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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Memory fails me .... I was always visualizing it as a kettle drum dirge to drag 200 ton stones by .... the predominate musical instrument being a kettle drum being played by a guy that used to work on a Roman Galley ship to time the pulls for slave rowers.

    ... then I would visualize the slaves rowing the Roman Galley, and amid the booming drum cadence, one slave would yell out "Yoo Hoo! ...Yoo Hoo! ....  I have a blister!".


  2. All you have said, Melinda, is true, but .... (assuming you have already attended the 2019 Convention ...) the question remains,


    By the way ... I met my first wife at an Assembly ( she ran out on me with my best friend, an ex Bethelite and a Pioneer).

    I met my second wife in Peru, and we both worked on helping to build Bethel, there ( she ran out on me for no specified reason, other than she never loved me ).

    and ... I met my current and third wife, Susan,  on a JW dating website, and after six years, she is the love of my life, and my best friend.

    My three children, very VERY dedicated to the Organization, and who live within a 200 mile radius, have visited me less than ONE DAY in the last ten years ( this coming December 19th), so you can see why it is important for me to find out how OTHER people process information, and ...



  3. I realize there are many reasons to go to an Assembly, or Convention, and when my children were living at home they would go to others' conventions  for a variety of reasons, as well as their own.

    I would always ask them when they returned home "What did you learn that was new?" .  This was important to me as I had to work long hours to afford to finance their explorations and socialization, which I thought was important ... but I still expected them to learn something new ... and since I was paying for their travels, to tell me what was going on.

    Generally, attendance to an out of town Convention nearby would cost about $200 a day, times three days, so that would be $600.

    Now that I am retired, and my income has been cut by about 80%, it's even MORE important to me to want to get good value for the time and money I would be spending for my wife and I to spend three days, traveling out of town, to learn something of lasting value .... something worth at least three days of our time, which is painfully obviously shorter, and the what is now considerable effort and considerable expense.

    In Engineering it's important that the "Law of diminishing returns" be observed so that you do not go physically, mentally or emotionally bankrupt.

    Perhaps I am just asking for some encouragement that the effort is worth the cost and effort, and that the benefit is worth it, so if I may ask ......


  4. I realize there are many reasons to go to an Assembly, or Convention, and when my children were living at home they would go to others' conventions  for a variety of reasons, as well as their own.

    I would always ask them when they returned home "What did you learn that was new?" .  This was important to me as I had to work long hours to afford to finance their explorations and socialization, which I thought was important ... but I still expected them to learn something new ... and since I was paying for their travels, to tell me what was going on.

    Generally, attendance to an out of town Convention nearby would cost about $200 a day, times three days, so that would be $600.

    Now that I am retired, and my income has been cut by about 80%, it's even MORE important to me to want to get good value for the time and money I would be spending for my wife and I to spend three days, traveling out of town, to learn something of lasting value .... something worth at least three days of our time, which is painfully obviously shorter, and the what is now considerable effort and considerable expense.

    In Engineering it's important that the "Law of diminishing returns" be observed so that you do not go physically, mentally or emotionally bankrupt.

    Perhaps I am just asking for some encouragement that the effort is worth the cost and effort, and that the benefit is worth it, so if I may ask ......





  5. Words are the tools with which we think.

    If you use the proper tools, with skill, you will have thoughts and ideas worth something.

    If you use crappy words without skill, your thinking will just be poorly made crap.

    It seems to me that children of almost  ANY age can commit fornication ... which is what the original question asked.

    In like manner, children of almost any age can commit murder.

    Whether or not  they should be held responsible for it ... or ARE responsible for it, is a completely different matter.

  6. .... Just as a point of interest ... if I was a wretched cur, wouldn't my God be the human that fed me, and took me to the Vet?

    Seriously though ... I seem to remember that both Allen Smith and BillyTheKid46 have both alluded in the past to being mentally ill, and castigated those of us (?) who were ridiculing his/their "condition", when in fact I knew nothing about it until he/they brought it up.

    I make jokes about this or that person being mentally off, but then again I make jokes about everything and most of the time it is in jest, and the other person is mock-insulting me right back, which is what guys do.

    I even make disparaging jokes about myself, if I think the jokes work.

    I personally believe that Allen, Billy and Foreigner and perhaps one other are the same person, as a matter if casual speculation .... but perhaps we are making the mistake of assuming that the "Fantastic Four" are mentally competent, and at least marginally sane ... and therefor holding him/them to a higher standard than would be reasonable.

    What disturbs me is when a person that appears to be borderline insane "has" a fantasy .50 caliber BMG sniper rifle, in addition to another possibly fantasy arsenal, and is as insulting and bitter as he/they is/are.

    In 1972 I spent 6 hours in a psych ward from an allergic reaction to a drug I was taking for asthma, as I was delirious, my estranged first wife sent me there after the ambulance rescued me from the asthma .... and I walked around for awhile looking at the "crazy people" in the ward, and decided I had to get out of there quick, or soon I would become like them.

    The "doctor" wanted to keep me for further observation, although I was fine, until I said "You know, of course, that I am not going to pay you.", and I signed myself out.

    The point of this shaggy dog (cur?) story is that interacting with crazy people can make an empathic person just as nutso as they are, and I suppose that is why even psychiatrists have psychiatrists.

    If you get a chance, be sure to see the movie "One Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest", with Jack Nicholson getting electric shock therapy, walking out and winking at the Indian.  That scene was worth the whole movie!

    "Sling Blade" .... was another story!



  7. 3 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    I'm sure you know that "gentlemen" of the 19th century were famous for "mock humility." It's part of what it meant to be of the "genteel" class, and even the Watch Tower itself praised Russell's "gentlemanly" character.

    I know that George Washington used to sign his letters "Your  Most Humble Obedient Servant - G. Washington", which I suspect was understood as "... which you know damn well I am NOT!".

    He also wore a white powdered wig, a lace "blouse" with lace around the cuffs, and skin-tight breeches that left no doubt to his gender.

    He also carried a dagger, a sword, and a 55 caliber one shot pistol .... which if you dress like that, is probably a good idea!


  8. I am building my chicken coop and run as a fortress ... custom designed and built by me ... 100% enclosed, even the wire roof over the entire run, with six strand electric wire around the bottom, and I have already installed the brackets for the weathered wood sign which will read in black stenciled letters "STALAG 17".

    If you have not seen the movie "Chicken Run", with the voice of Mel Gibson as the flying cartoon rooster trying to teach all the hens to fly and escape,, it is worth seeing.

    That's where I got the idea about naming my Chicken Concentration Camp "Stalag 17".

    A "multi-nested" inside joke.

  9. 2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Maybe so. It was a quick Wikipedia search I did to come up with that bit, and you know how authoritative Wikipedia is.

    Why don’t you hop on there and put in your recollection?

    I’ve never entirely gotten my head round just how that is supposed to work. Apparently if one ignoramus writes something wrong, others jump on board to instantly set him straight.

    I once told my children when they were young enough to believe it, that I knew EVERYTHING ... except four things.

    They caught me with three of them.

    This may be number 4.

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