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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Sorry for the strange type style, but I am down in the basement of my Super-Yacht, in the money bin where all the gold coins are stored, with my picture on the front, and Warwick HQ on the back, trying to get the bulldozer unstuck from the escalator landing up to the pontoon helicopter landing pad/olympic swimming pool.

    I try to lead a simple life, but it is so hard to get good help, nowadays!



  2. 9 hours ago, Outta Here said:

    People give their lives for any number of causes without faith in a resurrection.

    One day it occurred to me that people that face extreme hardship, deprivation, and death with a sure and solid hope in the resurrection have FAR less courage and convictions than the atheist who acting on his convictions, faces extreme hardship, deprivation and death.

    I think I came to this realization watching a documentary in the "Battle of Britain" where the English Air force was hopelessly outnumbered by the German Luftwaffe, and as the English pilots rose into the sky to meet the enemy, they had no expectation of surviving the encounter ... and they did it anyway, because it was the right thing to do.

    As atheists, they knew what was the right thing to do, and in doing it THEY WOULD BE DEAD FOREVER.

    .... now THAT'S courage.

  3. 10 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:
    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    And not to send message how "collective" is responsible for wrong understanding of error instruction :))) 

    By all means, stop sending meaningless and ignorant messages, Srecko. 😉

    Since, you are not willing to accept any of your foolishness? 😋

    Even by your standards, can't have it both ways, learn! 😊

    Billy(Just Weasel)theKid46 .... your arrogance is only topped by your presumptuousness.

  4. ========================================================

    ...as an aside ....  Sir Isaac Newton knew that the core beliefs (not the 85% drivel) of Jehovah's Witnesses were correct, and could PROVE IT, just as we can ... hundreds of years before there was a Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.




  5. 1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    The GB / W/t /JW Org is just frightening people by saying Armageddon is sooooo close now.  It brings the people and the money in. 

    Of course it will happen, but not yet, not yet. 

    Sir Isaac Newton's FIRST love was theology ... and his minor obsessions were with physics, and math, etc.

    Arguably the smartest natural man who has ever lived.

    He hand wrote MILLIONS of words on theological subjects, and his collected religious works are now stored in the Hebrew National Museum, in Jerusalem.  OF COURSE I have not read them, but from three large biographies about his life, it seems safe to say this about him.

    He never published ANYTHING without rigorous proofs, as he EXPECTED to be challenged on EVERYTHING.

    To the best of my knowledge he was NEVER wrong ... even though he experimented with Alchemy extensively, as the science of Chemistry did not really exist back then ... and he did what he could with what was known at the time.

    Even the WTB&TS alluded to the theory that he may have been one of the Anointed, and there is nothing I have ever read about him that would disprove that theory.

    Without getting into a 20 page thesis, it seems his considered opinion was that Armageddon would occur in the year 2060, but perhaps as early as 2032.

    Of course, it may occur in the next five minutes, as no one knows, or has ever known when the Great Day of Jehovah will start .... however ... I get that same feeling, looking at world events .... and Sir Isaac Newton was NEVER wrong (?), and about such things the Society (along with everybody else on Earth, for two millennia) ... have never been right.

    If the Society had a "theology credibility credit rating" about ANY prophetic prediction they have ever made, with the big three predominate credit rating companies here in the United States: TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax ... what would their "theology credibility credit rating" be?



    "In God We Trust"

    ... all others pay cash!



    Could it be that "Foreigner", the voiceless phantom who has bad opinions about, and "downvotes" EVERYBODY .... except Billy(Just Weasel)theKid46 .... is a disembodied demon from Hell, or worse, a disembodied  Watchtower Lawyer resembling a protoplasmic giant hand, with the stump sitting in a chair, awkwardly manipulating a computer mouse?

    It's just an idea I had, based on month's and months of evidence.  Nothing more ...

    I would ask "Foreigner" to confirm or deny, but that might prevent Billy(Just Weasel)theKid46 from weighing in on this theory.

    Perhaps Billy(Just Weasel)theKid46 has "Foreigner" wrapped up in duct tape, and it's the best he can do?

    It's just an idea I had, based on month's and months of evidence.  Nothing more ...



    Comparing two unequal education systems makes no sense at all.

    It is a complex problem, as we have TRUTH, not available, anywhere else ... and that TRUTH, when not contaminated, represents freedom and life itself.

    There is a difference between a compendium of facts, ideas and concepts in a school or universities'  science books, which cumulatively changes as more knowledge is acquired .... and someone who claims to represent God and righteousness, and supposedly getting it right as led by Holy Spirit.

    What is taught in schools and universities can be continually tested to see if it is true.

    The Bible is a FINISHED PRODUCT, but most can only be tested through the lens of common sense. 

