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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. You do not have to be poor to be happy. You can be rich and be happy ... and it's a LOT easier! There is no disgrace to being poor ... .... but it has absolutely NOTHING to recommend it. ... and being undeducated is not a crime. .... neither is being functionally stupid.
  2. It depends on what definition a person uses to define a "good" JW. I like the man immensely, as he has an outrageous sense of humor, rooms full of money, attacks stupidity and unfairness every day, and in interpersonal combat with the political forces of evil, has more physical and mental strength than has been seen since Jackson was President. Jackson, when he had a disagreement with someone, would challenge him to a duel to the death, and someone would tie an eight foot rope around the wrists of Jackson, and the man challenged, and they would go into an empty room to fight, with knives. Only one would come out alive. Trump is no Jimmy Carter, but Jimmy Carter ..... well ..... he was "Obama Lite." I suppose Trump won the Presidency by appealing to people, especially "flyover" America, that despise pussyfooters, and wimps ... Trump's House of Wings .wmv Video_2019-12-04_205628.wmv Video_2019-12-04_203553.wmv
  3. That always occurs when writers have no other skills and need to eat and sleep warm.
  4. I will have to ask my new Android v. 12.6 (as seen on TV) RONCO DOGMATIC. Cereally though .... I suppose the difference is if the arguments are based on verifiable reality, or hopes and dreams, masquerading as facts.
  5. What I would like to know, Arauna, is how the two Penguins got from Antarctica, to the launch site of Noah's Ark. If you figure out the routing, please let me know. I try to keep my points simple, and to the point. ( ... make pointing gesture with trigger finger ...)
  6. TTH: Just wait until YOU get to be 73, and find battle scars galore. A lot of mature restraint is really just being too TIRED. Ya wanna FIGHT!? ..... yeah, yeah, yeah ....... start without me. I need to take a nap. ============================================================== ... except for the Governing Body. When THEY make mistakes, they pay no price whatsoever. WE DO. They .... never miss a meal.
  7. I may be wrong ... but it is not probable, and it's possible no one will know either way until the year C.E. 500,001,975 ..... the possible real life end of the 7th Creative Day Of Rest, as discussed earlier. (... merely a hypothesis, a "wild-ass" guess, no more ...)
  8. I CAN explain it all ... I have been watching, and studying for more than 50 years. I try NOT to think like, or be, a professional child. I do NOT think I have enough "spirit" to judge anyone .... in the sense of somehow punishing them. My only judgement of "them" is to avoid and ignore "them" ... I do enjoy the option of being able to enforce my preferences, if necessary. ...which most people might consider a blessing.
  9. It's a visual thing, you have to visualize how it would happen.
  10. .... to esoteric for me ..... ...reminds me of the time before dawn I was leaving my motel room to my car, right outside my door, and a fellow walked up and inquired about my giving him some money, and would not take no for an answer. I pointed my five shot revolver at his stomach, and said "I am so broke, if I emptied my gun into your stomach, I could not afford to buy more bullets". This did not deter him and he said, looking down at the gun, "I don't want any bullets man, I want some money". I explained I was NOT going to give him any money, and he went about six cars down and started banging on someone's door. I went to work. I try not to flail about with my appendages in pugilism, or fisticuffs.
  11. Good Guys have no ill intent ... that is what makes them Good Guys. Surface information is often helpful ... as when the Nazis show up in an "Indiana Jones" movie ... no need to explain who the bad guys are. The "Second Amendment" is supposed to protect a natural right that ALL living things have ( ... if they can manage it and opt to do so ...) as willy-nilly, I have no talons, claws, and fangs.
  12. I have nothing against mince pies ... providing they are killed humanely, and drained of blood. I used to put the stock of my shotgun on the ground, pointing straight up, and laying down put the lil' minces on top ... which solved BOTH problems at the same time.
  13. What gets me is, as in the book 1984 ... the Society revises history, as stated in the examples given above, That was Winston Smith's JOB ... to revise history. THEN .... when called on their actions, stare blankly into the headlights and say "No, we didn't!" It's a good thing I understand such things as normal to all people, or it would "stumble" me.
  14. Reminds me of the time I sat on a porcupine, and crying, with my butt full of quills, my mother comforted me, and with her sewing scissors, cut off all that protruded.
  15. It's almost 5 hours .... anything stand out in a positive or negative way to you, who I would assume have posted it to highlight SOMETHING (?).?
  16. I am still of the opinion that when translating from ENGLISH, to another language, a person MUST be a fluent EXPERT at both languages, and have lived in areas where both are spoken extensively, and also have a DEEP knowledge of the history and culture of both places, AND have a potload of plain old common sense .... which is not all that common. I suspect that this is true in all other language translations. We have Bible translations in over a thousand languages (...or is it just some Bible literature?) ... but how good are those translations? The Polish people fought the Nazi tanks on horses, with horse drawn artillery, and they acquitted themselves magnificently ... but it was no contest, and they lost miserably. ..... same thing.
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