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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I have never been disfellowshipped for wearing a beard, but I have been disallowed  being able to Witness with the other Brothers, and sent home!

    That broke my heart and I have permanent heartbreak over THAT one.

    ONE congregation I was in, in Pennsylvania, near Amish country, accepted me with my beard, and gave me a letter of recommendation to work on the Bethel Construction, in Lima Peru, which I did all at my own expense.

    At the AIRPORT in Miami, waiting to the Peruvian Aircraft from Fawcett Airlines to go to Lima, Peru, three Elders "jumped me", and tried to get me to shave off my beard.

    I refused.  There was nothing they could do, because I had my letter of recommendation in my pocket from my home congregation.  They did try to isolate me from any after work social functions, and were in some cases successful.

    I came up behind two elders, sitting on a pile of bricks at the construction site, as they said, facing the other way " ... there must be some way we can get Rook off this project !"

    I stuck my head between them, with my brown beaver felt cowboy hat and said "Hi, Brothers!"

    That was fun!

    I was never disfellowshipped for wearing a beard, although it irritated the pure hell out of them that they could not do it, the whole time I was there.

    However, Donald Burt, the Branch Overseer, asked me to stay at Bethel as part of the Bethel Family, but I had already made a commitment for a job back in the USA.

    I returned ..... with my beard.

  2. The reason the "beard issue " always comes up, and has been for the past 60 years, is that it is THE CLASSIC EXAMPLE of "going beyond the things that are written', as the Pharisees did with their unscriptural and arbitrary rules.

    Of the 17 times I have been in the "little back room", "room 101", 13 have been to try and convince me to shave off my beard. 

    Because it was wrong to even ask me, I never did, for them.

    Eventually I shaved it off because my dying Father asked me to.  HE had the right to ask me to do that.

    I strongly suspect that if the GB and Elders could vote ... they would ALL vote Democrat.

  3. I remember during the late 1960's (the Hippie years), talking to someone on a street corner, and he slipped, and was run over by a car.  It's common for people to "freeze" when they see something like that, and he looked up at me and said in a weak voice " ... call me an ambulance ..."

    I looked straight at him and said "OK, man .... you're an ambulance!".

  4. My 1971 Corvette Convertible, with a 454 CI Engine, looked exactly like this one, except I took the spare tire out from underneath, and installed a Class III trailer hitch behind the license plate, which was on a spring loaded hinge that folded down.

    It had an automatic transmission so I could drive with my right hand, and drag beer cans, which were made of steel back then, on the street, and with the top down I could make sparks, and the little kids would look at the car and marvel.

    If I had kept it and it was in showroom condition, it would be worth about $240,000 today.

    ....sigh ......





  5. I have been able to locate  an eight minute and 38 second recording  of Brother Dave Gardner, from the 1960's whose historical research contributed greatly to our current understandings and perspectives.

    This was before the Society banned cigarettes, later if memory serves, in the early 1970's.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    What about 1931 period doctrines and practices? To what sort of "restoration" do they belong? To which period of time do they belong? To 1st Century Christianity time? If they do belong to that period, why they are not stayed as actual beliefs and practice of modern JW? If Modern JW of our time acting as Opposers to practices and beliefs of Restoration in Russell' and Rutherford' time .... than who is True Restorer of 1st century Christianity inside WT Society and JW org?    


  6. When people that think guns are "icky", and don't have any, or very few, engage in a real Civil War with those that  have been preparing for  this all their lives, my guess is that the outcome is a certainty.

    To paraphrase ... "The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots, and the fertilizer of fools".

    To quote Brother Dave Gardner:

  7. What she meant to say was "No one is above Hillary Clinton.", but cannot.  This whole thing is about trying to reverse the 2016 honest and proper election of President Trump.

    The Democrats are willing to embrace any slander, tyranny, and evil to do this.

    The funny part is every time the make such baseless accusations of fantasy, and malignant vicious slander, it bites them in their butts and exposes that THEY have been guilty of far, far worse.

    I personally am enjoying the show, as I despise bullies and liars, and watching them self-destruct is great fun.

  8. The "Gray Lady" has gone senile.

    The NYT subscriber base is dropping like a rock, and is catering to the loony left, and will change headlines reporting true facts to accommodate the leftist agenda of what they want those facts to be from their viewpoint.... TRYING to hold onto what subscriber base remains.

    More and more it is becoming like the "National Inquirer", as if written by communists.

  9. I agree, because  charges can be brought up in the House of Representatives,  which is currently Democrat controlled, with a 51% or more vote, But then it gets referred to the Senate, which has a Republican majority, and where it takes a 66% vote to sustain the impeachment to go to trial.

    This will NEVER happen is a sane world, however the Ship Of Fools is on a fools errand, commissioned and piloted by fools.


  10. Whether we are for climate change, formerly known as "Global warming" (hahahaha!) or are against climate change, the climate is going to change.

    It's being doing that since the Earth developed an atmosphere, several BILLION years ago.

    I, for one, am glad that we are not in an ice age, where glaciers covered half of North America, about 10,000 years ago.

    By the way ... you do realize that all wood is made from the carbon in the atmosphere, and not the dirt .  Photosynthesis busts apart CO2, and the tree keeps the carbon to make wood, and throws the oxygen away.

    The pure, clean oxygen we breathe, is actually tree poop.

    and  CO2 ... is just more plant food.

  11. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It should be taken as more evidence that what Witnesses have is the truth. It would not be so determinedly opposed were that not the case. The opposition to them is hugely disproportional to their “offenses.”

    Truth, without Justice, and fairness,.... and mercy .... devalues Truth, to a trivial pursuit.

  12. The Democrat Party has top to bottom gone bat-crap crazy, and what they used to be good at is now concentrated, unmitigated EVIL.

    They are trying to destroy the properly elected President of the United States with CONTINUOUS lies. If one doesn't work, they try another. When that doesn't work, they keep attacking with more completely made up lies.

    Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is incredibly competent at this evil slander, and is rabid to bring down Trump with any vile thing she can dream up ... RELYING on the fact that Democrat voters in general do NOT know what is real and what is not.

    Here is the PROOF from the transcript that Pelosi wants to impeach the President for high treason.  Her suppositions are bald face slander, and pure, unadulterated evil, on parade!

    The Democrat Party has become a cancer on the heart of America.

    The following is a photo of the transcript of the "treasonous" phone call.

    Download it and pass it on.

    YOU read it and decide if it was a "quid pro quo" conversation, worthy of bringing down a U.S. President.



    Ukrainian Transcript of Trump's call  .jpg

  13. 32 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    The cool thing about words is that you can build so many things with them.

    For the past month I have been TRYING to build a large chicken coop, but it is terribly slow. I have to weave several huge rolls of chicken wire into an overhead cover, and then support it with poles, like a circus tent.

    As I was digging a hole for an overhead chicken wire support, I was talking to my rooster Speckles, scratching in the dirt beside me, who has feet and legs patterned like an alligator's hide, and as I dug I wondered out loud if chickens actually did evolve from reptiles., and if all birds evolved from reptiles.

    To my surprise, Speckles replied that they actually did, but it was a tragic thing, as they did it for the frequent flier miles.


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