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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. They forgot about the "Lolita Express"'s pilots flight logs that are in effect a passenger manifest with everyone on every flight documented in the Pilot's own handwriting.

    Now is about the time for all those surrounding the Clintons to start dying of heart attacks, airplane accidents, and suicides.

  2. 46 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Your hate-filled diatribes against the GB (as opposed to JTR’s, which are crass and insulting, but seldom if ever hate-filled) even earn you rebukes from the Librarian (that old hen) from time to time,

    I would just like to say that I do not hate the Governing Body ... my feelings toward them are ambivalent ... because with all the bad things they do because of ignorant cluelessness, and greed ... they do a tremendously good job in keeping the focus on Jehovah's Kingdom and Sovereignty.

    I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that this is not just a "schtick" to keep the free money waterfall into the Society's Treasury uninterrupted.

    I had three elders surround me in the aisle way at the Kingdom Hall after the Sunday meeting several years ago, and without any preamble at all, one asked me "What do you think of the Governing Body?"

    The question totally surprised me and I blurted out the whole truth in one sentence "I do not think of them at all!"

    They left me alone for several years after that.


  3. An interesting statistic that I have heard from SEVERAL sources, known to be reputable ... but admittedly I have NOT looked it up myself.

    1.) African American,  (Blacks, Negros, "People of Color", or whatever is politically correct nowadays ... and I have lost track), comprise 14% of the population of the United States ... but commit 84% of the crimes, and imprisonments.

    1.) African American,  (Blacks, Negros, or whatever is politically correct nowadays ... and I have lost track), comprise 14% of the population of the United States ... but abort their children at 5 times the rate of Caucasians ( White Folks, Poppin Fresh, Marshmallows, or whatever is being used today... and I do not even KEEP track).

    It seems to me there is a black genocide in progress, at least in the USA,  and it is self-inflicted.

    With all of that in mind, I seriously doubt the "white pedophile" statistics quoted above ... but I have not looked that up ..... either.


    If you have better statistics, please correct me. 



  4. Since there is no scriptural support whatsoever for Baptizing small children, and we do it anyway .... why not baptize our pet dogs? 

    Did not the Scriptures say that after Jesus left, wolves would enter in among the flock .... and are not dogs just domestic wolves?

    Here is a photo of a rogue JW Baptizing ten Golden Retriever teenage puppies, and later an Elder Duck  doing a shepherding call on the proud Mamma.



  5. But then again, what are pets, but entertainment for humans?

    I once talked with a man who hated all pets, because they served no function.  I pointed out that mine were entertainers.

    Sometimes,....late  at night ... when the house gets quiet and my five dogs and 18 chickens are sleeping, I pause for a moment and wonder ...


    ... then I might have a glass of milk, have a few cookies, and go to bed.

  6. 16 hours ago, Anna said:

    There is a lot of information to sift through though, so I am wondering if anywhere, it could be in the symposium: "Creation reveals God's love"; Animals.

    Fortunately for us, this was addressed many years ago in a Watchtower QUESTIONS FROM READERS.

    Many have considered this fake, but a close reading in it's entirety shows it does follow every norm of reason and logic that we are used to, so you should carefully decide, for yourself.

    This is a photo that you can download.


    Are Cats For Christians   .jpg

  7. 3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    That being said, regarding Germans, this comment reminds me of a situation in Hamburg back in 2017, again, good Germans who were against the bad Germans, with a few Westerners caught in the middle, one notable Canadian has to turn her shirt inside out and braid her hair while hiding to remain incognito.

    I think I know her.

    She has a cat?

  8. 9 minutes ago, JW Insider said:
    1 hour ago, Bubba Johnson Jr said:

    I learned that yes, Manasseh did actually repent and was forgiven by Jehovah. (i.e. there is hope for the rest of us!) How do I know? I saw him with my own eyes.

    Wow! It's been years since anyone expected Biblical men of old to appear at a convention.



    What was the ghost wearing?




  9. 2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Since you are so very much out of harmony with the ones putting on the program, you will kick back at most of it. I mean, you are not exactly easy to satisfy.

    Yeah, the Bereans were colossal "pains in the butt", also

    How about you personally post here what you thought was "New", and worthy of fresh examination?

    That is what I am asking for.


  10. That comes under 1.) plausible deniability. ... not because it is bad association to have the Society's Publications share a shelf with the Braille Edition of PLAYBOY magazine, or something equally silly and groaningly dumb.

    Yes... "Follow the Money" ... and if you find out where it is going, it always tells the Truth.

  11. ... and we all know historically how the Germans love to pay back, when you give them an opportunity ...

    Sounds like they are selling the debt so when it defaults, 1.) plausible deniability, and 2.) the phone can be disconnected, so to speak.

    ...same thing with the publications you mentioned..

    Blame it on the Germans!


  12. 2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    There are three assembly events in modern times. There were three assembly events, connected with the festivals, in ancient times. What did they learn then that was new? Why did they go?

    My best guess is that they went for religious instruction, establishing new trade contacts, keeping a deep-ended gene pool by people from widely disparate gene pools intermarrying, discussion of crops, national and local security issues,  showing and trading and selling livestock, preparing military strategy,  gossip and news, feasting, dancing, drinking, singing, playing music and feasting and giving and recieving open hospitality, demonstrating and learning shop craft and other trade and domestic skills, and making new friends, ... to give a partial list.

    It was an Assembly TO FESTIVAL ... probably with a LOT of mutton and fried chicken, and wine.

    They had to WALK where they went, with few exceptions, and were not inclined to go anywhere for frivolous reasons, or to waste ANY opportunity for ANY kind of advancement... or to have a wholesome party.

    Life was too short ... and too hard!

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