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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I agree!

    Plantations are representative of the Confederate States of America, which kept men and women and children  in bondage as human chattel from 1861 to 1865 in the Confederate States Of America, and although the people that owned the Plantations had to live SOMEWHERE, living in an attractive, large house, more than a hundred and fifty years later, evokes strong emotions in the minds of deranged Snowflakes, and those living in their mothers' basements as adults ... and we should have consideration for their feelings.

    It really grinds my gears to THINK of the Nazi's "Peoples' Car" and the insensitive dollards that drive Volkswagens today, insulting us at every corner, and those Imperialists that drive Mitsubishi Automobiles today, completely oblivious that Mitsubishi made the Japanese ZERO aircraft that helped in the destruction of Pear Harbor, on December 7, 1941, and sucking America into World War II.





    I tell you what all of us MIGHT do to get the straight scoop ... the low down .. the bird's eye view, and the real nitty- gritty on this caper.

    I have done what I am recommending to you, here and now ... several times in my life, on different issues of serious and pressing concern.

    EACH of us should write a letter to "The Collective Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses," in Warwick, New York, at World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses, with a print out of this entire thread, and in the cover letter ask these specific questions, in such a manner that they can be answered in a simple "YES", or "NO"., as well as in narrative form.

    They should have no legal objections to telling the complete and honest, and absolute truth in any reply letter, as the principals are dead, and legally, the dead cannot be slandered, libeled,  or caused any harm.  Besides, there is a clear and present and over- riding reason to tell you the complete truth, and  that is:

    1.)    As men of integrity, their oath to Jehovah God demands that they tell the truth, when asked, and

    2.)    it will inspire confidence in any fact that the Governing Body DOES tell the truth, which currently, and for many years now, has been in legitimate and serious question.

    And there are certainly many other reasons  that the average ten JWs could list, if they cared about the real history of how we got to be where we are today, and just basically want to know TRUTH for the sake of truth.

    After the letter is composed, written, and assembled with reference material, three complete copies should be made,

    1. A copy to be kept at home as a permanent record, and

    2.) The original sent by certified mail, return receipt requested to the Collective Governing Body at Watchtower Headquarters, and

    3.)    A copy sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Collective Body of Elders at your Kingdom Hall, if you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, or if not, to the Religion Editor of the local newspaper, and

    4.)   A copy to be kept unopened, sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to yourself.

    Enclose, whether you are a JW or not, a personal check for $25.00 as a donation.

    Now, sit back and wait , for in about three months, you will have all your questions answered.

    Over the years, I have actually done this several times for various issues that concerned me, ( before the Society relocated to Warlick, New York) .

    Results may vary, but at least you will know, that the GB are honest men of integrity, and devoted to TRUTH.

    ..... or not.

    Total cost ....  a full day of your time, and about $45 ... as they WILL cash the check.




  3. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Even Job fared poorly at the hands of his three interrogators.

    I don't think he fared "poorly", as after three days of fake comfort anything they had to say was so irrelevant that it was not recorded in Scripture.

    They just had nothing to say to contribute to his dire circumstances in a positive way, even though that is supposedly why they were there.

    .... a VERY common phenomenon.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    There is a time for everything..... humor can also be derogatory 

    So....who decides?


    ... by the way ... I heard  that joke from a black comedian, Eddie Murphy.

    I had the frame of reference to find it EXTREMELY funny!

    OH! ... and I thought it was funny your attempt at black pronunciation.  You have real talent there!


    Lighten up! ... you will live a LOT longer.

    People with no sense of humor ... it just FEELS  like they are living forever.  Especially if you have to be around them.


  5. ... and even more interesting is the Society will hold to the 607 date in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

    THAT's what makes it interesting !!

    The rough equivalent of saying the Japanese Empire bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1930, or Obama saying "If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan."

  6. From what I have seen in movies, many black people are smarter than many white people.

    Back when I was about ten or eleven years old, they used to have a TV show on at Saturday midnight, called "Shock Theatre". They used to show "Frankenstein", "Bride of Frankenstein" the "Werewolf", "The Mummy", and lots of haunted house movies, and stories of Edgar Allen Poe.. 

    I noticed that groups of white people for some reason would go to a haunted house for some reason, and it would be some seriously creepy castle surrounded by thick fog, with wolves howling in the background, with cobwebs, bats, and in the entrance foyer would be a column of ice cold air. and the furniture would skittish across the room, and fall over all by itself, and a moaning voice from somewhere around the ceiling would say " GEEEEEEET OUTTTTTTTT !.

    Then, blood would start pouring down the large circular staircase, and some stupid white guy would say "Hey!, lookit the blood coming down the stairs .... let's go upstairs and INVESTIGATE!!"

    ...turns out , this was a very bad idea for everybody involved.

    Meanwhile, a black person would have been three miles away, running as fast as he can!


