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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Youtube has a complete set : Keywords 2019 Love Never Fails.  Includes talks, commentary and  videos ... the WHOLE program. 

    You can download them with

    1.) "4K Video Downloader", a free program, or

    2.) "WINX Youtube Downloader", another free program, or

    3.) "GIHOSOFT TUBEGET" also a free program, or

    4.) YOUTUBEBYCLICK", also a free program, or

    5.) "BKPLAYER", also a free program.

    Hope this helps you.

    I would suggest you download them before the Watchtower Lawyers get involved, and have them removed, as if they were a military secret.


  2. 2 minutes ago, Anna said:

    I wonder what actual good does it do to know? I mean of what practical benefit?

    The purpose of demanding TRUTH ... is to get TRUTH .... not someone else's delusional fantasys that are engineered to make a slave of you, and separate you from your money.

    The PRACTICAL benefit of knowing TRUTH, years ago, is that I did not have to go to Vietnam, and kill people to support a political agenda, as THE classical example.

  3. .Youtube has a complete set : Keywords 2019 Love Never Fails.  Includes talks, commentary and  videos ... the WHOLE THREE DAY program. 

    You can download them with

    1.) "4K Video Downloader", a free program, or

    2.) "WINX Youtube Downloader", another free program, or

    3.) "GIHOSOFT TUBEGET" also a free program, or

    4.) YOUTUBEBYCLICK", also a free program, or

    5.) "BKPLAYER", also a free program.

    Hope this helps you.

    I would suggest you download them before the Watchtower Lawyers get involved, and have them removed, as if they were a military secret.


  4. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    In that case, the answer is to cry, even if he is not sensible enough to cry along.

    If you want to cry at what is real .... knock yourself out. I have told the story many times on the Archive of the Daddy Bird rescuing his three baby birds from a river island about to be completely flooded.  I told that story to my children individually, at least a dozen times, each.

    This is a variation of that story ;

    "A bird once set out to cross a windy sea with its three fledglings. The sea was so wide and the wind so strong, the father bird was forced to carry his young, one by one, in his strong claws. 

    When he was half-way across with the first fledgling, the wind turned to a gale, and he said, “My child, look how I am struggling and risking my life in your behalf. When you are grown up, will you do as much for me and provide for my old age?”  The fledgling replied, “Only bring me to safety, and when you are old I shall do everything you ask of me.” Whereat the father bird dropped his child into the sea and it drowned, and he said, “So shall it be done to such a liar as you.”
    Then the father bird returned to shore, set forth with his second fledgling, asked the same question, and receiving the same answer, drowned the second child with the cry, “You, too, are a liar!”
    Finally he set out with the third fledgling, and when he asked the same question, the third and last fledgling replied, “My dear father it is true you are struggling mightily and risking your life in my behalf, and I shall be wrong not to repay you when you are old, but I cannot bind myself. This though I can promise: when I am grown up and have children of my own, I shall do as much for them as you have done for me.” Whereupon the father bird said, “Well spoken, my child, and wisely; your life I will spare and I will carry you to shore in safety.”
    "Tough Love" is more of a necessity when you do not have opposable thumbs.
    Love Never Fails.


  5. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    And to think that the old boy laments that his ‘loyal Watchtower’ kids do not visit him, when he devotes his entire life to ridiculing and undermining that which they most hold dear. One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.


    I do not lament it .... it is exactly what I taught them from Kindergarten on, .... get on with your life, and never look back.

    I had hoped they would be on their way to the stars, by now.  

    I do find that it does clash with "Love Never Fails", since they are NOT spacefarers.

    If there is anybody to blame .... it is NASA.



  6. I

    7 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

    Looking forward to hear what is going to be said about animals/pets at the assembly. 

    Have you heard that this is one of the topics?

    I hope it is not as cringeworthy as having children donate their ice cream money, and Bro Anthony "Tight Pants Tony" buying a shopping cart full of top shelf Scotch Whiskey.

    Perhaps they want the dog food money also?

  7. SCENARIO 89643:

    Several Brothers go on a camping trip with relatives, who they have been witnessing to for some time.  One relative decides he wants to be Baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and in the morning they all go to the lake and Baptize him, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit .... with no mention whatsoever of the contract of fealty to the Watchtower or any Earthly organization.

    Not a single one of the "100 Questions" was asked .... but in the eyes of God and Christ it was a valid baptism.

    What kind of flak can they each expect to get when this new Brother shows up at the Kingdom Hall?

  8. 18 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I’m told it was staged in your back yard. The chickens running on the horizon is the giveaway 

    That was an event horizon to a parallel dimension, where chickens became the inheritors of that world, from the dinosaurs.

    They are just visiting, for a friend's funeral at KFC.

    "If God employs infinity,

    If nature keeps her laws,

    who knows which hands will win which world

    The hands ... the coils ... the claws." 

    -  Rosser Reeves, in the poem "Infinity"




  9. 9 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    As near as I can tell, Jehovah’s Witnesses buy into conspiracy theories in no greater proportion than the general population.

    Did you use actual MATH?

    How do you tell what is proportionate without data sets to compare?

    OOPS, sorry ... you did qualify your statement "As far as I can tell ..."

    .... never mind.

    ... as an aside .... did you know that Chewbacca is actually a suspected mutated Polar Bear? That's why he always wears that ammunition bandolier over his shoulder, everywhere he goes ... the .... *coff* .... right to Bear arms.



  10. ...................... As a quick off-topic aside ... does anyone have any latest information about any Congregational Sanctions against a Brother or Sister whose conscience compels them to vote in a Presidential Election? ....................... Things change so often I get strobe shock from all the "new light", and lose track.

  11. I suspect that both political parties, and their leadership, are quaking in their boots, but the Democrats have the natural advantage, as they openly embrace every sort of evil and mental aberrations, and therefore have limited immunity to charges of hypocrisy.

    The Republicans stand for wholesome values (as a general rule), but are incompetent and are easily sandbagged, and when they do the same things the Democrats do, are open to massive charges of hypocrisy.

    I think that was a good point you made, JWI, that if Trump is involved, it was probably (?) back when he was a Democrat.

    My best guess is, however is that he was not involved. Primarily because he supposedly has never drank alcoholic beverages.

    It's like the old Chinese blessing and curse .....

    "May you live in interesting times."

    I fully expect to see a LOT of "convenient" deaths among the key players real soon, with the biggest pile among the Clinton associates.



  12. 9 hours ago, Witness said:

    I don't work for men and their expensive vision,  but only for the Father and Jesus Christ.  

    If any of us "worked for men", that would make us more like employees ... and it's the JOB of employees to do their work, but also to make their bosses look good!

    In the case of the JW Governing Body, there is a contingency plan to have eight  moving van heavy light blue quilted blankets to throw over their heads, which will make them look better ... and also muffle the sound.




    ..this is a good example of what happens when you absolutely HAVE to weave a joke into a legitimate response ....

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