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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. This is such a sad, pathetic travesty of reason and common sense as to PERMANENTLY impugn the integrity, and credibility of the authors. ...for at least a hundred years, until that "overlapping generation" that embraces such nonsense completely dies off.
  2. In the "Truth" ONLY the GB are supposed to have any, and effort to find out anything of importance that is NOT on the agenda can get you called into the famous and dreaded "little back room, 101" for some friendly interrogation of why do you want to know ... and possible charges of disrupting the peace of the Congregation, for which you can be disfellowshipped. There is a great and pervasive chill in the "Truth", now where people are afraid to speak about anything, for fear that they may use unapproved words, in unapproved phrases, to tip of the "hall monitors" that they may not be orgasmically happy about everything that is being said, and is going on. I think JW Insider made an important point recently when he quoted the scripture about Elders (and the GB, presumably) should be free from accusation. It's a REQUIREMENT ... not an optional extra. To be free from accusation means you have to CHANGE ... not double-down and prepare for a siege. "Make sure of all things ... hold fast to what is fine" It's like eating fish ... it's best to throw the head, bones, and scales away ... but if you do it here, you become an apostate. ... and everyone know we live under that sword .... held up by a small, tenuous thread. We are NOT free from legitimate accusation.
  3. I saw that video .... and I laughed myself silly, and fell over backwards with my feet up in the air, laughing, when the Circuit Overseer said his name was "Neal", and you thought he meant K-N-E-E-L ... so you ..... HahahHAHAhahaha
  4. Some people calls it a lawn mower blade ... some calls it a sling blade ... some calls it a Kaiser blade. ...... remember to call 911, and tip the waitresses.
  5. I remember a Bible Study, named Carl, that was very accident prone. As a Carpenter's Helper he ran his arm through a table saw and cut it off, just below the elbow. I wrapped the arm in a plastic bag and took it and him to a local hospital, where they did miracles with stem cells, and blood derivatives. The next day he was back at work with a small scar, and his arm was completely normal. He was NOT a Witness, so I did not consider the "blood issue" for him. It seemed not to apply at the time. A few days later, he cut off his foot with a chain saw when it jumped back on him when it hit a nail. I wrapped the foot in plastic, and we went back to that same doctor, and the next day, except for a small scar and stitches, he returned to cutting down trees and brush, with only the slightest of limp. About a week later, someone else was mowing the lawn, hit a piece of steel, and the mower blade came off, spinning at high speed, and like a boomerang, cut off his head, just above the shoulders. I wrapped the head in a plastic bag, and took his head and body, with some help, back to the same doctor. I expected to see him the next day, but after two days I went to ask the Doctor where Carl was. The Doctor informed me that there was nothing he could do for Carl, and that he was dead. I tried to console the doctor, telling him it was not his fault, he did the best he could do, but he was angry with me and said "I didn't kill Carl ... YOU killed Carl!". I was stunned and asked him how is it that I had killed Carl? He said " You should have cut some holes in the plastic bag!".
  6. Revisionist History. If you change it ... you cover up the fact that gullibility reigns, and makes the context of remarks and comments confusing. That is why they do not delete amendments to the US Constitution, such as for "Prohibition", which was later rescinded by ANOTHER amendment. It is my opinion that revisionist history is dangerous to the mind, soul and personal integrity. Give BOTH titles, if you must.
  7. She probably has weights on her legs, under her dress, or has her feet hooked under some kind of support like an open cinder block or something. When I was a young man, I could hold my breath for 5 minutes and 23 seconds, but I bobbed around on the surface like a fishing line cork. She may also be in three feet deep water, with her knees bent, so she can rise for a breath of air on an instant's notice.
  8. This is HIGHLY unlikely to be true for the following reasons: 1.) The GB never admits a mistake, or apologies for anything, no matter how blatantly absurd, or especially grievous, and 2.) Anything without proper attribution, and that cannot be independently checked from that stated attribution, can be disregarded summarily. The probability of this being true approaches ZERO.
