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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. My evil plan is almost complete .. ( squints eyes and rubs hand together as if putting on aloe vera lotion ...) . I have fakers accusing the regulars of being in control, meanwhile from behind the curtain, like a little grey mouse in the laboratory, I CONTROL THEM ALL! BROUHAHAHAHAAAAAA !! Best of Pinky.mp4
  2. As it turns out, of the twenty chickens my wife bought, 12 are roosters, and they fight all day, chasing all the hens around, and each other. I have an indoor chicken hospital for the injured. I could really use a 175 pound old hen, to make them behave, but alas, the chickens cannot read, and know NOTHING about the Dewey Decimal System.
  3. It is one thing to predict a climax of horror such a as mankind has never witnessed ... that could be an asteroid strike, global smallpox, or World War II ... of for those that don't get out much, having relatives show up looking for a place to live. It is quite another thing to falsely predict with absolute certainty a resurrection of the dead, as Rutherford did ... and live in a house in San Diego with a complete staff laboring to get it perfect Nevertheless, that mansion had not a fallout shelter ... but an actual BOMB shelter. There is a difference.
  4. You can discuss a novel, such as 1984, but you cannot legitimately debate an "alternative history" novel. Its FICTION, and everybody understands that it is fiction, and it does not represent itself to be anything BUT fiction. It's the magnificent expression of new and important ideas that make "1984" a classic, which I read in High School a half century ago in Virginia, and all three of my children read in high school twelve years ago, in North Carolina high schools. The 200 or so fictional representations by the WTB&TS that JW Insider mentioned above , as it turns out, were ALSO fiction, but they were represented, under penalty of social exile, to be the inspired Word of God from God's own self-appointed spokesmen. There are people that still think all these things, once declared to be the understandings of Jehovah God .... now abandoned as complete fantasy made up out of NOTHING!, are true. I would say "still true", but they were NEVER true, and the "grind my gears" red button for me is "Gog of Magog". Being forever wrong about that one has consumed YEARS of people's lives learning, and re-learning, and re-learning great heaping steaming piles of utter nonsense, backed up by DOZENS of buzz word scriptures, now well known to have had NO value whatsoever to support the authors of the drivel. The debates ongoing are not between the people that know the difference, and people that don't ... it's between the ideas that are right ... and the ideas that are wrong, which are embraced with loving arms.
  5. To fully understand what has been going on, you need to read George Orwell's famous book "1984" and pay particular attention to the "new light" that the main character Winston Smith was charged with archiving. It might even be a good idea to see the movie, also, which is not as good as the book, but it is a terrific movie. The chilling conclusion to the book is a goal that most Witnesses have been taught to seek, to have peace in the Congregations, and harmonious unity of thought. One of the most serious and heartbreaking paragraphs in all of human literature. " He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."
  6. I have 18 chickens my wife bought, because as little biddies, they were so cute. Sigh.... Thank you, Matthew, but I HAVE a Hobby Lobby.
  7. Globally, this trend is taking place because of unrestricted Bovine access to firearms to defend themselves from wanton slaughter, and political alliances with other livestock with flying combat skills.. No one wants a a repeat of the famous Ohio Valley "Hamburger Wars", of 1958. Cows With Guns - The Original Animation.mp4
  8. That tactic has worked for me for over a half-century. Sometimes I get naked, pour honey all over myself, roll around in nuts and berries, and wear a Smokey the Bear hat, and walk in the deep woods, collecting plants for poison ivy salad. Add that to eating lots of soap, aspirin and wearing an onion necklace, eating cottage cheese and never brushing, people will leave you alone.
  9. Little is known about Bro. "Judge" Rutherford's small screen TV fetish, circa 1939, because back then there was only one channel, and you had to know Morse Code.
  10. It's 2:30 AM Monday Morning 9-16-2019. and here's the news, CONFIRMING what I wrote 5 hours ago. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/nyt-kavanaugh-bombshell-goes-bust-after-2020-dems-use-it-to-call-for-impeachment The take-away line from the news article is this... " The only first-hand statement concerning the supposed attack in the original piece, which was published on Saturday, came from a Clinton-connected lawyer who claimed to have witnessed it. " ... that says it all.. .
  11. ...and for those Brothers and Sisters that I have not already stumbled, and who have cast themselves into a fiery pit of outrageous indignation, here is a racist depiction of illegal aliens ...... Sesame Street_ The Martians Discover a Telephone.mp4
  12. It's ALL about credibility. It's a constant battle between WANTING to be obedient ... and not being an obvious moron. Roughly the equivalent of not buying lunch at Churches Fried Chicken, for religious reasons.
  13. Usually, in the USA, it means after picking your nose, rolling the booger into a ball to dry it out, before flicking it away.
  14. Apostates do not really need to destroy the GB's credibility ... the GB does a comprehensive job of destroying their own credibility, with no help from anybody.
  15. So, if I am a HVAC contractor, and a church calls me up to fix their furnace or air conditioner, I can't do it? That is insanity on parade, and total nonsense. It is also DANGEROUS, because that perspective warps minds. OURS! WE BUY CHURCHES, chop off the steeple and cross, and rededicate it as a Kingdom Hall. I went to an OBVIOUS converted church-to-Kingdom-Hall, when I was a young boy, dropped a bag of marbles at the back, and they rolled all the way to the front, on a tile floor, in South Richmond, Virginia. False religion got "our" money, for the sale. We got the building.
  16. I watched the ENTIRE Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings with rapt attention. I only believed 85% of his defense, and NONE of the Democrat blatant lies and evil false witnesses, and false accusations of every sort. It's probably all on YouTube, if you want to see how people who 70 years ago were an important part of societal change have become, as a whole ... almost without exception ... blatantly and brazenly, and deliberately pure evil, in motivations, thoughts, and actions. The Republican leadership are generally naive and incompetent, but the Democrat leadership are competent, studied evil.
  17. I think the same rule applies to found treasure that applies to Real Estate transactions .... if any "agreements" are not in writing, they don't exist. It didn't happen. Unless of course you forgot that the only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead. Then it is usually settled in a courtroom.
  18. I am glad you removed that GIF of the man killing a cow with a sledgehammer. It was very upsetting. That's why I get my hamburger as God intended ... on a Styrofoam tray wrapped with cellophane.
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