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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 1 minute ago, Arauna said:

    No freedom of press any longer - IF people BELIEVE THIS then they are naive .  All  TV stations and press now have "guidelines" which reporters have to follow....... or no job.....  No longer good investigative reporting ..... most get their news from central organization such as Reuters etc.


    Watching "mainstream news" is like being stabbed by an angry clown while drowning in a septic tank.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    Same old repetition.  The way you twist the meanings just leaves me gobsmacked.

    I have found that if one is inclined to be gobsmacked, to always wear the same color shirt (or blouse ..) as your toothpaste.

    I has the added advantage of always being minty fresh, and you NEVER have to change it.

  3. 50 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    From what I have read he was pretty much that way himself—his excellence was in cunnning. During WWII, his son was captured by the Germans and he was given opportunity to ransom him. He declined the offer and the son died in a concentration camp.

    I used to be involved in "out of town" adventures, and I told my family that if I was captured and held for ransom, that it was NOT to be paid. Not even a single penny.

    We ALL die, and there are NO exceptions ... but you can't let the bad guys win.


  4. Incarceration.jpg

    The reason the United States has many more prisoners than other countrues is that FREEDOM is allowed for people that have not grown up enough to handle it.

    Also ... we count the WHOLE person.

    In other countries they count less because of missing hands, and sometimes even missing heads.

    You probably don't need to imprison a thief that has had both hands cut off.

    And of course, public executions do tend to cut down on the repeat offenders, quite a bit.



  5. ANYBODY can make a medical diagnosis at a distance , and the older you get, and the more experienced you get, the better a person will be at it.

    At least that is the usual case.

    With enough experience, you can go to an "Indiana Jones" movie, like "Raiders of the Lost Ark", and when the Nazis show up, a flash of brilliance will cross you mind, and INSTANTLY you will know in this story who the Bad Guys are.

    When their face melts off, it gets even more evident.

  6. People that have "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" will go to great lengths to prove, with distorted logic and reasoning that their viewpoint of the Universe ... centered on them ... is correct.

    You can prove them wrong a hundred times on any one subject, and they will NEVER accept it.

    I would not be surprised if Foreigner would ban himself/herself/themselves, just to appear to be correct, and then reappear as another entity, and say "see, I TOLD you so!"., thinking in their own mind that they were forced out by others.

    Whatever happens to NPD people who irritate, insult, disparage and malign everyone around them who think rationally ...  is NEVER their own fault.

    ... except that in reality ... it always is.

  7. The following was translated by DEEPL Translator, as it was too many characters for Google Translate.

    " Open letter
    The governor of the Kaluga region
    Artamonov Anatoly Dmitrievich
    From a remand prisoner in remand centre No. 1 in Kaluga province
    Makhnev Roman Sergeevich, born 04.02.1976.

    Dear Anatoly Dmitrievich!

    Since 1990th years I confess views of Jehovah's Witnesses. In 2017, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation made an unprecedented decision to liquidate the legal entities Jehovah's Witnesses Management Center in Russia and a large number of local religious organizations, including the Jehovah's Witnesses WRO in Kaluga. I have never been a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses WITSEC in Kaluga. I worshiped the God of Jehovah both before and after the appearance of these legal entities, and after their liquidation, on the basis of Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation as the fundamental law of the country.

    My quiet life as a law-abiding resident of Kaluga ended on June 26, 2019, when a criminal case № 1190729000100000019 according to part 1 of article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was brought against me. In the house where I live with my wife and minor daughter, the FSB of Russia conducted a search of the Kaluga region. As I stated in the search report, several publications "found" in my house do not belong to me and were planted during the search. I demanded to conduct "flow-fat studies" of these things in order to establish the involvement of me or my relatives in their presence in my house. However, this was not done by the investigation. During the search, which lasted until half past midnight, I was constantly handcuffed like a dangerous criminal. After that, I was taken to the FSB building, where they left me chained to a radiator until morning and did not feed me for almost two days.

    On 28 June, the Kaluga District Court remanded me in custody for two months. The court considered that I was caught up in a crime. What really happened? When the search started, I was repairing the washing machine.

    On 26 August the District Court extended my detention for another 2 months, although the investigator did not present any additional facts other than a positive reference from the pre-trial detention facility. According to the incriminated article I face up to 10 years of imprisonment as a dangerous criminal! For what? For praying to God and reading the Bible in a different way than someone else? At the same time, I can avoid punishment if I voluntarily stop believing in God. This is like the inquisition of the Middle Ages.

    Law enforcers confuse the ban imposed by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on April 17, 2017 on legal entities of Jehovah's Witnesses with the possibility to freely express their faith, as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. I have not created or resumed any activities of the Jehovah's Witnesses IRO in Kaluga.

    Dear Anatoly Dmitrievich, I am not asking you to interfere in the course of the investigation and trial. But I see the following picture. The criminal case was initiated in a hurry (in 20 minutes). Court hearings are held in closed session as soon as they are stopped. Human rights activists are not allowed to attend them. The court of two instances of search ignored numerous violations by the investigation. These actions do not testify to the impartiality of the judicial system and the objectivity of the investigation. Residents of the region, including people of different faiths, including Jehovah's Witnesses, cannot calmly observe such facts. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation clearly indicated that its decision would not affect the ordinary practice of believers. In fact, everything turns out differently. And this happens despite repeated calls from human rights activists to change the situation. Even the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin spoke out in defense of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I ask you to pay attention to what is happening in our region and to encourage law enforcement agencies to be objective in investigating this case.

    Makhnev R.S.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator





  8. I don't know why people are afraid I will slay them, unless it is in the context of telling a really , REALLY good joke.

    I have not slain anybody in AT LEAST three weeks!

    I have noticed that people around me are generally very well behaved.

    Those that are not well behaved, and considerate ... seem to "disappear mysteriously".

  9. Srecko Sostar:

    You have to understand where Foreigner and his alter egos are coming from.

    Every one of them has a severe case of (and this is a real thing, you can look up ...) Of "Narcissistic Personality Disorder", which governs every aspect of his/her/their thinking..

    There are people that have SOME of the symptoms, but he/her/them has/have consistently displayed most or all of them.

    It is compulsive, and they cannot stop being who he/her/they are, any more than a Watchtower Lawyer can  work for Justice, and not his client's fiduciary interests.


  10. I remember reading about early America when in the Ohio River Valley Indians used to drive herds of millions of wild mushrooms over a cliff, and go down below and feast.

    ... nothing quite like sitting around a campfire at night, looking up at the stars above, with all your family and tribe, after a hard day's hunt, and  four pounds of mushrooms.


  11. Back then they had no soap or laundry detergent, so in order to "clean up", before they went to the Temple, they would have to go down to the river, which was several miles away, get themselves and their clothes wet, and pound themselves with rocks

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