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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. In today's news, 26 year old  Phd  Student Laura Savoie, just got engaged to 65 year old actor Dennis Quaid, and they both indicate that they are very happy about the whole thing.

    People get married for entirely different reasons than what might be indicated by "Tight Pants Tony", or the SNL "Church Lady".

    ...sometimes for sex

    .... sometimes for platonic true love.

    .... sometimes for companionship.

    .... sometimes for basic survival.

    .... sometimes to have and raise children.

    .... sometimes for travel and adventure.

    The list is truly endless.

    Screw "optics", the philosophy of cowards and the timid.


  2. Foreigner:

    Your thinking is so disorganized as to be incomprehensible.

    You make assumptions based on your totally hosed world view, that have nothing to do with reality, or common sense ... THEN ... you project them onto someone else as an unfounded accusation.

    Your post above is a perfect example of meaningless projection of things that rattle around in your head, but have no basis in reality with which to make an accusation.

  3. The reason we have to have a 5 day (at least ... I once worked 12 hours a day for 8 months without a day off, during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina ...) is that average people are... average... and need that much time.

    Not every soldier can be John Rambo.

  4. Every statement you make just shows how totally divorced from Reality you are.

    That's what Narcissistic Personality Disorder IS.

    If you were proven wrong a HUNDRED times on any one subject with hard FACTS, you would still believe what you believe, and EVERYTHING that disagrees with your world view would be wrong.


  5. 52 minutes ago, divergenceKO said:

    Of course the California Supreme Court and the Appellate Courts have spoken. That doesn't mean the US supreme court can't send it back to the lower courts for further review. That doesn't mean the Org can't ask for an oral argument for the highest court.

    IT COULD be that there is a market for making edible kites from waffles or pancakes ... but until I see them successfully marketed, that is NOT the case, and your hopeful fantasy is ONLY a hopeful fantasy.

    Ignorance, if present, can be corrected in the natural course of events, by mere observation.

    There is NOTHING that can be done for your agenda driven faith in delusional fantasy,and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, for which there is no cure.






    52 minutes ago, divergenceKO said:

    Of course the California Supreme Court and the Appellate Courts have spoken. That doesn't mean the US supreme court can't send it back to the lower courts for further review. That doesn't mean the Org can't ask for an oral argument for the highest court.

    Got facts?

    (... of course not ...)






  6. divergenceKO:

    Apparently the fat lady has sang, and for the corrupt Watchtower Lawyers who care ONLY about their client's monetary interest (... as they are actually legally responsible to do ...), and NOTHING about Truth and Justice, and Righteousness, the metal Opera helmet with the horns is theirs to wear.

    The California Appellate Court has already spoken, to wit:

    6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Given Watchtower’s disrespect for the legal system, penchant for violating court orders and habitual disregard for the rules of the court from which it is begging for mercy, it is not the litigant to champion any allegedly important issue before this Court. This is not a case that warrants this Court’s time.

    Indeed, that’s what the Court decided. ....

    What they did in Delaware by trying to delay Justice in a CSA case by TRYING to change the venue to a court more distant and seriously overloaded was crafty, brilliant .... and despicable.

    Your opinions have a complete disregard for facts, which is why you never provide any ... just agenda driven fantasies, like the Nazi who actually believes in his heart of hearts that World War II was about the Third Reich bringing the wonders of German civilization and progress to improve the rest of the world.

    59 minutes ago, divergenceKO said:

    Technical denial. Most likely the petition was entered too late for a writ. 90 days from the California Supreme Court denied.

    Most Likely?


    THAT IS COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS, because it is ONLY your agenda driven hope, and not based on any facts.

    Without facts your opinions have no value whatsoever. 

    Zip, Zero, Nada, Goose Eggs!

    Remember the old TV dairy commercial of yesteryear .. "Got Milk?"


    Got Facts?

    ...so far you have none, whatsoever.

    Only your demented, delusional fantasy, supported and enconced by a great pantheon of additional delusional fantasys, completely integrated into your Watchtower Derangement Syndrome world view.



