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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.


    2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Thanks for making my point in this open forum, about the closed one.

    Recognizing satire is not one of your strong points, is it Billy?

    ... and,  you're welcome !


    at first glance what you posted looked like Newton's handwriting, but he must have been sick or something. At any rate, here is a transcript, and anyone can attach whatever importance to it they see fit, or none at all.

    But it to me is like Spock telling Captain Kirk that he will have to make a guess, the Captain swallows hard and commits to action, under the theory that it's a very GOOD "guess". And since everyone else, without exception, has been wrong ( and we are still here ...) it's worth considering.






    Prop. 1. The 2300 prophetick days did not commence before the rise of the little horn of the He Goat.

    2 Those day did not commence ater the destruction of Jerusalem & ye Temple by the Romans A. 70.

    3 The time times & half a time did not commence before the year 800 in wch the Popes supremacy commenced

    4 They did not commence after the rene of Gregory the 7th. 1084

    5 The 1290 days did not commence bfore the year 842.

    6 They did not commence after the reigne of Pope Greg. 7th. 1084

    7 The diffence  between the 1290 & 1335 days are a parts of the seven weeks.

    Therefore the 2300 years do not end before ye year 2132 nor after 2370.

    The time times & half time do n[o]t end before 2060 nor after

    The 1290 days do not begin [this should read: end] before 2090 nor after 1374 

    ( My guess that is a typo, and might be 2374 – jtr )



  2. BTK46:

    I am not going to bother correcting your perspectives on Sir Isaac Newton with someone like yourself with zero credibility, unless you provide checkable references for your specific  assertions. 

    You can legitimately, and very reasonably be summarily disregarded.

    Try again when you have checkable references.

    Here is a very reasonable question.

    Why haven't you joined the "JW Closed Club" here on this forum?

    If you are a JW in "good standing" it would make sense that you would want to affiliate yourself with the "Closed Club", to get away from all the nasty, irreparable, vile, diseased minded people here, and go to the mirror club, where the air is fresh and clean.

    Perhaps you prefer wallowing in the mire of this wretched hive of scum and villainy.

    I would like to extend an invitation for you to join the JW Closed Club, and hereby do so.

    Don't ferget da question  now, ya heah.


  3. The thing about Sir Isaac Newton, is that he never cared about sharing his brilliance ... he was goaded into it by friends who were totally stunned by the things he was perceiving ... but when sharing them with "the public", he was careful that every jot and tittle mentioned would be accurate, and checkable ... and RIGHT!.

    He invented the reflecting mirror telescope to eliminate refractive telescopes' spectral aberration ( colors focusing at different focal lengths) ... and it just sat on a table in his room until he casually mentioned it when discussing light with someone.

    I suspect he did not publish  his conclusions that Armageddon might probably occur in 2060, or as early as 2032, because it didn't matter that much to him ... he would be safely dead, and he cared little about sharing his theology, although he did write over a million words about that ... now archived at the Hebrew National Museum, in Jerusalem ...... AFTER his death.

    It has been my observation that the smarter a person is ... the less they care about invisible things that may or may not have occurred in the past, for which there is no real evidence whatsoever, or may occur in the future, for which there is no real evidence whatsoever.

    If you want to really feel stupid ... try to figure out how Penguins got from Antarctica, to the middle east to Noah's Ark.

    If you figure it out, PLEASE, let me know !


  4. If you really believe something is the case, and you tell someone else ... and what you tell them is NOT true ...  you are NOT a  liar ... you are merely wrong.

    If you KNOW something is NOT true, and tell someone else, only THEN is it a lie.

    That is why credibility is so very important ... so the one receiving the information can correctly evaluate MOTIVE.

    If it is difficult to determine what is truth... what is merely wrong ... and what is an outright lie ... FOLLOW THE MONEY..

    The tracks money leaves, always tells the truth.

    If someone is hiding their tracks ... they are hiding the truth.

    They are lying about something.

    .... perhaps everything.



  5. 2019-07-31_233431.jpg

    The "Early Christians" were not a monolithic block of people who did everything the same way, or for the same reasons.  They did things according to their consciences, which were ALL DIFFERENT, because of natural intelligence, or the lack thereof ...or education, tradition, local customs, and the list of variables is infinite..

    The fantasy of the "monolithic minority" still exists today in the political world, as clueless  politicians think that Blacks, Hispanics, Chinese, etc., all think and act the same way, and do whatever they do for the same reasons.

    They don't.

    The short answer is "Why ask me ? ... I don't have Polaroids!".

  6. 4 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:
    17 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    and whose theology was almost EXACTLY the very best of what Jehovah's Witnesses teach today.

    Even the part about 2060 being the final year?

    He actually never published that ... after his death, those conjectures were found in his notes.  He also thought that Armageddon may be as early as 2032.

    I suppose it is a matter of credibility.

    Would you be inclined to believe someone who was never wrong in what they published ?... or

    someone who was never right in what they published.?

    ..... even if you are just looking over their posthumous notes.

    It's all about credibility, and gullibility.

    ..... and money.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Indiana said:

    Is this art yours? I've seen several like this,  at  this site, just curious as I find them interesting :) 

    No, under U.S. copyright law it is legal to use derivative works if the intent is instruction, or satire, and I am always satirizing something.

    It's called the "Fair Use Doctrine".

    I extract cartoons from the Internet, and "file off the serial numbers", and modify them with my own text.  This is known as a "mashup".

  8. If the crime is completely invisible to everyone except the Elders ... and only one or two people who keep their mouths shut outside of the Judicial Committee know of what happened ... or the sinner is obviously mentally retarded, and deserves special consideration (really), expulsion is  usually 6 months.

    This assumes that when they "announce", everyone else in the Congregation is completely clueless.

    We had a Brother who in a City Park restroom, next to a playground, sexually propositioned an undercover police officer, was arrested for that, had his picture in the newspaper with a full account, and was disfellowshipped for six months. 

    My best guess is that he was IMMEDIATELY genuinely repentant ... but his error was openly notorious.

    He got six months.

    His mental capacity, at best, was less than 40 watts.  I could easily imagine that he could be fully and genuinely repentant, and his genes were the extenuating circumstances.

    Otherwise, if there is public notoriety, there is the unwritten and never officially acknowledged "three year rule", for reinstatement.

    Officially, it does not exist, but I can tell you from many others' accounts, AND my personal experience ... it does.

    Because to be open about it (usually I don't care ..) would open old wounds in others that have apparently healed over, that's all I am going to say about that.







    The Society's Lawyers and Accountants are now running the show, and our "official theology" has been modified a dozen times to keep the financial coffers full.

    It has been a sad, sad thing to watch evolve.

    When this generation passes away, those that saw these changes will no longer be able to recount them, and the memory of them will disappear.

    There will be no "overlapping generations".

    Those that spin control the past, control the present.

    Those that spin control the present, control the future.

    ...... and I will be safely ....... dead.







    Without a bullet through the brain stem, or a radical frontal lobotomy, I am not sure anymore that one can truly be "neutral" about anything. 

    Perhaps the best we can manage is be uninvolved. (?)

    To not have an opinion about things going on around you means that you are brain dead.


    It is my understanding that the Society now allows voting to be a matter of conscience ( to keep from being sued out of existence for sedition ?) ... but I have not really been keeping up on that issue.



  11. 2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    You have the last word, Wacky Jackie!

    if only that were true, Billy .... If only that were true .....

    OK ... here goes ....

    BTK46 - You live in a self induced fantasy world of your agenda driven imagination.

    There is nothing anybody can do for you.

    Try not to drool.



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