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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. If hundred dollar bills were laid end to end, the U.S. national debt and unfunded legal mandates (currently somewhere around 22 TRILLION dollars), works out to 83.33 million miles ....  miles.of one hundred dollar bills laid end to end.

    From the average orbit of Earth, to the average orbit of the planet Mars, is about 48.36 million miles, which means that the U.S. national indebtedness currently would stretch to Mars, and about 35 million miles PAST Mars. as measured in a connected stream of one hundred dollar bills.

    U. S. currency is about 6 inches long.

    Please check my math.

    ... of course, after you stop hyperventilating into a paper bag,



  2. 2019-11-09_200949.jpg

    One of the revisions that will take place next year is that for meaningful jobs after returning to the secular world, when they are "downsized", is to print the diploma on the side of a panel from a corrugated cardboard box, so that you can flip it over and write in large black crayon or felt marker something meaningful and appropriate, and visible from a car window as you stand on the side of the road, looking for work.

    It makes a better impression when you use official corrugated cardboard.



  3. I do not consider myself a god, or a sheep.

    I consider myself a "Sheepdog", whose NATURAL instincts and "function in life" is to protect women, and children, and my family, and all innocent people, and if necessary, to engage in mortal combat with others who try to harm them.

    ...this even makes the sheep VERY nervous, but the reason many of them are sheep is not a desire to be peaceable with all men, as far as it depends upon them ... but because they are naturally stupid, and or cowards.

    Andre: I have no idea what your last two posts mean in the real world.

    Fine ideas from Scripture, but irrelevant to this post.

    If I have missed something, please explain it to me in short words, short sentences, and short paragraphs, .... in your own words.

    Otherwise, it is just "white noise". ... like a fan running while one is sleeping.


  5. That's NUTHIN'!

    When I was a boy I went to the Virginia State Fair, and they had a Magic Act where the magician allowed himself to be hit on the head by a swinging pendulum with a cannon ball on the end of the chain.

    The Magician was hit so hard, he was in a coma for 35 years in a hospital, but when he woke up, he looked at the Nurses with a big grin, extended his arms and exclaimed "TAAAA DAAAA!".

  6. The reason why, at night, Deer will just stand there in the middle of the road, staring at your headlights, as you hit them at 50 MPH, is they are asking themselves "Hmmmmm... is that a Chevrolet, or a Buick?".

  7. On 11/7/2019 at 11:06 PM, Arauna said:

    Just wanted to add - it is I interesting that many smart kids also are good in music. Music lights up many parts of the brain in scans.  It is also the last skill to die off in Alzheimers.

    I refer to myself as a "Barbarian", because I have a strong streak of cruelty that I must keep suppressed. 

    Looking back on my life, I am ashamed that I even tortured my Mother, at times, just for laughs.

    My younger sister is 20 years younger than I, and when she was about 3 years old, my Mom bought her a Fisher Price "Corn Popper" toy that a child would push around the house, and the wheel motion made balls inside the clear dome smack into the dome with a loud cracking or popping sound. My sister loved this toy, and pushed it around much of every day for several years, as my Mother worked around the house..

    It drove my Mother CRAZY ...but she never stopped it. 

    She was a VERY good Mother, and endured much.

    You could hear the corn popper anywhere in the house. "POP!, POP!...POPOPOPOP .... POP! ......... ", hour after hour.

    After several million impacts on the underside of the dome, the dome clouded up, and you could just barely see the balls inside, but it still made that loud popping noise. Day after Day after Day after Day.

    Then, one day, after the wheels wore down, it broke, and my Mom said "Oh thank God ... that thing was driving me crazy!"

    With tears of joy, she threw it away.





    So, naturally, , I went to the toy store, and got my sister another one .



  8. College Educations are NOT for the best and brightest, although they can be.

    They are for the average Joe and Joanna who has to make a living ... and MUST have degree, or advanced degree to even get INTO their chosen field of endeavor, and out of grinding, soul killing, corrosive, abject poverty that never will end.

    The choice for the average person is get a college degree, and LEARN what is necessary, and get a recognized document that PROVES they are proficient, or in most field that are not just low wage, slave labor, grunt work ... they cannot EVER get employed.