  7. 7 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It may be simply the fact that they are written with a substantial light touch, even a sense of humor, that gets to you. Otherwise, I am not sure why you would keep harping on them.

    I told you the answer previously ... and of course it was downvoted  by the person who actually HAS "Narcissistic Personality Disorder", by whatever name.

      If you look up the symptoms you will see it is an exact fit.

    He/They will NEVER stop until you, too, are a humorless blob, and be like Him/Them.


  8. The Supreme Court Rejected a Case About the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Sex Abuse

    Yesterday, the Supreme Court announced that it would not take up a wild case concerning the organization that oversees the Jehovah’s Witnesses. We can breathe a huge sigh of relief that the case won’t be overturned. (In that link, it’s case 19-40 on page 42.)




    The case, which involved child molestation and religious secrecy, centered around an incident that took place on July 15, 2006.

    J.W., a nine-year-old girl with Jehovah’s Witness parents, was invited to her first slumber party at the home of Gilbert Simental. He had a daughter her age, so that wasn’t too weird. Two other girls (sisters) were also at the party. These families all knew and trusted Simental because, while he was no longer a local Witness leader, he had spent more than a decade as an elder in the faith. He was a religious leader who stepped down, he said, to spend more time with his son. They believed him. They all respected him. It’s why they allowed their girls into his home.

    During that party, everyone got into a pool in the backyard… including Simental. And he proceeded to molest J.W. and the sisters. He did it again later that night. The sisters eventually told their parents, who reported Simental to local Witness elders (which is what they’re taught to do in these situations).

    Simental confessed to some of the allegations, and the elders basically gave him a faith-based slap on the wrist: a reprimand that had no meaning outside church circles.

    Things changed only when the sisters’ school principal learned about what happened and, as required by law, reported the abuse to local law enforcement. Police soon contacted J.W.’s family asking for their story, but after consulting with the Witnesses, her father chose not to speak with the cops.

    It was a year later when J.W., then 10 years old, told her parents what Simental did to her in the pool. It infuriated them, and they told the Witness elders that they wanted a restraining order against him. The elders told him not to do that since it would require informing the police about what Simental did — and they preferred to keep his actions private.

    Here’s the bigger problem: There’s reason to believe the Witnesses were aware that Simental was a child molester… and they kept it from the families. Simental was allowed to be a religious leader — earning respect from the community — even though higher-ups in the religion knew that he shouldn’t be around children.

    It raised an important question: How much blame did the Witnesses deserve for what happened at that pool party?

    J.W.’s family eventually filed a criminal lawsuit against Simental and a separate civil suit against the Watchtower Society (the Witnesses’ governing organization). They basically said the Witnesses should have informed congregation members about Simental and stopped him from being around children. They never should have allowed him to be a religious leader.

    The Watchtower Society’s argument? They didn’t know Simental was a child molester, and the pool party occurred after he was no longer a religious leader, and the slumber party wasn’t a church-sponsored event, so leave them out of this.

    (To be clear, I’m simplifying the details of this case and the legal journey quite a bit.)

    When this case went to trial in California, J.W.’s family demanded that the Watchtower Society produce documents relating to what they knew about child molesters within the faith. The Witnesses had already admitted to keeping lists of problematic leaders along with their specific “crimes” — similar to the Catholic Church. If Simental was on that list — from 1997, nearly a decade before the pool incident — it would essentially be a smoking gun showing the Witnesses knew he was a threat to kids but did nothing about it.

    But the Witnesses refused to hand over that material. They treated it like Catholics treat confession: It’s private information, they argued, and to reveal what was said internally would violate their religious beliefs.

    J.W.’s family didn’t buy that argument. The information they wanted wasn’t bound by clergy-penitent confessional privilege. It’s not like Simental told the elders what he had done in order to confess his sins. He was caught. The Witnesses were merely shielding him from legal punishment.

    In the criminal trial, Witnesses elders were forced to admit their practices and that the private discussions they had about abusive clergy members were not considered confidential under the law.

