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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Or .... if we have more common sense than a potato, what was written in the Bible will be crystal clear the first time we read it. hint hint: That's why we have a conscience.
  2. ep·och /ˈepək/ noun noun: epoch; plural noun: epochs a period of time in history or a person's life, typically one marked by notable events or particular characteristics. "the Victorian epoch" the beginning of a distinctive period in the history of someone or something. "welfare reform was an epoch in the history of U.S. social policy" Geology a division of time that is a subdivision of a period and is itself subdivided into ages, corresponding to a series in chronostratigraphy. "the Pliocene epoch" Astronomy an arbitrarily fixed date relative to which planetary or stellar measurements are expressed. What if ............ What if in many cases of the Bible, particularly in Genesis .... what we have translated as year or years ... should have been translated as EPOCH(S)? Hmmmmmm ?
  3. I used to date Wilma Slaghoople, who was an "End Times/Overlapping Generation" advocate, .... but she ended up marrying Fred Flintstone. However, I expect that 100 out of 100 JWs would agree that Armageddon will in fact occur by the year C.E. 500,001,975. In business that is what is called a "Large Prophet Margin". +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If memory serves the WTB&TS has five, 1975 just being the last one.
  4. It seems to me that if the Earth is somewhere around 3.5 billion years old, divided by seven days, that would make each creative day about 500 million years. ... and Genesis is described from the perspective of someone standing on the surface of the Earth, watching stuff happen, so that's O.K. We are in the 7th day of 500 million years, so I guess Armageddon will be in the year C.E. 500,001,975. "Stay Alive 'Till '75!"
  5. ALANF: There are good detectives, and there are bad detectives. Both looking at the exact same evidence come to different conclusions. That's why there was an ongoing "war" between Stephen Hawking, and Leonard Susskind, about black holes. The fact is that giraffes have a nervous system that you think is poorly designed, or more to the point, poorly evolved. I think it is WONDERFULLY designed. It's a shame that we cannot get the giraffe to lend its voice to the debate. However, there is one overriding engineering principle: "If it ain't broke ... don't fix it!" ...and as to you challenges ... I really don't care what you believe ... unless your check clears the bank. To me, this is all casual banter. For dissertations, you have to pay in advance. Video_2019-11-29_151941.wmv
  6. ALANF: IT'S OBVIOUS YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HYDRAULICS IN A FLEXIBLE PIPING SYSTEM, WHICH IS WHAT AN ANIMAL IS. NERVES ALL HAVE CAPACITANCE, ELECTRONICALLY, AND THE FIGURE ON THE RIGHT SHOWS A BYPASS WITH LESSER CAPACITANCE, FOR THE LOW VOLTAGES BEING TRANSMITTED. .also, ... think of a wiring harness on an automobile ... going to sensors, fans, pumps, lights, ignition systems, etc. now... think of what happens if there is wear on the original routing, and damage occurs, and you have a spare wiring harness already in place. A spare wiring harness that as the first one is damaged, the second spare adapts, without the need for surgery to install replacement parts. or ... A WIRING HARNESS THAT BYPASSES AN AREA TO SERVE OTHER AREAS. It's called redundancy. ALSO ... nerves can send signals both ways, and do not just serve one area or have a singular function. I know nothing about a giraffe's voicebox .. hell ... I did not know they had a voice! ... ... but I do understand wiring diagrams, and electromechanical hydraulic controls. ... which apparently you do not. BUT ... having Narcissistic Personality Derangement ... you think you do know ... about everything. You are wrong. DUH!
  8. Try using reason and logic and common sense instead of disparaging personal insults. It may not work, but at least you have done your duty in a civil manner ,,,, AND ... don't get expelled. Destroy the arguments .... not the person. Pretend you are Spock, .... and get a thick skin, and a sense of humor. Well, a person without legs WOULD be short.
  9. You do not fight a war with the army you WISH you had ... you fight with the army you HAVE! One characteristic of Narcissistic Personality Derangement is that EVERYTHING that is sub-optimum is someone else's fault. Be a sport ... look it up.
  10. It has been my experience being her for more than seven years that insulting ideas is O.K. ... but without OBVIOUS prior justification, insulting specific people is verboten, but even then, a great deal of patience is shown before the boom is dropped, and only after many warnings, hints and objections. It's THAT simple, but the clueless never get it. ... but to be fair, I have known BRILLIANT people, with Master and Doctors Degrees, that could not find their way out of a room, if a stripe was painted on the floor, with arrows. The clueless will NEVER "get it", because they have Narcissistic Personality Derangement which is a very real affliction ( look it up), and they are literally incapable of understanding the concept. They are no more capable of overcoming it than an amputee can grow new legs.
  11. Private clubs can set any rules that they want. I have house rules that Ah wants, and have had quarrelsome guests removed by the police, so I did not have to shoot them, which would have involved a LOT of paperwork.
  12. I have read 24 "Jack Reacher" books in the last few years, and they take me about 9 hours each. So, I have no trouble reading long tomes that are interesting. AlanF's messages are long, but they are so filled with hate and vitriol, that I lose interest. The good points he makes, and there are many, are dramatically overshadowed by general nastiness and contempt for the readers he is trying to inform. Perhaps everyone in the Universe named Allen *.* has this affliction (?).
  13. I understand the new French military salute is both arms held straight up, with palms forward.
  14. Sounds good to me .... I had hoped that "The Archive" would really be an archive, but it has changed formats so many times I have no idea how to access postings from five or six years ago.
  15. .... as usual ... today's DILBERT Cartoon exactly highlights anything anybody is talking about, today. ... a seemingly endless supply of "cartoons at the proper time". ... eat your ink filled hearts out, Caleb and Sophia! It's turtles .... all the way down. I love it when I recognize an obtuse, arcane reference ... like visiting the Twilight Zone, on an expense account.
  16. When my children were young, preschool, at the Kingdom Hall I required them to be quiet and respectful, but did not require them to pay attention. I let them scribble, and do coloring books, and play silently with very small toys in their seats. Today my oldest is an elder, and all three are strong and active in the truth of the Truth (to the best of my knowledge), have very good jobs and married well ... VERY well. It was more important to me for them to have HAPPY childhoods. Meantime, I know many elders whose children all left. .... but then again ... I am a Barbarian and a loose cannon. ... silly me.
  17. I think that scripture about "food at the proper time" might actually mean "cartoons at the proper time." This is today's DILBERT cartoon. Quite often, I have found, the DILBERT cartoon of the day exactly fits what is being posted here. .... and whatever happened to Caleb and Sophia?
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