  9. TTH: As usual, you misunderstand everything that does not conform to you preconceived agenda. You post had five paragraphs, which I will refer to. Paragraph 1: What is too much? It's a meaningless exclamation ... like "Son of a Gun!", which does not refer to sons, or guns. Not really. Paragraph 2: In most nations, including the USA, the postal system loses money on first class mail ... and that's why the prices are always increasing, from the time when I started collecting postage stamps, and the price was 4 cents for one ounce of first class postage. They TRY to make it up on packages, but are unsuccessful. And... 70% of international postage goes to the receiving country, via the Universal Postal Union, who keeps track of it all ...and so RUSSIA got 70% of the face value of the postage for "terminal delivery", to each individual recipient, wherever found in the Russian Federation. They did NOT deliver 80 million letters to the addressees. That is about 11 train boxcar loads filled to the top. I seriously doubt that more than two hundred letters were actually read throughout the entire Russian Federation. The Russian Federation Treasury was forwarded about $ 56 MILLION DOLLARS of the Brotherhood's hard earned money by the Universal Postal Union. We gave our adversaries $ 56 million dollars and got NOTHING for it, except it kept JWs busy on a fantasy quest that to the the Russians looked like a sophisticated bribe, to influence their court judgements. WONDERFUL "plausable deniability"! Paragraph 3: This is true: There is nothing on this Earth that will influence the Governing Body, who well know there is nothing on this Earth that can get them to change, or get them fired. Besides, the Lawyers and Accountants are running the show now, and like English Royalty, they are just titular figureheads. Paragraph 4: This is total nonsense, with no basis whatsoever. What? Did you just grab that figure out of the air? Paragraph 5: Again, total nonsense with no basis whatsoever. The 80 million letters went to the RUSSIAN goverment ... not Warwick Bethel, and not even the Russian Bethel, which no longer exists, having been confiscated to the Russian State. The return addresses on those 80 million letters were to the individual Brothers who paid for the postage .... not Kings Drive in Tuxedo Park, New York, or even Warwick. Another completely nonsensical paragraph, having no basis in reality, and projection of your wish to somehow defend the completely indefensible, looking through rose colored eyeglasses with heart shaped frames.
  10. The thought just occurred to me.... When Jesus (or was it Paul?) said a man should be a husband of one wife ... he did not mention concubines at all ... which did have some sort of legal status under Jewish Law. King David was apparently very flexible with that arrangement. Perhaps JW Insider has the bird's eye, low down on that caper.
  11. Fortunately, Peter Griffin has the explanation ..... Grinds My Gears_ Video Games.mp4
  12. There are limits to the precision of aiming with any mechanical device. Anything beyond 14 decimal places cannot be made ... and certainly a lot less than that.
  13. I seriously doubt they care. It would be like someone copying Windows XP, which was a standard of the world for about 11 years. THEN, they progressed to Windows Vista. Hahahhahahhaaahhhaa. ( .....sometimes my jokes are just for me.)
  14. I was truly embarrassed to have to give this post an upvote. I wish with all my heart that it was not true. But, like Charles Taze Russell said in the first issue of the Watchtower ... If Satan tells you the truth .. it's STILL the truth.
  15. Sometimes, when a Judge's ruling is not unanimous (referring to the headline ...) the Judge's body twists around at the waist and both feet face backwards., and one arm flaps like a wounded bird trying to fly. What? Judges'? Oh............ Nevermind.
  16. Anyone remember a "Convention Resolution" years ago where we all had to tell out and promise we'd never go into internet chatrooms? Apparently NOT. I have been witnessing on Internet chat rooms, with knock-down, drag out theological discussions on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) since 1994 or so, BEFORE THERE WERE BROWSERS and before there was "Windows 95" Where did you get your "quote" from, Jack ? Tom Clancy?
  17. It is obvious Prince was basing that on what someone else told him that is what Ayn Rand's books were about...and never himself read them ... because I did read them, and that is NOT what her books are about. Her books are about competency and courage in the face of that great hoard of stupid people that think the world owes them a living.
  18. That fine seamless garment Jesus wore was knitted for him by his Mother, who originally intended it to be socks, but he was wearing them when he multiplied the fishes and loaves.
  19. Full Metal Jacket (the movie) had a LOT of lessons about morality that could be learned I try to see it every eight to ten years, and see if my perspective on what I learned the last time is still valid. I would HIGHLY recommend the movie. Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it. This is the FIRST thing that came to my mind, as follows .......
  20. Holiday Inns used to be all over America ... then they started disinfecting the hotel bathroom toilet seats with flamethrowers.
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