    Mark O’Donnell, writing at JWSurvey, explained what happened next:

    Gilbert Simental was found guilty of three counts of lewd and lascivious acts upon a child under the age of 14. In 2008 he was sentenced to 45 years to life for his crimes. At his sentencing hearing, a sizable group of Jehovah’s Witnesses demonstrated solidarity with Simental, appealing for a more lenient sentence. JW and her parents were treated as if they broke the congregation code of silence.


    Simental’s appeal got him nowhere. He’s in prison today. But there were still so many questions about what responsibility the Witnesses had in this whole matter.


    J.W.’s family wanted to know why Simental, a known pedophile, was promoted within the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Why did they allow him to be around children? Why didn’t they warn families? Why did they just give him a slap on the wrist?

    In 2013, the civil trial began against the Watchtower Society, but again, the Witnesses didn’t want to provide necessary documents. They eventually lost the case. In 2015, the Riverside Superior Court of California awarded J.W. a judgment of $4,016,152.39. This past December, the Fourth District Court of Appeal in California upheld that decision.

    The plaintiff [J.W.] contended that the 1997 documents [the internal ones about known molesters in the church] were needed both [to] show negligence and basis for punitive damages. Under Code of Civil Procedure §425.14, a claim against a religious corporation for punitive damages requires leave from the trial court, and such leave may be granted only upon an affidavit showing clear and convincing evidence establishing such damages.

    [A judge] found unavailing Watchtower’s argument that it would take 19 years to sort through them, and also rejected the notion that they were covered by the clergy-penitent privilege. Despite the court’s order, Watchtower continuously ignored meet-and-confer requests by the plaintiff.

    J.W. asked the court for terminating sanctions, which Riverside Superior Court Judge Raquel A. Marquez granted after giving the church another four days to produce the documents, which it declined to do.

    You get the idea: The Witnesses refused to hand over internal data, presumably because it would’ve been like handing over a loaded gun. So the courts had no choice but to assume the plaintiff was telling the truth and the Watchtower Society was negligent in their handling of Simental.

    Earlier this year, in a Hail Mary attempt to reverse their punishment, the Watchtower Society appealed to the Supreme Court. They wanted the justices to say that documents relating to child abuse within a religious group can be kept confidential.

    Here’s how the Witnesses’ attorney introduced his case to the justices. (You don’t need a law degree to see how he just completely dismissed the molestation.)

    Here, Petitioner Watchtower sought to protect confidential, intra-faith communications among clergy (elders) regarding Bible-based religious appointment processes, some of which included congregants’ penitential confessions and all of which impacted privacy rights of non-parties. California targeted the faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses and impermissibly intruded upon matters of church governance, religious doctrine, and religious practice when it ordered Watchtower to produce these intra-faith communications. Without a trial, California imposed on Watchtower an unprecedented theory of liability for a congregant’s criminal conduct during nonchurch activity (a Saturday afternoon pool party at a private home).

    Watchtower attorney Paul Polidoro said the Supreme Court needed to consider whether California violated the Constitution when it held the Jehovah’s Witnesses responsible for what Simental did “during non-church activity,” forced them to hand over internal communications, and punished them for protecting everyone’s “privacy rights.”

    J.W.’s attorney responded to that brief asking the Court to flat-out reject this case.

    Given Watchtower’s disrespect for the legal system, penchant for violating court orders and habitual disregard for the rules of the court from which it is begging for mercy, it is not the litigant to champion any allegedly important issue before this Court. This is not a case that warrants this Court’s time.

    Indeed, that’s what the Court decided. When the first set of orders in the new term was released yesterday, there was this case among many many others, in the list of those which would not get heard this term.




    It was the right move. There’s nothing further to debate here. Finally, this case has been put to rest.

    (Image via Shutterstock. Large portions of this article were published earlier)

  9. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    The perfect time to look for another inhabitable planet, jump off and take a ride to, you know, expand our horizons.

    Or, just drop over into another Multiverse, in the extremely rare case that two solar systems collide, and disrupt the systems'  planetary orbits. The advantage is that it can be done with ones' transporter belt, and the 'quivalent of a 9 volt transistor radio battery.

    uh ... assuming, of course that you HAVE a transporter belt ....