  7. That's only about 17% of the Governing Body being homosexual or homosexual child molesters.

    I remember a survey the Catholic Church did about 35 years ago, (about the same time period ...) and  among catholic clergy, 20%  were homosexuals (no age preference was stated), 20% were sexually active heterosexuals (no age preference was stated), and 60% were celibate.  My memory may be faulty, as my brain is made mostly of old fat, and I fear the sound of frying bacon.

    This proves we are FAR superior to them, and can exult in our smugness.

    Of course, that does not count any clergy (which we have repeatedly claimed to be in numerous court cases, demanding clergy-penitent privilege ...) that WE have, below the level of GB.

    But then again, since we are all considered Ordained Ministers, that makes our pool over 8 million clergy, even the baptized six year olds.


    It all depends on, like President Bill Clinton said during the "Monica Lewinsky" years, "It all depends on what your definition of "is", is."



    2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    It would be nice to see any written 'rules' made by the GB or others in regard to shunning a person that has left the JW Org. Maybe JW congregants should be issued with a GB rule book of do's and don'ts. That way every one would know exactly what procedure is right when serving the GB and it's Org.

    We have had a very detailed policy and rule book, organizationally, since 2010, if memory serves, ."Shepharding the Flock of God"

    Unfortunately it is only "Elder Eyes Only", and Sisters are not supposed to read it.

    Most JWs do not even know this book exists.

  9. I expect NOTHING from anyone else, and I am never disappointed.

    I disagree with your many unrealistic premises, 4Jah2me, as being a Barbarian myself, like the Shadow of old time radio fame ... I know what evil lurks in the hearts of men, and the thorns in their sides that never heal, and the fears and terrors of the ghosts that haunt them, and the cowardice that runs through all of our mortal bodies.

    You think, in my considered opinion, like a child.


  10. 4 minutes ago, Witness said:

     Does Holy Spirit fall like rain on the righteous and the unrighteous?  Matt 5:45


    I believe it does, on an individual and as a group.

    Nevertheless, being a Barbarian at heart, I appreciate MANY things I could not have learned elsewhere, even though it was accompanied by heavy unnecessary burdens based solely on the opinions of pontificators.

    One of those MAJOR things is that I did not go to Vietnam, and kill people for a national political agenda.

    I wanted to go there as a photojournalist, which was probably a bad idea, as I am so large that my nickname might have been "Bullet Catcher", as it was for 63 photojournalists that died there.

  11. Witness:

    I pay attention to what you write ... it being easier the shorter the epistle is, but I have an observation that in THIS case I consider to be quite true.

    The fact that down at the bottom, below the Elder  level of organization, the crapola that sometimes comes out of JW leadership, in it's self serving, self aggrandizing pontification, is somehow (for the most part) subtracted out, and our lives are made much better in every way,

    The only explanation I can deduce for this phenomena is "Holy Spirit", working in the minds and hearts of the JWs down at the bottom of the stack.

    It's like watching Forest Gump wander through life, thinking he has invested in a start-up fruit company ... and it turns out to be Apple Computer.

  12. 4 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Jw's boast about how they were the most liked in concentration camps, they also supported the Hitler war against the Jews, and they believe it was a satanic/demonic act for a military to stop Hitler. So given the context, the JW's wish that Hitler would have never been defeated, actually feel sorrow that he didn't succeed. 

    The above is complete hogwash.  What happened is that Joseph "Judge" Rutherford" tried to butter Hitler up in a conciliatory letter, before Hitler went completely bat-crap crazy ... but Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany almost "to the man" resisted Hitler, and were imprisoned and put to death without compromising any integrity toward God. Many Elders in Germany caved in to Hitler, because they were trying to appease Rutherford, but the rank-and-file JWs actual stand was magnificent, as a whole, and as a group.

    4 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    TTH, dude, if you hate Trump so much, then get off your jw ass and vote against him. But wait you can't vote against him because you are not allowed to vote. So grow some balls, meaning be a man, and vote against Trump or shut up.

    And TTH did NOT indicate in any way that he "hated Trump".

    You are seeing things that are not there ... BECAUSE it is you, Matthew9969, who has  a case of WDS "Watchtower Derangement Syndrome" and because your reasoning and logic processes are dominated by your bogus agenda, you are seeing things that are not there, and projecting those fantasys as originating from others.

    "Be true to your own self, and it follows, you can be false to no man" (paraphrased) .

    You have become in your derangement one very sad person to read, and that is why I voted you last two posts "sad"

    You waste what intelligence you have.


    Oh, and Matthew9969, If you want freedom of speech for yourself, morally, you have to allow for it in others, even if it is what YOU consider bluster and gross error.  To have the moral high ground you can legitimately point out someone's error, or ask them to "prove it", or to act, and call them a hypocrite, with or without a sound basis ... but you CANNOT demand or even contemplate that they "shut up", for not seeing things the same way you do.


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