    Most people on this planet are just average people, and that includes Jehovah's Witnesses, who make it a source of pride to be "humble".

    No one EVER gets hired BECAUSE he is "humble".

    They get hired because they have marketable skills.


    For those NOT highly motivated and have an aggressive attitude, say the top 15% of humanity ... the ability to get a job and keep a job  not limited to the expression " ..you want fries with that? ..." at subsistence wages or less depends on FORMAL, accredited, and documented education.

    Consider the fact that if you are driving your car on a city street, and you have every skill necessary to be a good driver ... all the skills needed ... but you do NOT have a valid driver's license.

    There is a word for that.



    ALL DAY!


    It is no shame to be poor, or on the ragged edge of poverty ... but it is NOTHING to brag about.

    ... and when someone asks me "you want fries with that ...", I usually reply "Yes, two LARGE orders"

    Tankyou berry much.

    Much is said about the desirability of a "Simplified Life" ....

    Want a simplified life free from stress, fear and constantly scrabbling to survive?

    It's EASIER for those fully competent ... and can prove it.





  9. Considering your unrelated answer, TTH, I am beginning to wonder if you saw his actual question.  It is quite clear you did not comprehend it as written, as you wandered off-topic about something you had already prepared, before he asked his question.

    Just for Yuks, heah tis',  his question quoted:

    12 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    So I have heard that witnesses need to pass a 80 question exam by the elders. Why do you need to pass an exam, and if you pass isn't this getting permission from men to have a personal relationship with Christ?

    There is a problem with his question, as I am sure you are well aware ... it's HARDER and more complex than the question you answered  ....... that was not asked.

    ....AND ... as usual, today's Dilbert Cartoon addresses this kind of presumptuousness, specifically:  (" ... I left it that one for you while I answered the more far-reaching one that he should have asked." - TTH)


  10. 4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I am an avid reader of them and do quite a bit of research.

    Follow Truth wherever it leads, and worry it away from the Universe, and you will do better than those that read to kill time, or because they are "supposed" to.

  11. ...500.jpg

    A group of twenty BLIND FAITH LEADERS OF MANY RELIGIONS heard that a strange animal, called a Populist President, had been brought to the town, but none of them were aware of its shape and form. Out of curiosity, they said: "We must inspect and know it by touch, of which we are capable". So, they sought it out, and when they found it they groped about it. In the case of the first blind faith leader, whose hand landed on the upper arm,  said "This being is like a thick snake". For another one whose hand reached its back it seemed like a kind of fan. As for another blind faith leader, whose hand was upon its leg, said, this Populist President is a pillar like a tree-trunk. Another  blind faith leader who placed her hand upon its side  "is a wall". Another who felt its tie, described it as like a silk ribbon. The last felt its hair ,stating this Populist President's is that which is like a stack of wheat sheaves.

    And the twenty blind faith leaders, having made these inspections, and made these pronouncements, and more, the Populist President then led them into the next room, for them to examine and determine the nature of a Stormy ..... which proved to be a lot more interesting.

    500 Stormy.jpg

  12. If you are talking about me, Arauna, I would like to hear those stories.. although it is written as an accusation to me personally, I assume you mean in a general sense about anybody.

    There is a saying in America, from an old TV show, that "Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time".

    Secrecy is the breeding place of tyranny, both petty and gross, and the root of many injurious things. It covers up tyrannies, incompetence and malfeasance .... and protects  judges from any accountability.  It also hides things that SHOULD be made public, so that the general populace is in fear of SPECIFIC actions and consequences.

    Bad judges should have to have consequences equally punitive to their bad judgements.

    I think the system Jehovah set up thousands of years ago  in ancient Israel is ..oh... what's the word I want to use ... oh yeah! .... PERFECT.

    The system we have now was made up from the fears of New York Lawyers.

    Having it done correctly, and having gross , embarrassing sins and crimes made public and notorious is a VERY good deterrent ...all by itself.

    Oh, by the way ... my first wife was seduced by another Brother, circa 1974, and he got away with if for YEARS, and was in good standing in the congregation married to her, because nobody realized what was really going on.  When I blew the lid off of it with certified letters to all the congregations in the Richmond Virginia congregations, and New York ... only then was he disfellowshipped.  Interestingly enough ... because our names are very phonetically similar, when it was announced  I got blamed for it in about half the congregations I had gone to, as I was the "loose cannon", and he was a Pioneer, and ex-bethelite.