    Evey religion that has ever existed, or exists now,  has been and is seduced into abandoning common sense ... because of "Free Money".

    Comparison of the two educational systems  is not valid.    They do NOT have the same basis.

    When you speak with the authority of Jehovah God ... and you are right about 15% of the time, and make up stuff out of THIN AIR, and punish others for not believing as you do ... and you are flat WRONG 85% of the time ..... who then is the apostate?

    Yes, I suppose prostitutes give more value for the money than  lawyers, most of the time, but that is not the point.

    When you collect other people's money for "feel-good"  made up stories ( and there is quite a list, as we have discussed here for years...) you become, not a representative of the True God, but a professional story teller with a bloodied knife for those that don't like manufactured fantasy, for MONEY!

    There is a very real and dramatic difference between being an apostate to the Christ, and the True God, Jehovah, and being an apostate to the clueless, opinionated, made up out of wishful thinking, arbitrary "flavor of the month".

    "New Light", means you .... no matter WHO you are ....  are actually an apostate to what you believed and/or taught as Truth, last month.

    If you are at the top of the hierarchy ... you get money, real estate, unlimited free labor, status,  and adulation. You NEVER go hungry, live in a dump, dress shabbily, or sleep cold.

    If you are at the bottom of the hierarchy, you get the knife, and are ENCOURAGED to go hungry, live in a dump, dress shabbily, and sleep cold.


  8. There is a free piece of software that will download about 90% of all YouTube Videos, called "Youtube Downloader".  Also a piece of software I use that is TERRIFIC ( and $20) is FastStone Capture which will download ANYTHING that can be displayed on your monitor ... even "protected stuff" that go to great lengths NOT to be downloadable.  A series of tutorials on how to use FastStone Capture is on Youtube.


    ...hope this helps.



    • Money does not impress me, but if I had enough of it, I would go to the Kingdom Hall in a huge old steam Locomotive Train, belching columns of fire and black smoke and burning coal embers, with clanging bells and blasting train air horns, ... having a construction crew of hundreds lay railroad tracks in front of it all the way from my house to the Kingdom Hall parking lot, and in front of the train, have circus elephants in tutus dancing and blowing trumpets.
  10. 3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Buy your people need all those monthly reports so as to count your membership. 

    Stand by a trolly / cart for one hour a month and you are a member to be counted. Do half an hour on the doors a month and you are a member to be counted, as long as you don't forget to put in your monthly report :) . 

    Sometime I fantasize about being a multi-millionaire, and being able to arrange my time to Pioneer ... but not only that ... but to put a full HUNDRED hours a month in the Field Service.

    I would hire a pilot and aircraft to fly up and down Miami Beach, Florida , about 1/4 mile from the beach, towing behind a "JW.ORG" banner, with the Scripture "John 9:41", and watch it through my sunglasses.

    ..... the rough equivalent of a Brother standing beside his literature cart all day

    I am reasonably sure that if I contributed  $30,000 a month to the local Kingdom Hall, as "Prince" did, not only could I "count my time" .... I would be a "Pillar" in the Organization.  AND, at the same time, get a nice tan!


    ....er ... "Pillar" .... NOT "Pillow".


  11.   If you weasel word your answer, or don't answer, you could legitimately be re-labeled  :

                                                 "Billy(Just Weasel)theKid46"

               ... notice that the "Just Weasel" is spelled with a capital "J", and "W", which you considered JW Insider's screen name to be an affront against God.

    You wouldn't want THOSE SAME irrational fruitcake rules applied to YOU ..... now would you, huh Billy?


  12. By the way, Billy, are you and Foreigner the same person ? 

    I notice he or she never makes any comments, and downvotes everything everybody else says, EXCEPT YOU,   You get an upvote!

    ....sort of like getting a Telly Award and not having to pay $85 for it.

    This will be a good test of your basic integrity, as there are several people here ( not me ) who can determine from your Internet Cyber trail exactly where both logins are coming from, and even your operating system and Browser. They ALREADY have all that information.

    You going to weasel out of this honest, straightforward, and pertinent question ....

    ..... or reply  with an honest YES or NO answer?



    Your entire perspective on life, the Universe, and Everything, is NOT based on TRUTH ... it is based on your agenda!

    To prove this (to everybody BUT you) ... I need merely to point out that you did NOT refute John Butler's observation WITH A RATIONAL ARGUMENT ....

    48 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    It might work with dense people like James and John, just not with me. 🤗

    ... only preparing for a stroke with your DISAGREEMENT OF IT.

    You vigorously disagreed with YOUR OWN WORDS, in order to defend your agenda!


    BTK46 NAILS THE G.B.  .jpg

    Billy blovates.jpg

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