  10. On 10/17/2019 at 4:38 PM, Shiwiii said:

    funny you mentioned that list, isn't that the kind of person whom they would like to be portrayed as?  Someone with some sort of clout? 

    That's why SOME men used to like Hillary Clinton Pantsuits.

  11. I also used to enjoy Tetris ... then I started designing chemical plants and refineries, which is sorta like the same thing, except getting paid very well does have its attractiveness.

    Sigh ... I guess I will be buying the new Flight Simulator ... and the yoke ... and the pedals ... and the throttle...

    Sigh ... so much for that new 26.5 inch long Remington gas operated shotgun I wanted ....

    I suppose either one will be helpful during a Zombie or Liberal Apocalypse.

  12. Every time I hear any counsel against "running ahead", I think ... running ahead of what ... or who?

    It's important that we differentiate from "running ahead" of the words of the Bible, which results in "old light", touted as "new light" ... until "newer light"  comes out, of which many of us old-timers have seen so much of that it seems like a disco lounge strobe light.

    I think running ahead of the pontifical pronouncements of the WTB&TS management is quite a different issue than running ahead of Jehovah God, or completely unambiguous scripture.

    But ... it seems to me, as individuals, that if you are in the race for life, which should be secondary to serving Jehovah God just because he is worthy of service, and obedience, and honor .... that it's better to be ahead of the race, instead of behind the race.

    Why not as an organization?

    Because If we as individuals are wrong, only we "pay the price" of being wrong, and have to bear the consequences.\

    If we as an organization are wrong, we as individuals STILL have to pay the full price for being wrong  .... times 8 million people ... and the perpetrators pay NO PRICE WHATSOEVER.

    Everybody knows that in a horse race ... ONE of the horses is going to win.

    Which one, makes all the difference in the world.

    A three legged horse with motivation, spunk, desire and the best behaved horse in the whole pack of runners may be all of that and more ... but for sane people, that is not the way to bet. 

    There is also the issue of intellectual integrity ... but that is another topic.

    In over a hundred and five years of recorded experience of watching "OUR" horse run ... what track record do we have to use as a basis for credibility?

    For core truths discerned ... arguably about 95%.

    For mountains of drivel, false prophesies, bogus types and anti-types, and silliness and pronouncements that defy all common sense, perhaps somewhere around 85%, with 15% having real value, or at a minimum, even making some form of common sense.

    And of course, being obviously flat WRONG, when simple human common sense could have avoided that.

    SO ... basically the WTB&TS position is that THEY can run ahead all they want, and if we do not believe what they come up with, we can be disfellowshipped and have our and our family's lives ruined ...... but if WE run ahead we can ALSO be disfellowshipped and have our and our family's lives ruined.

    .... and no matter what they do ... no matter how egregious ... the money keeps rolling in, and they NEVER apologize for anything.


  13. To prove my previous point .... please give an example of any evidence YOU SEE, that I am insane.

    You have over 5,000 of my previous posts to use as a solid example.

    Be a sport .... make your case.

  14. divergenceKO:

    I think you are a windbag of Graf Zepplin proportions.


    Because you accuse others of "going against scriptures" ... without EVER giving an example.

    Actually, it is YOUR opinions that have no value, because without backup ... they are ONLY your opinions, which have even LESS than normal credence, because of your opinions that people that oppose YOUR viewpoint are "nobodys".

    You may want to look up the term "Narcissistic Personality  Derangement" for some insight as to how you present yourself to everybody else.

    Anybody that disagrees with me on this (except you, as your opinions are not worth considering), please speak up and defend divergenceKO from my observation.


  15. divergenceKO:

    I think you are a windbag of Graf Zepplin proportions.


    Because you accuse others of "going against scriptures" ... without EVER giving an example.

    Actually, it is YOUR opinions that have no value, because without backup ... they are ONLY your opinions, which have even LESS than normal credence, because of your opinions that people that oppose YOUR viewpoint are "nobodys".

    You may want to look up the term "Narcissistic Personality  Derangement" for some insight as to how you present yourself to everybody else.

    Anybody that disagrees with me on this (except you, as your opinions are not worth considering), please speak up and defend divergenceKO from my observation.



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