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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. ...



    Now that Toys-R-US is  bankrupt, and closed, I do not know where to buy a Slinky.

    So I use a precariously balanced red brick at the platform level, or a large beat up tall black hat, like desperadoes used to wear.

      I understand if a squirrel gets in one it is trapped forever, and it attracts more squirrels.  Then, when a cat shows up and gets trapped, ... well ... let's just say watching the hat owner has entertainment value, that can't be beat!


    Expect noting from anybody, and you will seldom be disappointed.

    "Murphy's Laws" have many variants .... Murphy's Laws for Combat, Murphy's Laws for Table Manners, Murphy's  Laws for Babies with Poopy Diapers, Murphy's Laws for Business, Murphy's Laws for Engineers, etc.

    Learning many of these as might apply to your lifestyle is a way to have realistic expectations.

    Fortunately, Mr. Google can help you with that.

    Good mental health BEGINS with seeing the world, and the things in it, as they REALLY are ...... not how we WISH they would be.



  3. ...

    2019-08-05_010910.jpgOh, I dunno, Billy.

    Sometimes when my mind wanders to evil things, I think about Adolph Hitler, sometimes to Donald Trump, sometimes even to how you are doing ... and sometimes even to that spawn of Earthly Evil, Watchtower Lawyers, who pervert Justice in order to win their cases, as documented in many court transcripts.

    Think of those court transcripts as scripts for the diabolically challenged.

    Of course, with the  posting of your devil emoticon, and how you process logic and reasoning skills, it's clear you don't need them.

    However, you could probably use a self-help book for the satirically challenged.

    You might enjoy this video of a Watchtower Lawyer explaining how we DO NOT SHUN disfellowshipped members, which ( and this is a VERY important point ...) because he truly believes this HE IS NOT A LIAR, but what he is saying itself ... is a bald faced lie, distorted by WDS.

  4. On 8/3/2019 at 8:14 PM, JW Insider said:

    A lawyer could even make a case that it only referred to "the people" who were ready, capable and willing to join a standing militia, whenever called.

    Lawyers can make cases when there is NOTHING based on reality.  Occasionally they win when the judge or jury are terminally ignorant, or are predisposed to judge in their favor, irregardless of the facts.

    That's why Lawyers do "Judge Shopping", and with Juries, reject potential jurors that have any vestige of common sense.

  5. Back then, all free, white male citizens were the militia .... you were expected to show up when called with your own gun, your own ammo, your own kit, and supplies, and if you were an Officer, with your own horse, and saber.

    The militiamen could be 250 men in a county who had never come together, and had never met each other (although unlikely).

    The militia were the INDIVIDUAL MEN who needed to be well regulated ... not their personal firearms.

    After Patrick Henry gave his famous speech in St. John's Church, in Richmond Virginia, the Colonial Legislature sent a small army (militia) to Boston, Massachusetts to assist the Rebels to fight the British Army. A battle already in progress.

    In the British Army, weapons were supplied by the Crown, and both the weapons and the men were well regulated.

    In the Colonial militia, the MEN were somewhat well regulated, but their weapons were their own, and NOT regulated. Some estates even had their own cannon.

    My great grandfather had several cannon for his farm, when the Civil War started ... and used chain, nails and rocks as projectiles. He used to make his own gunpowder.

    Virginia did have a weapons stash in Colonial Williamsburg, but it was being secured by British troops, and unavailable to the Colonials.

    That's why the legislature was meeting in secret, in Richmond, Virginia.

  6. 9 hours ago, admin said:

    @James Thomas Rook Jr. isn't going to like this guy. 😉

    I thought he was DEAD!

    The Constitution says '...the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed ..."

    This statement acknowledges that before the United States came into existence, man ALREADY had the NATURAL right to keep and bear arms.  The Constitution sought to guarantee rights ALREADY IN EXISTENCE .... AND UNIVERSALLY RECOGNIZED, EXCEPT BY TYRANTS.

    Our current miasma of laws and regulations was invented in the beginning by Democrats in the South, after the American Civil War, to keep Negros from having the right to keep and bear arms for their self defense. 

    The restrictive laws applied to everybody, in theory, but for white people, they were pretty much ignored.

    As the Blacks learned more about the legal system, and how to use it, they forced everybody to be treated fairly (sometimes), in the eyes of the law, and forced enforcement of those heinous laws to apply to everybody.

    The right to keep and bear arms is a NATURAL right of all things ... but willy-nilly, only primates have opposable thumbs (unless I missed something ...) and even cats have retractable claws, and Eagles have talons.

    Before the United States came into existence, man ALREADY had the NATURAL right to keep and bear arms.

    The Constitution sought to insure those natural rights were not infringed upon by tyrants, or tyrannical laws.

     The  " ... shall not be infringed ..." tacitly acknowledges that this natural  right ALREADY existed.

  7. 3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    *** w17 October p. 12 The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword” ***

    The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword”

    It is my considered opinion, BTK46, that the corruption of that scripture is YOURS.

    The Truth is not a license to slice up your family members, fathers, daughter, sons, mothers, etc, and cut their tongues out with shunning ...  it is an advisory that those on the OUTSIDE of the Christian Congregation will wage war against you with both figurative and literal swords ( or bayonets and rifles, etc....) .... much as is the case in how we are being currently treated by the Russian Federation, with their police power to enforce their edicts.

