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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Arauna:

    It is quite clear to me that you have a solid grasp of geopolitics, and global integrated systems in general.

    You are wasting your time here for three reasons.

    1.) None of us can do ANYTHING about any of it, and most of us just survive payday to payday, with trials and tribulations that are extremely local, and immediate, and crucial.

    2.) 80% of Jehovah's Witnesses have no idea what you are talking about, and cannot grasp the nuances of what you know and relate.

    3.) If you weave what you know into a novel, you can make several million dollars just by putting words on paper. You have the skill and intelligence, and perspective to do it as good as anyone. 

    THEN, when bread costs $122 a loaf, and milk $200 a gallon, you and yours will have bread and milk.

    ...and when it all hits the fan, you and yours will have the hundred thousand dollars each for plane tickets out of there.

    I enjoyed these postings immensely ... don't waste it on me.

    ..... and make sure your Passports are always up to date.

  2. If it was me, I would not mess with the Society's Lawyers ... they never sleep (...looking over their billing times sheets, if they cross an international dateline, they can bill for 25 hours a day, even if it's just to do a thousand successive down votes on a blog somewhere.), and they can swim with sharks without fear .... getting professional courtesy.

    Besides, resistance is futile, and it's awkward being assimilated.

    rectangle logo.jpg


  3. Think the Society's Lawyers will challenge THIS one?

    It's an even CLOSER infringement than the blue rectangle "JW HELP" logo.


    JW.borg Logo.jpg

    ....besides, it is my understanding that the US Trademark Office originally refused to register their JW.ORG logo in the square blue rectangle because it already infringed on someone else's trademark, or was too generic.   I forget the details.

    FORTUNATELY ... Mr. Google, who resides on Funk and Wagnall's  front Porch with a collection of mayonnaise jars filled with answers, know everything, and here is the link ....




  4. JW's lose a medical malpractice case |.......

    The headline is misleading.   JWs did not lose the medical malpractice case .... someone who happened to be a JW lost it, if it was in fact lost.

    When I used to skydive, I saw people who had been drunk the night before hastily throw their parachute together into the container to catch the next lift up to 10,000 feet.

    The sport is unforgiving.  Sometimes you can "luck out", sometimes you buy the farm.

    Same thing with Effie Taylor, who SHOULD have not taken blood thinner for SEVEN days before the operation ( which I had three months ago, by the way ... at age 72)

    The cards she was dealt were Aces and Eights, and she lost.

    "Stuff Happens".



  5. If you see the movie "Alice's Restaurant", (circa 1968)you can see how an Episcopalian Church was bought by a guy named Ray, and turned into a Hippie commune.

    I attended a Kingdom Hall in South Richmond, Virginia that was purchased from another church, they cut off the steeple with the cross on top, and viola! .... Instant Kingdom Hall.  It had about a 12 degree slope to the floor, down to the stage.

    The sword cuts both ways.

  6. You have misinterpreted what that paragraph is saying.

    The Society does not foster ideals to prevent cruelty to animals, international amateur sports competition, or the erection and maintenance of public buildings ... EITHER!

    You can notify the IRS if you want to .... but last year, in all the United States, you know how many religious organizations were audited or censured, by the IRS ?


  7. Billy downvoted about a hundred or so of my posts in the last day or so, that I posted over the past year or so.   I got copies of each post downvoted in my email, yesterday.

    I enjoyed reviewing what I had said.

    When he does that, does EVERYBODY get a copy of what he down votes, or just the person being down voted.?

    After about 70, I got bored, and realized how Adolph Hitler got people to agree with him, no matter what he said or did..

    Billy appears to think EVERYTHING the Watchtower has ever said, or written, is the Word of God.

    This collective body of thought is only best guesses ... assuming the very best of motives, and no interest in keeping money and power, and building an Earthly empire of rank and privilege. beautiful buildings, and the adoration of many millions of Jehovah's Witnesses, and an unlimited expense account.

    My rough guess is that 85% of everything that they have ever said is self aggrandizing drivel, and flat wrong .... but then again, what I did learn from "The Truth" over the past 60 years ... that precious 15% ... has made my life better, and kept me from getting killed or incarcerated, and given me three magnificent children, so there is that!

    ...and of course, there is a great joy and satisfaction of actually know the REAL truth about who the Creator of the Universe is !

    Holding to THAT Truth has allowed me to swim with sharks without being eaten alive.

    I think it was American Patriot Nathan Hale who said "My Country, right or wrong ... but my Country".

    I am inclined to share those sentiments about the truth, in "The Truth".

    What should I do  ? ... wait until it's perfect?

    That does NOT include supporting or agreeing with the 85%, as BillytheKid46 does.

    ... and defending the indefensible.



  8. The problem is not the laser ... it's TARGETING the laser .

    Even a highly collimated laser will spread out over 4.2 light years of travel,  just interacting with interstellar dust particles. That's why you have to START with a two megawatt laser beam.

    Proxima b is a planet in the Centauri Star System, and as the Galaxy rotates, the star (Proxima Centauri) also has its parabolic orbit around the center of the galaxy., as well as any local motion. THEN, you have the planets orbit around the star you have to take into effect.

    Basically the travel resembles an extremely small insect traveling inside the threads on a moving AND rolling screw or bolt.

    The table has a motion, the bolt has a motion, and the screw threads (combined local motions) have their own point "A" to point "B trajectory.

    THEN you have to calculate to the 1/2 minute where Proxima b will be 4.2 x 2 years in the FUTURE, and fire the laser NOW to intercept the planet 4.2 years from now, the laser traveling at the speed of light..... where the planet will be, not where it appears to be now ... which it isn't now.

    What you are seeing now is ALREADY 4.2  years out of date ... the time it took the light to get to your telescope.

