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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Amazing! :)) I like it,  how you know to use all this digital tools and incorporate measuring strip in millimeter division on picture so precisely. Excellent work :))


    Millimeter Scale.jpg

    This is AMERUKA!  We don't use no stinkin' SI Units in AMERUKA!

    We are red-blooded Bible-Totin' red white and blue  people that use FEET, and INCHES, like the Lord intended normal people to use.  Millimeters, PAH!, that what drug dealers use when rolling reefers!

    Here in Ameruka SI unites is an abbreviation for SISSY man ... the kind of man that will watch Star Trek and yell for Captain Kirk to set his Phaser on STUN!

    REAL MEN don't use STUN. and REAL MEN don't use millimeters !  Tha's for the French who drive those tiny little two seater cars with horns that go "Heunk! Heunk!"

    And Amerulum Surveyors are the manliest men of all.  they go through reptile infested swamps, loaded with disease and death, measuring property lines on brackish water, with CHAINS. They come home from work with bug bites that CAST SHADOWS, like craters on the Moon! After six or eight beers, they hardly notice!

    Millimeters ... PAH!

    Next thing you know, they will be measuring "Overlapping Generations" in CUBITS!


    Surveyor's Chain.jpg

  2. 44 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

    Based on Genesis 3:20 the person Cain married had to come from Eve (the mother of all living).  Therefore it would be one of his sisters or nieces.

    For a woman to only have two sons ... and one was murdered .... where did theses sisters and nieces come from?

    There is no Biblical support for EITHER concept. 

    None whatsoever.

    Please correct me if I am wrong ....

    There is, however ....  solid Biblical support that Cain was condemned to wander the Earth, and EVERYWHERE he was afraid of people, MEN AND WOMEN ... that would want to kill him.

    They were ALREADY THERE.




    The question is, and should be  ... Where did THEY come from?




  3. Melinda, I respect your opinions, and have also carefully considered the Scriptures you posted.

    I am not trying to convince ANYBODY, as Jehovah shows us all mercy for being wrong ... or who could stand?

    My problem is I know for an absolute fact that at one time, Dinosaurs  ruled the Earth, and much, much later there were human civilizations in almost every nook and cranny of the Earth ...... who left hard evidence of their existence .... LONG, LONG before 6,000 or so years ago.

    How do you resolve irrefutable hard evidence ... verified a dozen different ways .... with the idea that no people existed on the earth before Adam?

    Cain certainly was worried about them killing him!


  4. JWI:  If you can, can you change the title of this thread to "WHO DID  CAIN FEAR WAS GOING TO KILL HIM?". ?

    ...which is the key to unlocking the mystery of created people, living alongside evolved people.


    ... the people that Cain feared that wherever he went ...  AND THEY WERE ALREADY THERE .... that they would kill him.

  5. A good analogy is this:

    You have five  very nice cars in your long driveway in front of your house..

    All in good shape, fully functional ... but only ONE car has had the tax paid on it ... and only that one car has a valid Title, and only that car has license plates.  It also has comprehensive and full liability car insurance.

    AND a skilled, licensed driver!

    It is ONLY legal to drive that ONE car on the public streets.  The rest are NOT allowed to do so.

    At the time of Adam and Eve, they were the ONLY man, and woman on Earth that were "street legal"   The ONLY ones, among all the humans on Earth,  who had the opportunity for everlasting life without end.

    Further, I am positive the "outsiders" knew this, and had a deep and vehement hatred for those protected by God in Eden. This was NOT a military secret.

    News "Gets Around".

    ONLY Adam and Eve had the opportunity for Everlasting Life, at that time.

    Perhaps Cain going "out of Town" from the Garden of Eden to get a wife, concubine, or sexual playmate ... whatever the case was ... was the way Jehovah eventually would bless all humans, whether "Homo Sapiens", or "Homo Theocraticus". (?)

    We do know for a certainty that Cain was deeply afraid that wherever he roamed throughout the entire Earth ... he was afraid of being killed ...  afraid of being killed by those ALREADY THERE.

    By the way ... this agrees with "billions of tons" *  of hard, hard evidence, of ancient civilizations.


    * I made that number up, but you get the idea ....



  6. 4 hours ago, Anna said:
    10 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    and there is no Biblical support whatsoever for that idea.

    "That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned" (Romans 5:12)

    If there was the possibility of more than one person* being directly created by Jehovah, then how could the above scripture apply?

    It depends on how you define a person. Here in the United States a Black man was once defined as 3/5 of a person. In Indian cultures, certain tribes considered themselves "human beings", and if you were outside the tribe, you were considered an intelligent animal, only to be considered because because of being good with weapons.

