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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. The story is completely short on details, and long on second hand accounts.

    I would be embarrassed to even relate something as infantile as that story.

    It DELIBERATELY leaves out any references that can be checked, for veracity.

    Besides that, it is so improbable as to be impossible.

    It lacks any vestige of integrity.

    It assumes we can be lied to, and we are too stupid to notice such things.

    As a general rule, that may be a correct assumption.

    A three legged horse MAY win the race, and this story MAY be completely true ... but that is not the way sane people would bet.

  2. 5 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    What did Jesus look like when he came back in 1918 since the governing body were the only ones to see him?

    In 2020, 102 years later they will be doing a remake of "Ghostbusters", with the original cast, where possible.

    The following is an unrelated photo from the remake.



  3. 24 minutes ago, Anna said:

    I don't agree with JTR on many things, but he has a point when he says things will be as they are supposed to be regardless of what we say they will be. Honestly, most of the time it's just guess work, and we do well not to take ourselves to seriously over it. 

    Years ago, I sent my family to an assembly somewhere,  and they were gone four days (which cost me about $600) and when they came back they said I REALLY REALLY should have gone with them

    They were excited, and I asked them what they learned that was so great (that took 4 days, and $600 to learn ... but I didn't say that out loud ...).

    They said that that they learned that what we USED to believe about Nebuchadnezzer's Image in the book of Daniel was all wrong, and the TOES, which used to mean something completely different ... NOW mean something NEW that is completely different.  They were as excited as a puppy with a pork chop about this.

    Somehow, I was less than enthused, and visualized six, one hundred dollar bills with wings, flying South for the winter, never to be seen again.

    I suspect that revelation could have been put on one side of a post card, and still would not be worth the postage.


  4. Further research on the origin of Christendom's "Cross", shows that earlier it was a symbol of a fish, and when Christians met they would wipe their forheads and make that symbol with their fingers as a secret sign of recognition during times of persecution, and as the Catholic Church evolved, the fish scribement was replaced with the "cross" scribement, on the forehead.

    Before the times of persecutions, they had a small button near the left breast as identification.



  5. Several Years ago archaeologists found the Ossuary of James, the brother of Jesus ( An Ossuary is like a casket, but it is a small box that contains only bones, separated to fit in a small box ...). In fact, on the side of the Ossuary, it was written in Hebrew "James brother of Jesus".

    Further investigation with x-rays have revealed on the four sides of the box  carbon impressions of the images of Jesus' brothers James, Brian, Pablo, and his one sister, Esmeralda, who was killed in an ox-cart accident.

    On the inside bottom of the lid was an image of Jesus, which forensic scientists used computer image enhancement to turn into a modern day photograph, shown below.

    Mary, Jesus' mother, was not represented.


    Jesus portrait.jpg

  6. When I was a younger man, Sreko Sostar, such things were of intense concern to me.

    After watching the yo-yo go up and down for 50 and more years. and the flashing strobe light of "new light" flashing on and off ( not to mention getting beat over the head with the flashlight ...). and  seeing the "overlapping generations" chart explained, and hearing the Governing Body in person (via video) come up with the things they do .... including "there is more evidence of the Kingdom, than there is for gravity, electricity. wind ..." I have a new policy which governs my thinking.

    Anything that cannot be proved with solid hard evidence that is tangible, touchable, and recordable I will consider the source, and their track record of being right. and does it pass the common sense "smell test".

    Just because a person gives advice and counsel wearing a white lab coat and has a stethoscope around his neck does not make him a Doctor.

    ..... he may be selling white lab coats and stethoscopes.

    There is one thing for sure .....

    After and undetermined number of trips around our Sun .... about the things you have mentioned .... we will all too soon know, without a word having been said by ANYBODY.

    ...since there is nothing we can do about it, no matter who is right, or who is entertaining fantasies .... why worry about it.

    Sit back, have a beer ... enjoy the show ... and have a good life.


    The reward of rejecting obvious crap ... is self respect.



  7. 9 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Yea, I will not believe any person who says they cannot get out of JW......it is pretty easy.....

    I have no problem with that statement .... EXCEPT ... your entire family and extended family is severed from you, as if cut by a knife chopping off both of your arms.

    ..... or as the Black Knight said in Monty Pythons movie  when his arms were cut off by King Arthur "...merely a flesh wound".

    Like a smashed vase that can be re-glued together ... there are pieces that cannot ... and that is permanent.



  8. The photographer was a member of my photography darkroom club in Portland Oregon..

    He knew he was going to die, so he put his camera, with film on the ground, with his wallet, and laid on top of it .

    His body was recovered, and the film also.

    I have admired his presence of mind since 1980, every time Mt. St. Helens pictures are shown.

  9. It is amazing to me how the  words of a  programmed and rehearsed 16 year old child, filled with ignorance and hate, understanding nothing, can give a speech at the U.N. and captivate the world.

    The only thing that could make it worse is if her name was Sophia.

  10. Schiff is an evil clown, and a liar before Congress, reading the transcript  between Trump and the Ukrainian President to Congress and the American people on TV ... NOT what was written on the transcript ... but what he made up from thin air to give the worst possible impression of Donald Trump, to the great ignorant masses, who do not know the difference.

    Schiff is dishonest to the very core of his soul.

    Adam Schiff exposed by Trump.wmv

  11. Trump has been attacked with fake news, fake allegations and pervasive slander since even BEFORE he was elected President.


    I think his self control has been exceptional.  

    I pride myself in being "Spock-like", but I wonder with the same  endless effort to overthrow this Presidency whether or not I would have "gone postal".

    Here are some things to consider ...


    Impeach a Fool's Errand by Fools.wmvVideo_2019-10-02_205118.wmvVideo_2019-10-02_204537.wmvThe Truth about Trump.wmv

    Trump's House of Wings .wmv



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