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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. It is my considered understanding that about such things Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are the only ones in "Government" that think like adults, and I expect , as I have mentioned here several  times before in the last year, that before the end of 2020 that Putin will restore religious freedom to Jehovah's Witnesses in the Russian Federation.

    Putin for purely pragmatic reasons, including his desire to want to get along with Trump.

    Of course, if I am wrong .... which I doubt ... it's no biggie.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have never been right about ANY prophesy in the past hundred  and more years, so I will have the PERFECT excuse, and be in good company.


  2. 2 hours ago, Anna said:
    On 9/21/2019 at 3:51 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    I don't know, I might argue with you on that one..

    What I actually said was ....

    On 9/21/2019 at 3:51 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Perhaps it's just me, but looking back at invisible things that happened years ago, in the heavens that nobody could see, and for which there is absolutely NO EARTHLY EVIDENCE that cannot be explained by ten thousand explanations more probable  ( Occam's razor?)


  3. It appears that Joe Biden's son acted as an un-appointed emissary pretending to represent the interests of the United States.

    OF COURSE that should be investigated.

    If someone living in another subdivision claimed to be representing me or my family, I would investigate as well.

    It is only, and merely plain old common sense .... which in current years seems to be a rarity.

  4. Sleepy Joe is a clown in a collection of clowns, that individually are funny to watch, but collectively are dangerous to the Republic.  He, and they,  are so divorced from reality it is hard to even wrap you mind around how people that function normally can do it.

    I suppose it is like a good carpenter who walks into the cockpit of a Boeing 747, has somehow gotten permission to fly it, and looks around and says "OOOOooo!, look at all the clocks! ... I need to set them to the time on my watch!"

    You may want to take the next flight out.

  5. It is my considered opinion that only the naive, the clueless and the stupid expect anything involving human beings to be fair.

    This is the admin's site, with appointees, or something like that.

    The point is, it is not MY site, and it is not YOURS.

    We are guests here, and have NO RIGHTS WHATSOEVER.

    If you do not understand that, you need to grow up, and start thinking like an adult.

  6. Perhaps it's just me, but looking back at invisible things that happened years ago, in the heavens that nobody could see, and for which there is absolutely NO EARTHLY EVIDENCE that cannot be explained by ten thousand explanations more probable ( Occam's razor?), by an organization that without a single exception in over a hundred and more years has ALWAYS been wrong about explaining such things, and whose credibility among sane, common sense people is ZERO .... I just don't "get it".

    Am I missing something?



    In fact, I do not think I am going too far out on a philosophical limb here to say that this statement by GB Member Bro. Stephen Lett is complete, utter and total nonsense.

    It's SO DELUSIONAL, it is both sad and embarrassing to even watch.



  7. One of our RESPONSIBILITIES is to defend what is true.

    This forum is an EXCELLENT  conversation starter to do JUST THAT!

    I look at the statements of the evil, the misguided, the naive, the agendized, the clueless and the stupid who denegrate the truth as an OPPORTUNITY to set them straight ... and in the arena of ideas the sandy floor should ALWAYS be covered with the blood and gore of dismembered bad ideas.

    The TRUTH will set you free.

    nothing else will.

    Personally, I enjoy a good fight, when you know you are ALWAYS going to win.

    ..... this requires you to research reality to always be right, or you get scooped up in a shovel.


  8. 3 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

    Also doesn’t cows milk contain white blood cells too?

    I remember in 10th grade Biology class the teacher asked us what was the difference between Cow milk like we bought in the stores, and human mother's milk for human babies.

    I raised my hand and when she called on me, I answered,

    "Mother's milk comes in more attractive containers!".


  9. 3 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

    Breast milk, and especially colostrum, contains white blood cells and babies nurse on breast milk. But JWs are not allowed to receive blood via transfusion or even white blood cells via transfusion. Yet babies literally eat white blood cells if nourished by breast milk. How do JWs explain THAT?

    I have never heard any JW explain that.

    It needs no explanation.

    It's like when an Eagle swoops down on a lake, and snatches a large fish out of the water, it's talons deeply embedded in the fish's body, that this is that natural order of things, and is entirely natural, appropriate, and the way the REAL WORLD works, and is supposed to work.

    The fish, and many JWs of course, may have a different opinion.

    Perhaps in the New System, from a boat they can toss straw up in the air for Eagles, and what falls in the water the fish will eat, and insects and rodents will rule the Earth.


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