    You will be firing the laser into empty space, seemingly at nothing in particular.

    You will have to double the 4.2 light years, to 8.4 light years, which is only an approximation.   The actual calculations will have to have all the input accurate to 14 decimal places, and the calculations to 14 decimal places.

    Roughly equivalent to a person firing  a rifle from Virginia southward to Florida, and someone from Florida firing a rifle northward to Virginia, and having the bullets meet in mid air, and stick together.


  9. 24 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    How about terrorism. James is a white nationalist. He acts like one. Should he be sued because of that Texas shooter that is anti-color and anti-immigrant? How about you, should you take responsibility for it?

    Billy, you are living in a fantasy world of your own creation ... completely devoid of common sense and common decency.

    I am white ...or at least of the Caucasian persuasion.

    If I was a Nationalist, I would have fought in Vietnam, rather than face 5 years of prison ... and I have not pledged my allegiance to any nation since the 5th grade, when I did not know any better.

    I deliberately married a woman who was mixed Spanish, Peruvian, Japanese, Negro, and Ketchua (spelling?) Indian, and my kids have a lovely permanent tan.  By the way, she immigrated from Peru, and I filled out all her paperwork to come here , marry me, and get American Citizenship.

    You care nothing about facts when you make accusations, and are looking at the world through a delusional construct.

    How does it feel to be an expert at everything, except what is real, and be a legend in your own mind?

    But more to the point, how do you survive with absolutely no common sense whatsoever?



  10. The only thing the USA has to do to get completely out of 22 trillion dollars in debt, is to mint 22 coins (perhaps 3 feet in diameter, and made of depleted Uranium so as to discourage theft,  for ONE TRILLION DOLLARS EACH.


    Perhaps with former President Barack Hussein Obama's picture on one side, (the very best gun salesman the USA ever had ... factories running 24/7/365 could not keep up with the demand for eight years...), and a schematic of Sol Solar System on the reverse.

    THEN, paper money could be issued  for monies already on deposit ... the 22 TRILLION dollars, and the USA could buy back all of it's debt.

    Completely legal in every way.


  11. All Jehovah's Witnesses are ordained Ministers.

    Are we all clergy?

    The WTB&TS does not have to CLAIM clergy privilege ... any more than you are forced to redeem every coupon you get in your mailbox.

    The Governing Body has directed that Elders ARE clergy ..... something that when I went before the Draft Board in 1966 and refused to be inducted into the Armed Forces of the United States, and faced five years in the Federal Penitentiary in Petersburg, Virginia I did NOT claim.

    With tears and great sadness, I lament that the organization has BECOME money grubbing clergy.

    There are actors that have even rejected the Oscar Award, (Marlin Brando and George C. Scott immediately come to mind .... ) as right or wrong, they valued their principles MORE than fame and money.

    They WERE AWARDED an Oscar award.  They rejected it.

    It is a crying shame when Hollywood Actors have the moral high ground, and we try so very hard to get the same respect and privileges as the Catholic Church.

    The only thing missing, is priest vestments, and a Pope hat.

    Actually .... 8 Pope Hats.




    In order to make the case to courts that Kingdom Hall properties all belong to the WTB&TS, irregardless if whose names are on the Titles, the Society has claimed, in court, under oath, that they are a hierarchy, EXACTLY like the Catholic Church, and are entitled to confiscate and sell the properties as the Society sees fit ... NOT as the the people who built and paid for the Kingdom Halls see fit.

    I think this will take a colossal bite out of their collective butt.

    Especially since they DO claim, also in court, under oath, that they are entitled to "clergy-penitent privilege", the same as the Catholic Church.




  13. Rust is iron + oxygen .... usually created with the catalyst of water.

    The heat burns the oxygen, and the oxygen evaporates the microscopic individual particles of iron.

    If I had a yacht, I would like to have the "500" unit on deck to blind pirates and boarders, in a microsecond. More effective than a deck gun. Instantaneous, works at the speed of light, and no ballistics problems ... line of sight.

    Blind Pirates and boarders lose interest.

    When you see a welder using a cutting torch to cut through a large steel beam ... it is not the heat that cuts through the steel beam .... it's the heat and OXYGEN actually rusting the steel beam into two parts..

  14. Matthew9969:

    There are many types of love.

    If I was trapped in a car, burning to death, I would hope that someone had enough love for me, even though we had never met, to put a bullet in my brain, and kill me.  Many would consider this murder.

    I would consider this an act of love, and compassion.

    Recently my wife caught a large brown recluse spider in the house, in a pint mason jar and she brought it to me, sealed up with the screw lid.  Brown recluse spiders can bite you and cause your skin to die, and the venom spreads and causes skin to go necrotic. A SERIOUS threat.

    It sat on my desk for a few days, and I watched it struggle, but it could not get up the glass jar walls. It even produced web, and tried that, to no avail. I punched a couple of holes in the metal lid with some scissors, and poured a teaspoon of water through the holes., which revived it dramatically.

    In a few more days, I asked my wife to take the spider across the street, and release it in some woods, which she did. I hope it lived.

    There are many types of love.

    Sometimes self defense can be had without killing the one who, just being who or what they are ... can cause you serious harm, or death.

    The spider probably did not like being unfriended, and banished, either.

    He (or she) will probably get over it.

    Go therefore, and do likewise.




  15. Actually, Kirk mixed some potassium nitrate, the white powder found under cow pies, and sulfur, and carbon into that tube, and filled it with rocks. It would have not have worked unless the ingredients were of the correct proportion, and thoroughly mixed. I forgot how he ignited it .. I was SO disappointed.

    EVERYBODY knows that you fight Alien Reptos with an official Star Trek folding pocket knife.

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