    That scriptural advisory is a warning to us about what to expect, and why.  It is not a license for disrespecting your Mother and Father, and abandoning your Family for their  reasons of conscience, for in doing so you show that Love Always Fails, when confronted with the option of revenge and vindictiveness, and cruelty for the sake of consolidating assumed authority in order to suppress rebellion.

    It does NOT suppress rebellion ... it just creates bitter enemies where before there was none before, and fills them with a terrible resolve for being cast off and treated unfairly, and with contempt.

    Disfellowshipping is necessary ... but HOW it is currently done is like being hit hard with a felt lined silk glove, with a steel fist inside.

    Remember ... it's the ENEMIES swords we need to be aware of ... not our own.

    We today do not have the right to stone someone to death ...or maim and cripple them the way we do it now.

    Love Never Fails.jpg

  8. 58 minutes ago, Anna said:

    I have known elders tell a young woman she should be happy she is not living in Israelite times as she would have been stoned

    Normally this would be a soul destroying irrational statement, sucking every drop of happiness and common sense out of the life of gullible people, buuuuut it is inculcated into us that it doesn't.


  9. From 2017:

    ( Google Chicago Gun Violence) .....

    More than 100 people were shot in Chicago over the course of one of the bloodiest Fourth of July weekends in the city’s recent history.

    Police in Chicago are conducting a “very comprehensive review” after 15 people were killed and 86 others injured in shootings between late Friday afternoon and early Wednesday, the Chicago Tribune reports.

    “The mood here is frustration,” Chicago Police Department chief spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi told the Tribune. “It’s perplexing. We deployed some very successful tactics over the Memorial Day weekend,” he added.

    Police said their review would include analysis of whether an audio system that pinpoints the location of gunfire so that officers can be dispatched to the scene more quickly was triggered by “amateur fireworks.”

    Much of the violence was gang-related, Chicago Police First Deputy Superintendent Kevin Navarro said according to Reuters. While other shootings appeared to be over “petty disputes that escalated into somebody pulling out a gun,” Guglielmi said.

    Chicago deployed 1,300 extra officers over the long weekend and a total of 159 guns have been seized since Friday.

    Gun violence in Chicago is common, where homicide rates have reached levels not seen in the city in decades. Chicago recorded 762 killings last year, an almost 60% rise on 2015 numbers and more than any other city in the U.S., although less than some when adjusted for population.

    According to the Tribune, the number of shootings over the weekend was higher than in 2013, the last time Independence Day celebrations occurred over four days, when 74 people were shot.

    This year, a 13-year-old boy was the youngest seriously wounded by gunfire. A 60-year-old man was also shot.


    In Snowflake controlled Cities and States,  murders are so common it often does not make national news.

    What makes the El Paso and Cleveland shootings news is that it that it IS NEWS.

    In Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, and other long term Democrat controlled cities... it's just another normal summer week end.

  10. 4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    What is it about the United States that makes it the worst country in the world for this type of gun violence?

    The stupid have become the majority, and they vote.

    ... and as a general rule, they vote to disarm good men ... and there is no law that will disarm the bad men.

    That's why the Founding Fathers of the USA established the Electoral College ... so the sane people in the middle of the country would have a fair chance against the nutcases in covens on the East and West Coast.

  11. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    Everyone in America, myself included, is devastated by the news of this latest attack in El Paso. Sadly, after each of these tragedies the Senate does nothing. That has got to change.

    Congress needs to pass laws clarifying "constitutional carry", the right of ever citizen to be armed at all times, everywhere ... which is a NATURAL right, and a constitutionally protected right guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment, and perverted everywhere since the American Civil War.

    There are many more righteous men than evil men.

    Unfortunately .... they are effectively disarmed, and in fighting for righteousness, have been emasculated.

  12. Probably the whole area was a posted "NO GUN ZONE", which most law abiding citizens will honor, but criminals will not.

    That makes that entire area a TARGET RANGE for evil people to make into a slaughter house.

    ...with little or no fear of being shot in the back by a righteous man with a gun.

    He has been disarmed, by the Snowflakes.

  13. 2 hours ago, Anna said:

    I haven't seen the rest of the video, but had the Judge asked specifically if he is referring to family living outside of the home, then the lawyer would have had to clarify this. However, if there was no further clarification established, then technically and legally the JW lawyer did not lie, but allowed others to assume something else, therefor it could be said that he was misleading.




    I think that because I believe that NO ONE has the slightest idea when Armageddon will come, and having been burned in 1974-1975 by peer pressure and constant propaganda to react as if it would have come in 1975 ... ( I was a coward, and caved ...), and because globally we are living in the very best times that have ever existed in the history of all civilization ... by ANY metric, possibly ALL of them, perhaps I was trying to say what Newton said about that.

    I certainly did not believe it would be in 2060, or as early as 2032, etc. only that of all the sources available anywhere in humanity, past or present, if he had published his thoughts on this matter, I would SERIOUSLY be inclined to believe whatever Newton said, over any other human source, because of his track record of ALWAYS being right about what he published.

    It's amazing about how much pure, clean intense white light you can get from just plain common sense.

    .... which is not all that common, as we have repeatedly seen.


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