    It is my contention that Adam and Eve were considered the very first  "persons", as they were the direct creations of Jehovah God. .... and that humans that evolved over millions of years, and for which we have mountains of irrefutable solid hard proof of their existence all over the planet ... LONG before Adam and Eve's creation, were NOT considered "persons", in the theocratic legal sense.

    Adam was considered the FIRST real man ... and the FIRST to have a theocratic responsibility before God, of obedience and conformity to theocratic rules and regulations .... something that evolved homo sapiens did not have.

    Adam as head of Eve had the ability to overlook her disobedience ... and my guess is that had she brought the forbidden fruit to Adam and he rejected it, the whole thing could have been kept "in-house", and ignored .... because the phrase "knowing right from wrong" is in my view a sloppy translation.   What should have been conveyed is that Eve, and subsequently Adam, by their disobedience, came to decide right from wrong for themselves ... abandoning the definitions God chose for them of what was right and wrong ... and redefining it according to their own standards. 

    THEY decided they were naked .... Jehovah's way was that  it was not important.

    ...and the fashion industry was born.

    Because the head of Adam was Jehovah, Jehovah's law is that perfect men are not forgiven, and that cascaded down to Eve, and Eve's children, and all of their children.

    So ... because of ONE MAN, sin entered into the world.

    All the many tens of millions of "non-person" homo sapiens males already existing outside of the Garden of Eden, all over the Earth, were not considered by God to be "Homo Theocraticus"  or the first legally recognized men.

    Please feel free to challenge everything I say, it's only my best guesses, but I consider them GOOD guesses.

    Subject to change, I am betting my life on being right.


  7. 4 hours ago, Anna said:
    10 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The unsubstantiated story of Cain and Abel, before he was murdered, having sex with their sisters, who were NEVER mentioned,  to progenate the human race always seemed silly and contrived to me

    Why does it seem silly?

    The Hebrew culture that penned the OT Scriptures may have been misogynist, but Jehovah God is not.  If Cain and Abel had sisters, they would have been mentioned. What I see here is old men leaving out details so women do not get uppity.  Men go nutso over their women, except when tossing them into volcanoes.

  8. 3 hours ago, Anna said:
    9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    during the time of Abraham, if you were NOT of his blood line, all people of the Earth were pretty much ignored by God, and were NOT a special possession of God, so salvation has not always been for all people

    The Bible says that by means of Abraham's seed all nations will be blessed. This means that those of Abraham's blood line became the special possession that produced the Messiah, the means for potential salvation for ALL mankind, dead or alive.

    There is no conflict between what I said, and what you said Anna.

    My words stated "during the time of Abraham". Perhaps I should have been more specific, because obviously Israel came into existence and a road to salvation was started ONLY because of God's love for Abraham .... but I think the prophesy in Genesis  about wounded feet, etc. had already been solidified, and God was looking for the right person to implement his purposes.  Salvation restored for "Homo Theocraticus"  and their hybrid descendants, through Abram and his descendants. That is how the purpose became the plan.

    All of what I say here is only a best guess .... but it is a GOOD best guess.  Please feel free to punch holes in it.

    Iron sharpens iron .... soft soap sharpens nothing.


  9. 2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    They seem to be really pushing this idea of not getting a good education. 

    An interesting note: In EIGHT PAGES of this thread (unless I missed something ...) the FIRST menntion of something new coming from a regional "Love Never Fails" convention is John Butler's Wife's completely believable account!

    But, even that .... is not even new.


  10. 26 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

    Two created by God, all others procreated.  But whom did Jesus die for?

    Because of Cain intermarrying  with a woman naturally evolved, eventually (by the time Jesus arrived) the blood lines would have been  completely intermixed, and ALL men and women  could benefit from that Ransom. (?).

    Remember ... during the time of Abraham, if you were NOT of his blood line, all people of the Earth were pretty much ignored by God, and were NOT a special possession of God, so salvation has not always been for all people .....

    It's just an example to keep in mind as we try to figure things out.

    The unsubstantiated story of Cain and Abel, before he was murdered, having sex with their sisters, who were NEVER mentioned,  to progenate the human race always seemed silly and contrived to me, and there is no Biblical support whatsoever for that idea.


  11. By the way .... if you ever wonder WHY God created mankind ... "Homo Theocraticus" .. only about 6,000 years ago ... to me the answer is quite simple.

    For billions of years the Moon has been moving away from the Earth, getting smaller and smaller as it moves about two inches away further each year. 

    Only at the time we are living in RIGHT NOW is the apparent size of the Moon and the Sun EXACTLY coincident, which because of solar eclipses you can see how starlight bends around the gravitational influence of the Moon, and by recording that on photographic plates, as was done circa 1918, you can PROVE Einstein's theory of relativity, and give us an understanding of how the Universe REALLY works.

