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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    This is not to say that JTR is one of those who want to “kill the [Jehovah’s Witness] body.” He is more like the one who saws off the branch on which he sits, confident that only good can come of it. 

    To save this particular wholesome tree with a diseased branch, I would indeed saw off the branch on which I sit ... and as I fell to my death, would be happy that the tree would live.

    I have done it before, and lived through it.

    Wanna zee mah skars?

    Better still .... go to YouTube and watch the  episode of the old TV show "Branded",  titled "McCord's Way" with Chuck Connors playing a disgraced Army Officer.

    The last scene even shows the sawed off branch you spoke of, as the survivor rides off into the sunset.



  2. You make a LOT of unsupported assertions about Scott Adams, TTH .... but I did notice quite glaringly, is that YOU DID NOT ADDRESS ANY ISSUES THE CARTOON BRINGS UP.





    Besides, under United States Copyright Law, it is legal to use someone else's work in it's entirety if it is for the purposes of satire.

    That is why Michael Jackson never sued Weird Al Yankovich for using his music in its entirety to Jackson's "Beat It", for Yankovich's production of "Eat It"

    If there is not already the label of "Third Person Ad-Hominum Attack", I am creating it here, just to have a label of your invoking the personage of Scott Adams to divert the discussion from issues that really matter!, to try and castigate me.

    The issues I highlighted are what is important! ... not me ripping off  today's Dilbert Cartoon, which I did, and it is quite legal to do.

    Sigh ..... now I have to try and find a cartoon of someone that looks like you, that I can redo as the lovable but agenda driven character "TTom Ad Hominum".

    ...you, like my 18 chickens, are fun to watch .... but a LOT of trouble.


  3. 2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    That's why they say that those who don't study their history, are doomed to repeat it . . . . in the next semester, or maybe even in summer session.

    Of course, this can happen as an individual, or as an institution .... and in either case some people and institutions are DETERMINED NOT to learn the lessons from History.

    Even though the following cartoon is on the surface about "1975" ... in reality it is about "Overlapping Generations", when viewed through the lens of History.

    Overlapping Generations Discussions   .jpg

  4. Five years ago, at age 67, and two previous marriages, found a Sister in El Paso, Texas, the love of my life, and we are fine!

    I made many, many mistakes before that, marrying Sisters, thinking that is all that was needed.

    ...but then again, too few to mention.

    Experience is when you get the tests FIRST ... and the lessons afterwards !

  5. It is STILL my supposition, based on what I think is my understanding of people, that V. Putin will lift the persecution before ..... or during  2020.

    ( .... for those who have been paying attention to my predictions, you may have noticed  what is referred to as "missionary creep", or "overlapping expectations" ..... )

    I am prepared, if I have to .....  to go to 2036, with MANY lame, but well documented reasons.

  6. I have mentioned this before BTK46, that you are a real piece of work with many screws loose, and it's a wonder your parts are not scattered all over the place.


    In fact, it never occurred to me that you might even HAVE a mother, as your logic and reasoning seem to belong to some alien life form.

    The only way you can conclude that  your mother was insulted is if you buy into the cartoon's setup that YOU are an ugly oversized talking cartoon pet turtle belonging to a cartoon dog ... which you seem to have effortlessly done ... and it is YOU YOURSELF that has insulted your mother!



  7. Science is constantly changing ... and physics and chemistry and nuclear science, astronomy and everything else becomes more refined as time goes on.

    But when a scientific fact or principle is discovered or refined, they do not attribute the constant changes to inspiration from God, direction from God, and authority from God TO ENFORCE THOSE NEW CONCEPTS, under threat of banishment.

    A good example is the United States Marines .... everyone is flawed, and sometimes even more so the Officers ... and the work they do involves sacrifice, and life, and death.


    The same holds true with physicists, chemists, quantum scientists, astronomers, and a host of other's who learn as they go along.

    BUT THEY DO NOT CLAIM AUTHORITY FROM ALMIGHTY GOD ...  and on the basis of that claim, collect sycophants, minions, and piles and piles of free money!

    Those claiming authority and direction, and guidance from God, and have the power to ruin your life if you do not agree with them, MUST BE HELD TO A HIGHER STANDARD ....  or with a religiously inspired revelation and with great joy and happiness ..... we drink the grape kool-aid.



  8. Science is constantly changing ... yes ... and physics and chemistry and nuclear science, astronomy and everything else becomes more refined as time goes on.

    But when a scientific fact or principle is discovered or refined, they do not attribute the constant changes to inspiration from God, direction from God, and authority from God TO ENFORCE THOSE NEW CONCEPTS, under threat of banishment to Coventry.

    A good example is the United States Marines .... everyone is flawed, and sometimes even more so the Officers ... and the work they do involves sacrifice, and life, and death.


    The same holds true with physicists, chemists, quantum scientists, astronomers, and a host of other's who learn as they go along.

    BUT THEY DO NOT CLAIM AUTHORITY FROM ALMIGHTY GOD ...  and on the basis of that claim, collect sycophants, minions, and piles and piles of free money!

    Those claiming authority and direction, and guidance from God, and have the power to ruin your life if you do not agree with them, MUST be held to a higher standard ....  or with a religiously inspired revelation and with great joy and happiness ..... we drink the grape kool-aid.





    There are people who have spent their whole lives in prison ... and when they get out ... freedom scares them so badly, they commit more crime for the sole reason to be convicted and GO BACK to prison, where they are surrounded with what they have become comfortable with.

    As a small boy, I maintained that Santa Clause was real, long after I knew he was not .... because although I did not believe in Santa, I believed in presents!

    Truth scares many people who have integrated a web of lies into their lives ... and they resist it and vilify it as it shakes the web and they are afraid of falling away.

    So ... they wait until the spider comes, and eats them, secure in the knowledge of their noble sacrifice.




  10. 3 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But i can see how JW Library do not have all WT Society publications printed from 1879. What is problem? Servers? IT network, Infrastructure? Cloud Storage? :))) 

    There were two problems:

    1.) The Governing Body did not want to digitize everything as due to space requirements that  all text would have to be in lower case letters, and

    2.) At the computer workstations  the mouses' cursors would bump into the edges of the monitors, and it would require building mouse pad extensions.

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