeached is merely to mortally wound him so he will lose the 2020 Presidential Election, especially since every one of our candidates are either senile, or bat-crap crazy .... or both?"

    And then I came to the unconsious realization ( ... as I was in fact dreaming ...) that "NAAAAH! ... merely a spot of indigestion."





  12. 2 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I was just kidd8ng about thor, I know he doesn't really exist. So when Christians get together for Thanksgiving and pray to Yaweh, you jw's are calling Yaweh a pagan god....this is blasphemy of the highest sort.

    You are going to have to do some serious explaining, to justify that statement, as it makes no sense at all.

    Further, if Thor is the reaction you get when eating a Thanksgiving Day meal, you need to take some Athpirin.

  13. In considering the thread topic "The Watchtower and the Colored people", how do you define "colored people"?

    I, am caucasian, but am kinda pinkish, tan color.

    Are we talking about everybody except Albinos, who are as white as a marshmallow?

    ... and if we label everybody "green people" to avoid discriminatory language, do the light green people get to sit in the front of the bus?

  14. I have carefully considered all of the above points, and concerning the willingness to die for one's beliefs, I have this to say about that:

    Actor, comedian, and film producer, etc., Woody Allen said it best when asked about one of his latest movies, and the body of movies he had made in the past, either as star, producer, director, or all three ...

    "Would you, through your movies, like to live forever in the hearts of your many fans?"

    He replied "I would like to live forever, in my apartment in Manhattan."

  15. 1 minute ago, Anna said:

    haven't watched it yet. Did he really say that, because that's what I've always said. Some people didn't like that though, unfortunately proving that they were kind of "worshipful" of the GB, and believed the GB were ultra special and more than anyoe else. 

    One of three questions they asked me at my Reinstatement was (paraphrased) "What is your opinion of the Governing Body?"

    I replied  (paraphrased) " I would have to agree with them in the February 2017 Watchtower, that they are neither inspired of God, or infallible.".

    I believe that if I had phrased that differently, all other things being equal, I would NOT have been Reinstated.

    By actual test, I would agree with you, Anna.

  16. ....




    So that is your better idea, eh?

    Again you miss the point of trying to solve a problem with a solution to a problem that does not exist.

    Furthermore, it is painfully transparent and obvious that you do this to avoid having brought to the light of day facts that are painful for you to admit, that would be exposed by following my suggestion.

    I already know the answers that you will get from my suggestion.

    You do too.

    We are BOTH ashamed of what we will learn as part of this exercise that would cost about $50 ... NOT the cost of a single stamp, and would require  a full day to do it right.

    I have already done what I suggested several times in the past, with other issues,  and as I sent my little "torpedos" out into the dark, what lit up on the horizon was not what I wanted to see, either.

    .... but it was IMPORTANT information.

    Information based on TRUTH ... not rumors, innuendo, legends, wishful thinking, and second, third, and fourth hand accounts from unknown or unverified sources.

    The question at hand was trying to get honest answers about a HIGHLY controversial aspect of our history, and the people involved, straight "from the horses mouth", INSTEAD of hearsay, which facts you consider heresy.

    Your suggestion would be a meaningless exercise, just as your attempt at diversion from an obvious outcome being documented in truth and honesty is a meaningless exercise, merely a  political obfuscation for the sake of obfuscation, as we have seen recently in the News.




    .... merely a fantasy construct in an attempt attempt to wound reality.



  17. There is a VERY simple way to find out the REAL answers to all your suppositions and questions, TTH ..... and that is you personally actually DO write the Collective Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, as I have outlined ... and in about three months solid, hard facts will be available for you to make a rational argument for defending the indefensible, with cutesey, meaningless dialog.

    Be a sport ... get the forms from the Post Office for certified mail, and return receipt (the cardboard green card), write a check, compose your letter, copy this thread in its entirety, and fire that torpedo into the dark, and see what lights up!

    Then you will have a FACTUAL basis for what is the actual reality of the situation.

    .... and as a side thought ... your cutesy suppositions are not THAT cute.


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