    At the EXACT time we were ready to become Spacefarers on the seas of light!

    Jehovah wanted to create a people that would live FOREVER, for the first time ... so that they would live to see their destinations, when they became Spacefarers.

    It's a BIG physical Universe out there, folks, and Jehovah does not need ANY of it for himself.


  12. Lessee ... um ..... there was Adam ... uh... Eve ..... and, uh ... Cain (who killed Abel), so that would mean  that 1/3 of the directly created "Homo Theocraticus" humans  alive after the murder .... was a murderer.  

    Only four of the "Homo Theocraticus" family created by God, on the Earth, and one of them kills his brother.

    That leaves three people.  One in three is a murderer. (Stops to count on fingers, just to verify ....)

    (1/3 = 33.3333% for those in Rio Linda)

    That does not take into account all the evolved humans that were NOT a part of "Homo Theocraticus",  

    Those  humans  who already lived outside the Garden of Eden, all over the Earth, all the way to Australia, and beyond, who left extensive hard irrefutable evidence  of their civilizations.

    The ones that Cain feared would kill him, no matter where he went on the Earth. 

    The ones from whom Cain took a wife, and bore children, that eventually became us.

    Take my word about the 1/3 = 33.3333%..

    It's based on REAL MATH!

  13. 20 hours ago, Bubba Johnson Jr said:


    You know Bubba, at one time, when there were only four people on the Earth, one of them killed his brother, and that meant that 33.333% of all people on the Earth were MURDERERS!

    That's probably more than where you live!


  14. 1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Well, Billy here AGAIN is a real world  test to see whether or not you know what you are talking about, or just a pompous, agenda driven, scripture quoting wind bag ...


    Hmmmmmmm ?

    That means, you personally, Billy.

    You posted NOTHING NEW that you learned at the Convention, Billy ... only quotes from old publications.

    You choke EVERY time you are challenged.  It's a wonder you can get enough oxygen to sustain life.

  15. 3 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    There IS such a thing as paying attention.

    Possibly, but there is also such a thing as delusional lying ... and if that is your answer to my challenge, you have just convicted yourself.

    Since you were obviously NOT paying attention, I will repeat the challenge .....

    5 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    To avoid the very reasonable assertion that you are delusional, TTH, please tell me, and the audience watching at home, just how you learned that Cartoonist Scott Adams is peeved at me..


  16. Just now, TrueTomHarley said:

    I learned that Scott Adams is peeved when you bend his work to further your inane and incessant complaints that he knows nothing of and would not side with you if he did.

    To avoid the very reasonable assertion that you are delusional, TTH, please tell me, and the audience watching at home, just how you learned that Cartoonist Scott Adams is peeved at me. ( as if I care ... which I do not.)

  17. This is what happens, TTH, when you are so agenda driven with WDS (Watchtower Derangement Syndrome, "The Sword That Cuts BOTH Ways" (tm) ),  that you forget to have your Prescriptions refilled.

    To expand on your analogy .... "If it looks like a Duck, walks like a Duck, and sounds like a Duck ..... it's a Duck!"

    All that you have stated in the previous post is just quackery.

  18. BTK46:

    Remember the theme of this whole thread ... and that which you, yourself quoted, above?

    Where the rubber meets the road .. EVERY TIME you have been challenged ... YOU CHOKE!

    Prove me wrong, Billy, or stand CONDEMNED by your own words.

    Well, Billy here AGAIN is a real world  test to see whether or not you know what you are talking about, or just a pompous, agenda driven, scripture quoting wind bag ...


    Hmmmmmmm ?

    That means, you personally, Billy.



  19. 45 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    JW must defend The Same Truth :))))) ..... you mean on today, present, temporary, official in this moment ... truth ?  

    We do want to be fair about this Srecko .... since the Watchtower Lawyers and Accountants are now serving as Bishops to the Pope, er...  "helpers" to the Governing Body, and our theology (blood fractions, overlapping generations, and confiscation of all global KH resources, etc.) is being dictated by them, including court cases and the pursuit of Justice .... they may have very legitimate business reasons to , after carefully giving MANY scriptural reasons why "Old Truth" was the word of God, and now with just as many reasons  the "New Truth" is the word of God, to completely rework and redefine our theology.

    Give 'em a break now and then !

    They are trying to run a global business here with 8 million employees, and they are trying VERY HARD not to use SPECTRE and the organizational acumen of Ernst Stavro Blofeld, affectionally known as "Brother Hans", because as we have read before in the "Questions From Readers", the Governing Body HATES cats.



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