    That's what you get when you have secrecy.

    A totally screwed up Justice system.




    Red Pill Blue Pill.jpg

  13. 11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    t would be nice if you could provide a preview of this. 

    I see no evidence of the “new and better,” only an emphasis on demolishing what is. 

    How many times on this forum have I said that the OLD system of justice, set in place by God, and used successfully for several THOUSAND years, where all hearings and trials on matters civil and religious were held in the City Gates of every town and city in Israel ... where Jehovah's Jewish Witnesses were actually WITNESSES to the inner workings of their ruling government ... not only in a general sense, but in EACH SPECIFIC CASE where adjudication was required?

    A dozen times?

     We HAD a system that worked perfectly, ... where all city residents could watch the proceedings, and speak up from the back of the crowd, if they felt the need to ... where all witnesses called to testify could be challenged by anybody IN the crowd ( who might know the truth if they were lying) ... and where the administration of Justice in all matters by judges was completely open and subject to instant review by trial participants, local and out-of-town Jews, and even the passing foreigner.

    There is only one problem with the system we have now ... where trials are held in secret, no outsiders hear the testimony,  where no recordings are allowed, and no person can have an advocate or legal representation, and even the REASON for banishment and expulsion is kept secret from everyone except the "insiders".

    IT'S TYRANNY, .... for the express and deliberately DISGUISED reason to consolidate fear, power, and obedience to the Governing Body and their assigns, and completely remove that chain of command from any objective review, and ANY ACCOUNTABILITY WHATSOEVER.

    .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

    But I got news for you Bubba TTH .... the times, they are a-changin. 

    That which has been kept in secrecy is being exposed, and those policies and procedures that have been arbitrary, capricious, and contrary to the administration of Justice and Mercy, is rotting from within, in the light of the information age we are now in.

    I hope to live to see the day when all the things we have that are REALLY True, good, worthy and honorable are not contaminated  by organizational self-serving power and money grabs.

    Currently, the GB has no accountability to anyone on Earth, BECAUSE they cannot be fired.

    Jehovah watches as we, just in the times of ancient Israel, his organization on Earth was corrupted, and before he lowered the boom on them, he allowed it to increase for centuries.

    There is a very real reason the WTB&TS discourages comprehensive education.

    So you will not know the difference between a "Kangaroo Court", a "Star Chamber Court", and a being "Sent to Coventry", and not understand the nuances and implications of those systems of governance .... among many, many other things.

    ...and so that they can rule without ANY accountability, with COMPLETE impunity .....

    ..... as no one understands, or will recognize the difference.



  14. 2 hours ago, Arauna said:

    So if this rule is OK for other clubs..... why is JW treated so bad for expecting people to follow the standards in the bible?

    I have no problem with the basic premise that if a person does not obey the rules, he has a reasonable expectation of punishment or expulsion. from whatever group you are a part of.

    Let's say a dedicated, "sworn" person, such as a Police Officer, breaks the rules about taking bribes.

    He lives in the old Soviet Union, as do all of his relatives.

    He should have known better, because his Father was a policeman, and his father before him. Not only that, but his mother was a police administrator in the internal affairs division of the police department. His aunts, uncles, nephews, and even his wife works for the police detective bureau as an analyst and statistician.  His two children are Police Cadets. They are all loyal to a fault to the USSR, and pledge their allegiance to it.

    So ... our theoretical Police Officer breaks the rules, and gets sentenced losing his job, and three years in a Soviet Gulag.

    Even in the former Soviet Union his wife, children, and relatives could still visit him, talk to him, send and receive letters, and communicate with him during his punishment.  Even Khrushchev, and others were not afraid that he would corrupt his family's public service tradition and lead them down the path of corruption and bribes.

    A basic human right ... is to have the best relationship with your family possible.

    When you punish a man's family and extended family for something he did ... in our case mandating the shunning of family members ... the Old Soviet Union then has the moral high ground.

    Normal people EVERYWHERE understand this intuitively.


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